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水蒸气对煤焦恒温下燃烧特性的影响 被引量:17
作者 王春波 李超 雷鸣 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第32期8-13,4,共6页
利用自制的恒温热重测量实验台,研究了水蒸气对煤焦燃烧特性的影响规律。结果表明:在低氧浓度下,水蒸气对煤焦燃烧影响显著,使燃烧失重速率增大,燃尽时刻提前,影响程度随氧气浓度的增加而减弱,主要是由于在低氧浓度下,水蒸气与煤焦发生... 利用自制的恒温热重测量实验台,研究了水蒸气对煤焦燃烧特性的影响规律。结果表明:在低氧浓度下,水蒸气对煤焦燃烧影响显著,使燃烧失重速率增大,燃尽时刻提前,影响程度随氧气浓度的增加而减弱,主要是由于在低氧浓度下,水蒸气与煤焦发生了气化反应,并且反应随着氧浓度的增加而减弱;反应温度越高,水蒸气对煤焦燃烧特性影响越显著;气氛中存在二氧化碳,水蒸气仍能改善煤焦的燃烧特性;原煤煤化程度越高,水蒸气对煤焦燃烧特性的影响越小,即水蒸气对反应活性高的煤焦燃烧影响明显。 展开更多
关键词 水蒸气 热重 煤焦 燃烧特性 气化反应
烟煤/生物质混燃特性实验研究 被引量:15
作者 王金星 李超 +2 位作者 刘慧敏 黄江城 王春波 《电力科学与工程》 2012年第2期56-59,共4页
利用热重分析法,对烟煤/生物质混燃动力学进行了实验研究。进行了不同掺混比、不同温度、不同生物质等因素的探讨。结果表明,在恒温条件下煤粉与生物质混燃不存在阶段性。生物质对煤粉有促进燃烧和燃烬的作用,随着掺混比的加大,燃烧越剧... 利用热重分析法,对烟煤/生物质混燃动力学进行了实验研究。进行了不同掺混比、不同温度、不同生物质等因素的探讨。结果表明,在恒温条件下煤粉与生物质混燃不存在阶段性。生物质对煤粉有促进燃烧和燃烬的作用,随着掺混比的加大,燃烧越剧烈,越易燃烬;温度的增加有利于燃烧的进行,温度越高,燃烧强度越大;不同生物质对煤粉的促进作用不同,挥发分含量高且灰分含量低的生物质促进煤粉燃烧作用更明显。 展开更多
关键词 生物质 热重分析 混燃
生物质化学组分及其液化残渣的热重行为 被引量:13
作者 张海荣 庞浩 +1 位作者 石锦志 廖兵 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期2194-2199,共6页
分别对木粉主要组分(纤维素、半纤维素和木质素)及其在相同液化条件下的液化残渣的热重行为进行了研究。热重实验结果表明,木粉主要组分的热稳定性为:木质素>纤维素>半纤维素。木粉的热解过程可以认为是这3种主要组分热解行为的综... 分别对木粉主要组分(纤维素、半纤维素和木质素)及其在相同液化条件下的液化残渣的热重行为进行了研究。热重实验结果表明,木粉主要组分的热稳定性为:木质素>纤维素>半纤维素。木粉的热解过程可以认为是这3种主要组分热解行为的综合:木质素的热解比较缓慢,热解温度区间最宽,主要失重温度为250~630℃;而纤维素和半纤维素的主要热解温度分别为332~383℃和236~333℃。在液化反应过程中,木粉主要组分发生降解从易到难的顺序为:木质素>半纤维素>纤维素。在木粉的液化过程中,快速液化阶段主要与半纤维素和木质素有关,而液化残渣率的高低主要与纤维素液化程度有关。 展开更多
关键词 生物质 化学组分 液化残渣 热重行为
传统热源及微波热源热解污泥热重分析的对比 被引量:6
作者 方琳 赵绪新 +1 位作者 田禹 武伟男 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第3期296-300,共5页
为了解不同热源作用下污泥的热解特性,对比分析了传统热源及微波热源热解污泥过程的热失重特性.研究表明,传统热源热解污泥过程可以分为水份析出、挥发份析出、热解炭深度热解3个失重阶段;微波热源热解污泥过程水份析出、挥发分析出及... 为了解不同热源作用下污泥的热解特性,对比分析了传统热源及微波热源热解污泥过程的热失重特性.研究表明,传统热源热解污泥过程可以分为水份析出、挥发份析出、热解炭深度热解3个失重阶段;微波热源热解污泥过程水份析出、挥发分析出及热解炭深度热解三个阶段存在时间上交互.微波热源热解污泥热解阶段的交互是影响其产物性能的重要因素. 展开更多
关键词 污泥 微波 热解 热重分析
基于热分析动力学的烧结用焦炭颗粒燃烧数值模拟 被引量:9
作者 王淦 温治 +1 位作者 楼国锋 曹欢 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期3315-3322,共8页
基于烟气循环烧结中氧体积分数降低抑制了燃料燃烧,焦炭细化可显著改善整体燃烧效率,是烧结工艺极具潜力的节能增产措施,采用缩核模型,模拟贫氧率和粒度对焦炭颗粒燃烧特性的影响。焦炭的着火温度ti、不完全燃烧系数κ、燃烧反应焓ΔH... 基于烟气循环烧结中氧体积分数降低抑制了燃料燃烧,焦炭细化可显著改善整体燃烧效率,是烧结工艺极具潜力的节能增产措施,采用缩核模型,模拟贫氧率和粒度对焦炭颗粒燃烧特性的影响。焦炭的着火温度ti、不完全燃烧系数κ、燃烧反应焓ΔH等燃烧特性参数采用热重实验确定,焦炭燃烧的本征活化能E和指前因子A通过Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO)法计算。研究结果表明:空气气氛中,焦炭颗粒的ti约为550℃,κ为1.128~1.333,对应的ΔH则为28.810~31.640 MJ/kg,E约为137.156 k J/mol;ti基本上不随实验条件变化,κ随着氧体积分数的降低显著增大,E则略减小;焦炭颗粒的最高燃烧温度约为1 560 K,燃烧速率随着灰层厚度的增加逐渐降低;当颗粒粒度增大或氧体积分数降低时,燃烧效率显著下降,且前者影响更大;考虑采用烟气循环,当焦炭细化效率达到1.33时,可保证整体燃烧效率不比传统烧结的低。 展开更多
关键词 烧结 焦炭 颗粒燃烧 数值模拟 缩核模型 热重 动力学 Flynn-Wall-Ozawa法
不同气氛下柴油热解及热动力学特性分析 被引量:7
作者 王翔 王旭江 +1 位作者 范燕荣 王志强 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期335-340,共6页
利用热重分析技术研究了不同载气流量、载气气氛和升温速率下柴油的热解过程.比较分析了单一反应模型和DAEM模型对柴油热解动力学分析的适应性.结果表明,单一反应模型不能在整个温度区间内对柴油热解特性进行预测;而DAEM模型可以由3条... 利用热重分析技术研究了不同载气流量、载气气氛和升温速率下柴油的热解过程.比较分析了单一反应模型和DAEM模型对柴油热解动力学分析的适应性.结果表明,单一反应模型不能在整个温度区间内对柴油热解特性进行预测;而DAEM模型可以由3条不同升温速率下的失重曲线直接得到不同失重率下柴油热解的活化能分布和频率因子的值,较为准确地求解动力学参数.由DAEM模型所得的不同气氛下活化能分布曲线表明,CO2气氛中柴油稳定性更好;柴油在CO2气氛中比N2气氛中热解速度大. 展开更多
关键词 柴油 热重 热解特性 动力学参数 分布活化能模型(DAEM)
Comparison of burn rate and thermal decomposition of AP as oxidizer and PVC and HTPB as fuel binder based composite solid propellants 被引量:5
作者 A.Manash P.Kumar 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期227-232,共6页
In the present investigation an effort has been made to understand the thermal decomposition and burn rate characteristics of AP as oxidizer and PVC and HTPB as fuel binder in composite solid propellant. The burning r... In the present investigation an effort has been made to understand the thermal decomposition and burn rate characteristics of AP as oxidizer and PVC and HTPB as fuel binder in composite solid propellant. The burning rate study has been carried out at ambient and different pressures of 2.068 Mpa, 4.760 Mpa,6.895 Mpa. The mechanism of thermal decomposition of each composition have also been determined by NETZSCH simultaneous thermal analyser, comprising differential scanning calorimeter(DSC) and thermo-gravimetric analyser(TGA). An effort has been made to study the burn rate and decomposition of fuel binder and oxidizer in presence of Fe_2O_3 and also their overall impact on combustion of propellant. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal decomposition BURN rate thermo-gravimetric analysis AP PVC HTPB Fe2O3
FWO法测定混合油的热转化动力学 被引量:6
作者 刘巍 高丽娟 +1 位作者 程俊霞 赵雪飞 《炭素技术》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第1期24-27,共4页
对3种不同进料时间的混合油进行了不同升温速率下的热失重实验,采用经典的热分析动力学FWO方法对实验数据进行分析和计算。结果表明:混合油的活化能随反应进程的深入呈明显上升趋势,证明了混合油的焦化反应是一个复杂的反应过程。混合... 对3种不同进料时间的混合油进行了不同升温速率下的热失重实验,采用经典的热分析动力学FWO方法对实验数据进行分析和计算。结果表明:混合油的活化能随反应进程的深入呈明显上升趋势,证明了混合油的焦化反应是一个复杂的反应过程。混合油的表观活化能随着进料时间延长逐渐增大,这一变化规律对工业生产中延迟焦化的温度制度的制定有重要的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 混合油 热重 活化能 FWO法
汽车排气管专用耐高温有机硅/环氧树脂粉末涂料的研究 被引量:6
作者 吕映 卜庆朋 +1 位作者 汪小强 潘建良 《中国涂料》 CAS 2019年第7期50-54,共5页
针对于汽车排气管的使用环境,研究适合于汽车排气管的耐高温粉末涂料。以有机硅树脂和环氧树脂为基料,制备出一种耐600℃高温的粉末涂料,有机硅固化剂为VN-302,环氧树脂的固化剂为酚类固化剂;加入含硼玻璃粉可明显提高耐高温性能,滑石... 针对于汽车排气管的使用环境,研究适合于汽车排气管的耐高温粉末涂料。以有机硅树脂和环氧树脂为基料,制备出一种耐600℃高温的粉末涂料,有机硅固化剂为VN-302,环氧树脂的固化剂为酚类固化剂;加入含硼玻璃粉可明显提高耐高温性能,滑石粉可明显改善烘烤后的涂层完整性,硅微粉可提高涂层的热失重稳定性,硅烷偶联剂可提高涂层的附着力。经过原料预混,熔融挤出、磨粉,成功制备了有机硅/环氧树脂耐高温粉末涂料。通过耐冲击测试、耐高温、色差分析等方法对有机硅/环氧树脂耐高温粉末涂层性能进行表征和测试,考察了有机硅树脂与环氧树脂比例对涂层耐高温性能的影响:同时也考察了含硼玻璃粉、滑石粉、流平剂和硅烷偶联剂用量对涂层耐高温性能的影响。结果表明:经优化后的涂层具有优异的耐高温性能和良好的机械性能,完全适合汽车排气管的使用。 展开更多
关键词 汽车排气管 有机硅/环氧树脂 耐高温 热失重
地沟油生物柴油热裂解特性及动力学机理 被引量:5
作者 孙财 李博 +3 位作者 王华 魏永刚 李建武 胡建杭 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期2033-2039,共7页
以地沟油生物柴油为对象,利用热分析仪与傅里叶红外分析仪联用对地沟油生物柴油热裂解行为进行实验研究。实验结果表明:地沟油生物柴油的热裂解分为3个阶段,即:小分子低沸点组分挥发阶段、脂肪酸甲酯挥发和热裂解阶段、地沟油生物柴油... 以地沟油生物柴油为对象,利用热分析仪与傅里叶红外分析仪联用对地沟油生物柴油热裂解行为进行实验研究。实验结果表明:地沟油生物柴油的热裂解分为3个阶段,即:小分子低沸点组分挥发阶段、脂肪酸甲酯挥发和热裂解阶段、地沟油生物柴油的碳化阶段。随着升温速率的增大,地沟油生物柴油的热裂解反应向高温区移动,最大失重速率由7.1%/min增至47.1%/min。地沟油生物柴油的热裂解动力学分析具有分段特征,在不同反应阶段动力学参数差别较大,初始阶段活化能为103.76~193.89 k J/mol,中间阶段活化能为81.30~210.74 k J/mol。 展开更多
关键词 地沟油生物柴油 热裂解 热重 动力学
O2/H2O气氛下煤粉恒温燃烧特性研究 被引量:5
作者 赵帆 王春波 +2 位作者 陈亮 司桐 岳爽 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1554-1562,共9页
利用恒温热重实验台,研究了O2/H2O气氛下水蒸气、氧气、氧水比、温度等对煤粉燃烧特性的影响。结果表明:相同氧气浓度下,提高水蒸气浓度导致燃尽时刻提前,影响程度随水蒸气浓度的增加而减弱;相同水蒸气浓度下,增大氧气浓度会加快煤粉燃... 利用恒温热重实验台,研究了O2/H2O气氛下水蒸气、氧气、氧水比、温度等对煤粉燃烧特性的影响。结果表明:相同氧气浓度下,提高水蒸气浓度导致燃尽时刻提前,影响程度随水蒸气浓度的增加而减弱;相同水蒸气浓度下,增大氧气浓度会加快煤粉燃烧,削弱焦炭与水蒸气的气化反应强度。当氧气与水蒸气浓度同时改变时,增大氧水比,燃尽时刻提前;焦炭最大燃烧速率与氧水比存在非单调关系,氧水比小于0.25时两者为负相关,此时焦炭最大燃烧速率出现时刻随氧水比增大而提前,氧水比大于0.25时呈正相关,焦炭最大燃烧速率出现时刻稳定在40s左右。温度升高,水蒸气的气化作用增强,燃烧速率增大;高浓度(80%)的水蒸气对不同煤种均可改善燃烧,煤阶越高改善效果越明显。 展开更多
关键词 O2/H2O 水蒸气 氧气 氧水比 热重
PP/β成核剂共混体系的动态机械性能及热失重性能的分析 被引量:5
作者 徐德增 韩笑 齐兴华 《塑料科技》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期83-86,共4页
将β成核剂用于聚丙烯(PP)的共混改性,用DMA测量其动态机械性能并对参数进行分析,得出PP共混体系中温度与内耗因子的关系,以及温度与储能模量、损耗模量的关系。利用热失重分析仪(TGA)对不同比例PP共混体系进行热失重分析,从而得出不同... 将β成核剂用于聚丙烯(PP)的共混改性,用DMA测量其动态机械性能并对参数进行分析,得出PP共混体系中温度与内耗因子的关系,以及温度与储能模量、损耗模量的关系。利用热失重分析仪(TGA)对不同比例PP共混体系进行热失重分析,从而得出不同比例下共混体系的热稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 Β成核剂 动态机械性能 热失重 聚丙烯
Experimental investigation of vibration pretreatment-microwave curing process for carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composites
作者 ZHANG De-chao ZHAN Li-hua +4 位作者 MA Bo-lin YAO Shun-ming GUO Jin-zhan GUAN Cheng-long LIU Shu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1838-1855,共18页
The vibration pretreatment-microwave curing process is an efficient,low energy consumption,and high-quality out-of-autoclave curing process for carbon fiber resin matrix composites.This study aims to investigate the i... The vibration pretreatment-microwave curing process is an efficient,low energy consumption,and high-quality out-of-autoclave curing process for carbon fiber resin matrix composites.This study aims to investigate the impact of vibration pretreatment temperature on the fiber weight content,microscopic morphology and mechanical properties of the composite laminates by using optical digital microscopy,universal tensile testing machine and thermo-gravimetric analyzer.Additionally,the combined mode of Bragg fiber grating sensor and temperature measurement fiber was employed to explore the effect of vibration pretreatment on the strain process during microwave curing.The study results revealed that the change in vibration pretreatment temperature had a slight impact on the fiber