全膜双垄沟播是黄土高原旱作玉米主要生产技术,但此技术的土壤耕作主要依赖传统耕作和旋耕,在形成犁底层的同时造成耕层变浅,影响玉米生长、产量形成以及土壤健康。本文以打破犁底层、改善土壤结构、提高黄土高原旱地玉米(Zea may L....全膜双垄沟播是黄土高原旱作玉米主要生产技术,但此技术的土壤耕作主要依赖传统耕作和旋耕,在形成犁底层的同时造成耕层变浅,影响玉米生长、产量形成以及土壤健康。本文以打破犁底层、改善土壤结构、提高黄土高原旱地玉米(Zea may L.)产量和有限降水资源利用效率为目标,布设大田定位试验,比较研究了深松耕、免耕、旋耕和传统耕作对旱地全膜双垄沟播玉米土壤水分、温度、土壤容重、产量以及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:全膜双垄覆盖条件下,深松耕和免耕较旋耕和传统翻耕能有效增加0~30 cm土壤贮水量,其0~30 cm土层土壤含水量较翻耕、旋耕分别增加50.0%、43.7%和14.8%、10.3%;深松耕能有效降低5~30cm土层土壤容重,其5~10 cm和10~30 cm土层土壤容重,深松耕较传统耕作分别降低10.9%和12.9%,随着土层的加深,深松耕、免耕的土壤容重呈降低趋势,旋耕和传统翻耕呈增大趋势;深松耕在苗期、拔节—抽雄期较传统翻耕分别具有明显的增温和降温作用,有利于玉米生长和产量提高;2个平水年,深松耕处理的玉米生物产量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率分别较传统翻耕增加6.1%~5.6%、18.6%~28.8%和28.1%~32.9%,具有明显的增产和提高水分利用效率的作用。因此,在黄土高原半干旱区同等降雨条件下,深松耕能有效增加全膜双垄沟播玉米的土壤贮水量,改善土壤结构,协调水温关系,有利于增产和提高水分利用效率,是全膜双垄沟播玉米一项理想的土壤耕作方法。展开更多
目的】探讨长期定位施磷条件下小麦产量、土壤有效磷水平及籽粒养分含量变化,为旱地小麦合理施用磷肥,提高产量、改善品质提供理论依据。【方法】基于2004年在黄土高原开始的长期定位试验,于2014—2015、2015—2016和2016—2017连续3年...目的】探讨长期定位施磷条件下小麦产量、土壤有效磷水平及籽粒养分含量变化,为旱地小麦合理施用磷肥,提高产量、改善品质提供理论依据。【方法】基于2004年在黄土高原开始的长期定位试验,于2014—2015、2015—2016和2016—2017连续3年取样,研究不同施磷量对小麦产量,生物量,产量构成,籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,土壤有效磷含量及磷吸收利用的影响。【结果】与不施磷相比,长期施磷使小麦产量平均提高67%,生物量提高58%,穗数和穗粒数分别增加64%和8%,而千粒重降低7%。施磷量与小麦产量、生物量呈抛物线关系,获得最高产量6 465 kg·hm^(-2)的施磷量为144 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2)。籽粒氮含量随施磷量增加而降低,磷和钾含量随施磷量增加而提高。土壤有效磷含量与施磷量呈显著正相关,小麦获得最高产量时播前和成熟期有效磷含量分别为16.9和20.4 mg·kg^(-1)。磷吸收利用效率随施磷量增加而降低,施磷量提高50 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2),需磷量增加0.4 g·kg^(-1),磷收获指数降低1.3%,生理效率降低45.1 kg·kg^(-1)。【结论】综合考虑小麦的籽粒产量和关键养分含量,研究区域旱地小麦应以95%的最高产量为实际生产目标,施磷量为94 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2),播前土壤有效磷为12.0 mg·kg^(-1),成熟期为13.8 mg·kg^(-1)。展开更多
The alpine meadow is widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau with an area of about 1.2×106km2. Damxung County, located in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, is the place covered with this typical vegetation...The alpine meadow is widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau with an area of about 1.2×106km2. Damxung County, located in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, is the place covered with this typical vegetation. An open-path eddy covariance system was set up in Damxung rangeland station to measure the carbon flux of alpine meadow from July to October, 2003. The continuous carbon flux data were used to analyze the relationship between net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as the seasonal patterns of apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum ecosystem assimilation (Pmax). Results showed that the daytime NEE fitted fairly well with the PAR in a rectangular hyperbola function, with α declining in the order of peak growth period (0.0244 μmolCO2 · μmol-1PAR) > early growth period > seed maturing period > withering period (0.0098 μmolCO2 · μmol-1PAR). The Pmax did not change greatly during the first three periods, with an average of 0.433 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1,i.e. 9.829 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. However, during the withering period, Pmax was only 0.35 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1, i.e. 7.945 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. Compared with other grassland ecosystems, the α of the Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow ecosystem was much lower.展开更多
