
广州市居民就医意向及社区卫生服务利用的影响因素调查 被引量:45

The Influencing Factors of Medical Care- seeking Intention and the Use of Community Health Service Among Residents in Guangzhou
摘要 目的了解广州市居民的就医意向和社区卫生服务利用情况,探讨影响居民就医和社区卫生服务利用的主要因素,为引导居民建立正确的就医模式、提高社区卫生服务效率提供依据。方法选择对广州市有代表性和典型性的海珠区为调查单位,采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方法,先抽取海珠区8个住宅小区,再按照随机抽样原则选取调查对象共451人。于2013年2—4月,采用自行设计的问卷进行调查。问卷内容包括居民基本信息、就医意向及其影响因素、社区卫生服务利用情况及影响因素等。结果本次共发放问卷451份,回收有效问卷435份,有效回收率为96.5%。在一般患病情况下,有221人(占50.8%)选择去市级以上大医院治疗,有110人(占25.3%)选择到社区卫生服务机构治疗,选择自我治疗和私人诊所治疗的分别为73人(占16.8%)和31人(占7.1%)。不同年龄段、自感健康状况居民的就医意向比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同收入水平、文化程度居民的就医意向比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。影响就医意向的前五位因素分别为:医疗技术水平(79.1%)、医疗费用(73.1%)、医院声誉(64.4%)、医疗环境(61.6%)及医疗设备的先进性(60.7%)。435名社区居民中,利用过社区卫生服务的有207人(占47.6%),未利用过社区卫生服务的有228人(占52.4%)。在利用过社区卫生服务的207名居民中,选择去社区卫生服务机构就医的原因前三位分别为:社区卫生服务机构就医比较便利(79.7%)、小病或慢性病不需要去大医院(63.8%)、检查治疗的费用较低(53.1%)。在未利用过社区卫生服务的228名居民中,不选择社区卫生服务机构就医的原因前三位分别为:社区卫生服务机构的医疗技术水平低(49.6%)、医疗设备落后(43.0%)、自身业已形成的就医习惯引导他们直接选择其他的医疗机构(37.7%)。结论广州市居民利用社区卫生服务的就医观念尚未� [AbstraCt] ObjeCtive To learn residentsˊ medical care _ seeking intention and and the use of community health service and explore the main influencing factors as to guide the residents to change their medical seeking pattern and provide the basis for improving the efficiency of community health service. Methods The cluster random sampling methods were used in this survey to select firstly 8 communities and then 451 residents,who were inquired from February to April,2013 by self _ designed questionnaire about their basic information,medical _ seeking intention and the influencing factors,the use of community health service and the influencing factors conducted by asking random sampling citizens to answer the questionnaires. Results 451 questionnaires were distributed and 435 valid questionnaires were returned with a rate of 96. 5% . When they suffered minor diseases,221(50. 8% )of the residents chose municipal level or above hospitals;110(25. 3% )chose the community health service center;73(16. 8% )and 31(7. 1% )chose respectively self _ treatment and private clinics. The intention of visiting doctors was not statistically significant in residents of different ages and self _ feeling health status(p 〉 0. 05);it was significant in residents with different cultural degree and the family income(p 〈 0. 05). The five leading influencing factors were medical technology level(79. 1% ),medical expense(73. 1% ),hospital reputation(64. 4% ),hospital environment(61. 6% )and medical equipment(60. 7% ). Among the 435 community residents,207(47. 6% )had taken advantage of community health service and 228(52. 4% )never did. The leading three factors for the 207 choosing health service were convenience(79. 7% ), un _ necessity in going to big hospitals for minor diseases or chronic diseases(63. 8% ) and low medical expense(53. 1% ) . The first three factors for the 228 who did not use health services were low medical technology level(49. 6% ),low medical equ
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期100-104,共5页 Chinese General Practice
基金 广东省卫生经济学会2012年科学研究项目
关键词 卫生保健调查 就医意向 社区卫生服务利用 影响因素 Health care surveys Medical care _ seeking intention Utilization of community health services Influencing factors
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