
新型农业经营主体农业技术需求影响因素的实证分析——以江苏省南部395户种稻大户为例 被引量:59

Empirical Analysis on Factors of New Agricultural Business Entities' Agricultural Technology Needs:——Taking 395 Scaled Rice Farmers in Southern Jiangsu Province as the Example
摘要 本研究以江苏省南部395户种稻大户这一新型农业经营主体为例,运用二元Logistic方法实证分析了他们对不同农业技术需求的影响因素。研究结果表明:种稻大户呈现出男性化、年轻化、专业化、知识化、规模化的特征;户主为男性、户主受教育水平更高以及对国家粮食补贴政策的满意程度更高的种稻大户,对新品种技术有需求的概率更高;户主为男性、户主更年轻、户主受教育水平更高、水稻种植规模更大以及对国家粮食补贴政策的满意程度更高的种稻大户,对病虫害防治技术有需求的概率更高;户主为男性、户主受教育水平更高、种粮积极性更高以及对国家粮食补贴政策的满意程度更高的种稻大户,对测土配方施肥技术有需求的概率更高;户主为男性、户主更年轻、户主不兼业、户主受教育水平更高以及种粮积极性更高的种稻大户,对机械化技术有需求的概率更高。 Taking 395 scaled rice farmers in southern Jiangsu province as the example,this study makes an empirical analysis on the factors influencing their needs for different kinds of agricultural technology using the binary Logistic method.The results suggest that,the features of scaled rice farmers are masculine,young,professional,knowledgeable and scaled.The scaled rice farms whose heads of households are male,receive better education and have higher satisfaction with national grain subsidies,have higher probability of needs for new variety technology.The scaled rice farms whose heads of households are male and younger,receive better education,have greater scale of rice cultivation and higher satisfaction with national grain subsidies,have higher probability of needs for pest control technology.The scaled rice farms whose heads of households are male,receive better education,have higher enthusiasm for growing grain and higher satisfaction with national grain subsidies,have higher probability of needs for soil testing and fertilizer technology.The scaled rice farms whose heads of households are male and younger,don't have part-time jobs,receive better education,and have higher enthusiasm for growing grain,have higher probability of needs for mechanization technology.
出处 《中国农村观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期30-38,93-94,共9页 China Rural Survey
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重点项目"转基因水稻可持续发展研究"(编号:11AZD107) 国家科技计划支撑项目"湖北单季稻大面积均衡增产集成研究与示范"(编号:2012BAD04B12) 比尔.梅琳达盖茨基金项目"为非洲和亚洲资源贫瘠地区培育绿色超级稻"(编号:51587-3) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"我国转基因作物风险认知与风险交流机制研究"(编号:2012MBDX001)的阶段性研究成果
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