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论《四象》的亡灵叙事与情感经纬 被引量:1
作者 丁子钧 《中州大学学报》 2020年第3期24-27,共4页
以非虚构写作成名的作家梁鸿,其长篇小说新作《四象》,以亡灵的视角展开叙事,进一步脱离了自我“非虚构”的身份。亡灵叙事的时空切换,也为小说叙事争取到了最大的自由度。个体的“离去”与“重返”,个体的精神脉络如何藏匿在村庄的筋骨... 以非虚构写作成名的作家梁鸿,其长篇小说新作《四象》,以亡灵的视角展开叙事,进一步脱离了自我“非虚构”的身份。亡灵叙事的时空切换,也为小说叙事争取到了最大的自由度。个体的“离去”与“重返”,个体的精神脉络如何藏匿在村庄的筋骨里,是这部小说钩沉的主要内容。在辨析来路的思维指向中,又隐含着女性特有的情感投射。 展开更多
关键词 梁鸿 《四象》 亡灵叙事
A Warm Death Trip——An Interpretation of The Great Blue Yonder from the Dead Children Narrative Perspective
作者 黄洁 《海外英语》 2015年第21期195-197,共3页
When it comes to the death,it can be gruesome or be dolente.However,the death also can be warm and be a new start of life.It is because we regard the death from different perspective that we show different attitude to... When it comes to the death,it can be gruesome or be dolente.However,the death also can be warm and be a new start of life.It is because we regard the death from different perspective that we show different attitude to the death.The novel The Great Blue Yonder which described the experience of the little protagonist died as a ghost wandering in the mortal world interpreted the death by fairy tale.In his wandering trip,he experience not only tears but also laughter.The more important experience he realized was that he took a new look at love and comprehended the significance of life.Because of the dislocation between narrative perspective and narrative contents,the abnormal narrative perspective owns the unique artistic charm.This thesis aims to interpret the Great Blue Yonder by taking the abnormal narrative perspective as the point of view from the dual narrative perspective of the ghosts and the children.The abnormal narrative perspective is endowed with the unique aesthetic effect because of its own aesthetic properties.It will make a great fresh aesthetic feast to readers. 展开更多
关键词 the dead ghost narrative perspective the children narrative perspective DEATH The great blue yonder
《风景》的批判精神与价值承载 被引量:2
作者 聂茂 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第4期116-120,共5页
《风景》生动传神地呈现了社会转型和现代化进程中底层人物的报复心理、无措感及其扭曲的种种丑态。面对道德沦丧和"种的退化",作者不仅展示了造成"硬扭"病相的复杂原因,掀开孕育民族劣根性和生长七哥们之"怪... 《风景》生动传神地呈现了社会转型和现代化进程中底层人物的报复心理、无措感及其扭曲的种种丑态。面对道德沦丧和"种的退化",作者不仅展示了造成"硬扭"病相的复杂原因,掀开孕育民族劣根性和生长七哥们之"怪胎"的土壤,而且深刻讽刺了没有觉悟而又拒绝启蒙的市民对"外来文化"的崇拜和对"本土文明"的鄙薄,强烈批判无处不在的拜金主义对传统价值和社会秩序的颠覆,充分反映了创作者所秉持的道德理想和人文精神。 展开更多
关键词 方方 《风景》 新写实 死灵魂叙事 批判精神 价值承载
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