近年来,"边界困境"(boundary paradox)这一议题逐渐引起学术界的关注和探讨。本研究基于人的因素(领导成员交换)和机制的因素(契约控制)两个视角,整合了领导成员交换理论和交易成本理论,提出了一个整合模型,予以解决员工职业发展过程中的"边界困境"问题。运用分层线性模型,利用具有良好合作关系的13家大型制造企业集团75个工作团队共334份团队成员问卷和101份团队领导问卷检验了整合模型,研究结果表明:(1)领导成员交换对员工职业成功具有显著的正向预测效果,而对员工内部机会主义有正U形的影响,在适度的领导成员交换水平下,员工内部机会主义最低;(2)契约控制对员工职业成功有倒U形影响,在适度的契约控制水平下,员工职业成功最高,而对员工内部机会主义具有显著的负向预测效果;(3)"软"性的领导成员交换与"硬"性的契约控制共同使用降低了员工职业成功而增加了员工内部机会主义,揭示了"软硬兼施"在解决"边界困境"问题中具有明显的替代作用。
In recent years,the subject under discussion about the boundary predicament has gradually drawn attention and exploration in the academic world.Based on the perspectives of the factor of people(the exchange of leading members —EOLM) and the factor of mechanism(contractual control),we have,in this paper,integrated the theory of the EOLM with the theory of the transaction cost and constructed a integration model in order to solve the boundary problem in process of the development of employees.We have examined the integration model by the use of the hierarchical linear modeling and of the questionnaire about 75 teams comprising 334 employees and 101 questionnaires about the team leaders.The results of our study indicate that(1) the EOLM has noticeably positive prediction effect on the success of employees in profession,the EOLM has a positive U-shape impact,in the level of proper EOLM,the opportunism within the employees is the lowest;(2) the contractual control has an inverted U-shaped impact on the success of employees in profession,and on the level of proper contractual control,the ratio of success,in profession,of employees is the highest,and the internal opportunism of employees has manifest negative effect in prediction;(3) the united use of the 'soft' EOLM and 'hard' contractual control reduces employees' success in profession and increases the opportunism within employees,which reveals the 'use of both soft and hard tactics' possesses an obvious role of substitution in the settlement of the problem of 'the boundary dilemma.
Journal of Management World