利用NCEP再分析的大气环流资料、海表温度资料和全国160站降水资料,研究了冬季东印度洋海温对我国江南-华南地区同期降水的影响。结果指出,冬季东印度洋海温(Sea Surface Temperature in theEastern Indian Ocean,EIOSST)和同期的江南-...利用NCEP再分析的大气环流资料、海表温度资料和全国160站降水资料,研究了冬季东印度洋海温对我国江南-华南地区同期降水的影响。结果指出,冬季东印度洋海温(Sea Surface Temperature in theEastern Indian Ocean,EIOSST)和同期的江南-华南降水呈显著的正相关关系。当EIOSST偏高时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏多。而当EIOSST偏低时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏少。这种影响的可能机制是:冬季东印度洋海温异常通过影响南支槽上的扰动活动和水汽输送来影响同期的江南-华南降水。当东印度洋海温偏高时,局地对流加强,引起南支槽地区的上升运动加强,南支槽活跃。活跃的南支扰动向下游传播,南支槽前的西南气流将水汽从孟加拉湾向华南和江南输送,引起华南和江南的降水偏多。进一步的分析显示,东印度洋海温对南支槽和江南-华南的降水的影响独立于ENSO的影响。二者对南支槽和江南-华南地区冬季降水的影响过程一致,只是东印度洋海温的影响较弱。当东印度洋海温和ENSO的作用相叠加时,江南-华南可能会出现较异常的冬季降水。展开更多
基于槽的客观识别方法,提出南支槽强度定义,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料500 h Pa高度场识别了1953 2012年冬半年逐日南支槽分布,利用线性趋势、Mann-Kendall突变检测和小波分析等分析了近60年南支槽的气候及其变化特征。结果表明:南支槽年...基于槽的客观识别方法,提出南支槽强度定义,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料500 h Pa高度场识别了1953 2012年冬半年逐日南支槽分布,利用线性趋势、Mann-Kendall突变检测和小波分析等分析了近60年南支槽的气候及其变化特征。结果表明:南支槽年平均活动频次为46.4次,活动最频繁区位于青藏高原中部南侧(90°E 92.5°E),强度自西向东减弱;1月和5月的活动频次最高,1月和2月的强度最大;近60年南支槽活动频次有增加趋势,每年平均增加0.12次,在1960年前后发生突变,之前年平均为39.8次,之后年平均为47.5次;最显著周期为7年。对南支槽不同位置的整层水汽输送通量合成分析表明,南支槽前为水汽输送异常大值区,该水汽输送大值区随南支槽东移而东移。展开更多
In spring and early summer of 2019, Yunnan Province experienced the most severe seasonal drought on record,with days of extreme drought area exceeding 10^5 km^2 far more than normal. Consistently, the precipitation in...In spring and early summer of 2019, Yunnan Province experienced the most severe seasonal drought on record,with days of extreme drought area exceeding 10^5 km^2 far more than normal. Consistently, the precipitation in each month from February to June is over 30% less than normal, and about 50% less in the most severe drought period(April–June). The rainy season in Southwest China(SWC) started on the third pentad in June 2019, which is the second latest in history. The rainy season in Yunnan started on 24 June, which is the latest(29 days later than normal). On the contrary, the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM) is abnormally early. The lag time between the start of the rainy season in SWC and the onset of the SCSSM in 2019 is 7 pentads, which is the largest since 1961, much longer than the climate mean(less than 1 pentad). The present study analyzes the possible reasons why the rainy season came extremely late and the drought disaster persisted and intensified after a much early SCSSM, at both seasonal and subseasonal timescales. The abnormally late onset of the rainy season and the second greatest potential evapotranspiration(PET) since 1981 are the direct reasons for the persistent drought. Statistical results show that the water vapor from southwest of Yunnan in April–June contributes more than that from the east at the seasonal scale. In April–June 2019, however, the southern branch trough(SBT) was abnormally weak, the large and strong anticyclonic wind anomaly prevailed over the Bay of the Bengal(BOB), and the meridional water vapor transport to Yunnan was weak. At the subseasonal scale, the weaker SBT lasted the longest, and the strong convection over the BOB came up late despite of an early onset of the SCSSM, which resulted in reduced low-level moisture convergence in Yunnan and development of drought prior to the SCSSM onset. From the onset of SCSSM to the start of rainy season in SWC, the SBT and meridional water vapor transport from the BOB were still weak, and the water vapor wa展开更多
利用NCEP/NCAR的2.5°×2.5°逐6 h再分析资料、常规气象观测资料和卫星云图资料,对2013年1月17—19日西藏高原西南部地区的一次暴雪天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:此次西藏高原西南部地区暴雪天气过程中高纬地区为两...利用NCEP/NCAR的2.5°×2.5°逐6 h再分析资料、常规气象观测资料和卫星云图资料,对2013年1月17—19日西藏高原西南部地区的一次暴雪天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:此次西藏高原西南部地区暴雪天气过程中高纬地区为两槽两脊型,深厚的南支槽、西南急流和西太平洋副热带高压是此次暴雪过程的主要影响系统。此次暴雪过程气旋性涡度可达15.0×10^(-5)s^(-1),低层辐合和中高层辐散有利于产生上升运动,250 h Pa附近正散度为3.5×10^(-5)s^(-1),中高层的强抽吸效应和强上升运动对暴雪的发生具有重要作用;主要水汽来源为阿拉伯海,水汽通量增加和水汽通量散度中心向东北方向移动说明西南暖湿气流源源不断地向暴雪区输送水汽并辐合;同时,地形的抬升作用有利于水汽凝结,云系接近西藏高原时云顶亮温(Black Body Temperature,TBB)明显减小,到达暴雪区上空时TBB为-50℃以下,其中西藏高原西部的普兰地区上空TBB达-60℃以下。展开更多
文摘利用NCEP再分析的大气环流资料、海表温度资料和全国160站降水资料,研究了冬季东印度洋海温对我国江南-华南地区同期降水的影响。结果指出,冬季东印度洋海温(Sea Surface Temperature in theEastern Indian Ocean,EIOSST)和同期的江南-华南降水呈显著的正相关关系。当EIOSST偏高时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏多。而当EIOSST偏低时,江南-华南的冬季降水偏少。这种影响的可能机制是:冬季东印度洋海温异常通过影响南支槽上的扰动活动和水汽输送来影响同期的江南-华南降水。当东印度洋海温偏高时,局地对流加强,引起南支槽地区的上升运动加强,南支槽活跃。活跃的南支扰动向下游传播,南支槽前的西南气流将水汽从孟加拉湾向华南和江南输送,引起华南和江南的降水偏多。进一步的分析显示,东印度洋海温对南支槽和江南-华南的降水的影响独立于ENSO的影响。二者对南支槽和江南-华南地区冬季降水的影响过程一致,只是东印度洋海温的影响较弱。当东印度洋海温和ENSO的作用相叠加时,江南-华南可能会出现较异常的冬季降水。
文摘基于槽的客观识别方法,提出南支槽强度定义,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料500 h Pa高度场识别了1953 2012年冬半年逐日南支槽分布,利用线性趋势、Mann-Kendall突变检测和小波分析等分析了近60年南支槽的气候及其变化特征。结果表明:南支槽年平均活动频次为46.4次,活动最频繁区位于青藏高原中部南侧(90°E 92.5°E),强度自西向东减弱;1月和5月的活动频次最高,1月和2月的强度最大;近60年南支槽活动频次有增加趋势,每年平均增加0.12次,在1960年前后发生突变,之前年平均为39.8次,之后年平均为47.5次;最显著周期为7年。对南支槽不同位置的整层水汽输送通量合成分析表明,南支槽前为水汽输送异常大值区,该水汽输送大值区随南支槽东移而东移。
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2018YFC1505603 and 2017YFC1502402)China Meteorological Administration Special Public Welfare Research Fund(GYHY201306033)。
文摘In spring and early summer of 2019, Yunnan Province experienced the most severe seasonal drought on record,with days of extreme drought area exceeding 10^5 km^2 far more than normal. Consistently, the precipitation in each month from February to June is over 30% less than normal, and about 50% less in the most severe drought period(April–June). The rainy season in Southwest China(SWC) started on the third pentad in June 2019, which is the second latest in history. The rainy season in Yunnan started on 24 June, which is the latest(29 days later than normal). On the contrary, the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM) is abnormally early. The lag time between the start of the rainy season in SWC and the onset of the SCSSM in 2019 is 7 pentads, which is the largest since 1961, much longer than the climate mean(less than 1 pentad). The present study analyzes the possible reasons why the rainy season came extremely late and the drought disaster persisted and intensified after a much early SCSSM, at both seasonal and subseasonal timescales. The abnormally late onset of the rainy season and the second greatest potential evapotranspiration(PET) since 1981 are the direct reasons for the persistent drought. Statistical results show that the water vapor from southwest of Yunnan in April–June contributes more than that from the east at the seasonal scale. In April–June 2019, however, the southern branch trough(SBT) was abnormally weak, the large and strong anticyclonic wind anomaly prevailed over the Bay of the Bengal(BOB), and the meridional water vapor transport to Yunnan was weak. At the subseasonal scale, the weaker SBT lasted the longest, and the strong convection over the BOB came up late despite of an early onset of the SCSSM, which resulted in reduced low-level moisture convergence in Yunnan and development of drought prior to the SCSSM onset. From the onset of SCSSM to the start of rainy season in SWC, the SBT and meridional water vapor transport from the BOB were still weak, and the water vapor wa
文摘利用NCEP/NCAR的2.5°×2.5°逐6 h再分析资料、常规气象观测资料和卫星云图资料,对2013年1月17—19日西藏高原西南部地区的一次暴雪天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:此次西藏高原西南部地区暴雪天气过程中高纬地区为两槽两脊型,深厚的南支槽、西南急流和西太平洋副热带高压是此次暴雪过程的主要影响系统。此次暴雪过程气旋性涡度可达15.0×10^(-5)s^(-1),低层辐合和中高层辐散有利于产生上升运动,250 h Pa附近正散度为3.5×10^(-5)s^(-1),中高层的强抽吸效应和强上升运动对暴雪的发生具有重要作用;主要水汽来源为阿拉伯海,水汽通量增加和水汽通量散度中心向东北方向移动说明西南暖湿气流源源不断地向暴雪区输送水汽并辐合;同时,地形的抬升作用有利于水汽凝结,云系接近西藏高原时云顶亮温(Black Body Temperature,TBB)明显减小,到达暴雪区上空时TBB为-50℃以下,其中西藏高原西部的普兰地区上空TBB达-60℃以下。