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Theoretical analysis of transcranial Hall-effect stimulation based on passive cable model 被引量:8
作者 袁毅 李小俚 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第12期373-378,共6页
Transcranial Hall-effect stimulation(THS) is a new stimulation method in which an ultrasonic wave in a static magnetic field generates an electric field in an area of interest such as in the brain to modulate neuron... Transcranial Hall-effect stimulation(THS) is a new stimulation method in which an ultrasonic wave in a static magnetic field generates an electric field in an area of interest such as in the brain to modulate neuronal activities. However, the biophysical basis of simulating the neurons remains unknown. To address this problem, we perform a theoretical analysis based on a passive cable model to investigate the THS mechanism of neurons. Nerve tissues are conductive; an ultrasonic wave can move ions embedded in the tissue in a static magnetic field to generate an electric field(due to Lorentz force).In this study, a simulation model for an ultrasonically induced electric field in a static magnetic field is derived. Then,based on the passive cable model, the analytical solution for the voltage distribution in a nerve tissue is determined. The simulation results showthat THS can generate a voltage to stimulate neurons. Because the THS method possesses a higher spatial resolution and a deeper penetration depth, it shows promise as a tool for treating or rehabilitating neuropsychiatric disorders. 展开更多
关键词 HALL-EFFECT STIMULATION passive cable model neurons
作者 熊晓鸽 《深圳特区科技》 2004年第10期44-45,共2页
关键词 信息产业 创业 风险投资 融资
作者 熊晓鸽 《高中生(职教创客)》 2016年第4期14-15,共2页
关键词 创业 90后 适龄学生 职业教育
作者 王啸 《企业家信息》 2019年第12期47-51,共5页
关键词 首次公开发行 注册制 证监会 IPO 堰塞湖 科创板
作者 孙志刚 《IT经理世界》 2017年第1期42-44,共3页
近几年直播在国内外都形成了热浪,互联网巨头们也纷纷入局。2014年至2016年期间国外视频领域兴起了一批直播平台,其中游戏直播平台Twitch、综合直播平台Periscope和移动直播应用Meerkat占据强势地位。之后Amazon收购了Twitch,Twitte... 近几年直播在国内外都形成了热浪,互联网巨头们也纷纷入局。2014年至2016年期间国外视频领域兴起了一批直播平台,其中游戏直播平台Twitch、综合直播平台Periscope和移动直播应用Meerkat占据强势地位。之后Amazon收购了Twitch,Twitter收购了Periscope,而Facebook、Google等互联网巨头也纷纷推出直播应用。 展开更多
作者 熊晓鸽 《科技智囊》 2004年第4期96-97,共2页
关键词 中国 风险投资 投资基金 基金管理
作者 熊晓鸽 《中国商人》 2012年第7期57-59,59,共3页
科技需要创新 我1991年11月6日到IDG,1992年在中国策划做风投,1993年融到了第一笔2000万美元的基金,那时候好像是很大一笔钱,大家可能觉得比较好笑,现在出来弄个基金怎么也得几亿美元。的确,近十年来,中国的市场和全球经济发生了巨大... 科技需要创新 我1991年11月6日到IDG,1992年在中国策划做风投,1993年融到了第一笔2000万美元的基金,那时候好像是很大一笔钱,大家可能觉得比较好笑,现在出来弄个基金怎么也得几亿美元。的确,近十年来,中国的市场和全球经济发生了巨大的变化。这么多年走过来,我一直跟很多同行说,做风投也好,做PE基金也罢, 展开更多
关键词 企业 全球经济 IDG 基金 中国 美元 市场 同行
作者 张耀辉 《计算机世界月刊》 1994年第2期110-116,共7页
对于大多数用户来说,采用在DOS下运行windows 3.1是当今最为合适的桌面操作系统,这种组合既不昂贵又快速并且为大家所熟悉,其稳定性也令人能够接受,更重要的是其功能几乎面面俱到。因此,大多数用户应该会维持现状并继续使用它。然而这... 对于大多数用户来说,采用在DOS下运行windows 3.1是当今最为合适的桌面操作系统,这种组合既不昂贵又快速并且为大家所熟悉,其稳定性也令人能够接受,更重要的是其功能几乎面面俱到。因此,大多数用户应该会维持现状并继续使用它。然而这并不意味着会永远如此。从潮流与发展趋势来看,反向兼容(backwards-Compatible)的32位系统软件和功能更为丰富。 展开更多
关键词 32位 操作系统 桌面操作系统
作者 王啸 《企业家信息》 2019年第8期49-53,共5页
关键词 资本市场 流动性危机 间接融资体系 流动性风险 实体经济 套利机会 市场过热 直接融资
作者 陈宏林(编译) 《微电脑世界》 2006年第3期22-23,共2页
在刚结束的2005年,PC产业比多数分析家们当初预测的要好一些。笔记本电脑市场得以持续地加速增长,微软倡导下的媒体中心电脑也开始在卖场的货架上多了起来,并在消费者的客厅里开始与机顶盒和DVD播放机等设备摆放在了一起。此外,企业用... 在刚结束的2005年,PC产业比多数分析家们当初预测的要好一些。笔记本电脑市场得以持续地加速增长,微软倡导下的媒体中心电脑也开始在卖场的货架上多了起来,并在消费者的客厅里开始与机顶盒和DVD播放机等设备摆放在了一起。此外,企业用户的采购量也普遍比原来预算的IT开支要多。 展开更多
关键词 PC产业 笔记本电脑市场 媒体中心电脑 DVD播放机 企业用户 机顶盒 消费者 微软
喜忧参半十年路,坎坷人生战犹酣 IDG寻梦中国
作者 杨飞 《深圳特区科技》 2004年第8期82-83,共2页
