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“言不尽意”与“立象以尽意”——《周易》的言意观探微 被引量:5
作者 孟庆丽 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第4期13-18,共6页
《周易》言意观的核心是"立象以尽意"。其实质是"实象"与"虚象"相结合,用"附意于象外"的"义象"来尽吉凶之意。同时,因为卦象和艺术形象有诸多相通之处,这也成为中国古代"象外之... 《周易》言意观的核心是"立象以尽意"。其实质是"实象"与"虚象"相结合,用"附意于象外"的"义象"来尽吉凶之意。同时,因为卦象和艺术形象有诸多相通之处,这也成为中国古代"象外之象"等超象显现理论的滥觞。而且,其价值还不止于义理层面,在语言艺术的操作层面也有其独到之处。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 “立象以尽意” “义象” “象外之象” 言意观 卦象 艺术形象 “言不尽意”
“辞,达而已矣”——孔子“仁”本言意论探微 被引量:1
作者 孟庆丽 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2009年第4期55-59,共5页
先秦儒家的代表孔子,处于"礼坏乐崩"的社会变革时期,他以救世为己任,知其不可而为之,充分地信任和使用语言来推行自己的仁学主张,将语言在表意、在社会政治生活及修身中的作用提高和发挥到无以复加的地位。在言对于仁的功能方... 先秦儒家的代表孔子,处于"礼坏乐崩"的社会变革时期,他以救世为己任,知其不可而为之,充分地信任和使用语言来推行自己的仁学主张,将语言在表意、在社会政治生活及修身中的作用提高和发挥到无以复加的地位。在言对于仁的功能方面,阐述了言为仁之表、言为礼之教、言为行所依的主张;在仁对言的要求上,则表露了言之专对性、明确性、信实性、慎重性和修饰性的观点,与以老庄为代表的先秦道家的语用观形成了鲜明的对照。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 “辞 达而已矣” 儒家言意论
Centro-parietal N200: An event-related potential component specific to Chinese visual word recognition 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG John X FANG Zhuo +3 位作者 DU YingChun KONG LingYue ZHANG Qin XING Qiang 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第13期1516-1532,共17页
Almost all written languages currently used in the world are alphabetic or phonologically-based scripts (e.g., English) whose word recognition involves discrimination of one-dimensional linear combinations of several ... Almost all written languages currently used in the world are alphabetic or phonologically-based scripts (e.g., English) whose word recognition involves discrimination of one-dimensional linear combinations of several dozens of letters or phonological units, except written Chinese whose vocabulary consists of a large number of block characters, the analysis of which relies on the extraction of 2-dimensional form information at multiple levels including radical, character, and multiple-character word. Whether the dramatic contrast between the 2 types of orthography leads to distinctive mental processes is a fundamental question in psycholinguistic research unanswered in the past three decades. Using event-related potentials and visual lexical decision tasks, we asked native Chinese speakers to discriminate between real Chinese words and pseudoor non-words and observed a widespread negative deflection with centro-parietal focus elicited 200 ms post-stimulus onset. This N200 response showed a clear and large amplitude enhancement upon word repetition and seems to be specific to Chinese as no similar effects had been reported in word recognition studies involving alphabetic scripts under similar experimental conditions. Further evidence showed that this N200 could not be attributed to non-linguistic sensori-perceptual processes, nor phonological or semantic processes, but likely reflects very early identification of the orthography of individual words involving extensive and higher-level visual analysis. Recently the first author proposed a meaning-spelling theory of written Chinese vocabulary proposing that the Chinese and alphabetic scripts are the only 2 possible logical types of mature human writing systems, and that the former is more thoroughly a visual language compared with the latter and thus shall emphasize more of visual processing. Reinforcing each other, the meaning-spelling theory and the discovery of the centro-parietal N200 reveal the uniqueness of Chinese both theoretically and empirically, and provid 展开更多
关键词 事件相关电位 N200 视觉分析 早期识别 中国 词汇 英文字母 成分
《文心雕龙》言意关系研究举隅 被引量:1
作者 岳爱华 李红 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期8-10,共3页
《文心雕龙》言意关系研究是《文心雕龙》研究中最重要的命题之一,是理解刘勰文学理论思想及其美学思想的关键入口。通过对20世纪70年代以来《文心雕龙》言意关系研究的梳理和剖析,探讨了《文心雕龙》言意关系研究的三个视角:认识论层... 《文心雕龙》言意关系研究是《文心雕龙》研究中最重要的命题之一,是理解刘勰文学理论思想及其美学思想的关键入口。通过对20世纪70年代以来《文心雕龙》言意关系研究的梳理和剖析,探讨了《文心雕龙》言意关系研究的三个视角:认识论层面、审美维度和辩证统一论,阐释了《文心雕龙》言与意的三种关系:言尽意论、言不尽意论、"言尽意"与"言不尽意"的辩证统一。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 《文心雕龙》 言意关系 言尽意 言不尽意
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