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综合医院住院病人满意度量表研制初报 被引量:156
作者 陈平雁 Chit-Ming Wong +4 位作者 区燕萍 胡静 张超 梁丽萍 蔡湛宇 《中国医院管理》 1999年第2期15-18,共4页
为客观地以服务对象为主体评价综合医院的医疗服务质量,本研究初步研制了住院病人满意度量表(IPSO),通过预调查数据,对量表作为一种测量工具进行了较系统的科学评价,以广州市3所综合医院的900例出院病人为调查对象,采用信函调查方式,初... 为客观地以服务对象为主体评价综合医院的医疗服务质量,本研究初步研制了住院病人满意度量表(IPSO),通过预调查数据,对量表作为一种测量工具进行了较系统的科学评价,以广州市3所综合医院的900例出院病人为调查对象,采用信函调查方式,初测有效回收率为30%,再测有效回收率为47%,项目应答率为93.2%。内部一致性α信度系数颇高,为0.92;初测与再测之间无显著性差异(P=0.183),且密切相关(r=0.812,P<0.0001),重测信度满意。经因予分析,因予负荷和结构与量表内容基本吻合,支持内容效度。因素内相关性强于因素间相关性的结果,有力地支持聚集和区分效度,可以初步认为,IPSO是可信的和有效的。 展开更多
关键词 病人满意度 量表 医院管理 服务质量
饮用水消毒副产物:化学特征与毒性 被引量:130
作者 赵玉丽 李杏放 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期20-33,共14页
饮用水消毒过程中消毒剂与天然有机物(NOMs)反应生成消毒副产物(DBPs).本文针对氯、氯胺、二氧化氯、臭氧4种主要消毒方式产生的消毒副产物,综述了10类DBPs的化学特性、毒性和分析方法.具体包括:三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、溴酸盐(B... 饮用水消毒过程中消毒剂与天然有机物(NOMs)反应生成消毒副产物(DBPs).本文针对氯、氯胺、二氧化氯、臭氧4种主要消毒方式产生的消毒副产物,综述了10类DBPs的化学特性、毒性和分析方法.具体包括:三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、溴酸盐(BrO3-)、亚氯酸盐(ClO2-)、卤乙腈(HANs)、致诱变化合物(MX)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)、碘代酸(IAs)、亚硝胺(NMs)以及卤代对苯醌(HBQs). 展开更多
关键词 饮用水 消毒副产物 化学特征 毒性
老龄化如何影响科技创新 被引量:119
作者 姚东旻 宁静 韦诗言 《世界经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期105-128,共24页
本文通过对已有文献的分析,提出老龄化通过影响人力资本积累来影响科技创新产出的猜想,并基于2003-2012年的中国省际面板数据,采用动态面板模型和系统GMM方法,考察了老龄化对人力资本积累以及科技创新的影响。计量结果表明,老龄化对科... 本文通过对已有文献的分析,提出老龄化通过影响人力资本积累来影响科技创新产出的猜想,并基于2003-2012年的中国省际面板数据,采用动态面板模型和系统GMM方法,考察了老龄化对人力资本积累以及科技创新的影响。计量结果表明,老龄化对科技创新水平有显著的负效应,而且老龄化对人力资本积累有显著的负影响,验证了老龄化通过人力资本积累来影响科技创新水平这一猜想。进一步分析不同经济水平下老龄化对创新的异质性影响及对不同类型科技创新的影响差异后发现,相比于经济发展水平低的地方,经济发展水平高的地方老龄化对于创新的影响更加显著;并且,老龄化对不同类型科技创新的影响不同,其对发明专利申请授权和外观设计专利申请授权影响显著。 展开更多
关键词 人口老龄化 科技创新 人力资本
基于模态柔度曲率的损伤检测方法 被引量:73
作者 曹晖 Michael I.Friswell 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期33-38,共6页
由于模态柔度对结构损伤的高灵敏性,各种基于模态柔度的检测指标在结构无损探伤NDE(Nondestructive Damage Evaluation)中应用较多,如模态柔度差、模态柔度改变率和均匀荷载面曲率差等。这些指标经应用验证都具有一定的有效性。在此基础... 由于模态柔度对结构损伤的高灵敏性,各种基于模态柔度的检测指标在结构无损探伤NDE(Nondestructive Damage Evaluation)中应用较多,如模态柔度差、模态柔度改变率和均匀荷载面曲率差等。这些指标经应用验证都具有一定的有效性。在此基础上,采用模态柔度曲率的改变构建一种新的指标,称为模态柔度曲率差(MFC)。尽管均匀荷载面曲率差也采用曲率,但不同的是它先将模态柔度矩阵按行加起来,再求损伤前后的曲率差。而提出的模态柔度曲率差则按列计算损伤前后模态柔度矩阵的曲率差,然后挑选每列里面最大的值作为指标。采用一个简支梁和一个四跨连续梁为算例,考虑各种损伤情况,将该指标与模态柔度差、模态柔度改变率和均匀荷载面曲率差、以及振型曲率改变率等指标进行了比较,证明了模态柔度曲率差检测损伤的有效性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 无损探伤 模态柔度 振型曲率 模态柔度曲率差
代谢组学:一个迅速发展的新兴学科(英文) 被引量:86
作者 唐惠儒 王玉兰 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期401-417,共17页
对代谢组学的含义,中心任务,研究方法,样品要求,应用及其发展方向进行了简要综述. 系统生物学概念的诞生标志着研究哲学由“还原论”向“整体论”的变化. 系统生物学的中心任务就是要针对生物系统整体 (无论它是生物细胞,多细胞组织,器... 对代谢组学的含义,中心任务,研究方法,样品要求,应用及其发展方向进行了简要综述. 系统生物学概念的诞生标志着研究哲学由“还原论”向“整体论”的变化. 系统生物学的中心任务就是要针对生物系统整体 (无论它是生物细胞,多细胞组织,器官还是生物整体),建立定量,普适,整体和可预测 (QUIP) 的认知. 具体而言,系统生物学研究就是要将给定生物系统的基因,转录,蛋白质和代谢水平所发生的事件,相关性及其对所涉及生物过程的意义进行整体性认识. 从而出现了许多的“组”和“组学”的新概念. 但是现已提出的一百多个“组”和“组学”,可以大体归纳为“基因组”/“基因组学”,“转录组”/“转录组学”,“蛋白质组”/“蛋白质组学”和“代谢组”/“代谢组学”四个方面. 显而易见,DNA,mRNA 以及蛋白质的存在为生物过程的发生提供了物质基础 (但这个过程有可能不发生!),而代谢物质所反映的是已经发生了的生物学事件. 因此代谢组学是对一个生物系统进行全面认识的不可缺少的一部分,是全局系统生物学 (global systems biology) 的重要基础,也是系统生物学的一个重要组成部分. 在现有的英文表述中,代谢组学同时存在两个不同的词汇和概念,即metabonomics 和 metabolomics. 尽管前者多用在动物系统而后者多用于植物和微生物系统,但这些概念的本质从他们的定义中能够得到较细致的了解. Metabonomics 的最初定义是就生物系统对生理和病理刺激以及基因改变的代谢应答的定量测定(“the quantitative measurement of the multi-parametric metabolic response of living systems to pathophysiological stimuli or geneticmodifications”). 我们认为这个定义现在可以更广泛地表述为:代谢组学是关于定量描述生物内源性代谢物质的整体及其对内因和外因变化应答规律的科学 (“Metabonomics is the branch of s 展开更多
关键词 代谢组学 核磁共振 代谢物 系统生物学
桥面用丁苯乳液改性水泥砂浆的力学性能 被引量:65
作者 王培铭 许绮 J.Stark 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2001年第1期1-6,共6页
用德国标准和规范研究了丁苯乳液D6 2 3对桥面用水泥砂浆力学性能的改性效果 .丁苯乳液D6 2 3对砂浆有良好的减水作用 ,对提高抗折强度和粘结抗拉强度也有显著作用 ,并可大幅度降低压折比、提高折弹比 .综合抗压强度、抗折强度、抗拉粘... 用德国标准和规范研究了丁苯乳液D6 2 3对桥面用水泥砂浆力学性能的改性效果 .丁苯乳液D6 2 3对砂浆有良好的减水作用 ,对提高抗折强度和粘结抗拉强度也有显著作用 ,并可大幅度降低压折比、提高折弹比 .综合抗压强度、抗折强度、抗拉粘结强度和弹性模量等力学性能 ,桥面用改性砂浆的聚合物D6 2 3掺量范围为 1 0 .0 %~ 1 7.5 % . 展开更多
关键词 桥面 聚合物 力学性能 水泥砂浆 丁苯乳液
Spatiotemporal variations of PM_(2.5) and PM_(10) concentrations between31 Chinese cities and their relationships with SO_2,NO_2,CO and O_3 被引量:60
作者 Yangyang Xie Bin Zhao +1 位作者 Lin Zhang Rong Luo 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期141-149,共9页
