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46例前置胎盘孕妇期待疗法中系统化护理与效果观察 被引量:16
作者 郑丽玲 曾冬枚 《当代医学》 2012年第15期128-129,共2页
目的 探讨前置胎盘孕妇期待疗法中实施系统化护理对妊娠结局的影响。方法 90例实施期待疗法的前置胎盘孕妇随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组施以常规产科护理,观察组在此基础上强化心理护理、健康教育、病情观察、感染控制、宫缩及产后... 目的 探讨前置胎盘孕妇期待疗法中实施系统化护理对妊娠结局的影响。方法 90例实施期待疗法的前置胎盘孕妇随机分为观察组和对照组,对照组施以常规产科护理,观察组在此基础上强化心理护理、健康教育、病情观察、感染控制、宫缩及产后护理等系统化护理干预,观察两组孕妇妊娠结局、产后并发症及新生儿状况。结果 (1)观察组孕妇顺产比例(76.1%)与剖宫产活产比例(100.0%)高于对照组比例(54.5%、80.0%);(2)观察组顺产产妇产后出血量(429.6ml)、产褥感染率(22.9%)、新生儿体重(3.28kg)及评分(9.3分)均优于对照组(485.4ml、50.0%、2.89kg、8.8分),差别具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 系统化护理干预措施能明显改善期待疗法中前置胎盘孕妇的妊娠结局与新生儿状况。 展开更多
关键词 前置胎盘 期待疗法 系统化护理 妊娠结局
"因循"与建安至景初之际曹魏官方政治哲学 被引量:8
作者 王晓毅 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期74-81,共8页
在汉魏之际"天命论"与"德主刑辅"观念动摇的时代背景下,曹魏官方政治思想发生了重要变化,即所谓"名法"思潮兴起。其理论特点是:以黄老"因循"哲学为最高原则,德法术并用,"随时致宜"... 在汉魏之际"天命论"与"德主刑辅"观念动摇的时代背景下,曹魏官方政治思想发生了重要变化,即所谓"名法"思潮兴起。其理论特点是:以黄老"因循"哲学为最高原则,德法术并用,"随时致宜"。它萌生于建安时期曹操丞相府的新兴知识群体--建安名士中,其理论建树主要是由第二代建安名士,在曹操、曹丕、曹叡祖孙三代相继执政的建安至景初之际完成,并对魏晋之际儒学、玄学的政治理论与实践产生了直接影响。 展开更多
关键词 因循 名法 儒教 曹魏
早产胎膜早破期待疗法临床观察 被引量:10
作者 黄红香 《现代中西医结合杂志》 CAS 2010年第14期1717-1719,共3页
目的评估早产胎膜早破(PPROM)期待疗法的效果。方法对36例孕28~37周胎膜早破孕妇的治疗和母婴预后进行回顾性分析。结果孕34周以下破膜后超过24h分娩的新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)发生率下降,死亡率下降,孕34周后围生儿死亡率也... 目的评估早产胎膜早破(PPROM)期待疗法的效果。方法对36例孕28~37周胎膜早破孕妇的治疗和母婴预后进行回顾性分析。结果孕34周以下破膜后超过24h分娩的新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)发生率下降,死亡率下降,孕34周后围生儿死亡率也明显下降。结论对于孕28~34周PPROM宜采用期待疗法以减少新生儿合并症的发生,对于孕周小者尽量延长孕周适时分娩,以降低新生儿死亡率。 展开更多
关键词 早产 胎膜早破 期待疗法
前置胎盘的流行病学特征及其期待疗法 被引量:5
作者 周立 《中国初级卫生保健》 2004年第5期50-52,共3页
目的了解前置胎盘的流行病学特征及期待疗法对围产儿预后的影响。方法对1992年1月—2002年12月收治的226例前置胎盘患者的病史采集及住院观察。结果收治住院孕产妇总数为17610例,其中前置胎盘226例,其发生比例为1.28%;胎盘异常85例,占... 目的了解前置胎盘的流行病学特征及期待疗法对围产儿预后的影响。方法对1992年1月—2002年12月收治的226例前置胎盘患者的病史采集及住院观察。结果收治住院孕产妇总数为17610例,其中前置胎盘226例,其发生比例为1.28%;胎盘异常85例,占前置胎盘分娩总数的40.86%;流、引产次数与妊娠次数越多,前置胎盘发生率越高;通过期待疗法,尽量延长孕龄,降低了低出生体重儿的发生率。结论预防前置胎盘的发生从根本上就应减少宫腔手术史;前置胎盘在无明显大出血及并发症情况下,能尽量期待至37周以上再予以分娩为佳。 展开更多
关键词 前置胎盘 流行病学特征 期待疗法 围产儿预后 妊娠出血 宫腔手术 安全性
胎膜早破期待疗法的护理研究 被引量:4
作者 黄梅珍 《中国当代医药》 2013年第16期165-166,共2页
目的探讨期待疗法治疗胎膜早破的护理方式及效果。方法将本院2011~2012年收治的113例胎膜早破患者作为研究对象,采取期待疗法,同时加强患者的心理与生活护理,并对羊水及胎儿的情况进行严密监测。结果行期待疗法后给予积极的护理,新生... 目的探讨期待疗法治疗胎膜早破的护理方式及效果。方法将本院2011~2012年收治的113例胎膜早破患者作为研究对象,采取期待疗法,同时加强患者的心理与生活护理,并对羊水及胎儿的情况进行严密监测。结果行期待疗法后给予积极的护理,新生儿的成活率较高而并发症也较少。结论对于行期待疗法的胎膜早破患者而言,为了提高新生儿的成活率,同时减少并发症的发生,应积极加强患者的相关护理。 展开更多
关键词 胎膜早破 期待疗法 护理方式 研究
前置胎盘发病率及预后相关因素的研究 被引量:3
作者 张兰芳 《武汉科技大学学报》 CAS 2001年第4期425-426,共2页
通过对 2 19例前置胎盘临床资料的分析 ,结果显示 :流产、剖宫产史、孕产次数与前置胎盘发病率密切相关 ,孕产次数增多 ,则前置胎盘发病率增高 ,有流产、剖宫产史 ,其前置胎盘发病率明显增高。围产儿病死率的降低与孕妇能按时产前检查... 通过对 2 19例前置胎盘临床资料的分析 ,结果显示 :流产、剖宫产史、孕产次数与前置胎盘发病率密切相关 ,孕产次数增多 ,则前置胎盘发病率增高 ,有流产、剖宫产史 ,其前置胎盘发病率明显增高。围产儿病死率的降低与孕妇能按时产前检查、及时B超检查、早期诊断。 展开更多
关键词 前置胎盘 流产 剖宫产 孕产次数 早期诊断 期待疗法 发病率 治疗
前置胎盘期待疗法的临床观察 被引量:1
作者 黄蕊 巩传红 王淑斌 《中国煤炭工业医学杂志》 2014年第6期882-885,共4页
