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云南数字地震台站下方的S波速度结构研究 被引量:107
作者 吴建平 明跃红 王椿镛 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期228-237,共10页
通过对云南数字地震台站的宽频带远震接收函数反演 ,获得了云南地区数字地震台站下方 0— 1 0 0km深度范围的S波速度结构 .结果表明 ,云南地区地壳厚度变化剧烈 ,中甸、丽江等西北部地区 ,地壳厚度达 62km左右 ,景洪、思茅和沧源等南部... 通过对云南数字地震台站的宽频带远震接收函数反演 ,获得了云南地区数字地震台站下方 0— 1 0 0km深度范围的S波速度结构 .结果表明 ,云南地区地壳厚度变化剧烈 ,中甸、丽江等西北部地区 ,地壳厚度达 62km左右 ,景洪、思茅和沧源等南部地区 ,地壳厚度仅为32— 34km .厚地壳从西北部向东南方向伸展 ,厚度和范围逐渐减小 ,至通海一带地壳厚度减为 42km ,其形态和范围与小江断裂和元江断裂围成的川滇菱形块体相一致 .地壳厚度较小的东、南部地区Moho面速度界面明显 ;在地壳厚度较大或变化剧烈的地区 ,Moho面大多表现为S波速度的高梯度带 .云南地区S波速度结构具有很强的横向不均匀性 .1 0km深度以上 ,北部地区S波速度明显低于南部地区 ,在 1 0— 2 0km深度范围内 ,北部地区的S波速度比南部地区高 .地壳内部S波速度界面的连续性较差 ,低速层的深度和范围不一 ,近一半的台站下方不存在明显的低速层 .受南部地区上地幔的影响 ,40— 50km深度范围内 ,S波速度南部高、北部低 ,高速区随深度增加逐渐向北推移 ,低速异常区形态与川滇菱形块体的形态趋向一致 .70— 80km深度的上地幔速度分布与云南地区大震分布具有一定的相关性 . 展开更多
关键词 云南 接收函数 S波速度结构 地壳上地幔 数字地震台站
帕米尔及邻区地壳上地幔P波三维速度结构的研究 被引量:34
作者 雷建设 周蕙兰 赵大鹏 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期802-811,T003,共11页
研究了帕米尔及邻区 ( 65°E— 80°E ,30°N— 45°N ,深度 0— 2 1 0km)的P波三维速度结构 .所使用的 5 90 5 4条初至P波到时数据取自ISC的 73个台站对 5 4 0 2个地震的记录报告 ,这些地震和台站都在研究区内 .以水... 研究了帕米尔及邻区 ( 65°E— 80°E ,30°N— 45°N ,深度 0— 2 1 0km)的P波三维速度结构 .所使用的 5 90 5 4条初至P波到时数据取自ISC的 73个台站对 5 4 0 2个地震的记录报告 ,这些地震和台站都在研究区内 .以水平面上 1°× 1°和不等的深度间隔 (随深度在2 0— 90km之间变化 )划分网格并设置初始三维速度模型 ,用近似弯曲快速射线追踪方法计算走时和射线路径 ,用LSQR方法进行反演 .反演结果的分辨率用检验板方法进行了讨论 ,并引入了定量描述还原程度质量的两个参数 .初步结果表明 :( 1 )天山山脉的 1 0km深度处 ,在东部和西部各有一个明显高速区 ,而在 74°E、41°N附近的低速区可能与天山地表大断层在该处被大幅错开相关 .在 75°E附近的天山山脉下 ,波速在 40— 60km深度偏高 ,而在 60—90km深度 (或更深 )又偏低 ,反映了天山下方构造和物性的复杂性 .( 2 )在由帕米尔构造“结”南侧往北直至天山以北的速度纵剖面上 ,显示了印度 -欧亚板块在帕米尔构造“结”地区的强烈碰撞挤压作用 :在抬高地面形成高原的同时 ,也把浅部速度较低的地壳岩石层介质俯冲拖曳到了深部 . 展开更多
关键词 三维速度结构 地壳 上地幔 P波 帕米尔地区 地震活动
中国东部海域地壳-上地幔瑞利波速度结构研究 被引量:27
作者 郑月军 黄忠贤 +1 位作者 刘福田 李红谊 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期480-487,共8页
为了进一步了解中国东部沿海及相邻海域的地壳-上地幔结构特征,对该区域的构造演化历史、地震活动及深部构造等方面研究提供一些基础资料,利用31个数字地震台记录的高质量瑞利波资料,采用一种新的混合路径频散的网格反演方法(O... 为了进一步了解中国东部沿海及相邻海域的地壳-上地幔结构特征,对该区域的构造演化历史、地震活动及深部构造等方面研究提供一些基础资料,利用31个数字地震台记录的高质量瑞利波资料,采用一种新的混合路径频散的网格反演方法(Occam方法),对中国东部海域瑞利波群速度横向不均匀分布进行了初步研究.根据反演得到的10—150s共36个中心周期的群速度分布特征,以及几个典型地点的剪切波速度结构的深度变化,对研究区域内各构造单元的划分以及它们在速度结构和上地幔低速层埋深等方面的特征进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 瑞利波 中国东部海域 地壳-上地幔速度结构
华北及邻区地壳上地幔三维速度结构的地震走时层析成像 被引量:30
作者 王志铄 王椿镛 +1 位作者 曾融生 王溪莉 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2008年第2期15-27,共13页
利用华北及邻区475个地震台站的区域地震走时资料,反演了该地区的地壳上地幔三维P波和S波速度结构。地震走时的计算用近似弯曲射线追踪方法,三维速度模型的反演用LSQR算法。用检测板方法对走时数据进行成像分辨率分析,结果表明反演模型... 利用华北及邻区475个地震台站的区域地震走时资料,反演了该地区的地壳上地幔三维P波和S波速度结构。地震走时的计算用近似弯曲射线追踪方法,三维速度模型的反演用LSQR算法。用检测板方法对走时数据进行成像分辨率分析,结果表明反演模型在水平方向上以0.5°×0.5°的节点分布,垂直方向上以1km、10km、25km、42km、60km为节点作网格划分是合理的。研究区域内,秦岭—大别造山带两侧的华北块体与扬子块体有不同的速度异常特征:华北块体地壳速度结构复杂,而扬子块体则相对简单。华北块体地壳内存在较明显的低速异常,而扬子块体则正常或高速异常。自中新生代以来华北块体地壳经历挤压到伸展的强烈变形,而扬子块体相对稳定。华北块体的构造活动依然强烈,表现为频繁的地震活动。华北地块地壳速度结构的主要特征是:①主要构造带(如燕山构造带、太行山山前构造带、汾渭构造带、郯庐断裂带以及秦岭一大别构造带)位于地壳上地幔的低速或高低速过渡区内;②在唐山及附近地区25 km、42 km和60 km深处连续的低速异常,可能意味着上地幔热的物质上涌,到达上地壳的下部后停止上升过程。 展开更多