【目的】以紧凑型玉米品种先玉335为供试作物,研究地膜覆盖、施氮量、种植密度及其互作对春玉米氮素吸收转运及利用效率的影响,以期为黄土高原半干旱区春玉米高产高效栽培提供理论依据。【方法】2013—2014年春玉米生长季,设置覆盖方式...【目的】以紧凑型玉米品种先玉335为供试作物,研究地膜覆盖、施氮量、种植密度及其互作对春玉米氮素吸收转运及利用效率的影响,以期为黄土高原半干旱区春玉米高产高效栽培提供理论依据。【方法】2013—2014年春玉米生长季,设置覆盖方式(覆膜和不覆膜)、施氮量(2013年为0、170、200和230 kg N·hm^(-2),2014年为0、170、225和280 kg N·hm^(-2))和种植密度(5.0×10~4、6.5×10~4和8.0×10~4株/hm^2)3个因子,分析不同处理的氮素累积与转运、产量及氮肥生产效率。【结果】地膜覆盖显著增加了玉米吐丝前氮素累积量,促进了吐丝后氮素累积和吐丝前累积氮素的再转移,从而显著提高了籽粒氮素累积量和籽粒产量。覆盖方式与氮肥或密度互作显著影响春玉米氮素吸收、累积和转移。地膜覆盖条件下更多的氮肥(200—230 kg N·hm^(-2))或更高的密度(6.5×10~4—8.0×10~4株/hm^2)投入能有效促进吐丝前储存更多的氮素向籽粒转运,提高吐丝后期氮同化量及其对籽粒的贡献率,从而提高了籽粒氮素累积量;而不覆盖条件下当施氮量超过170 kg N·hm^(-2)或密度超过5.0×104株/hm^2时,吐丝后氮同化量及其对籽粒的贡献显著减少,从而导致吐丝前氮素储备的增加未能有效增加籽粒氮素累积。氮肥与密度互作显著影响氮素累积、吸收和转移。氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)和氮素收获指数(NHI)与吐丝前氮素累积量、氮素转移量、吐丝后氮素累积量及籽粒产量呈正相关,达到了显著水平。从春玉米氮素累积、转移及与产量和氮肥偏生产力关系看,全膜双垄沟播种植技术的合理施氮量为200—230 kg N·hm^(-2)、密度为8.0×10~4株/hm^2,其产量可达13.7—14.6 t·hm^(-2),PFPN可达64.8—68.7 kg·kg^(-1)。【结论】地膜覆盖与适宜的施氮量和种植密度相结合的综合管理实践,有利于促进灌浆期营养器官储存氮向籽粒转移和吐丝后氮同化的协同�展开更多
Based on data from 148 hydrometric stations in the Yellow River Basin, an analysis of regional scale relationship, or the relationship between specific sediment yield and drainage basin area, has been undertaken in th...Based on data from 148 hydrometric stations in the Yellow River Basin, an analysis of regional scale relationship, or the relationship between specific sediment yield and drainage basin area, has been undertaken in the study area of the Loess Plateau. For different regions, scale relationship in log-log ordinate can be fitted by two types of lines: straight and parabola, and for each line, a function was fitted using regression analysis. The different scale relationships have been explained in terms of the difference in surface material distribution and landforms. To offset the scale-induced influence, calcu-lation has been done based on the fitted functions, in order to adjust the data of specific sediment yield to a common standard area. Based on the scaled data, a map of specific sediment yield was con-structed using Kriging interpolation. For comparison, a map based on the un-scaled data of specific sediment yield was also constructed using the same method. The two maps show that the basic pattern of specific sediment yield was basically the same. The severely eroded areas (Ys >10000 t km-2a-1) were at the same locations from Hekouzhen to Longmen in the middle Yellow River Basin. However, after the adjustment to a common standard area, the very severely eroded area (Ys >20000 t km-2a-1) became much enlarged because after the adjustment, all the values of Ys in the lower river basin in those regions became much larger than before.展开更多
文摘目的】探讨长期定位施磷条件下小麦产量、土壤有效磷水平及籽粒养分含量变化,为旱地小麦合理施用磷肥,提高产量、改善品质提供理论依据。【方法】基于2004年在黄土高原开始的长期定位试验,于2014—2015、2015—2016和2016—2017连续3年取样,研究不同施磷量对小麦产量,生物量,产量构成,籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,土壤有效磷含量及磷吸收利用的影响。【结果】与不施磷相比,长期施磷使小麦产量平均提高67%,生物量提高58%,穗数和穗粒数分别增加64%和8%,而千粒重降低7%。施磷量与小麦产量、生物量呈抛物线关系,获得最高产量6 465 kg·hm^(-2)的施磷量为144 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2)。籽粒氮含量随施磷量增加而降低,磷和钾含量随施磷量增加而提高。土壤有效磷含量与施磷量呈显著正相关,小麦获得最高产量时播前和成熟期有效磷含量分别为16.9和20.4 mg·kg^(-1)。磷吸收利用效率随施磷量增加而降低,施磷量提高50 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2),需磷量增加0.4 g·kg^(-1),磷收获指数降低1.3%,生理效率降低45.1 kg·kg^(-1)。【结论】综合考虑小麦的籽粒产量和关键养分含量,研究区域旱地小麦应以95%的最高产量为实际生产目标,施磷量为94 kg P_2O_5·hm^(-2),播前土壤有效磷为12.0 mg·kg^(-1),成熟期为13.8 mg·kg^(-1)。
基金This work was jointly supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(Grant No.2002CB412501)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.30170153 and 30470280)the Key Innovation Project of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS(Grant No.CXIOG-E01-03-03).
文摘The alpine meadow is widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau with an area of about 1.2×106km2. Damxung County, located in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, is the place covered with this typical vegetation. An open-path eddy covariance system was set up in Damxung rangeland station to measure the carbon flux of alpine meadow from July to October, 2003. The continuous carbon flux data were used to analyze the relationship between net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as the seasonal patterns of apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum ecosystem assimilation (Pmax). Results showed that the daytime NEE fitted fairly well with the PAR in a rectangular hyperbola function, with α declining in the order of peak growth period (0.0244 μmolCO2 · μmol-1PAR) > early growth period > seed maturing period > withering period (0.0098 μmolCO2 · μmol-1PAR). The Pmax did not change greatly during the first three periods, with an average of 0.433 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1,i.e. 9.829 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. However, during the withering period, Pmax was only 0.35 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1, i.e. 7.945 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. Compared with other grassland ecosystems, the α of the Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow ecosystem was much lower.
文摘【目的】以紧凑型玉米品种先玉335为供试作物,研究地膜覆盖、施氮量、种植密度及其互作对春玉米氮素吸收转运及利用效率的影响,以期为黄土高原半干旱区春玉米高产高效栽培提供理论依据。【方法】2013—2014年春玉米生长季,设置覆盖方式(覆膜和不覆膜)、施氮量(2013年为0、170、200和230 kg N·hm^(-2),2014年为0、170、225和280 kg N·hm^(-2))和种植密度(5.0×10~4、6.5×10~4和8.0×10~4株/hm^2)3个因子,分析不同处理的氮素累积与转运、产量及氮肥生产效率。【结果】地膜覆盖显著增加了玉米吐丝前氮素累积量,促进了吐丝后氮素累积和吐丝前累积氮素的再转移,从而显著提高了籽粒氮素累积量和籽粒产量。覆盖方式与氮肥或密度互作显著影响春玉米氮素吸收、累积和转移。地膜覆盖条件下更多的氮肥(200—230 kg N·hm^(-2))或更高的密度(6.5×10~4—8.0×10~4株/hm^2)投入能有效促进吐丝前储存更多的氮素向籽粒转运,提高吐丝后期氮同化量及其对籽粒的贡献率,从而提高了籽粒氮素累积量;而不覆盖条件下当施氮量超过170 kg N·hm^(-2)或密度超过5.0×104株/hm^2时,吐丝后氮同化量及其对籽粒的贡献显著减少,从而导致吐丝前氮素储备的增加未能有效增加籽粒氮素累积。氮肥与密度互作显著影响氮素累积、吸收和转移。氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)和氮素收获指数(NHI)与吐丝前氮素累积量、氮素转移量、吐丝后氮素累积量及籽粒产量呈正相关,达到了显著水平。从春玉米氮素累积、转移及与产量和氮肥偏生产力关系看,全膜双垄沟播种植技术的合理施氮量为200—230 kg N·hm^(-2)、密度为8.0×10~4株/hm^2,其产量可达13.7—14.6 t·hm^(-2),PFPN可达64.8—68.7 kg·kg^(-1)。【结论】地膜覆盖与适宜的施氮量和种植密度相结合的综合管理实践,有利于促进灌浆期营养器官储存氮向籽粒转移和吐丝后氮同化的协同�
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission (Grant Nos. 50239080 and 40271019)
文摘Based on data from 148 hydrometric stations in the Yellow River Basin, an analysis of regional scale relationship, or the relationship between specific sediment yield and drainage basin area, has been undertaken in the study area of the Loess Plateau. For different regions, scale relationship in log-log ordinate can be fitted by two types of lines: straight and parabola, and for each line, a function was fitted using regression analysis. The different scale relationships have been explained in terms of the difference in surface material distribution and landforms. To offset the scale-induced influence, calcu-lation has been done based on the fitted functions, in order to adjust the data of specific sediment yield to a common standard area. Based on the scaled data, a map of specific sediment yield was con-structed using Kriging interpolation. For comparison, a map based on the un-scaled data of specific sediment yield was also constructed using the same method. The two maps show that the basic pattern of specific sediment yield was basically the same. The severely eroded areas (Ys >10000 t km-2a-1) were at the same locations from Hekouzhen to Longmen in the middle Yellow River Basin. However, after the adjustment to a common standard area, the very severely eroded area (Ys >20000 t km-2a-1) became much enlarged because after the adjustment, all the values of Ys in the lower river basin in those regions became much larger than before.