目的探讨前置胎盘期待疗法的临床效果和终止妊娠的方法。方法对2009年1月—2013年1月煤炭总医院诊治的66例前置胎盘孕妇进行回顾性分析。结果前置胎盘根据无痛性阴道流血史、B超检查能及时作出诊断,期待治疗能够延长孕周、减少产后出血... 目的探讨前置胎盘期待疗法的临床效果和终止妊娠的方法。方法对2009年1月—2013年1月煤炭总医院诊治的66例前置胎盘孕妇进行回顾性分析。结果前置胎盘根据无痛性阴道流血史、B超检查能及时作出诊断,期待治疗能够延长孕周、减少产后出血量,改善母儿预后。结论期待疗法能够显著改善母儿预后,可作为前置胎盘的首选治疗方法。 展开更多
关键词 前置胎盘 终止妊娠 期待疗法
作者 范国强 管祥久 《管子学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第2期51-54,共4页
慎子是战国中期稷下学宫的代表人物之一。其思想主要体现在《慎子》①一书中。由于资料缺乏,慎子的思想学术派别历来说法不一。②本文以为:慎子将道家"道法自然"的思想加以演化并与其"尊君"、"尚法"、&qu... 慎子是战国中期稷下学宫的代表人物之一。其思想主要体现在《慎子》①一书中。由于资料缺乏,慎子的思想学术派别历来说法不一。②本文以为:慎子将道家"道法自然"的思想加以演化并与其"尊君"、"尚法"、"贵势"、重"术"的学术理论很好地融合在了一起,但法家思想是其学术思想的重点与核心,他是战国中期由学说林立走向学术融合的重要代表性人物。 展开更多
关键词 慎子 因循自然 法家思想
作者 郑霖 《中外医学研究》 2016年第32期1-2,共2页
目的:研究前置胎盘期待治疗的母儿妊娠结局。方法:对2013年1-12月福建医科大学附属漳州市医院产科收治的67例达到或超过37周且进行了完整期待治疗的前置胎盘孕产妇进行回顾性分析,并选取同期住院分娩的69例前置胎盘为对照组(不足37周且... 目的:研究前置胎盘期待治疗的母儿妊娠结局。方法:对2013年1-12月福建医科大学附属漳州市医院产科收治的67例达到或超过37周且进行了完整期待治疗的前置胎盘孕产妇进行回顾性分析,并选取同期住院分娩的69例前置胎盘为对照组(不足37周且未进行期待治疗或未完成期待治疗)。对比两组母儿的妊娠结局。结果:观察组孕产妇平均产前出血量(165.00±41.22)ml,平均产后出血量(581.54±125.12)ml,与对照组的(133.22±29.35)ml、(617.95±119.97)ml比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),子宫切除率两组比较差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05);观察组新生儿平均出生体重为(2945.59±595.49)g,较对照组的(2463.19±662.61)g重,观察组新生儿窒息率、转儿科率较对照组明显低,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:前置胎盘的期待治疗临床效果明显,母婴结局好,在母婴安全的前提下,应合理期待治疗,以改善母婴结局,避免医源性早产。 展开更多
关键词 前置胎盘 期待治疗 妊娠结局
作者 余金成 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2011年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 马克思主义中国化 时代化 大众化 社会主义建设规律
《文心雕龙》“师圣”“师心”辨 被引量:1
作者 闫爱华 《重庆交通学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第4期64-66,共3页
"师圣"和"师心"是《文心雕龙》的两个重要观点,这两个看似对立的观点,实际上是统一于《文心雕龙》的整个体系中的。无论是"师圣"还是"师心",都是对"道"的体认方式。"师圣"... "师圣"和"师心"是《文心雕龙》的两个重要观点,这两个看似对立的观点,实际上是统一于《文心雕龙》的整个体系中的。无论是"师圣"还是"师心",都是对"道"的体认方式。"师圣"与"师心"体现了对创作主体意义的重视,是创作主体的不同的创作取向。"师圣"与"师心"的关系也是对文学继承和革新关系的一个注脚。 展开更多
关键词 “师圣” “师心” 因革
基于粗糙集的多变量决策树构造方法 被引量:120
作者 苗夺谦 王珏 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1997年第6期425-431,共7页
本文利用粗糙集理论中条件属性相对于决策属性的核,解决多变量检验中属性的选择问题.另外,定义了2个等价关系相对泛化的概念,并将它用于解决多变量检验的构造问题.通过一个例子,对本文提出的多变量决策树方法与著名的单变量决策... 本文利用粗糙集理论中条件属性相对于决策属性的核,解决多变量检验中属性的选择问题.另外,定义了2个等价关系相对泛化的概念,并将它用于解决多变量检验的构造问题.通过一个例子,对本文提出的多变量决策树方法与著名的单变量决策树(ID3)方法进行了比较,结果表明前者比后者更简单.同时,对几种多变量决策树方法做了初步的对比分析. 展开更多
关键词 粗糙集 单变量决策树 多变量决策树 归纳学习
Liver cancer incidence and mortality in China: Temporal trends and projections to 2030 被引量:161
作者 Rongshou Zheng Chunfeng Qu +9 位作者 Siwei Zhang Hongmei Zeng Kexin Sun Xiuying Gu Changfa Xia Zhixun Yang He Li Wenqiang Wei Wanqing Chen Jie He 《Chinese Journal of Cancer Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期571-579,共9页
Objective: Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers and major cause of cancer deaths in China,which accounts for over 50% of new cases and deaths worldwide.The systematic liver cancer statistics including of pro... Objective: Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers and major cause of cancer deaths in China,which accounts for over 50% of new cases and deaths worldwide.The systematic liver cancer statistics including of projection through 2030 could provide valuable information for prevention and control strategies in China,and experience for other countries.Methods: The burden of liver cancer in China in 2014 was estimated using 339 cancer registries’ data selected from Chinese National Cancer Center(NCC).Incident cases of 22 cancer registries were applied for temporal trends from 2000 to 2014.The burden of liver cancer through 2030 was projected using age-period-cohort model.Results: About 364,800 new cases of liver cancer(268,900 males and 95,900 females) occurred in China,and about 318,800 liver cancer deaths(233,500 males and 85,300 females) in 2014.Western regions of China had the highest incidence and mortality rates.Incidence and mortality rates decreased by about 2.3% and 2.6% per year during the period of 2000-2014,respectively,and would decrease by more than 44% between 2014 and 2030 in China.The young generation,particularly for those aged under 40 years,showed a faster down trend.Conclusions: Based on the analysis,incidence and mortality rates of liver cancer are expected to decrease through 2030,but the burden of liver cancer is still serious in China,especially in rural and western areas.Most cases of liver cancer in China can be prevented through vaccination and more prevention efforts should be focused on high risk groups. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cancer burden temporal trends PREDICTION cancer registry China
作者 张录军 钱永甫 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2003年第2期146-163,共18页
The hierarchy and definition of the precipitation-concentration degree and precipitation- concentration period of annual precipitation have been proposed by using the so-called vector method of annual distribution of ... The hierarchy and definition of the precipitation-concentration degree and precipitation- concentration period of annual precipitation have been proposed by using the so-called vector method of annual distribution of precipitation,so that the two relevant parameters can represent the annual distribution of total precipitation correctly and indeed accurately.The relationship between the spatial and temporal distribution patterns and variations of the two parameters and the annual precipitation amount in China has been further investigated.Results demonstrate that the precipitation-concentration degree and the precipitation-concentration period increase from southeast to northwest gradually.Moreover there obviously exists a belt pattern:the largest variability of the precipitation-concentration degree and the precipitation-concentration period occurs in the Yellow River Valley and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, corresponding to the significant zones in which flood and drought take place frequently.It is found that there exist high correlations between the precipitation-concentration degree and precipitation- concentration period and the annual precipitation amount in Northeast China,North China,the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Furthermore,8-year and 22-year periodic oscillations in the precipitation-concentration degree and 6-year and 12-year cycles in the precipitation-concentration period are identified by use of their Morlet wavelet analysis. 展开更多
关键词 precipitation-concentration degree (PCD) precipitation-concentration period (PCP) spatial and temporal distribution climate changes climate trend coefficient
论英汉表象性差异背后的时空特性——从Humboldt的“内蕴语言形式”观谈起 被引量:108
作者 王文斌 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期29-36,共8页
学界普遍认为,英汉语之间存在形合与意合、客体意识与主体意识、个体思维与整体思维等差异。本文提出,隐匿于这些差异背后的根由是英语的时间性特质和汉语的空间性特质,形合与意合、客体意识与主体意识、个体思维与整体思维等差异只是... 学界普遍认为,英汉语之间存在形合与意合、客体意识与主体意识、个体思维与整体思维等差异。本文提出,隐匿于这些差异背后的根由是英语的时间性特质和汉语的空间性特质,形合与意合、客体意识与主体意识、个体思维与整体思维等差异只是这一根由的诸种外在表象,而英语的时间性特质和汉语的空间性特质缘起于英民族的时间思维偏好和汉民族的空间思维取向,这无疑印证了Humboldt的"内蕴语言形式"观。本文指出,英语的时间性如同音乐,其本质特征是连接性和延续性,而汉语的空间性犹如绘画,其本质特征是离散性和块状性。 展开更多
关键词 内蕴语言形式 英语 时间性 汉语 空间性
用纵向案例研究讲好中国故事:过程研究范式、过程理论化与中西对话前景 被引量:90
作者 王凤彬 张雪 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期191-212,共22页
不论是以因素理论化为主导的定量研究,还是Eisenhardt推崇的多案例研究,或者诠释主义导向的扎根理论研究,都存在一个共同的缺失,即忽视了动态变化现象所蕴涵的时间性。这为过程研究范式的发展留下了广阔的空间和理论创新的机会。近来国... 不论是以因素理论化为主导的定量研究,还是Eisenhardt推崇的多案例研究,或者诠释主义导向的扎根理论研究,都存在一个共同的缺失,即忽视了动态变化现象所蕴涵的时间性。这为过程研究范式的发展留下了广阔的空间和理论创新的机会。近来国外的过程研究已快速发展并成型化,形成了包括本体论假设、理论化内核、过程数据分析策略和理论化模式在内的系列研究成果,为纵向案例研究者提供了一个新型研究范式。国内的过程研究数量也在不断攀升,但是在本体论立场、理论化深度、过程模型构建和方法适配性等方面尚存一些问题,总体呈现研究成果体系化不足和未能充分根植于本土厚实的过程思维传统等局限。为促进过程研究的高质量发展,本文对过程研究范式的哲学基础、范式内核、发展历程和动力进行系统化梳理和总结,并对发表在国内核心期刊上的纵向案例研究论文从本体论、时间嵌入性、理论化等多个维度进行述评,在总结过程研究面临的关键挑战和啟古纳今路径的同时阐明中西对话前景。本文力图通过文献述评和范式总结提升研究者对过程研究范式本体论、认识论、方法论的敏感性和反思力,为增扩过程理论化的深度和想象空间提供启迪,助力研究者更好地以纵向案例研究讲好中国故事。 展开更多
关键词 过程研究 理论化 过程本体论 时间性 研究范式转型
Breast cancer incidence and mortality in women in China: temporal trends and projections to 2030 被引量:89
作者 Shaoyuan Lei Rongshou Zheng +6 位作者 Siwei Zhang Ru Chen Shaoming Wang Kexin Sun Hongmei Zeng Wenqiang Wei Jie He 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第3期900-909,共10页
Objective:Breast cancer was the most common cancer and the fifth cause of cancer deaths among women in China in 2015.The evaluation of the long-term incidence and mortality trends and the prediction of the future burd... Objective:Breast cancer was the most common cancer and the fifth cause of cancer deaths among women in China in 2015.The evaluation of the long-term incidence and mortality trends and the prediction of the future burden of breast cancer could provide valuable information for developing prevention and control strategies.Methods:The burden of breast cancer in China in 2015 was estimated by using qualified data from 368 cancer registries from the National Central Cancer Registry.Incident cases and deaths in 22 cancer registries were used to assess the time trends from 2000 to 2015.A Bayesian age-period-cohort model was used to project the burden of breast cancer to 2030.Results:Approximately 303,600 new cases of breast cancer(205,100 from urban areas and 98,500 from rural areas)and 70,400 breast cancer deaths(45,100 from urban areas and 24,500 from rural areas)occurred in China in 2015.Urban regions of China had the highest incidence and mortality rates.The most common histological subtype of breast cancer was invasive ductal carcinoma,followed by invasive lobular carcinoma.The age-standardized incidence and mortality rates increased by 3.3%and 1.0%per year during 2000–2015,and were projected to increase by more than 11%until 2030.Changes in risk and demographic factors between 2015 and 2030 in cases are predicted to increase by approximately 13.3%and 22.9%,whereas deaths are predicted to increase by 13.1%and 40.9%,respectively.Conclusions:The incidence and mortality of breast cancer continue to increase in China.There are no signs that this trend will stop by 2030,particularly in rural areas.Effective breast cancer prevention strategies are therefore urgently needed in China. 展开更多
关键词 Breast cancer temporal trends PREDICTION cancer registry China
用非第一范式关系表达GIS时态属性数据 被引量:40
作者 陈军 陈尚超 唐治锋 《武汉测绘科技大学学报》 CSCD 1995年第1期12-17,共6页
关键词 GIS 非第一范式 时态 属性
Grassland degradation in the "Three-River Headwaters" region, Qinghai Province 被引量:54
作者 LIU Jiyuan XU Xinliang SHAO Quanqin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期259-273,共15页
Supported by MSS images in the mid and late 1970s,TM images in the early 1990s and TM/ETM images in 2004,grassland degradation in the"Three-River Headwaters"region (TRH region)was interpreted through analysis on R... Supported by MSS images in the mid and late 1970s,TM images in the early 1990s and TM/ETM images in 2004,grassland degradation in the"Three-River Headwaters"region (TRH region)was interpreted through analysis on RS images in two time series,then the spatial and temporal characteristics of grassland degradation in the TRH region were analyzed since the 1970s.The results showed that grassland degradation in the TRH region was a continuous change process which had large affected area and long time scale,and rapidly strengthen phenomenon did not exist in the 1990s as a whole.Grassland degradation pattern in the TRH region took shape initially in the mid and late 1970s.Since the 1970s,this degradation process has taken place continuously,obviously characterizing different rules in different regions.In humid and semi-humid meadow region,grassland firstly fragmentized, then vegetation coverage decreased continuously,and finally"black-soil-patch"degraded grassland was formed.But in semi-arid and arid steppe region,the vegetation coverage decreased continuously,and finally desertification was formed.Because grassland degradation had obviously regional differences in the TRH region,it could be regionalized into 7 zones, and each zone had different characteristics in type,grade,scale and time process of grassland degradation. 展开更多
关键词 "Three-River Headwaters" region QINGHAI grassland degradation remote sensing spatial pattern temporal process
Fast increasing of surface ozone concentrations in Pearl River Delta characterized by a regional air quality monitoring network during 2006–2011 被引量:54
作者 Jinfeng Li Keding Lu +6 位作者 Wei Lv Jun Li Liuju Zhong Yubo Ou Duohong Chen Xin Huang Yuanhang Zhang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期23-36,共14页
Based on the observation by a Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network including 16 monitoring stations, temporal and spatial variations of ozone (O3), NO2 and total oxidant (Ox) were analyzed by both linear regres... Based on the observation by a Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network including 16 monitoring stations, temporal and spatial variations of ozone (O3), NO2 and total oxidant (Ox) were analyzed by both linear regression and cluster analysis. A fast increase of regional O3 concentrations of 0.86 ppbWyr was found for the annual averaged values from 2006 to 2011 in Guangdong, China. Such fast O3 increase is accompanied by a correspondingly fast NOx reduction as indicated by a fast NO2 reduction rate of 0,61 ppbV/yr. Based on a cluster analysis, the monitoring stations were classified into two major categories - rural stations (non-urban) and suburban/urban stations. The 03 concentrations at rural stations were relatively conserved while those at suburban/urban stations showed a fast increase rate of 2.0 ppbV/yr accompanied by a NO2 reduction rate of 1.2 ppbV/yr. Moreover, a rapid increase of the averaged O3 concentrations in springtime (13%/yr referred to 2006 level) was observed, which may result from the increase of solar duration, reduction of precipitation in Guangdong and transport from Eastern Central China. Application of smog production algorithm showed that the photochemical O3 production is mainly volatile organic compounds (VOC)-controlled. However, the photochemical O3 production is sensitive to both NOx and VOC for O3 pollution episode. Accordingly, it is expected that a combined NOx and VOC reduction will be helpful for the reduction of the O3 pollution episodes in Pearl River Delta while stringent VOC emission control is in general required for the regional O3 pollution control. 展开更多
关键词 O3 cluster analysis temporal variation smog production algorithm Pearl River Delta
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