采用Stanford间歇淋洗好气培养法研究了贵州省9个主要烤烟产区的943份植烟黄壤样品的氮素矿化势,并抽取典型代表样品93份测定了矿化率常数。结果表明,贵州省主要植烟黄壤的氮矿化速率常数平均为0.031 mg kg-1d-1,氮素矿化势平均为92.8 mg kg-1,变幅在10.2~280.5 mg kg-1。不同植烟区域氮素矿化势差异较大,安顺、毕节、贵阳、六盘水、黔东南、黔南、黔西南、铜仁和遵义的土壤矿化势分别为103.5、90.6、71.0、116.2、91.1、89.0、79.6、84.6和99.6 mg kg-1。贵州省主要植烟黄壤的潜在供氮能力以中部地区较低,向四周辐射潜在供氮能力增强,六盘水和黔东南部分烟区潜在供氮能力过高。土壤有机质含量与植烟黄壤潜在供氮能力呈显著正相关,可采用指数函数模型对植烟黄壤氮素矿化势进行初步估测。在宏观上把握贵州省主要植烟黄壤的潜在供氮能力,可以为贵州省烤烟种植的合理布局提供依据。
A total of 943 yellow earth samples were collected from 9 major flu-cured tobacco production regions in Guizhou for analysis of nitrogen ( No) using the Stantord intermittent leaching-aerobic incubation method, and of the soil samples, 93 typical ones were picked for determination of mineralization rate constant. Results show that of the soils the nitrogen mineralization rate constants averaged 0. 031 mg kg-1 d-1, and the nitrogen mineralization potential averaged 92.8 nag kg-1, and varied sharply from region to region in the range of 10.2 -280.5 mg kg-1. The potential was 103.5, 90.6, 71.0, 116.2, 91. 1, 89.0, 79.6, 84.6 and 99.6 mg kg-1 for for the soil of Anshun, Bijie, Cuiyang, Liupan- shui, Southeast Guizhou, South Guizhou, Southwest Guizhou, Tongren, Zunyi, respectively. Of the 9 tobacco growing re- gions of Guizhou, the potential N supply capacity was relatively low in the center of the province, and increased gradually towards all directions geographically, and turned out to be a bit too high in some regions in Liupanshui and Southeast. The potential N supply capacity of yellow earth was found to be positively related to the content of organic matter. It is, there- fore, feasihle to make primary assessment of nitrogen mineralization potential of tobacco-growing yellow earths using the exponential function model. The macroscopic knowledge of the potential nitrogen supply capacity of the tobacco-growing yellow earths in Guizhou will help provide a sound basis for rational arrangement of flu-cured tobacco cultivation in the province.
Acta Pedologica Sinica
Planting tobaceo yellow soil
Nitrogen mineralization