目的 探讨在校大学生性行为的影响因素,以便有针对性地对其进行生殖健康知识教育。方法 采用随机抽样的方法对广州市某大学10 0 3名在校大学生进行问卷调查,并对影响大学生性行为(包括手淫、婚前性行为)的有关因素进行典型相关分析。结果 手淫的发生与大学生对手淫的认识态度呈正相关,并且男生手淫率高于女生;婚前性行为发生情况与大学生对大学中性行为发生情况的了解程度呈正相关,而与大学生是否了解女性易受孕时间呈负相关。结论 有关部门应该加强对大学生生殖健康的教育。
Objective To explore the risk factors of sexual behavior among undergraduates. Methods By random sampling, 1 003 undergraduates from a university in Guangzhou were investigated with a questionnaire of reproductive health. Canonical correlation was applied to analyzed the risk factors. Results There was positive correlation between masturbation and their attitude towards masturbation. The rate of masturbation among boys was higher than that of girls. The rate of sexual intercourse was positive correlated with knowing love affairs on campus, and negative correlated with knowing that pregnancy was easy between menses. Conclusions The education on reproductive health should be strengthened among undergraduates, especially male ones.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention