To make up and evaluate the statistic interrelation discriminants of pitutary growth hormonedeficiency(PGHD) and hypothalamic growth hormoen deficiency(HGHD) after analysing the sellar MRIsignals of them. Materials and Methods: Results of 65 patents MRI signals of sellar, including 50 patients with PGHD, 15 Patients with HGHD and stalistical methods including diseriminated analysis, test,X2 test had been evaluated in the study.All patients were divided into two groups, the statistical(47 cases)and the test groups (18 cases). Results: The height of pitutary(X1), the peterior lobe of pitutary(X2) .the pitutary stalk(X3) and sellar cavity(X4) are the important indexes to diagnose PHGD andHGHD. The rate of correct diagnosis according to the discriminants is about 88.9% .Conelusion: Thediscrminants are of important value for diagnosis of PGHD and HGHD.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging