中国南方红壤丘陵区是非常脆弱的生态系统之一,红色荒漠化现象非常严重。本研究以红壤丘陵区典型区域———长沙市为例,首先探讨了SEIM(Soil Erosion Index Model)模型的基本结构以及相对应的各个参数的取值;然后在地理信息系统的支持下,利用SEIM模型,研究了红壤丘陵区的水土流失现状特征及动态变化,并对产生变化的原因进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明,SEIM模型的预测结果基本上能够反映红壤丘陵区土壤侵蚀现状的总体趋势;而红壤丘陵区水土流失现状研究表明,红壤丘陵区总体的水土流失量较小,轻度和微度侵蚀面积达到95%以上,中度以上侵蚀范围不到5%。红壤丘陵区的动态分析结果表明,从1986年到2000年,红壤丘陵区土壤侵蚀程度总体上来讲在逐步减弱,而局部地方,由于人类活动导致的土地利用方式的不合理,土壤侵蚀比较严重。
The red soil hilly region is with typical frail eco-systems in south-China, where red desertification is much more serious, and especially the water and soil loss induced by human activities is increasing gradually. Researches on soil erosion model have great significance for water and soil erosion control, restoration of ecological environment and promotion of land productivity in red soil hilly region. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as a modern information technology, have powerful functions in analyzing, managing and visualizing spatial data, and have been widely used in natural resources management and environmental protection, which provided a valuable tool for studying the soil erosion quantitatively.
In this paper, Changsha city, a typical red soil hilly region, was selected as the research area and soil erosion model, SEIM (Soil Erosion Index Model), was used to investigate water and soil loss of red soil hilly region. Firstly, the basic structure of SEIM, including soil index, rainfall index, reform index, vegetation index and land use, was discussed briefly, and each parameters values of SEIM for red soil hilly region was determined by contrasting natural condition of Taiwan with Changsha City, and integrating with geographic information system (GIS). Secondly, by inputting parameters values into SEIM, we can simulate the soil erosion in red soil hilly region. Finally, supported by geographic information system (GIS), the paper researched the current situation and dynamic change of water and soil loss, and explored the reasons of dynamic changes briefly in red soil hilly region using SEIM.
It is concluded that the forecasting data can reflect the general tendency of the soil erosion in red soil hilly region. And it can be shown from the soil and water erosion in red soil hilly region that least, gentle and middle-grade erosion area amounts to more than 95 %, and other grades less than 5 % in 2000. The degrees of soil erosion in red-earth hilly land is decreasing gradua
Resources Science