
中学教师工作倦怠量表的编制 被引量:42

Development of Job-Burnout Inventory for Middle School Teachers
摘要 目的探讨工作倦怠在我国中学教师中的表现以建立其本土化定义并编制相应的测量工具。方法首先采用自下而上的思路对47名中学教师进行深入访谈,探索该职业领域工作倦怠的本土化定义;随后在质性研究的基础上编制教师工作倦怠量表,并对266名中学教师施测,考察各项信效度指标。结果中学教师工作倦怠主要表现为热情枯竭、精力枯竭和职业成就感丧失,分别对应Maslach倦怠问卷(MBI)中的讥诮态度、衰竭以及专业自我效能降低;修订后的量表各项信效度指标良好。结论国外工作倦怠的三维度定义在国内中学教师群体中得到独立验证,但衰竭维度的核心地位被热情枯竭所取代。 Objective:This study was to investigate the manifestation of job-burnout in middle school teachers in China's Mainland,to localize the construct,and to develop the Job-Burnout Scale for Middle School Teachers.Methods:Deep interviews were conducted with 47 middle school teachers to explore the indigenous concept,which included three aspects:passion burnout,energy burnout and professional self-effectiveness burnout.A preliminary inventory was developed according to the former quality research and then conducted with a sample of 266 middle school teachers.Three subscales of this new instrument were corresponded with the cynicism,exhaustion and decreased professional self-efficacy in the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).Conclusion:Maslach’s three-dimension construct of job burnout was independently confirmed,whereas burnout in passion replaced the core role of burnout in energy in China.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2005年第2期170-175,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 中学教师工作倦怠量表 中学教师 工作倦怠 job-burnout scale for middle school teachers,middle school teachers,job burnout
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