The Zhang clan of Jintan,Zhenjiang Road,was very active in the social network of the Jiangnan literati during the late Yuan Dynasty.But it has rarely been studied in academic circles.Among they and their father,all three of them,Zhang Jing was promoted time and again by Zhang Shicheng and Zhang Shide.In just a few years,they served from the County Magistrate of Wuxian to the Prefectural Judge of Songjiang.They are from a family of Literature and are good at using Confucian learning to apply to official affairs.Their experience of gaining fame and fortune made many lower class literati and those who missed out on talent in the south see the hope of changing the times and contributing to the society.These literati flocked with them to seek official positions.The Ink Relics of the Yuan Dynasty,which is collected by The Taibei Palace Museum,contains Chen Jing's and Cheng Tinggui's epistles and Zhang Yu's seven-word formal poem.The epistles not only present several aspects of Zhang Jing's and his father Zhang Jian's life and official relations,but also reflect to a certain extend about the interaction between Zhang Shicheng s regime and the literati of Jiangnan.
Chen Bo(Nanjing University)
Studies on the Mongol-Yuan and China's Bordering Area
The Ink Relics of the Yuan Dynasty
Chen Jing's epistle
Cheng Tinggui's epistle
Zhang Yu's seven-word formal poem