Some words in Kunming dialect have maintained their original pronunciations but have no equivalent Chinese characters. These words are used orally but have their own meanings. The author of this paper has studied the ...Some words in Kunming dialect have maintained their original pronunciations but have no equivalent Chinese characters. These words are used orally but have their own meanings. The author of this paper has studied the origin and development of some place-names in Kunming dialect.展开更多
The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the plac...The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the place-names with allusion-oriented meaning. The translators should consider the cultural meaning of the place-names and convey the cultural meaning accurately to the foreigners. This paper is based on some cases that have been searched, illustrating the translation of place-names on allusion-oriented from the perspective of cross-cultural communication consciousness and the strategy of foreignization. It also analyzes the basic guiding principl strategies and specific translation methods on the translation of Chinese place-names, as well as the scope es, of various translation methods, such as literal translation, free translation, combination of both of them, and proposes the guiding principles of this kind of translation which should be "literal translation-headed, proper free translation, and appropriate interpretation". The other principles are "following the pronunciation of the owners of proper names, adopting the established popular translated names, and using the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character" etc. Based on it, this paper discusses the translation of the place-names, such as "Zhenyuan'展开更多
文摘Some words in Kunming dialect have maintained their original pronunciations but have no equivalent Chinese characters. These words are used orally but have their own meanings. The author of this paper has studied the origin and development of some place-names in Kunming dialect.
文摘The translation of place-names plays a significant part in both translation and the process of communication. The translation of place-names is a cross-cultural communication, especially in the translation of the place-names with allusion-oriented meaning. The translators should consider the cultural meaning of the place-names and convey the cultural meaning accurately to the foreigners. This paper is based on some cases that have been searched, illustrating the translation of place-names on allusion-oriented from the perspective of cross-cultural communication consciousness and the strategy of foreignization. It also analyzes the basic guiding principl strategies and specific translation methods on the translation of Chinese place-names, as well as the scope es, of various translation methods, such as literal translation, free translation, combination of both of them, and proposes the guiding principles of this kind of translation which should be "literal translation-headed, proper free translation, and appropriate interpretation". The other principles are "following the pronunciation of the owners of proper names, adopting the established popular translated names, and using the standard pronunciation of the Chinese character" etc. Based on it, this paper discusses the translation of the place-names, such as "Zhenyuan'