东部草原露天煤矿开采多年后,矿区周边草原生态系统植被种群与土壤养分逐渐发生变化,为揭示矿区周边植被种群密度与土壤养分的空间异质性分布规律,以宝日希勒露天矿坑周边2 km为半径的草原草场为研究区,在矿坑周边不同方向布设了4条采样线,运用经典统计学和地统计学方法对矿区植被种群密度和土壤有机质、速效磷、速效钾含量的空间异质性进行了分析。研究结果表明:矿区周边天然草地土壤有机质的平均含量为56.44 g/kg;速效磷的为7.89 mg/kg;速效钾的为181.50 mg/kg;植被种群密度的平均值为198.13株/m2;有机质、速效磷和速效钾含量分布呈现从西向东逐渐增加的趋势,植被种群密度在西部与东部较高、中部较低。变异系数范围为19.81%~37.62%,均为中等变异。有机质、速效磷的最佳拟合模型均为高斯模型,速效钾的最佳拟合模型为球形模型,植被种群密度的最佳拟合模型为线性模型;块金值与基台值比值范围为12.67%~94.17%。速效磷和速效钾的空间变异主要由随机性因素引起,且空间相关性较弱;有机质属中等强度的空间变异性,其空间变异由随机性因素和结构性因素共同作用引起;植被种群密度空间变异受人类活动主要是对资源的开发利用、放牧等结构性因素影响较大。在小尺度范围内,受煤炭开采与放牧干扰,草地出现不同程度退化,草地植被类型改变,土壤养分与植被种群密度呈负相关变化。
To study the evolution of the surrounding grassland ecology after open-pit mining in Baorixile Coal Mine,Inner Mongolia,it is the great practical significance to reveal the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation density and soil nutrients in the grassland.Taking the grassland within a radius of 2 km around the baori hiler open pit as the research area where four sampling lines were arranged in different directions around the pit.The spatial heterogeneity of vegetation density,soil organic matter,available phosphorus and available potassium in mining areas was analyzed using classical statistics and geostatistics.The results showed that the average content of soil organic matter,the available phosphorus and the available potassium were 56.44 g/kg,7.89 mg/kg and 181.50 mg/kg,respectively,in the natural grassland around the mining area.And the average vegetation density was 198.13 plants/m^2.The content distribution of organic matter,available phosphorus and available potassium increased gradually from west to east.And the vegetation density was higher in the west and east,and lower in the middle.The coefficient of variation ranged from 19.81%to 37.62%,all of which were moderate variation.Moreover,the best-fitting models of organic matter and available phosphorus were gauss models.And the spherical model and linear model were the best fitting model for rapidly available potassium and vegetation density,respectively.The ratio of block gold value to base station value ranged from 12.67%to 94.17%.The spatial variation of available phosphorus and available potassium was mainly caused by random factors.But the spatial correlation between them was weak.Organic matter was of moderate spatial variability caused by random and structural factors.The spatial variation of vegetation density was greatly affected by the structural factors of human activities,such as exploitation and utilization of resources and grazing.On a small scale,disturbed by mining and grazing,grassland is degraded to varying degrees,grassland vegetation type
BI Yinli;LI Xianglei;GUO Nan(College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China;College of Geology and Environment,Xi'an University of Science and Technology,Xi'an 710054,China)
Journal of Mining and Strata Control Engineering
Baorixile mining area
spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients
semi-variance analysis
geostatistical analysis