
民族团结的制度保障:我国民族区域自治制度的演进、价值和优化 被引量:1

Institutional Guarantee of National Unity:the Evolution,Value and Optimization of the System of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in China
摘要 民族区域自治制度是我国基本政治制度的重要组成部分,是党和国家维护民族团结的有效制度安排,也是人类民主政治和制度文明的崭新样态。我国民族区域自治制度的演进历程深刻展现了各民族大团结的丰富意蕴。作为民族团结的制度保障,民族区域自治制度的实行促使中华民族共同体建设具有高度的现实性和可行性。长期以来,民族区域自治制度遵循团结统一的根本价值,贯彻人民至上的基本价值,展现国家治理现代化的重要价值。扎实做好新时代党的民族工作,仍须进一步优化民族区域自治制度的治理效能。要在坚持人民民主专政中规范管理民族事务,在坚定制度自信中推动制度建设更加完善,在实践、理论、制度的良性互动中实现善治。新时代坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,仍须不断增进民族团结,充分发挥制度优势,从政治路径、法治路径、经济路径、文化路径、社会路径入手,紧扣铸牢中华民族共同体意识这条主线,使我国民族区域自治制度继续沿着正确发展道路前进。 The system of regional ethnic autonomy is an important part of China's basic political system,is an effective institutional arrangement for the Party and the state to maintain ethnic unity,and is also a new form of human democracy and institutional civilization.The evolution of the system of regional ethnic autonomy in China deeply shows the rich implication of the great unity of all ethnic groups.As the institutional guarantee of ethnic unity,the implementation of the system of regional ethnic autonomy promotes the construction of the Chinese national community to be highly realistic and feasible.For a long time,the system of regional ethnic autonomy has followed the fundamental value of unity and unity,implemented the basic value of putting the people first,and demonstrated the important value of modernizing national governance.To do a good job in the Party's ethnic work in the new era,we still need to further optimize the governance effectiveness of the system of regional ethnic autonomy.We should standardize the management of ethnic affairs in the people's democratic dictatorship,improve institutional building through strengthening confidence in institutions,and achieve good governance through sound interaction between practice,theory and institutions.New era to adhere to and improve the system of regional national autonomy,still must enhance national unity,give full play to the system advantages,from the political path,the rule of law,economic path,cultural path,social path,stick to cast on the community consciousness of the Chinese nation,make the system of regional national autonomy continue to advance on the right path of development.
作者 周虎 ZHOU Hu(School of Marxism,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《昭通学院学报》 2023年第2期16-25,共10页 Journal of Zhaotong University
基金 高水平大学建设项目开放课题“中国式现代化与全面推进中华民族伟大复兴研究”(2022XSX004)
关键词 民族区域自治制度 民族团结进步教育 爱国统一战线 中华民族共同体 中华民族大团结 system of regional national autonomy education on ethnic unity and progress patriotic united front the Chinese national community the great unity of the Chinese nation
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