The variations of mass concentrations of PM2.5, PMl0, SO2, NO2, CO, and 03 in 31 Chinese provincial capital cities were analyzed based on data from 286 monitoring sites obtained between March 22, 2013 and March 31,201... The variations of mass concentrations of PM2.5, PMl0, SO2, NO2, CO, and 03 in 31 Chinese provincial capital cities were analyzed based on data from 286 monitoring sites obtained between March 22, 2013 and March 31,2014. By comparing the pollutant concentrations over this length of time, the characteristics of the monthly variations of mass concentrations of air pollutants were determined. We used the Pearson correlation coefficient to establish the relationship between PM2.5, PM10, and the gas pollutants. The results revealed significant differences in the concentration levels of air pollutants and in the variations between the different cities. The Pearson correlation coefficients between PMs and NO2 and SO2 were either high or moderate (PM2.s with NO2: r = 0.256-0.688, mean r = 0,498:PM10 with NO2: r = 0.169-0.713, mean r=0.493; PM2.5 with SO2: r=0.232-0.693, mean r=0.449; PM10 with SO2: r=0.131-0.669, mean r = 0.403). The correlation between PMs and CO was diverse (PM2.5: r = 0.156-0.721, mean r = 0.437; PMl0: r= 0.06-0.67, mean r= 0.380). The correlation between PMs and 03 was either weak or uncorrelated (PM2.s: r= -0,35 to 0.089, mean r= -0.164; PM10: r= -0.279 to 0.078, mean r= -0.127), except in Haikou (PM2.5: r=0.500; PM10: r=0,509). 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5PM40 Atmospheric air pollutantIndoor environmentOutdoor environment
3D bioactive composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 被引量:56
作者 Gareth Turnbull Jon Clarke +5 位作者 Frederic Picard Philip Riches Luanluan Jia Fengxuan Han Bin Li Wenmiao Shu 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE 2018年第3期278-314,共37页
Bone is the second most commonly transplanted tissue worldwide,with over four million operations using bone grafts or bone substitute materials annually to treat bone defects.However,significant limitations affect cur... Bone is the second most commonly transplanted tissue worldwide,with over four million operations using bone grafts or bone substitute materials annually to treat bone defects.However,significant limitations affect current treatment options and clinical demand for bone grafts continues to rise due to conditions such as trauma,cancer,infection and arthritis.Developing bioactive three-dimensional(3D)scaffolds to support bone regeneration has therefore become a key area of focus within bone tissue engineering(BTE).A variety of materials and manufacturing methods including 3D printing have been used to create novel alternatives to traditional bone grafts.However,individual groups of materials including polymers,ceramics and hydrogels have been unable to fully replicate the properties of bone when used alone.Favourable material properties can be combined and bioactivity improved when groups of materials are used together in composite 3D scaffolds.This review will therefore consider the ideal properties of bioactive composite 3D scaffolds and examine recent use of polymers,hydrogels,metals,ceramics and bio-glasses in BTE.Scaffold fabrication methodology,mechanical performance,biocompatibility,bioactivity,and potential clinical translations will be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Bioactive composites 3D scaffold 3D printing BIOPRINTING BONE Tissue engineering
The economic burden of influenza-associated outpatient visits and hospitalizations in China: a retrospective survey 被引量:51
作者 Juan Yang Mark Jit +6 位作者 Kathy S.Leung Ya-ming Zheng Lu-zhao Feng Li-ping Wang Eric H.Y.Lau Joseph T.Wu Hong-jie Yu 《Infectious Diseases of Poverty》 SCIE 2015年第1期371-381,共11页
Background:The seasonal influenza vaccine coverage rate in China is only 1.9%.There is no information available on the economic burden of influenza-associated outpatient visits and hospitalizations at the national lev... Background:The seasonal influenza vaccine coverage rate in China is only 1.9%.There is no information available on the economic burden of influenza-associated outpatient visits and hospitalizations at the national level,even though this kind of information is important for informing national-level immunization policy decision-making.Methods:A retrospective telephone survey was conducted in 2013/14 to estimate the direct and indirect costs of seasonal influenza-associated outpatient visits and hospitalizations from a societal perspective.Study participants were laboratory-confirmed cases registered in the National Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network and Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Sentinel Surveillance Network in China in 2013.Patient-reported costs from the survey were validated by a review of hospital accounts for a small sample of the inpatients.Results:The study enrolled 529 outpatients(median age:eight years;interquartile range[IQR]:five to 20 years)and 254 inpatients(median age:four years;IQR:two to seven years).Among the outpatients,22.1%(117/529)had underlying diseases and among the inpatients,52.8%(134/254)had underlying diseases.The average total costs related to influenza-associated outpatient visits and inpatient visits were US$155(standard deviation,SD US$122)and US$1,511(SD US$1,465),respectively.Direct medical costs accounted for 45 and 69%of the total costs related to influenza-associated outpatient and inpatient visits,respectively.For influenza outpatients,the mean cost per episode in children aged below five years(US$196)was higher than that in other age groups(US$129–153).For influenza inpatients,the mean cost per episode in adults aged over 60 years(US$2,735)was much higher than that in those aged below 60 years(US$1,417–1,621).Patients with underlying medical conditions had higher costs per episode than patients without underlying medical conditions(outpatients:US$186 vs.US$146;inpatients:US$1,800 vs.US$1,189).In the baseline analysis,inpatients reported costs were 18%high 展开更多
关键词 INFLUENZA Cost analysis China
The Association of Overweight and Obesity with Blood Pressure among Chinese Children and Adolescents 被引量:48
作者 DONG Bin MA Jun +1 位作者 WANG Hai Jun WANG Zhi Qiang 《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期437-444,共8页
Objective To examine the association between obesity and high blood pressure (BP) in Chinese children and adolescents. Methods Body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure measurements of 197 191 children aged 7-17 ye... Objective To examine the association between obesity and high blood pressure (BP) in Chinese children and adolescents. Methods Body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure measurements of 197 191 children aged 7-17 years were obtained from a Chinese national survey in 2010. Obesity and high BP were defined according to the reference values for Chinese children. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of different BMI categories for high BP, as well as the population attributable risk percent (PAR%), were also calculated. Results The prevalence of high BP was 16.1% for boys and 12.9% for girls in 2010. Overweight and obese children had a significantly higher prevalence of high BP than non-overweight children in both boys and girls in each age group. ORs (95% CI) for high BP were 4.1 (3.9, 4.4) in obese boys and 4.0 (3.7, 4.3) in obese girls. The overall PAR% for high BP due to overweight and obesity was 14.4%. Conclusion Overweight and obese children have a significantly higher risk of high BP than non-overweight children. Eliminating overweight and obesity could reduce 14.4% of high BP cases. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Adolescents High blood pressure OBESITY
Prediction of shield tunneling-induced ground settlement using machine learning techniques 被引量:42
作者 Renpeng CHEN Pin ZHANG +2 位作者 Huaina WU Zhiteng WANG Zhiquan ZHONG 《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第6期1363-1378,共16页
