
连云港市售海鱼异尖线虫感染情况的初步调查 被引量:13

Preliminary investigation of Anisakis infection in commercial marine fish in Lianyungang City
摘要 异尖线虫病是一种危害严重的食源性人兽共患寄生虫病,人类由于生食或半生食含有异尖线虫Ⅲ期幼虫的海鱼而引起感染,严重威胁人类健康。据报道我国沿海地区海鱼仍有异尖线虫感染,为了解我国黄海海域连云港市售海鱼异尖线虫的寄生情况,于2017年3―10月对该地市售海鱼的感染情况进行了形态学观察与PCR鉴定。随机选取本地海鲜市场采购的不同种类海鱼,剖检鱼体、分离其内脏和肌肉中Ⅲ期幼虫;应用多重PCR方法进行分子生物学鉴定。结果显示,19种海鱼中有11种被检出有异尖线虫感染(57.89%),海鱼的总检出率为37.89%,带鱼、小黄花鱼、梭鱼、黑鱼检出率最高为100.00%,鲳鱼、鲈鱼、鮟鱇鱼、海鲫鱼、沙丁鱼、黄姑鱼、白姑鱼、巴浪鱼均未检出异尖线虫;阳性海鱼平均感染强度为5.24条/尾,总体平均感染强度为1.99条/尾,带鱼感染强度最高为10.60条/尾;感染部位以肠和肠系膜最为严重,占虫体数67.55%。多重PCR鉴定本次获得的虫体为简单异尖线虫、派氏异尖线虫、伪地新线虫和内湾宫脂线虫,其中简单异尖线虫为优势种。结果表明,连云港市售海鱼异尖线虫具有较高的感染率和感染强度,本次调查为连云港市人群预防和控制该病提供了理论依据,对异尖线虫病的流行病学研究具有重要意义。 The accidental ingestion of third stage larvae of Anisakis spp.by consuming infested raw or undercooked seafood,causes a parasitic zoonosis,known as anisakiasis,which seriously threat to human health.Its reported that the marine fish in the coastal areas of our country were still infection with Anisakis.In order to investigate the infection status of marine fish sold in Lianyungang City of the Yellow Sea area by Anisakis spp.Marine fish of different species were randomly purchased from seafood markets in Lianyungang City from March to October 2017.The fish were dissected to separation the third stage larvae of Anisakis spp.from the viscera and muscle.Then the third stage larvae of Anisakis spp.was identified through the light microscope and multiplex PCR.The results showed that 19 Anisakis were detected in 11 kinds of marine fish(57.89%),the overall infection rate was 37.89%.Trichiurus haumela,Larimichthys polyactis,Barracuda,Snakehead with the highest infection rate(100.00%),Silvery pomfret,Sea bass,Lophius litulon,Sea crucian carp,Sardine,Nibea albiflora,Arggrosomus argentatus and Club mackerel withthelowest infectionrate(0.00%).The average infection intensity of positive marine fish was 5.24 larvae/fish,overall was 1.99 larvae/fish.Trichiurus lepturus with the highest infection intensity was10.6 larvae/fish,larvae were mainly located at intestinal and mesenteric,67.55% of the total larvae.Multiplex PCR identification the larvae that we separated from the marine fish,Anisakis simple,Anisakis pegreffii,Pseudoterranova decipiens,Hysterothylacium aduncumhave been identified,Anisakis simple have been identified as the major causative agents of marine fish.This study indicated that the infection rate and infection intensity of Anisakis were quite high in marine fish in Lianyungang,which provided important theoretical basis for the control of anisakiasis,and it is great significance to the epidemiology of the disease.
作者 徐杨 曾巧英 孙志华 张藜潇 王楠 刘晓雷 白雪 王光明 刘明远 XU Yang;ZENG Qiao-ying;SUN Zhi-hua;ZHANG Li-xiao;WANG Nan;LIU Xiao-lei;BAI Xue;WANG Guang-ming;LIU Ming-yuan(Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China;National Livestock Husbandry Station ,Beij ing 100125,China;Key Laboratory of Zoonosis Research,Ministry of Education,Institute of Zoonosis ,Jilin University,Chang-chun 130062,China)
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2343-2347,共5页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2017YFC1601200) 广东省引进创新创业团队计划资助项目(2014ZT05S123)
关键词 连云港 异尖线虫 Ⅲ期幼虫 海鱼 多重PCR Lianyungang Anisakis Ⅲ larvae marine fish multiplex PCR
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