关键词 华北地区 地震层析成像 地壳和上地幔速度结构 分辨率
青藏高原东北缘地壳上地幔速度结构的地震层析成像研究 被引量:23
作者 周民都 王椿镛 曾融生 《西北地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期224-233,F0002,F0003,共12页
本文收集了甘肃、青海、宁夏、陕西和四川台网的130个台站1980-2002年间记录的3 229个区域地震(MS≥1.5)和168个远震资料,从55 024个区域地震震相中挑选出了51 210个最大走时残差为3.0s的震相,选取了2 651个远震震相。层析成像结果显示:... 本文收集了甘肃、青海、宁夏、陕西和四川台网的130个台站1980-2002年间记录的3 229个区域地震(MS≥1.5)和168个远震资料,从55 024个区域地震震相中挑选出了51 210个最大走时残差为3.0s的震相,选取了2 651个远震震相。层析成像结果显示:(1)青藏高原东北缘地区下地壳存在大范围的P波速度低速异常,上地幔顶部多数地区平均P波速度为8.05km/s左右,接近于大陆下方全球的Pn波平均速度8.1km/s,使得莫霍间断面比较清晰,莫霍面反射波能量较强;(2)研究区内发生大震的震中大多位于深度图中10km的低速区、30km的高速区附近和50km的低速区附近,表明这些区带为孕震区;(3)青藏高原东北缘地区的主要断裂带均是逆冲兼走滑断裂,多数位于速度正负异常的过渡区上,且很可能是超壳断裂;(4)从张掖经海原、平凉再向南拐的弧形地带可能就是青藏高原的边缘地带;且预示着阿拉善地块有地台活化的迹象;(5)从层析成像结果中切出的二维速度扰动剖面与人工地震测深剖面吻合较好。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东北缘 地震层析成像 莫霍面 地壳上地幔速度结构
Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and adjacent regions 被引量:18
作者 XU Yi LIU Jianhua LIU Futian SONG Haibin HAO Tianyao JIANG Weiwei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2005年第2期156-164,共9页
Using arrival data of the body waves recorded by seismic stations, we reconstructed the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the northwestern contin... Using arrival data of the body waves recorded by seismic stations, we reconstructed the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau and the northwestern continental margin of the South China Sea through a travel time tomography technique. The result revealed the apparent tectonic variation along the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and its adjacent regions. High velocities are observed in the upper and middle crust beneath the Ailao Shan-Red River fault zone and they reflect the character of the fast uplifting and cooling of the metamorphic belt after the ductile shearing of the fault zone, while low velocities in the lower crust and near the Moho imply a relatively active crust-mantle boundary beneath the fault zone. On the west of the fault zone, the large-scale low velocities in the uppermost mantle beneath western Yunnan prove the influence of the mantle heat flow on volcano, hot spring and magma activities, however, the upper mantle on the east of the fault zone shows a relatively stable structure similar to the Yangtze block. The low velocities of the deep mantle beneath the southeastern extending segment of the fault zone are probably related to the mantle convection produced by the pull-apart of the South China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 AILAO Shan-Red River fault zone seismic tomography crust and upper mantle velocity structure.
