
气调包装及天然保鲜剂对冷却鲜猪肉的保鲜效果研究 被引量:24

Freshness Keeping Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Natural Preservatives on Chilled Fresh Pork during Refrigeration Storage
摘要 对冷却鲜猪肉分别用保鲜剂(含乳酸钠5%、异维生素C钠0.2%和乙酸0.4%的混合保鲜溶液)处理加PE塑料袋包装、PE/PA塑料袋气调包装(25% CO2、25% N2和50% O2混合气体)和保鲜剂处理加PE/PA塑料袋气调包装,与PE塑料袋包装对照,研究其在0~4℃冷却保存条件下不同处理方法的保鲜效果。每隔2d对猪肉进行感官评定、测定其TVB-N值、菌落总数,并进行球蛋白沉淀试验,以判定猪肉新鲜度的变化。结果表明:PE/PA塑料袋气调包装和保鲜剂处理均明显延长冷却鲜猪肉的保存期,可使其保存期分别达到12d和9d;两者同时应用效果更好,可使冷却鲜猪肉的保存期达到15d以上;气调包装的冷却保存猪肉颜色始终保持鲜红状态;课题组自主设计、制造的气体比例混合器,用于冷却肉的气调包装,保鲜效果优良。 To compare the effects of modified atmosphere packaging system and some natural preservatives on freshness keepingquality of chilled fresh pork, four groups of fresh ham butt pork were treated with following several ways respectively: PEpackaging, PE packaging with preservatives, PE/PA modified atmosphere packaging, PE/PA modified atmosphere packagingwith preservatives; and then stored at 0~4℃. The group of PE packaging was controls. During refrigeration storage, every threedays, sensory evaluation was performed, TVB-N values and total bacterial accounts were determined, and protein sediment testwas carried out. Results indicated that the preservatives and the PE/PA modified atmosphere packaging both significantlyprolonged storage life of the chilled fresh pork and their storage time are 9d and 12d, respectively; the PE/PA modified atmospherepackaging with preservatives did better than the others and can extend the storage life to over 15d; and PE/PA modified atmospherepackaging can make the chilled fresh pork to maintain redness stably.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期307-311,共5页 Food Science
基金 四川省"十五"科技攻关课题
关键词 保鲜效果 塑料袋包装 保存期 气调包装 天然保鲜剂 保鲜剂处理 鲜猪肉 冷却肉 感官评定 新鲜度 fresh pork refrigeration storage natural preservatives PE-package PE/PA modified atmosphere packaging
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