Since its establishment in 2013,the Chinese grand scheme,the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI),has since then become an enormous landmark global-wide initiative that would boost the essence of globalization into an unprecedented level of global integration.Cambodia and all other ASEAN member states are the partner countries among other 65 states from different regions.Cambodia is one of the BRI’s most supportive partners who are striving intensively to cooperate with China in transforming the development projects into a significant output.Despite all those remarkable progress and opportunities,a few crucial challenges shall not be neglected and ought to be responded with caution.This paper will assess the SWOT analysis of Cambodia in the context of the BRI and discuss the prospects of the BRI toward ASEAN Community-building vis-à-vis China-ASEAN cooperation.
Pich Charadine(the Global Center for Mekong Studies(GCMS-Cambodia Center)of the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace(CICP);the Department of Political Science at Zaman University(currently Paragon International University)Cambodia)
China-ASean Studies