Predicting the tunneling-induced maximum ground surface settlement is a complex problem since the settlement depends on plenty of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.This study investigates the efficiency and feasibility ... Predicting the tunneling-induced maximum ground surface settlement is a complex problem since the settlement depends on plenty of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.This study investigates the efficiency and feasibility of six machine learning(ML)algorithms,namely,back-propagation neural network,wavelet neural network,general regression neural network(GRNN),extreme learning machine,support vector machine and random forest(RF),to predict tunneling?induced settlement.Field data sets including geological conditions,shield operational parameters,and tunnel geometry collected from four sections of tunnel with a total of 3.93 km are used to build models.Three indicators,mean absolute error,root mean absolute error,and coefficient of determination the(7?2)are used to demonstrate the performance of each computational model.The results indicated that ML algorithms have great potential to predict tunneling-induced settlement,compared with the traditional multivariate linear regression method.GRNN and RF algorithms show the best performance among six ML algorithms,which accurately recognize the evolution of tunneling-induced settlement.The correlation between the input variables and settlement is also investigated by Pearson correlation coefficient. 展开更多
Biomass gasification technology:The state of the art overview 被引量:41
作者 Antonio Molino Simeone Chianese Dino Musmarra 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期10-25,共16页
In the last decades the interest in the biomass gasification process has increased due to the growing attention to the use of sustainable energy. Biomass is a renewable energy source and represents a valid alternative... In the last decades the interest in the biomass gasification process has increased due to the growing attention to the use of sustainable energy. Biomass is a renewable energy source and represents a valid alternative to fossil fuels. Gasification is the thermochemical conversion of an organic material into a valuable gaseous product, called syngas, and a solid product, called char. The biomass gasification represents an efficient process for the production of power and heat and the production of hydrogen and second-generation biofuels.This paper deals with the state of the art biomass gasification technologies, evaluating advantages and disadvantages, the potential use of the syngas and the application of the biomass gasification. Syngas cleaning though fundamental to evaluate any gasification technology is not included in this paper since; in the authors' opinion, a dedicated review is necessary. 展开更多
关键词 GASIFICATION BIOMASS SYNGAS Gasification technology Biofuel Power and heat generation
Experimental study on the moving characteristics of fine grains in wide grading unconsolidated soil under heavy rainfall 被引量:35
作者 CUI Yi-fei ZHOU Xiao-jun GUO Chao-xu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期417-431,共15页
The initiation mechanism of debris flow is regarded as the key step in understanding the debrisflow processes of occurrence, development and damage. Moreover, migration, accumulation and blocking effects of fine parti... The initiation mechanism of debris flow is regarded as the key step in understanding the debrisflow processes of occurrence, development and damage. Moreover, migration, accumulation and blocking effects of fine particles in soil will lead to soil failure and then develop into debris flow. Based on this hypothesis and considering the three factors of slope gradient, rainfall duration and rainfall intensity, 16 flume experiments were designed using the method of orthogonal design and completed in a laboratory. Particle composition changes in slope toe, volumetric water content, fine particle movement characteristics and soil failure mechanism were analyzed and understood as follows: the soil has complex, random and unstable structures, which causes remarkable pore characteristics of poor connectivity, non-uniformity and easy variation. The major factors that influence fine particle migration are rainfall intensity and slope. Rainfall intensity dominates particle movement, whereby high intensity rainfall induces a large number of mass movement and sharp fluctuation, causing more fine particles to accumulate at the steep slope toe. The slope toe plays an important role