weight content when the vibration acceleration remained constant.The metallographic and interlaminar strength of the specimen formed at a vibration pretreatment temperature of 80℃ demonstrated a porosity of 0.414% and a 10.69% decrease in interlaminar shear strength compared to autoclave curing.Moreover,the introduction of the vibration energy field during the microwave curing process led to a significant reduction in residual strain in both the 0°and 90°fiber directions,when the laminate was cooled to 60℃. 展开更多
关键词 VIBRATION microwave curing POROSITY interlaminar shear strength thermo-gravimetric analysis curing strain
The Effects of Stacking Sequence on Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Thermal Degradation of Kenaf/Jute Hybrid Composites 被引量:3
作者 Tabrej Khan Mohamed Thariq Hameed Sultan +5 位作者 Mohammad Jawaid Syafiqah Nur Azrie Safri Ain Umaira Md Shah Mohd Shukry Abdul Majid Nik Noriman Zulkepli Haliza Jaya 《Journal of Renewable Materials》 SCIE EI 2021年第1期73-84,共12页
This research focused on the dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of woven mat jute/kenaf/jute(J/K/J)and kenaf/jute/kenaf(K/J/K)hybrid composites.Dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA)and Thermo-gravimetric Analysis(TG... This research focused on the dynamic mechanical and thermal properties of woven mat jute/kenaf/jute(J/K/J)and kenaf/jute/kenaf(K/J/K)hybrid composites.Dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA)and Thermo-gravimetric Analysis(TGA)were used to study the effect of layering sequence on the thermal properties of kenaf/jute hybrid composites.The DMA results;it was found that the differences in the stacking sequence between the kenaf/jute composites do not affect their storage modulus,loss modulus and damping factor.From the TGA and DMA results,it has been shown that stacking sequence has given positive effect to the kenaf/jute hybrid composite compared to pure epoxy composite.This is because kenaf and jute fibre has increased the Tg values of the composites,thus affect the thermal degradation.Results showed that the storage modulus for kenaf/jute hybrid composites increased compared with pure epoxy composites with increasing temperature and the values of remained almost the same at glass transition temperature(Tg),the hybrid composite perhaps due to the improved fibre/matrix interface bonding.The preliminary analysis could provide a new direction for the creation of a novel hybrid composite which offers unique properties which cannot be accomplished in a single material system. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid composites dynamic mechanical thermal analysis(DMTA) thermo-gravimetric analysis
Effects of Particle Size on Nitridation Kinetics of Manganese Powder 被引量:1
作者 Ting LUO Jian-hua LIU +1 位作者 Hong-bo LIU Jian LIU 《Journal of Iron and Steel Research International》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期543-550,共8页
Isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis was applied to investigate the nitridation kinetics of manganese powder with different particle sizes at 800, 900 and 1000 ℃. The apparent activation energy and nitridation kine... Isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis was applied to investigate the nitridation kinetics of manganese powder with different particle sizes at 800, 900 and 1000 ℃. The apparent activation energy and nitridation kinetics equations of manganese powder with different particle sizes were obtained from unreacted shrinking core model and Arrhenius formula. It was found that the nitridation mechanism was controlied by interracial chemical reaction. The apparent activation energy and the apparent rate constant of nitridation reaction were affected by particle sizes. With the decrease of particle size, the apparent activation energy decreased whilst the apparent rate constant increased. It was suggested that the refinement of the manganese powder contributed to the increase of molar surface energy, which accounted for the lower apparent activation energy. 展开更多
关键词 manganese powder NITRIDATION isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis apparent activation energy KINETICS
Study on Co-combustion Characteristics of Superfine Coal with Conventional Size Coal in O<sub>2</sub>/CO<sub>2</sub>Atmosphere 被引量:1
作者 Yuhang Zhang Mingyan Gu +1 位作者 Biao Ma Huaqiang Chu 《Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第4期36-40,共5页
The pulverized coal combustion in O2/CO2 atmosphere is one of the promising new technologies which can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and NOx. In this study, the combustion behaviors of different mixing ratio o... The pulverized coal combustion in O2/CO2 atmosphere is one of the promising new technologies which can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and NOx. In this study, the combustion behaviors of different mixing ratio of Shenhua coal with 20 μm and 74 μm particle size in the O2/CO2 atmosphere and air atmosphere were studied by using a thermal-gravimetric analyzer. The combustion characteristics such as ignition and burnout behavior were investigated in the temperature from 20℃ to 850℃. The influence of mixing ratio on combustion characteristics was conduced. The results obtained showed that the ignition temperature of the two kinds of particle size in O2/CO2 atmosphere is higher than in the air, while the activation energy in O2/CO2 atmosphere is lower. With the increasing ratio of 20 μm superfine pulverized coals, the ignition temperature and the activation energy decreased, while the DTG peak value increased, the maximum burning rate position advanced. There were three trends for the ignition temperature curve with the increasing of superfine coal ratio: the ignition of the mixed coal decreased rapidly, then changed less, at last reduced quickly. 展开更多
