目的对天津市1981年至2001年甲状腺癌的发病率和死亡率进行统计分析并了解其变化趋势.方法用描述流行病学的方法研究天津市21年来甲状腺癌的发病和死亡情况.结果 1981年至2001年间,天津市甲状腺癌平均年发病率为1.770/10万,男女发病比例为1:2.74,平均死亡率0.368/10万,女性发病率和死亡率均高于男性.21年来男女甲状腺癌的发病率呈逐年上升趋势,特别是女性呈现35~50岁年龄组甲状腺癌高发.结论甲状腺癌的发病率增长较快,特别是对女性的影响日益加剧,需积极寻找相关危险因素,有针对性地采取预防措施.
Objective To investigate incidence and mortality of thyroid cancers in Tianjin from 1981 to 2001. Methods Method of descriptive epidemiology was applied to study the incidence and the mortality of thyroid cancers within 21 years in Tianjin. Results From 1981 to 2001, the incidence of thyroid cancer was 1.770 per 100000 population per year, the incidence ratio of male to female was 1:2.74, and the mortality of thyroid cancers was 0.368 per 100000 population per year. The incidence and mortality of thyroid cancers in female was higher than those in male. The incidence of thyroid cancer had been increasing within 21 years, especially in the range of 35-50 years of age in female. Conclusions The quickly increasing incidence of thyroid cancers, especially in female, shows that further researches on the risk factors and preventive efforts should be made.
Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism