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Crucial problems in the design of a terahertz tripler
作者 孟进 张德海 +3 位作者 蒋长宏 赵鑫 黄健 闫大帅 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期131-135,共5页
A frequency-multiplied source at the terahertz band using discrete planar Schottky diodes, which is a critical element in heterodyne instruments, has been studied by some domestic research institutions in recent years... A frequency-multiplied source at the terahertz band using discrete planar Schottky diodes, which is a critical element in heterodyne instruments, has been studied by some domestic research institutions in recent years. Besides the design method, there are still many crucial problems that must be taken into consideration in the design. This article mainly discuss three aspects based on the measured data of a 225 GHz tripler that we designed. Firstly, the accuracy of the diode model concerns the reliability of the simulation results. According to the Spice parameters and the measured results, the physical size and the DC parameter of the Schottky diode can be corrected until there is a good consistency between the simulated and measured results. Secondly, the heat accumulation happens to the Schottky junction when the high input power is added. A steady-state thermal simulation is done and the results show that the hottest temperature is about 140℃ with 250 mW input power, which is safe to the diode. Lastly, some non-ideal factors are brought during the assembly process such as the uncertainty in the conductive adhesive shape and location deviation of the circuit. Furthermore, the effect on the performance of the frequency multiplier is calculated in this work. 展开更多
关键词 terahertz tripler diode model heat dissipation assembly error
作者 何月 田遥岭 +3 位作者 周人 蒋均 林长星 苏伟 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期863-870,共8页
本文介绍了一种基于砷化镓材料的高功率490~530 GHz单片集成三倍频器。基于提出的对称平衡结构,该三倍频器不仅可以实现良好的振幅和相位平衡,用来实现高效的功率合成,还可以在没有任何旁路电容的情况下提供直流偏置路径以保证高效倍频... 本文介绍了一种基于砷化镓材料的高功率490~530 GHz单片集成三倍频器。基于提出的对称平衡结构,该三倍频器不仅可以实现良好的振幅和相位平衡,用来实现高效的功率合成,还可以在没有任何旁路电容的情况下提供直流偏置路径以保证高效倍频效率。同时,开展容差性仿真分析二极管关键电气参数与结构参数对倍频性能的影响研究,以便最大化提升倍频性能。最终,在大约80~200 mW的输入功率驱动下,研制的510 GHz三倍频,在490~530 GHz频率范围内,输出功率为4~16 mW,其中峰值倍频效率11%。在522 GHz频点处,该三倍频在218 mW的输入功率驱动下,产生16 mW的最大输出功率。该三倍频器后期将用于1 THz的固态外超外差混频器的本振源。 展开更多
关键词 电子技术 太赫兹倍频器 单片集成电路 肖特基二极管 本振源
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