采用循环伏安法和微分电容测定等方法研究了核黄素在悬汞电极上的电化学行为.研究发现核黄素的氧化还原反应特性与 pH值密切相关:在 pH< 6的介质中,观察到一对前置波和一对扩散控制的两电子氧化还原波,还原产物 RFH2在汞上的吸附为强吸附;在 6< pH< 10的介质中,出现两对分离的单电子氧化还原波;在 pH> 10的介质中,仍然出现二对分离的氧化还原波,且前置波重新出现,显示还原产物在汞上的吸附较强.
The electrochemical behavior of riboflavin(RF) on mercury has been investigated by using cyclic voltammetry and differential capacitance measurements. It is found that the redox properties depend on pH of the medium. A prewave and a diffusion - controlled wave corresponding to a reversibe two- electron reaction appear in the medium of pH < 6, and the adsorption of RFH2 formed by electro - reduction is strong. In the medium of 6 < pH < 10, there are two separating or partly overlapping oxidation reduction waves corresponding to two - step one - electron reaction. However, in the medium of pH > 10, the adsorption of the species produced by electro - reduction is strong and the prewave appears again.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)