

On the Divergent Annotations to the Ji zi in the 5th Line Statement of Hexagram Mingyi■
摘要 传统经说将明夷卦六五爻"箕子之明夷"与殷末"箕子佯狂"的史事相联系,但有些学者不同意此说,而对"箕子"做了种种改读。惠栋试图恢复汉易的卦气说,把"箕子"读为"荄兹",解为"一阳来复"之象,但此说拘泥象数,既不合孟喜六日七分说,又不合《彖传》。焦循把"箕子"读为"其子",并用独创的比例说与其他卦爻辞中的"其子"相联系,以此阐发儒家伦理,但此说打破了卦象的独立性,滥用通假,过于穿凿。尚秉和读"箕子"为"孩子",认为五属君位,只能象征纣王而不能象征箕子,此说之弊在于固守爻位说而不知变通,反而不如以马融为代表的传统经说圆融。总之,上述改读的理由都不充分,但有助于今人理解易学史上的各种体系。 The fifth line statement of Ji zi zhi mingyi箕子之明夷(lit., Viscount Ji zi experienced the Suppression of Light) of hexagram Mingyi [■, Suppression of Light, 36] was traditionally related to the historical event that Ji zi pretended to be insane to escape the harsh political situation of his time. Some scholars, however, did not agree to this exegesis and made various unconventional explanations about Ji zi. Hui Dong(1697-1758), who attempted to revive the qua-qi theory(correlating seasonal points with trigrams and hexagrams) of the Han(206 BCE-220 CE) Yi tradition, viewed Ji zi as Gai zi(breeding of roots) which symbolizes the return of the yang force. But this view steadfastly clung to image-numerology, neither confirming to Meng Xi’s qua-qi theory nor being in alignment with the Tuan zhuan(Commentary on the Judgments). Jiao Xun(1763-1820) regarded Ji zi as Qi zi(his son) and related it to the terms concerned in other hexagram and line statements with his own exegetical mode to explicate Confucian ethics. Nevertheless, filled with loan words and farfetched analogies, his explanation broke the independence of the images of the trigrams. Shang Binghe(1870-1950) viewed Ji zi as Hai zi(child), in that he regarded the fifth line as a position for king, so that it must refer to the tyrant King Zhou of Shang(d. 1046) instead of viscount Ji zi. The defect of this view lies in its sticking to the position of the line without flexibility, which is inferior to conventional interpretations represented by Ma Rong’s(79-166) view. In short, the above-mentioned unconventional views do not have sufficient reasons;however, they can help us understand the variety of hermeneutic systems in the history of Changes scholarship.
作者 张亦辰
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期35-41,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 明夷 箕子 卦气 《周易述》 《易通释》 Mingyi Ji zi gua-qi theory Zhouyi shu Yi tongshi
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