矮寨大桥为(242+1 176+116)m的单跨钢桁梁悬索桥,主梁全长1 000.5 m。主梁两侧与桥塔间无吊索区长度分别为95 m和109.5 m,在较长无吊索区加1根辅助竖拉杆,可使无吊索区主桁受力明显改善。主缆矢跨比为1/9.6,单根主缆由169根通长索股组成,单根索股由1275.25 mm镀锌平行钢丝组成。采用骑跨式钢丝绳吊索,索夹采用铸钢铸造,左右对合型,两半索夹用螺杆连接夹紧,接缝处嵌填橡胶防水条。主索鞍采用铸焊结合型结构,由鞍头和鞍身组成,鞍头具有与索股形状相吻合的槽路,鞍身由2道纵肋和多道横肋组成。散索鞍为摆轴式,鞍体采用铸焊结合的结构,为适应主缆散索的需要,鞍槽在竖向以及水平向均为曲线。
The Aizhai Bridge is a single span steel truss girder suspension bridge with span arrangement(242+1 176+116) m.The total length of the main girder is 1 000.5 m and the length of the girder section with no suspenders between each side of the girder and the tower is respectively 95 m and 109.5 m.In the longer girder section with no suspenders,an auxiliary vertical tie member is added,which can significantly improve the force conditions of the truss girder over the section.The sag ratio of the main cables is 1/9.6.Each cable is made up of 169 continuous length strands and each strand is in turn made up of 127 galvanized parallel steel wires of 5.25 mm in diameter.The suspenders are the steel rope suspenders to loop around the main cables.A cable band is of cast steel structure of left and right closing type,the two halves of the band will be tightly jointed by bolts and the waterproof rubber strips will be used to fill in the joints.The tower saddles are the cast and welded structure formed by the saddle heads and saddle bodies.A saddle head has troughs matching the shape of the strands and a saddle body is reinforced by 2 longitudinal ribs and a number of transverse ribs.The splay saddles are the pendulum type cast and welded structure.To accommodate the splaying of the main cables,the troughs in the splay saddles are curved both vertically and horizontally.
World Bridges
suspension bridge
stiffening girder
main cable
tower saddle
splay saddle
bridge design