OBJECTIVE To observe the hand hygiene-compliance among medical staff in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and to provide a reliable basis for the purpose of the proper training and management. METHODS The status of hand hygiene compliance among medical staff was recorded according to the hand washing directions and their knowledge about hand hygiene as well as the relationship between hand hygiene and nosocomial infection were investigted. RESULTS There were 645 times-personnel of hand hyqiene compliance among medical staffs and there was no stotistical significance between doctors and nurses, hut with statistical significance between medical staffs of less 3 years length of service (P〉0. 05) ; and more 5 years, length of service also between doctors. There were 98.3% of medical staffs being aware of health care law for six-step hand-washing and hand hygiene 97.8 % being aware of hand hygiene compliance and 86.7 % obtained knowledge after proper training, but most of them did not know the relationship between hand hygiene and hospital infection. CONCLUSIONS A good hand hygiene compliance need not only a reliable and convenient environment, but also training, inspection, supervision and management.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology