
广州市城区普通人群中慢性肾脏病的流行病学研究 被引量:172

Epidemiologic study of chronic kidney disease in Guangzhou urban area
摘要 目的 探讨我国南方城市人群中慢性肾脏病(CKD)的患病情况及相关危险因素。方法 在广州市城区采用分层多级随机抽样的方法,抽取天河区和海珠区20岁以上的常住居民2213人,进行慢性肾脏病及相关危险因素的检测和问卷调查。结果 在资料完整的2128名居民中,经过人口年龄、性别构成比校正后,白蛋白尿的患病率为6.2%(95%CI为5.9%~6.4%);血尿的患病率为6.5%(95%CI为5.3%~7.8%);肾功能下降的患病率为1.6%(95%CI为1.3%~2.0%)。该人群CKD的患病率为10.1%;知晓率为9.7%。结论 在我国南方的大城市中,人群CKD的患病率为10.1%,知晓率为9.7%。CKD的相关危险因素包括年龄、高血压及糖尿病。 Objective To conduct a population-based screening program in Guangzhou urban area and to identify the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and risk factors in the general adult population of southern China. Methods 2213 residents (older than 20 years ) from 3 communities in 2 districts of Guangzhou city were randomly selected using a stratified, multistage sampling. All residents were interviewed and tested for morning spot urine of albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR) ( abnormal: ≥30 mg/g ); morning spot urine dipstick of hematuria (abnormal: 1+ or greater) confirmed by urine microscopy (abnormah 〉3 red blood cells /HP); and MDRD equation estimated GFR [abnormal: 〈60 ml·min ^-1·(1.73 m^2)^-1]. The associations of kidney damage indicators with age, gender, smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperuricemia were examined. Results Eligible data of 2128 subjects were enrolled in the study. After the adjustment of age and gender component, the prevalence of albuminuria was 6.16% (95% CI:5.9% -6.42%), hematuria 6.5% (95%CI:5.3%-7.8%), and reduced eGFR 1.64% (95%CI:1.3%- 1.98% ). Approximately 10.1% subjects had at least one indicator of kidney damage. Age, diabetes mellitus and hypertension were independently associated with CKD. Conclusions The prevalence of chronic kidney disease is 10.1% and the recognition is 9.7% in urban adult population of southern China. Independent risk factors associated with kidney damage are age, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
出处 《中华肾脏病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期147-151,共5页 Chinese Journal of Nephrology
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2006A36001002).志谢衷心感谢以下参与慢性肾脏病流行病调查小组丁作的同志的辛勤付出:王昌云、彭文兴、王晓华、李怡、曹慧霞、石咏军、肖俊、常洁、周怡、黄莺、唐雪晴、王拥涛、张海燕、李明、胡明亮、伍军、朱恒梅、关锦美、胡丽琼、张小丹、曾晓琴、易春燕、杨军、丁鸿燕、陈秀珍等
关键词 肾疾病 慢性 筛查 患病率 流行病学 Kidney disease,chronic Screening Prevalence Epidemiology
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