in water collection and fine particleaccumulation. Both fine particle migration and coarse particle movement appears similar fluctuation. Fine particle migration is interrupted in unconnected pores, causing pore blockage and fine particle accumulation, which then leads to the formation of a weak layer and further soil failure or collapses. Fine particle movement also causes debris flow formation in two ways: movement on the soil surface and migration inside the soil. The results verify the hypothesis that the function of fine particle migration in soil failure process is conducive for further understanding the formation mechanism of soil failure and debris flow initiation. 展开更多
关键词 Wide grading unconsolidated soil Fine particle migration Soil failure LANDSLIDE Debris flow initiation Flume test Heavy rainfall
Recent studies on mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete in China-A review 被引量:36
作者 XIAO JianZhuang LI WenGui POON ChiSun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1463-1480,共18页
Numerous experimental and theoretical studies on recycled aggregate concrete have been carried out in China in the past 10 years.This paper provides a comprehensive review of the related findings of research on the me... Numerous experimental and theoretical studies on recycled aggregate concrete have been carried out in China in the past 10 years.This paper provides a comprehensive review of the related findings of research on the mechanical properties of RAC in China.The influences of the RCA on the strength and deformation characteristics of concrete,the statistical characteristics for the strength of RAC,fracture energy,stress-strain relationships under uniaxial compression,uniaxial tension as well as pure shear,and the residual strength of RAC after exposure to high temperatures,the bond between RAC and different kinds of steel rebar were also reviewed.Furthermore,some recent studies on the numerical simulation of the failure mechanism for RAC at the meso-structure level were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 construction and demolition (C&D) wastes recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) me-chanical property test numerical simulation
Seismic response of underground utility tunnels: shaking table testing and FEM analysis 被引量:36
作者 Jiang Luzhen Chen Jun Li Jie 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第4期555-567,共13页
Underground utility tunnels are widely used in urban areas throughout the world for lifeline networks due to their easy maintenance and environmental protection capabilities. However, knowledge about their seismic per... Underground utility tunnels are widely used in urban areas throughout the world for lifeline networks due to their easy maintenance and environmental protection capabilities. However, knowledge about their seismic performance is still quite limited and seismic design procedures are not included in current design codes. This paper describes a series of shaking table tests the authors performed on a scaled utility tunnel model to explore its performance under earthquake excitation. Details of the experimental setup are first presented focusing on aspects such as the design of the soil container, scaled structural model, sensor array arrangement and test procedure. The main observations from the test program, including structural response, soil response, soil-structure interaction and earth pressure, are summarized and discussed. Further, a finite element model (FEM) of the test utility tunnel is established where the nonlinear soil properties are modeled by the Drucker- Prager constitutive model; the master-slave surface mechanism is employed to simulate the soil-structure dynamic interaction; and the confining effect of the laminar shear box to soil is considered by proper boundary modeling. The results from the numerical model are compared with experiment measurements in terms of displacement, acceleration and amplification factor of the structural model and the soil. The comparison shows that the numerical results match the experimental measurements quite well. The validated numerical model can be adopted for further analysis. 展开更多