关键词 中国投资 IDG 创业投资 基金 机会 资金 发展期 高速
作者 熊晓鸽 《高科技与产业化》 2011年第9期94-95,共2页
在这个很年轻的行业,我们建立基金考虑的是怎么样能够比别的同行做得更好一点,增加自己的竞争优势。中医讲缺什么补什么,做投资也是这样,要根据自己的成长发展规律办事。商业中都有竞争,关键是在竞争中怎么样才能做得更好。同时,... 在这个很年轻的行业,我们建立基金考虑的是怎么样能够比别的同行做得更好一点,增加自己的竞争优势。中医讲缺什么补什么,做投资也是这样,要根据自己的成长发展规律办事。商业中都有竞争,关键是在竞争中怎么样才能做得更好。同时,作为投资来讲,不能什么都不做,也不能什么都做,要有一个行业的选择,进入时间的选择。当然还有一个就是预期,这也是不能够忽视的。 展开更多
关键词 投资者 知识分子 创业 竞争优势 行业 商业
作者 王红茹 周鸿祎 +1 位作者 李建光 林莹 《中国经济周刊》 2004年第26期18-21,共4页
关键词 风险投资 高科技企业 融资问题 中国 技术创业投资基金
作者 牛奎光 《创业邦》 2017年第2期14-17,共4页
关键词 消费金融 中国市场 美国 消费信贷 贷款 居民 美元
接纳承诺疗法的作用机制——基于元分析结构方程模型 被引量:37
作者 任志洪 赵春晓 +3 位作者 卞诚 朱文臻 江光荣 祝卓宏 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期662-676,I0002-I0006,共16页
接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,ACT)被认为是行为治疗“第三浪潮”的重要代表。本研究使用元分析结构方程模型,考察ACT的作用机制。通过数据库检索与筛选,最终纳入文献50篇。结果发现:ACT所假设的心理灵活性、接纳、... 接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,ACT)被认为是行为治疗“第三浪潮”的重要代表。本研究使用元分析结构方程模型,考察ACT的作用机制。通过数据库检索与筛选,最终纳入文献50篇。结果发现:ACT所假设的心理灵活性、接纳、此时此刻、价值的中介作用都达到统计显著,认知解离这一中介变量并不显著;中介机制在网络化干预中仍然得到检验;相较之传统CBT,ACT在所假设的机制上有其区别于CBT的优势。后续临床研究应更全面地测量6大核心机制,关注对美好生活提升的影响,采用多点瞬时评价法,并尽可能使用更高级、更先进的统计方法检验其作用机制。 展开更多
关键词 接纳承诺疗法 元分析结构方程模型 作用机制 中介检验 认知行为疗法
神经质人格的神经生理基础 被引量:25
作者 黄雅梅 周仁来 吴梦莹 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期602-613,共12页
神经质作为一种人格特质,核心特征是具有负性情绪体验的倾向。高神经质个体表现出更强的情绪反应、更差的情绪感知和应对,因而体验到更多的负性情绪,进而容易形成一系列精神障碍和身体疾病。因此,神经质成为精神病理学中一个重要的风险... 神经质作为一种人格特质,核心特征是具有负性情绪体验的倾向。高神经质个体表现出更强的情绪反应、更差的情绪感知和应对,因而体验到更多的负性情绪,进而容易形成一系列精神障碍和身体疾病。因此,神经质成为精神病理学中一个重要的风险因素。来自自主神经系统、神经内分泌系统和脑的证据发现,高神经质个体心血管灵活性降低、HPA轴基线活动增强、EEG活动增大以及负性情绪引起的杏仁核活动增强,其中杏仁核的自上而下和自下而上通路可能是整合多方面证据的关键。进一步研究应致力于将遗传学、电生理学、生物化学、脑成像技术等相结合,构建神经质产生、形成的神经生理模型。 展开更多
关键词 神经质 自主神经系统 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴 杏仁核
Magnetogenetics: remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor 被引量:22
作者 Xiaoyang Long Jing Ye +1 位作者 Di Zhao Sheng-Jia Zhang 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第24期2107-2119,共13页
Current neuromodulation techniques such as optogenetics and deep-brain stimulation are transforming basic and translational neuroscience. These two neuro- modulation approaches are, however, invasive since surgical im... Current neuromodulation techniques such as optogenetics and deep-brain stimulation are transforming basic and translational neuroscience. These two neuro- modulation approaches are, however, invasive since surgical implantation of an optical fiber or wire electrode is required. Here, we have invented a non-invasive magnetogenetics that combines the genetic targeting of a mag- netoreceptor with remote magnetic stimulation. The noninvasive activation of neurons was achieved by neuronal expression of an exogenous magnetoreceptor, an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein 1 (Iscal). In HEK-293 cells and cultured hippocampal neurons expressing this magnetoreceptor, application of an external magnetic field resulted in membrane depolarization and calcium influx in a reproducible and reversible manner, as indicated by the ultrasensitive fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6s.Moreover, the magnetogenetic control of neuronal activity might be dependent on the direction of the magnetic field and exhibits on-response and off-response patterns for the external magnetic field applied. The activation of this magnetoreceptor can depolarize neurons and elicit trains of action potentials, which can be triggered