振荡器的频率稳定度在时域一般用阿伦方差表征,在频域一般用相位噪声谱密度函数表征,两者存在一定的数学转换关系,即可以由频域测量的相位噪声谱密度函数转换为时域的阿伦方差.t<0.1 ms时短期频率稳定度的时域测量非常困难.利用两者...振荡器的频率稳定度在时域一般用阿伦方差表征,在频域一般用相位噪声谱密度函数表征,两者存在一定的数学转换关系,即可以由频域测量的相位噪声谱密度函数转换为时域的阿伦方差.t<0.1 ms时短期频率稳定度的时域测量非常困难.利用两者之间的转换关系对振荡器的时域稳定度进行了间接测量,并用实测数据进行了验证.
Frequency stability of oscillator commonly can be denoted by Allan variance in time domain, and by phase noise power spectrum density function in frequency domain. There is a definite transform relation of mathematics, it is to say that Allan variance of time domain can be obtained by transforming phase noise power spectrum density function, especially it is more applicable when τ < 0. 1 ms because it is very difficult to measure short - term frequency stability in time domain. The transformation relation between the two denotations of short-term frequency is used to measure Allan variance indirectly and validated by measured data.展开更多
文摘振荡器的频率稳定度在时域一般用阿伦方差表征,在频域一般用相位噪声谱密度函数表征,两者存在一定的数学转换关系,即可以由频域测量的相位噪声谱密度函数转换为时域的阿伦方差.t<0.1 ms时短期频率稳定度的时域测量非常困难.利用两者之间的转换关系对振荡器的时域稳定度进行了间接测量,并用实测数据进行了验证.
Frequency stability of oscillator commonly can be denoted by Allan variance in time domain, and by phase noise power spectrum density function in frequency domain. There is a definite transform relation of mathematics, it is to say that Allan variance of time domain can be obtained by transforming phase noise power spectrum density function, especially it is more applicable when τ < 0. 1 ms because it is very difficult to measure short - term frequency stability in time domain. The transformation relation between the two denotations of short-term frequency is used to measure Allan variance indirectly and validated by measured data.