关键词 lifeline system utility tunnel shaking table test finite element method soil-structure interaction
带限位装置的摩擦隔震结构动力特性及地震反应分析 被引量:28
作者 樊剑 唐家祥 WANG Yayong 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期20-25,共6页
提出了一种新型基础隔震模型,即带限位装置的摩擦隔震体系 (S- LF);基于此隔震模型,利用 Poincare映射法研究地面谐运动下 S- LF结构的运动特征;并利用高精度的精细时程积分法,通过对地震作用下 S- LF动力响应的计算,绘制了上部... 提出了一种新型基础隔震模型,即带限位装置的摩擦隔震体系 (S- LF);基于此隔震模型,利用 Poincare映射法研究地面谐运动下 S- LF结构的运动特征;并利用高精度的精细时程积分法,通过对地震作用下 S- LF动力响应的计算,绘制了上部结构最大加速度反应谱和基底最大滑移量反应谱,并研究了各种结构参数对隔震的影响;通过与恢复力摩擦隔震系统 (R- FBI)和纯摩擦力滑移隔震系统 (P- F)的比较表明, S- LF的隔震性能优于 P- F和 R- FBI;最后通过对计算实例的分析发现,地震作用下 S- LF结构的层间最大剪力和最大绝对加速度反应分布较一般传统结构有很大区别。 展开更多
关键词 基础隔震 摩擦力 限位装置 地震响应 隔震结构
Comparing Ordinary Kriging and Regression Kriging for Soil Properties in Contrasting Landscapes 被引量:35
作者 Q.ZHU H.S.LIN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期594-606,共13页
The accuracy between ordinary kriging and regression kriging was compared based on the combined consideration of sample size,spatial structure,and auxiliary variables(terrain indices and electromagnetic induction surv... The accuracy between ordinary kriging and regression kriging was compared based on the combined consideration of sample size,spatial structure,and auxiliary variables(terrain indices and electromagnetic induction surveys) for a variety of soil properties in two contrasting landscapes(agricultural vs.forested).When spatial structure could not be well captured by point-based observations(e.g.,when the ratio of sample spacing over correlation range was > 0.5),or when a strong relationship existed between target soil properties and auxiliary variables(e.g.,their R2 was > 0.6),regression kriging(RK) was more accurate for interpolating soil properties in both landscapes studied.Otherwise,ordinary kriging(OK) was better.Soil depth and wetness condition did not appear to affect the selection of kriging for soil moisture interpolation,because they did not significantly change the ratio of sample spacing over correlation range and the relationship with the auxiliary variables.Because of a smaller ratio of elevation change over total study area(E/A = 1.2) and multiple parent materials in the agricultural land,OK was generally more accurate in that landscape.In contrast,a larger E/A ratio of 6.8 and a single parent material led to RK being preferable in the steep-sloped forested catchment.The results from this study can be useful for selecting kriging for various soil properties and landscapes. 展开更多
关键词 GEOSTATISTICS soil moisture spatial interpolation spatial structure
Diverse Functional Roles of Monosaccharide Transporters and their Homologs in Vascular Plants: A Physiological Perspective 被引量:34
作者 Thomas L. Slewinski 《Molecular Plant》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期641-662,共22页
Vascular plants contain two gene families that encode monosaccharide transporter proteins. The classical monosaccharide transporter(-like) gene superfamily is large and functionally diverse, while the recently ident... Vascular plants contain two gene families that encode monosaccharide transporter proteins. The classical monosaccharide transporter(-like) gene superfamily is large and functionally diverse, while the recently identified SWEET transporter family is smaller and, thus far, only found to transport glucose. These transporters play essential roles at many levels, ranging from organelles to the whole plant. Many family members are essential for cellular homeostasis and reproductive success. Although most transporters do not directly participate in long-distance transport, their indirect roles greatly impact carbon allocation and transport flux to the heterotrophic tissues of the plant. Functional characterization of some members from both gene families has revealed their diverse roles in carbohydrate partitioning, phloem function, resource allocation, plant defense, and sugar signaling. This review highlights the broad impacts and implications of monosaccharide transport by describing some of the functional roles of the monosaccharide transporter(-like) superfamily and the SWEET transporter family. 展开更多
关键词 Monosaccharide transporters sugar transport membrane transport HEXOSES sugar alcohols carbohydrate partitioning.
