
《Astronomical Techniques and Instruments》 CSCD

Established in 1977, Astronomical Techniques and Instruments (ATI) is a bimonthly academic publicati...查看详情>>
  • 曾用名 天文研究与技术;云南天文台台刊
  • 主办单位Yumnan Observatories, CAS
  • 国际标准连续出版物号2097-3675
  • 国内统一连续出版物号53-1240/P
  • 出版周期双月刊


  • 曾用名 天文研究与技术;云南天文台台刊
  • 主管单位Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 主办单位Yumnan Observatories, CAS
  • 总编/主编Xiangqun Cui
  • 地址Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences 396 Yangfangwang, Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan
  • 邮政编码650216
  • 电话0871-63920157
  • 电子邮件ati@ynao.ac.cn
  • 单价80
  • 定价480


Established in 1977, Astronomical Techniques and Instruments (ATI) is a bimonthly academic publication sponsored by Yunnan Observatories,CAS and supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Astronomical Techniques and Instruments(ATI) is an international journal devoted to recent developments in astronomical instruments, new techniques and methods in the astronomical technology and the related fields. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the various branches of the subject. The emphasis is on techniques and instruments in the fields of astrophysics, astrometry, planetary systems, solar physics, magnetospheres & interplanetary matter. The scope covers, but not limits to, optical system of telescope, space and ground astronomical technology, optical, radio, and high-energy detector, adaptive optics, active optics, optical interference, aspherical optical technology, advanced astronomical manufacturing techniques, astronomical data processing, any instrument and technique, including that of AI, that is potentially useful for astronomy, as well as observatory operation and management. 。 读者对象:1、从事天文学及相关学科研究和教学的科学研究人员、专业工作者。2、物理、数学、天文等专业大专院校师生及天文爱好者。


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