
从编辑规范角度防范农业科技类期刊中源自编校工作的错误——以《江苏农业科学》为例 被引量:2

Analysis of Preventing Errors Due to the Editing Work from the View of Editorial Standards in Journals of Agricultural Science and Technology:Taking Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences as an Example
摘要 从编辑规范角度出发,研究农业科技类期刊编辑在实践中识别与防范源自编校工作错误的方法。通过列举分析的方法,主要按四大类别总结农业科技类期刊编辑在实践中应识别的易犯错误,并按常见工作流程(编稿→校对→核红等)制定防范错误的相应编辑规范实施对策。结果显示,编稿阶段可能出现错误的主要原因有对文字或符号的理解不当、数据处理不当、图表与公式编辑不当,以及脚注、参考文献、作者基本信息编辑错误等;校对阶段可能出现错误的主要原因有文字润色、数据修改不当及主观态度问题等;核红阶段可能出现错误的原因主要是态度不够认真。根据可能发生的源自编校工作的错误,分3个工作流程制定了相应的识别与防范措施。 The methods of recognizing and preventing errors due the editing work in the practice of editors working for journals of agricultural science and technology from the view of editorial standards were investigated.By using the methods of listing,the errors were divided into four kinds.The countermeasures were made based on common working process such as editing,proofreading and checking.The result show that,errors in the editing period may be due to improper understanding of text or symbolic,improper processing of data,improper editing of chart and equations.Besides,editing errors in footnotes,references,and author-related messages may occur in this period.In the period of proofreading,the errors from text polishing,data modification and attitude should be noticed.In the period of checking,the errors possibly occurred due to the attitude.The countermeasures for preventing the errors were made based on three periods of the editing work.The results may provide reference for further promoting the editing quality of related journals,evaluating competency of editors,constructing brand journals of agricultural science and technology,enhancing competiveness of journals in new media times.Besides,it can provide reference of working methods for other editors from similar fields.
作者 徐艳 XU Yan(Editorial Office of Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
出处 《成都师范学院学报》 2020年第6期118-124,共7页 Journal of Chengdu Normal University
基金 江苏省期刊协会2019年度立项课题“农业科技期刊编辑规范的问题与对策研究”(2019JSQKB21)。
关键词 农业科技类期刊 编辑规范 编校工作 journals of agricultural science and technology editorial standards editing work
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