
特制有机肥提高贵州黄壤氮矿化和硝化率的研究 被引量:3

Effect of Customized Organic Manure Improving Mineralization and Nitrification of Soil N in Yellow Soil of Guizhou
摘要 植烟土壤中的氮素形态比例是优质烟叶生产的关键,合理施用有机肥可以调节土壤中不同形态氮素矿化水平。以贵州植烟黄壤为研究对象,采用Stanford长期好气间歇淋洗培养法,研究并模拟了不同特制有机肥施用量(0(CK),750 kg·hm^(–2)(1F),1500 kg·hm^(–2)(2F),2250 kg·hm^(–2)(3F))下的土壤氮素矿化过程。结果表明,供试贵州黄壤培养5 d后硝化率低于10%,后期硝态氮释放比例严重偏低,土壤在烟草旺长期能供给的硝态氮总量为66.89 mg·kg^(–1),不能满足烟草全生育期内的需氮情况。特制有机肥施用后土壤速效氮矿化速率均呈"前快后慢"趋势,前期矿化量高,后期矿质氮素释放减少并逐渐稳定,符合烟草生长对氮的吸收规律。特制有机肥施用显著提高了土壤速效氮矿化量,速效氮矿化量最多增长420.1%,硝态氮最多增长276.6%。添加特制有机肥显著提高了植烟黄壤硝化率,硝化率增幅范围为8.1%~50.4%。3F处理特制有机肥施用量条件下,土壤硝化率变化范围为43.69%~51.22%,最符合烟草对不同形态氮素的吸收比例,有助于提高烟株产质量。综上所述,每公顷施用2250 kg特制有机肥最适宜贵州黄壤烟草种植。 【Objective】Soil nitrogen is an important factor in producing quality tobacco leaves.About 2/3 of the nitrogen absorbed by tobacco during its whole growth period is in the form of mineralized nitrogen.So,nitrification ratio of the nitrogen in tobacco planting soil is the key to the production of high quality tobacco.Rational application of organic manure can regulate mineralization of soil N of all forms.The aim of the study is to determine a reasonable rate for application of specialized organic manure in yellow soil in Guizhou,and to improve nitrification rate in the tobacco planting soil so as to improve quality of tobacco leaves.【Method】In this study,samples of the yellow soil collected from Guizhou were used in an incubation test with the Stanford long-term aerobic and intermittent leaching incubation method.The test was designed to have 4 treatments,i.e.CK(0 kg·hm–2),1F(750 kg·hm–2),2F(1500 kg·hm–2)and 3F(2250 kg·hm–2)in terms of application rate of customized organic manure,to simulate the process of soil nitrogen mineralization.And during the incubation test,a portion of each sample in each treatment was rinsed on D0,D5,D15,D30,D45 and D60,separately,for determination of nitrification ratio.Compared with common organic manure,the specialized organic manure was higher in concentration of available nitrogen,reaching up to 41.3%.【Result】Results show that the content of mineral nitrogen,regardless of form,increased with the incubation going on during the incubation period.Mineralization was dominated by nitrate nitrogen at the early stage.After 5 days of incubation,NH4+-N turned up in dominancy.With the incubation going on,nitrate nitrogen was being mineralized.After D5,the nitrification rate of soil nitrogen in the yellow soil dropped below 10%.The proportion of nitrate nitrogen in the release of soil N was seriously lower in the late growth period.The total amount of NO3--N the soil could supply during the prime growing season of the plant reached only up to 66.89 mg·kg–1,which was
作者 陈雪 翟欣 杨振智 符德龙 史艺杰 徐胜祥 王美艳 史学正 CHEN Xue;ZHAI Xin;YANG Zhenzhi;FU Delong;SHI Yijie;XU Shengxiang;WANG Meiyan;SHI Xuezheng(Bijie Tobacco Company of Guizhou Province,Bijie,Guizhou 551700,China;Jinsha Branch of Bijie Tobacco Company,Jinsha,Guizhou 551800,China;State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
出处 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期878-886,共9页 Acta Pedologica Sinica
基金 贵州省烟草公司毕节市公司科技专项(省市院合2015-06 2018-101) 中国烟草总公司贵州省公司科技项目(201703)共同资助。
关键词 有机肥 烟草 氮矿化 硝化率 黄壤 Organic fertilizer Tobacco Nitrogen mineralization Nitrification rate Yellow soil
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