
飞机拦阻用泡沫混凝土材料压缩性能的表征 被引量:4

Characterization of Compressive Properties of Foamed Concrete Used for Aircraft Arrestment
摘要 特性材料拦阻系统(Engineered Material Arresting System,EMAS)是减轻民航飞机因冲出跑道带来的安全危害的地面设施。恰当地表征EMAS所用的泡沫混凝土材料的力学性能对于建立和验证拦阻力数学模型具有重要意义。然而,因材料力学行为的特殊性和拦阻工况的特殊性,传统的材料压缩性能测试方法不适用。本研究分析了拦阻工况的特点,研究了这类材料在类似工况下的压缩行为,提出了专门针对这类材料的压缩性能测试方法,即双侵彻实验法。采用该方法得到的压缩曲线较好地表征材料的压缩性能,满足建模需要。侵彻实验中压头下材料的溃缩具有高度的局部性,应变的概念不再适用,而应采用位移来表征压缩程度。研究表明材料的弹性对于拦阻力是有害的,应将其控制在很低的水平。 Engineered Material Arresting System ( EMAS) is a kind of ground facilities used to mitigate safety hazard caused by aircraft overrunning runway. Adequately characterizing mechanical properties of the foamed concrete used in EMAS is important to drag force modeling and model verification. Conventional test methods for material’ s compressive properties are inapplicable to the foamed concrete owing to the uniqueness in material ’ s compression behaviors and compression conditions present in the arrestment. Compression conditions present in the arrestment as well as material’ s compression behaviors under similar conditions were investigated. A special test method, dual penetration, was proposed for testing compressive properties of foamed concrete particularly for arrestment utilization. Compressive profile obtained by the dual penetration method well characterizes the material’ s compressive properties and hence meets the demand of modeling. Crushing of the material beneath the punch head during the penetration test is highly localized. As a result, displacement instead of strain would be used for extension of compression. Elasticity of the material is adverse to the drag force and therefore should be controlled to a very low level.
出处 《失效分析与预防》 2015年第2期83-86,共4页 Failure Analysis and Prevention
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAG04B02) 国家自然科学基金民航联合研究基金重点项目(U1233203)
关键词 泡沫混凝土 飞机拦阻系统 力学性能 压缩实验 测试方法 foamed concrete aircraft arresting system mechanical property compression test test method
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