目的为了解有机磷类杀虫剂——甲胺磷在大鼠体内的吸收、分布、代谢、排泄和毒性。方法采用暴露相关的剂量估算模型(ERDEM)构建大鼠的生理药代动力学/药效学模型。模型结构包括完整的胃肠道、肝脏代谢、尿排泄、粪便消除以及甲胺磷对乙酰胆碱酯酶(ACh E)的双分子模式抑制。结果该模型可对多种给药途径后的血药浓度进行拟合。尿中累积排泄率为剂量的52.7%,粪消除为剂量的2.4%(相应的实验数据为52%和2.7%)。对大鼠血液及脑内ACh E活性亦有近似的模拟。对一组未用于模型优化的血ACh E活性剂量效应的模拟证明模型具有优良的预测能力。结论所构建的甲胺磷的大鼠PBPK/PD模型有助于甲胺磷的健康风险评估和多个有机磷的累积风险评估。
Objective To characterize the disposition and toxicity for an organophosphate pesticide—methamidophos in the rat. Methods ERDEM was used to build the rat PBPK / PD model. Model structures included a full gastrointestinal compartment,liver metabolism,urinary excretion,fecal elimination,and bimolecular ACh E inhibition. Results The model could closely simulate the blood concentration time history data by various exposure routes. The cumulative urinary excretion was 52. 7% and cumulative fecal elimination was 2. 4% by the model( corresponding experimental measurement was 52% and 2. 7%,respectively). Simulation to the ACh E activity in the blood and brain was also satisfactory. Model simulation to a dose response curve which was not used in the model calibration showed the model could replicate the relationship between dose and ACh E activity in the blood. Conclusion The constructed model will be useful in the risk assessment for methamidophos and the cumulative risk assessment for multiple organophosphate pesticides.
Practical Pharmacy and Clinical Remedies