Crust and uppermost mantle structure of the Ailaoshan-Red River fault from receiver function analysis 被引量:11
作者 XU Mingjie1, WANG Liangshu1, LIU Jianhua2, ZHONG Kai1, LI Hua1, HU Dezhao1 & XU Zhen1 1. Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2006年第10期1043-1052,共10页
S-wave velocity structure beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault was obtained from receiver functions by using teleseismic body wave records of broadband digital seismic stations. The average crustal thickness, Vp/Vs r... S-wave velocity structure beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault was obtained from receiver functions by using teleseismic body wave records of broadband digital seismic stations. The average crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio and Poisson’s ratio were also estimated. The results indicate that the interface of crust and mantle beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault is not a sharp velocity discontinuity but a characteristic transition zone. The velocity increases relatively fast at the depth of Moho and then increases slowly in the uppermost mantle. The average crustal thickness across the fault is 36―37 km on the southwest side and 40―42 km on the northeast side, indicating that the fault cuts the crust. The relatively high Poisson’s ratio (0.26―0.28) of the crust implies a high content of mafic materials in the lower crust. Moreover, the lower crust with low velocity could be an ideal position for decoupling between the crust and upper mantle. 展开更多
关键词 RECEIVER function Ailaoshan-Red River fault velocity structure Poisson's ratio crust and upper mantle.
Group velocity distribution of Rayleigh waves and crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of the Chinese mainland and its vicinity 被引量:5
作者 何正勤 丁志峰 +2 位作者 叶太兰 孙为国 张乃铃 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2002年第3期269-275,共7页
Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods ... Based on the long period digital surface wave data recorded by 11 CDSN stations and 11 IRIS stations, the dispersion curves of the group velocities of fundamental mode Rayleigh waves along 647 paths, with the periods from 10 s to 92 s, were measured by multi-filter. Their distribution at 25 central periods within the region of 18~54N, 70~140E was inverted by Dimtar-Yanovskaya method. Within the period from 10 s to 15.9 s, the group velocity distribution is laterally inhomogeneous and is closely related to geotectonic units, with two low velocity zones located in the Tarim basin and the East China Sea and its north regions, respectively. From 21 s to 33 s, the framework of tectonic blocks is revealed. From 36.6 s to 40 s, the lithospheric subdivision of the Chinese mainland is obviously uncovered, with distinct boundaries among the South-North seismic belt, the Tibetan plateau, the North China, the South China and the Northeast China. Four cross-sections of group velocity distribution with period along 30N, 38N, 90E and 120E, are discussed, respectively, which display the basic features of the crust and upper mantle of the Chinese mainland and its neighboring regions. There are distinguished velocity differences among the different tectonic blocks. There are low-velocity-zones (LVZ) in the middle crust of the eastern Tibetan plateau, high velocity featured as stable platform in the Tarim basin and the Yangtze platform, shallow and thick low-velocity-zone in the upper mantle of the North China. The upper mantle LVZ in the East China Sea and the Japan Sea is related to the frictional heat from the subduction of the Philippine slab and the strong extension since the Himalayan orogenic period. 展开更多
关键词 Rayleigh wave group velocity distribution crust and upper mantle velocity structure
Surface wave tomography of the crust and upper mantle of Chinese mainland and its neighboring region 被引量:5
作者 何正勤 丁志峰 +2 位作者 叶太兰 孙为国 张乃铃 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 EI CSCD 2001年第6期634-641,共8页
The three dimensional S wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle of Chinese mainland and its neighboring region is obtained by genetic algorithm of surface wave tomography, with smoothness constraint, bas... The three dimensional S wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle of Chinese mainland and its neighboring region is obtained by genetic algorithm of surface wave tomography, with smoothness constraint, based on 25 wave group velocities for the periods from 10 s to 92 s, measured from long period Rayleigh waves recorded by 11 stations of CDSN and 12 digital seismometers surrounding China. The S wave velocity image is shown on two latitudinal sections along 30°N and 38°N, two longitudinal sections along 90°E and 120°E, and four horizontal slices at the different depths. 展开更多
关键词 Rayleigh wave seismic tomography the Chinese mainland crust and upper mantle velocity structure
The Crust-Mantle Structure in Zhangbei-Shangyi Earthquake Area 被引量:2
作者 Zhu Zhiping, Zhang Jianshi, Zhang Xiankang, Zhang Chengke, Liu Mingqing, and Nie WenyingResearch Center of Exploration Geophysics, CSB, Zhengzhou 450002, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 1999年第4期59-68,共10页
The seismic data obtained from the wide angle reflection and refraction profiles that pass through Zhangjiakou area of Hebei Province were interpreted. Some conclusions drawn from the result are as follows: (1) The ne... The seismic data obtained from the wide angle reflection and refraction profiles that pass through Zhangjiakou area of Hebei Province were interpreted. Some conclusions drawn from the result are as follows: (1) The nearly EW-trending Zhangbei-Chongli crustal fault zone and WNW-trending Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea deep crustal fault zone meet in the Zhangbei earthquake (Ms = 6.2) area; (2) At the intersection, the two deep crustal fault zones that stretch to the Moho and the discontinuities of interfaces within the crust form the path for large area basalt eruption in Hannuoba; (3) In the earthquake area, the local velocity reversal in the middle-upper crust and abnormal low velocity zone in the lower crust imply that the magmatic activity there is still fairly violent; and (4) The recent activity of Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea deep crustal fault zone may be the main cause of the Zhangbei earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Zhangbei and ADJACENT area crust-upper mantle velocity structure deep crustAL fault wide angle reflection and refraction.
Three-dimensional P-wave Velocity Structure Modelling of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt: Crustal Architecture and Metallogenic Implications 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Anguo LÜ Qingtian +4 位作者 ZHOU Taofa DU Jianguo DING Juan YAN Jiayong LU Zhitang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第6期1808-1821,共14页
In this study,we compiled and analyzed 69310 P-wave travel-time data from 6639 earthquake events.These events(M≥2.0)occurred from 1980 s to June 2019 and were recorded at 319 seismic stations(Chinese Earthquake Netwo... In this study,we compiled and analyzed 69310 P-wave travel-time data from 6639 earthquake events.These events(M≥2.0)occurred from 1980 s to June 2019 and were recorded at 319 seismic stations(Chinese Earthquake Networks Center)in the study area.We adopted the double-difference seismic tomographic method(tomo DD)to invert the 3-D P-wave velocity structure and constrain the crust-upper mantle architecture of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt(MLYB).A 1-D initial model extracted from wide-angle seismic profiles was used in the seismic tomography,which greatly reduced the inversion residual.Our results indicate that reliable velocity structure of th e uppermost mantle can be obtained when Pn is involved in the tomography.Our results show that:(1)the pattern of the uppermost mantle velocity structure corresponds well with the geological partitioning:a nearly E-W-trending low-velocity zone is present beneath the Dabie Orogen,in contrast to the mainly NE-trending low-velocity anomalies beneath the Jiangnan Orogen.They suggest the presence of thickened lower crust beneath the orogens in the study area.In contrast,the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks are characterized by relatively high-velocity anomalies;(2)both the ultra-high-pressure(UHP)metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Orogen and the low-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Zhangbaling dome are characterized by high-velocity anomalies.The upper crust in the Dabie Orogen is characterized by a low-velocity belt,sandwiched between two high velocity zones in a horizontal direction,with discontinuous low-velocity layers in the middle crust.The keel of the Dabie Orogen is mainly preserved beneath its northern section.We infer that the lower crustal delamination may have mainly occurred in the southern Dabie Orogen,which caused the mantle upwelling responsible for the formation of the granitic magmas emplaced in the middle crust as the low-velocity layers observed there.Continuous deep-level compression likely squeezed the granitic magma upward to i 展开更多
关键词 3D P-wave velocity structure double-difference seismic tomography crust-upper mantle Dabie Orogen Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt
Study and review on crust-mantle velocity structure in Bohai Bay and its vicinity
作者 张成科 张先康 +3 位作者 赵金仁 任青芳 张建狮 海燕 《Acta Seismologica Sinica(English Edition)》 CSCD 2002年第4期447-455,共9页
Observational data from some of the 10-odd deep seismic sounding profiles in Bohai Bay and its adjacent areas were processed with the methods of two-dimensional ray tracing, travel-time fitting and synthetic seismogra... Observational data from some of the 10-odd deep seismic sounding profiles in Bohai Bay and its adjacent areas were processed with the methods of two-dimensional ray tracing, travel-time fitting and synthetic seismogram. The crust and upper-mantle velocity structure model in this area was built. The results show that the crust and upper mantle structures present obvious lateral and vertical inhomogeneity. The upper mantle uplifts near Yongqing of northeast Jizhong depression, in Bohai Bay of Huanghua depression and near Kenli of Jiyang depression, where crustal depths are about 31 km, 28 km and 29 km, respectively. According to the dynamic and kinetic characteristics of seismic waves as well as the seismic interfaces and velocity contour undulation in the 2-D velocity structure model, three deep crustal fault zones are inferred in the area. Low velocity (5.90~6.10 km/s) layers (bodies) exist on one or two sides of these deep crustal fault zones. 展开更多
关键词 deep seismic sounding crust and upper mantle velocity structure seismic interfaces
豫北及其外围地区地壳上地幔结构研究 被引量:38
作者 张成科 赵金仁 +2 位作者 任青芳 张先康 祝治平 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期243-253,共11页
利用菏泽~长治和郑州~济南深地震测深剖面资料,进行了一维、二维射线追踪走时拟合与合成地震图计算,获得了该区地壳上地幔速度结构。结果表明,地壳上地幔速度结构在纵向和横向上具有明显的不均一性。浅部断裂较发育,对应其地壳深... 利用菏泽~长治和郑州~济南深地震测深剖面资料,进行了一维、二维射线追踪走时拟合与合成地震图计算,获得了该区地壳上地幔速度结构。结果表明,地壳上地幔速度结构在纵向和横向上具有明显的不均一性。浅部断裂较发育,对应其地壳深部界面和速度等值线起伏变化较明显。在华北坳陷区南部上地幔隆起的背景上存在两个局部凸起,凸起最高处与浅部的东濮凹陷、汤阴地堑基本对应,M面埋深分别约31km和34km。 展开更多
关键词 地壳 上地幔结构 豫北 外围地区
根据接收函数反演得到的首都圈地壳上地幔三维S波速度结构 被引量:19
作者 王峻 刘启元 +3 位作者 陈九辉 李顺成 郭飚 李昱 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期2472-2482,共11页
利用2002-2003年中国地震局地质研究所台阵实验室以唐山大震区为中心布设的40个流动宽频带地震台站和首都圈数字台网的33个宽频带台站的远震数据,采用接收函数非线性反演方法得到其中72个宽频带台站下方60 km深度范围内的S波速度结构.... 利用2002-2003年中国地震局地质研究所台阵实验室以唐山大震区为中心布设的40个流动宽频带地震台站和首都圈数字台网的33个宽频带台站的远震数据,采用接收函数非线性反演方法得到其中72个宽频带台站下方60 km深度范围内的S波速度结构.根据得到的各台站下方地壳上地幔的S波速度结构,并综合刘启元等(1997)用接收函数非线性反演方法得到的延怀盆地15个宽频带流动台站下方的地壳上地幔S波速度结构模型,给出了39°N-41°N ,114°E-7.19. 5°E区域内沿不同走向、不同深度S波速度分布.由于综合了利用首都圈数字地震台网的宽频带台站以及流动地震台阵的观测数据,本文给出了较前人同类研究空间分辨率更好的结果.结果表明:(1)研究区的速度结构,特别是怀来以东的速度结构十分复杂.在10-20 km深度范围内,研究区地壳具有高速和低速异常块体的交错结构.研究区中上地壳速度结构主要被与张渤地震带大体重合的NW向高速条带和穿越唐山大震区的NE向高速条带所控制,而其中下地壳的速度结构主要为延怀一三河一唐山地区上地幔隆起所控制.(2)研究区内存在若干壳内S波低速体,它们主要分布在唐山,三河及延怀盆地等地区.在这些地区,壳内低速体伴随着壳幔界面的隆起和上地幔顶部速度结构的横向变化.(3)地表断层分布与地壳速度结构分区有较好的相关性,表明断层对不同块体有明显的控制作用.其中,宝坻断裂,香河断裂和唐山断裂均为超壳断裂.(4)首都圈内大地震的分布与壳内低速体及上地幔顶部的速度结构有密切关系.对于唐山大地震的成因,仅考虑板块作用引起的水平应力场是不够的,有必要充分重视由于上地幔变形引起的地壳垂直变形和上地幔物质侵人造成的热效应. 展开更多
关键词 首都圈 接收函数反演 流动地震台阵 地壳上地慢S波速度结构
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