中药材野生抚育是野生药材采集与家种药材栽培有机结合的一种新兴药材生产方式。作者结合研究现状探讨了中药材野生抚育的概念、特征。中药材野生抚育的基本方式有封禁、人工管理、人工补种、仿野生栽培等。它是一项系统工程技术 ,是中药资源学、生态学、药用植物栽培学、道地药材学等学科的交叉。中药材野生抚育实现了药材生产与生态环境保护的协调发展 ,可以应用于生长条件要求苛刻或家种后质量改变较大等类型药材。文中最后简要分析了几个中药材野生抚育的成功典范 ,并指出中药材野生抚育开辟了中药材生产的生态产业模式 ,具有很好的发展前景 ,需要更多企业介入 ,需要国家加大基础性研究投入。
wild medicinal materials tending (WMMT) is a new production mode of medicinal materials, integrating the techniques of wild plant collection and cultivation This article discusses the concept and characteristics of WMMT The basic tending methods include enclosing, purposive management, additional seeding, and wildmimic cultivation It is a systemic technique closely relating to Chinese medicine resources, medicinal plant cultivation, ecology, and pharmacognosy Implement of WMMT will greatly enhance the harmony between medicinal materials production and environment conservation It is particularly suitable for medicinal plants that have strict growing conditions and medicinal materials whose quality is deteriorated after cultivation The last part of this article includes several successful examples of WMMT and concluded that it is an ecological mode of medicinal materials production WMMT has a promising future, more investments and support from industry and government for fundamental studies are warranted
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica