空间自相关是一种空间统计的方法 ,用以显示某种地表现象是否存在某种特殊的空间形态。城市人口的分布在一定的地域环境下 ,并不是随机分布的 ,通过人口分布的空间自相关性分析 ,可以揭示出人口的空间分布特征与区域间的相互作用。本文以西部某城市 2 0 0 0年的人口普查数据为例 ,通过空间相关性分析 ,发现该市四个区、县的人口分布呈现不同的空间关联形态 ,表明该方法比传统的人口密度法更能揭示城市人口的空间分布结构 。
Spatial auto correlation is a method of spatial statistics, which is used to find out whether a special spatial form exists in certain phenomena or not.Population in a city is not distributed randomly under some specific circumstances. To analyze this spatial auto correlation can disclose both the spatial pattern and the regional interaction. In view of 2000′s census data in a city located in west China, the population distribution took on different spatial patterns within its four districts and counties. This finding indicates that this method is better than the conventional way in which population density is used. Further study of this subject is also discussed here.
Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying