物理主义和反物理主义之争构成了几十年来心灵哲学中的核心论域,二者之间的争论僵持不下。近些年来,一些物理主义者对"物理事项"(The Physical)赋予了一种新的解释,进一步提出了物理主义的无知假说:由于人类认识的局限,存在着我们人类原则上认识不到的物理性质。这种立场被称为认识论物理主义,其拥护者从无知假说出发回应了一系列反物理主义论证。本文将系统评论这种观点。与认识立场的无知假说相对应,笔者认为真正的无知是人类对未来(或理想)物理学所推设的物理性质的无知,这种无知假说较好地刻画了人类认识世界的直觉。本文将根据这种假说来回应反物理主义的论证并批评认识论物理主义。
Physicalism,a thesis that everything is physical,is the dominated view in the contemporary philosophy of mind.And it is also one of the most controversial ideas in analytic philosophy.Antiphysicalists object physicalism by proposing several arguments.Physicalists respond these objections and defend their position.To be frankly,there is no concluding remarks in the debate between physicalism and anti-physicalism.Recently,some physicalists take a new account on the conception of ' the Physical'.Based on this new concept of 'the Physical',they advanced an ignorance hypothesis:human being is cognitively limited,so they are ignorant of some object based physical property.In contrast to this ignorance hypothesis,the significant hypothesis in my mind is the claim that human being are ignorant of the physical property posited by future(ideal) physics.This hypothesis reflects the intuition that human being own.Based on this ignorance hypothesis,my paper will respond to antiphysicalisits arguments and the objections to the Epistemological Physicalism.
World Philosophy