

A Study on the Stragegic Changes of the Destination of the Long March Made by the CPC Central Committee
摘要 中共中央在长征中,关于长征目的地的选择多次发生变化。在到达哈达铺之前,中共中央关于新根据地的战略构想要么是预设地区的地理、经济、群众等条件不行,要么是敌情严重,要么是自己内部出现了分裂活动,都没有能够实现。到了哈达铺之后,中共中央根据从报纸上得到的刘志丹率领的红二十六军和陕甘根据地依然存在和徐海东率领的红二十五军活动消息,对陕甘革命根据地的发展前景进行了正确研判,遂作出到陕北去的决策。中共中央在哈达铺的决策基本上形成了保卫和扩大陕甘苏区,依靠陕甘苏区向北接近苏联、蒙古,向东临近华北抗日前线的优越地理位置,把全国革命的大本营放在西北,以西北领导全国革命的战略构想。事实证明,中共中央的战略构想是正确的,此后的事态就是依照这个战略构想发展的。 During the Long March,the Party Central Committee had changed its destination of the Long March many times.Before arriving at Hadapu,the CCP Central Committee found out that the predetermined destinations failed to fulfill its strategic vision of a new base area,either due to inadequate geographical,economic,and mass conditions or grave enemy situation,or disruptive infights by separatist activities.Upon arriving at Hadapu,the Central Committee learned from the newspapers about the actions of the Twenty-Sixth Red Army led by Liu Zhidan in the Shaanxi-Gansu Base Area and the Twenty-Fifth Red Army led by Xu Haidong,and hence made the decision to march to northern Shaanxi after careful appraising and studying for the future development of the Shaanxi-Gansu revolutionary base area.The Central Committee made up the strategic conception:defend and expand the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet Area,take advantage of its superior geographical location to have easy access to the Soviet Union and Mongolia to the north and the Anti-Japanese Frontline in northern China in the east,and put the base camp of the national revolution in the northwest to lead the revolution across China in the northwest.This strategic vison turned out to be correct,and subsequent events developed in line with it.
作者 王新生 WANG Xinsheng(First Department,Party History Research Office of the CPC Central Committee,Haidian,Beijing 100080)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2021年第4期43-52,共10页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 中共中央 长征目的地 战略构想 Central Committee of the Communist Party of China destination of the Long March strategic vision
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