repetitively with a remote magnetic field in whole-cell patch-clamp recording. In transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans expressing this magnetoreceptor in myo-3-specific muscle cells or mec-4- specific neurons, application of the external magnetic field triggered muscle contraction and withdrawal behavior of the worms, indicative of magnet-dependent activation of muscle cells and touch receptor neurons, respectively. The advantages of magnetogenetics over optogenetics are its exclusive non-invasive, deep penetration, long-term continuous dosing, unlimited accessibility, spatial uniformity and relative safety. Like optogenetics that has gone through decade-long improvements, magnetogenetics, with continuous modification and maturation, will reshape the current landscape of neuromodulation toolboxes and will have a broad range 展开更多
关键词 Magnetogenetics - Optogenetics Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein Magnetoreceptor Non-invasive and remote activation Neuronalactivity and circuit
Autoantibody to MOG suggests two distinct clinical subtypes of NMOSD 被引量:20
作者 Yaping Yan Yujing Li +11 位作者 Ying Fu Li Yang Lei Su Kaibin Shi Minshu Li Qiang Liu Aimee Borazanci Yaou Liu Yong He Jeffrey L Bennett Timothy L Vollmer Fu-Dong Shi 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第12期1270-1281,共12页
We characterized a unique group of patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) who carded autoantibod- ies of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Among the 125 NMOS... We characterized a unique group of patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) who carded autoantibod- ies of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and myelin-oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). Among the 125 NMOSD patients, 10 (8.0%) were AQP4- and MOG-ab double positive, and 14 (11.2%) were MOG-ab single positive. The double-positive patients had a multiphase disease course with a high annual relapse rate (P=0.0431), and severe residual disability (P〈0.0001). Of the dou- ble-positive patients, 70% had MS-like brain lesions, more severe edematous, multifocal regions on spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), pronounced decreases of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness and atrophy of optic nerves. In contrast, patients with only MOG-ab had a higher ratio of monophasic disease course and mild residual disability. Spinal cord MRI illustrated multifocal cord lesions with mild edema, and brain MRIs showed more lesions around lateral ventricles. NMOSD patients carrying both autoantibodies to AQP4 and MOG existed and exhibited combined features of prototypic NMO and relaps- ing-remitting form of MS, whereas NMOSD with antibodies to MOG only exhibited an "intermediate" phenotype between NMOSD and MS. Our study suggests that antibodies against MOG might be pathogenic in NMOSD patients and that determi- nation of anti-MOG antibodies maybe instructive for management of NMOSD patients. 展开更多
关键词 MOG antibody AQP4 antibody neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder PHENOTYPE
Disrupted structural and functional brain connectomes in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease 被引量:20
作者 Zhengjia Dai Yong He 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期217-232,共16页
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, comprising an estimated 60-80% of all dementia cases. It is clinically characterized by impairments of memory and other cognitive functions. Previous st... Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia, comprising an estimated 60-80% of all dementia cases. It is clinically characterized by impairments of memory and other cognitive functions. Previous studies have demonstrated that these impairments are associated with abnormal structural and functional connections among brain regions, leading to a disconnection concept of AD. With the advent of a combination of non-invasive neuroimaging (structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion MRI, and functional MRI) and neurophysiological techniques (electroencephalography and magnetoencephaJography) with graph theoretical analysis, recent studies have shown that patients with AD and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the prodromal stage of AD, exhibit disrupted topological organization in large-scale brain networks (i.e., connectomics) and that this disruption is significantly correlated with the decline of cognitive functions. In this review, we summarize the recent progress of brain connectomics in AD and MCI, focusing on the changes in the topological organization of large-scale structural and functional brain networks using graph theoretical approaches. Based on the two different perspectives of information segregation and integration, the literature reviewed here suggests that AD and MCI are associated with disrupted segregation and integration in brain networks. Thus, these connectomics studies open up a new window for understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms of AD and demonstrate the potential to uncover imaging biomarkers for clinical diagnosis and treatment evaluation for this disease. 展开更多
Generation of a monkey with MECP2 mutations by TALEN-based gene targeting 被引量:17
作者 Zhen Liu Xue Zhou +12 位作者 Ying Zhu Zhi-Fang Chen Bin Yu Yan Wang Chen-Chen Zhang Yan-Hong Nie Xiao Sang Yi-Jun Cai Yue-Fang Zhang Chen Zhang Wen-Hao Zhou Qiang Sun Zilong Qiu 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期381-386,共6页
Gene editing in model organisms has provided critical insights into brain development and diseases. Here, we report the generation of a cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) carrying MECP2 mutations using transcri... Gene editing in model organisms has provided critical insights into brain development and diseases. Here, we report the generation of a cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) carrying MECP2 mutations using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)-mediated gene targeting. After injecting TALENs mRNA into monkey zygotes achieved by in vitro fertilization and embryo transplantation into surrogate monkeys, we obtained one male newborn monkey with an MECP2 deletion caused by frame- shifting mutation in various tissues. The monkey carrying the MECP2 mutation failed to survive after birth, due to either the toxicity of TALENs or the critical requirement of MECP2 for neural development. The level of MeCP2 protein was essentially depleted in the monkey's brain. This study demonstrates the feasibility of introducing genetic mutations in non-human primates by site-specific gene-editing methods. 展开更多
关键词 MONKEY TALEN MECP2 Rett syndrome
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