关键词 COAL Particle SIZE CO-COMBUSTION thermo-gravimetric Heat of Combustion
Effect of Raw Bauxite Addition on Thermal Behaviour of Ultra-low Cement Al_2O_3-SiO_2 Castables 被引量:1
作者 HOU Wanguo ZHOU Ningsheng 《China's Refractories》 CAS 2009年第3期15-17,共3页
This work investigated the thermo-gravimetric (TG) change and explosion resistance of ultra-low cement Al2O3 - SiO2 castables added with 0, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of 474 μm raw bauxite powders containing 72.8% Al2O3,... This work investigated the thermo-gravimetric (TG) change and explosion resistance of ultra-low cement Al2O3 - SiO2 castables added with 0, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of 474 μm raw bauxite powders containing 72.8% Al2O3, respectively. The castables were prepared using white fused alumina as aggregate, powders of white fused alumina, fused mullite,α-Al2O3 ultrafines, 3% CA cement and 5% microsilica as the matrix portion. TG change of the castables was investigated by a thermo-gravimetric analyzer for large size specimen. When the raw bauxite addition is less than 10%, the mass-losing behavior of the castables is similar to that without raw bauxite, tending to reach a constant mass around 400 ℃ , before which the mass-loss is mild and producing little destructive influence. With more than 10% raw bauxite addition, however, the mass-loss increases significantly, and the temperature to reach a constant mass increases to 600 ℃ or higher, unfavorable to structural stabilization. With the raw bauxite addition up to 20% , no negative influence on explosion resistance is found. 展开更多
关键词 Raw bauxite thermo-gravimetric change Explosion resistance ULC castables Alumina silicasystem
APMP废液膜浓缩液固形物的热解特性及其动力学 被引量:2
作者 苏振华 张羽 +1 位作者 冯文英 张升友 《纸和造纸》 2015年第5期61-65,共5页
对APMP废液及其超滤浓缩液和超滤-反渗透浓缩液的物化性能进行分析,并采用热重分析仪对3种固形物样品进行热解特性研究,进一步采用Coats-Redfern法描述热解过程,计算固形物的热解动力学参数。研究结果表明:3种固形物有机物热解主要区域... 对APMP废液及其超滤浓缩液和超滤-反渗透浓缩液的物化性能进行分析,并采用热重分析仪对3种固形物样品进行热解特性研究,进一步采用Coats-Redfern法描述热解过程,计算固形物的热解动力学参数。研究结果表明:3种固形物有机物热解主要区域的反应级数均为2,超滤膜浓缩过程会造成盐类的流失,热解DTG曲线明显少了碱金属盐发生熔融反应并和热解留下的碳发生反应的失重峰,同时反应活化能较原液大幅上升,膨胀体积减小,燃烧速度减缓;而经超滤-反渗透系统浓缩后大部分物质得到回收,其热解曲线与原液热解曲线也基本一致。 展开更多
关键词 APMP 废液 热解 动力学
Reaction Kinetic Equation for Char Combustion of Underground Coal Gasification 被引量:2
作者 YU Hong-guan YANG Lan-he +2 位作者 FENG Wei-min LIU Shu-qin SONG Zhen-qi 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第2期141-146,共6页
Based on the quasi-steady-state approximation, the dynamic equation of char combustion in the oxidation zone of underground coal gasification (UCG) was derived. The parameters of the dynamic equation were determined a... Based on the quasi-steady-state approximation, the dynamic equation of char combustion in the oxidation zone of underground coal gasification (UCG) was derived. The parameters of the dynamic equation were determined at 900℃ using a thermo-gravimetric (TG) analyzer connected to a flue gas analyzer and this equation. The equation was simplified for specific coals, including high ash content, low ash content, and low ash fusibility ones. The results show that 1) the apparent reaction rate constant increases with an increase in volatile matter value as dry ash-free basis,2) the effective coefficient of diffusion decreases with an increase in ash as dry basis, and 3) the mass transfer coefficient is independent of coal quality on the whole. The apparent reaction rate constant, mass-transfer coefficient and effective coefficient of diffusion of six char samples range from 7.51×104 m/s to 8.98×104 m/s, 3.05×106 m/s to 3.23×106 m/s and 5.36×106 m2/s to 8.23×106 m2/s at 900℃, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 underground coal gasification CHAR COMBUSTION kinetic equation thermo-gravimetric
Synthesis and Characterization of Pr(DPM)_3 Served as Precursor for MOCVD
作者 LIU Ming-fei HU Yong-xing JIANG Yin-zhu GAO Jian-feng WANG Yan-yan MENG Guang-yao 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期258-262,共5页
Praseodymium β-diketone chelate, Pr (DPM)3 [ DPM = 2,2,6,6 -tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato ], was successfully synthesized from the inorganic salt praseodymium chloride and HDPM(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptane-di... Praseodymium β-diketone chelate, Pr (DPM)3 [ DPM = 2,2,6,6 -tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato ], was successfully synthesized from the inorganic salt praseodymium chloride and HDPM(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptane-dione) in an ethanol/aqueous solution followed distillation at low pressure and recrystallization from toluene. The physical and thermal properties of the chelate, including volatility, stability, and thermal decomposition, were investigated by elemental analyses, 1^H NMR spectroscopy, XRD, TG/DTG/DTA analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy. The chelate with high purity prepared by the authors of this study also shows sufficient volatility and Stability in inert gases, which could be used as the precursor for metal-organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). 展开更多
关键词 MOCVD Chemical synthesis thermo-gravimetric analysis Infrared spectroscopy
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