Nutritional and medicinal characteristics of Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) for applications in healthcare industry by artificial cultivation: A review 被引量:34
作者 Dong He Wenming Zhu +8 位作者 Wen Zenga Jun Lin Yang Ji Yi Wang Chong Zhang Yuan Lu Daoquan Zhao Nan Su Xin-Hui Xing 《Food Science and Human Wellness》 SCIE 2018年第1期1-10,共10页
Andrias davidianus,i.e.Chinese giant salamander(CGS),is one of the largest and oldest amphibians existing in the world and is also one of the valuable biological resources of China.Wild CGS has been threatened with ex... Andrias davidianus,i.e.Chinese giant salamander(CGS),is one of the largest and oldest amphibians existing in the world and is also one of the valuable biological resources of China.Wild CGS has been threatened with extinction in the past decades due to over capturing,deterioration of natural environment,the slow breeding and growth of the wild species in nature.However,in the past twenty years,with the breakthrough and progress of artificial breeding technology by artificial insemination,the number of artificially cultivated CGS has increased rapidly.Artificially cultivated CGS can either be released to the CGS living environment to increase the population in nature or legally applied in food and medicinal industry as a feedstock due to the unique nutritional and medicinal values of CGS as recorded historically.In this review,the nutritional components,bioactive components and medicinal activities of the artificially cultivated CGS will be summarized.The mucus,skin,meat and bone of CGS contain many different bioactive substances thereby having various medicinal activities including anti-aging,anti-fatigue,anti-tumor,therapy of burn and anti-infection and other physiological functions.This paper will further discuss the potential applications of the artificially cultivated CGS in healthcare industry and prospects of future technological development. 展开更多
关键词 Andrias davidianus Artificial breeding Chinese giant salamander Functional foods Medicinal activity Natural resource protection Nutrition
Alcoholic liver disease:Utility of animal models 被引量:34
作者 Arantza Lamas-Paz Fengjie Hao +6 位作者 Leonard J Nelson Maria Teresa Vázquez Santiago Canals Manuel Gómez del Moral Eduardo Martínez-Naves Yulia A Nevzorova Francisco Javier Cubero 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第45期5063-5075,共13页
Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) is a major cause of acute and chronic liver injury. Extensive evidence has been accumulated on the pathological process of ALD during the past decades. However, effective treatment options... Alcoholic liver disease(ALD) is a major cause of acute and chronic liver injury. Extensive evidence has been accumulated on the pathological process of ALD during the past decades. However, effective treatment options for ALD are very limited due to the lack of suitable in vivo models that recapitulate the full spectrum of ALD. Experimental animal models of ALD, particularly rodents, have been used extensively to mimic human ALD. An ideal animal model should recapitulate all aspects of the ALD process, including significant steatosis, hepatic neutrophil infiltration, and liver injury. A better strategy against ALD depends on clear diagnostic biomarkers, accurate predictor(s) of its progression and new therapeutic approaches to modulate stop or even reverse the disease. Numerous models employing rodent animals have been established in the last decades to investigate the effects of acute and chronic alcohol exposure on the initiation and progression of ALD. Although significant progress has been made in gaining better knowledge on the mechanisms and pathology of ALD, many features of ALD are unknown, and require further investigation, ideally with improved animal models that more effectively mimic human ALD. Although differences in the degree and stages of alcoholic liver injury inevitably exist between animal models and human ALD, the acquisition and translational relevance will be greatly enhanced with the development of new and improved animal models of ALD. 展开更多
关键词 STEATOHEPATITIS CIRRHOSIS HEPATOCELLULAR carcinoma ALCOHOLIC liver disease Reactive oxygen species
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