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太阳活动周期的小波分析 被引量:28
作者 占腊生 何娟美 +1 位作者 叶艺林 赵海娟 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期166-174,共9页
运用小波技术对太阳射电流量2800 MHz,太阳黑子数和太阳黑子面积数周期进行分析.其结果表明: (1)这3个系列的数据显示最显著的周期是10.69年,其他周期并不明显.(2)小波功率谱给出了全部时间-周期范围的功率谱变化,它显示了在某个周... 运用小波技术对太阳射电流量2800 MHz,太阳黑子数和太阳黑子面积数周期进行分析.其结果表明: (1)这3个系列的数据显示最显著的周期是10.69年,其他周期并不明显.(2)小波功率谱给出了全部时间-周期范围的功率谱变化,它显示了在某个周期处于某个时段的局部功率的变化,小波功率谱分析表明,小于1年的周期仅仅在太阳活动最大期附近比较明显.(3)太阳射电2800 MHz,太阳黑子数和太阳黑子面积数的几个周期(10.69年,5.11年, 155.5天)的小波功率谱比较相似,出现峰值的时间相同;曲线的起伏相似,周期越小,曲线起伏的频率越大. 展开更多
关键词 太阳:活动 太阳黑子 太阳:射电辐射
基于Morlet小波的太阳活动与黄河流域径流量关系分析 被引量:23
作者 李春晖 杨志峰 《水资源与水工程学报》 2004年第3期1-4,共4页
太阳活动对黄河流域径流有一定影响。本文引用Morlet小波分析技术,对1919年~1997年黄河流域径流与同期太阳黑子9~11年小波系数的变化进行分析,表明黄河流域年径流与太阳黑子在不同时间段表现出不同的相关关系,在9年时间尺度上,1919年... 太阳活动对黄河流域径流有一定影响。本文引用Morlet小波分析技术,对1919年~1997年黄河流域径流与同期太阳黑子9~11年小波系数的变化进行分析,表明黄河流域年径流与太阳黑子在不同时间段表现出不同的相关关系,在9年时间尺度上,1919年~1931年和1957年~1997年两个时段,它们与太阳黑子呈一定的负相关关系,1931年~1957年则表现为正相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 小波分析技术 太阳黑子 径流 黄河流域
北江天然径流量的变化特征及其影响因素 被引量:20
作者 黎坤 江涛 刘德地 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期20-25,57,共7页
分析了最近45年来北江天然径流量的变化特征,并对其影响因素进行了分析,结果表明:北江天然年径流量具有阶段性特征,1984年后,发生明显变化,持续丰水和持续枯水时段开始变长,年际变化存在21年和11年的周期;锋面低槽形成大暴雨是北江主汛... 分析了最近45年来北江天然径流量的变化特征,并对其影响因素进行了分析,结果表明:北江天然年径流量具有阶段性特征,1984年后,发生明显变化,持续丰水和持续枯水时段开始变长,年际变化存在21年和11年的周期;锋面低槽形成大暴雨是北江主汛期径流量迅速增加的主要原因;大罗山、石坑崆是北江的两级迎水坡,其形成的多雨中心圈是北江径流量补充的主要来源;厄尔尼诺现象出现的次年北江年径流量普遍增大,拉尼娜现象出现的当年北江径流量普遍增大;太阳黑子的急剧变化,改变了地球的热力系统,对大气环流产生影响,这是太阳黑子影响流域径流量的一个主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 天然径流量 大气环流 厄尔尼诺 太阳黑子 北江
Wavelet Analysis of Several Important Periodic Properties in the Relative Sunspot Numbers 被引量:16
作者 Gui-MingLe Jia-LongWang 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期391-394,共4页
We investigate the wavelet transform of yearly mean relative sunspot number series from 1700 to 2002. The curve of the global wavelet power spectrum peaks at 11-yr, 53-yr and 101-yr periods. The evolution of the ampli... We investigate the wavelet transform of yearly mean relative sunspot number series from 1700 to 2002. The curve of the global wavelet power spectrum peaks at 11-yr, 53-yr and 101-yr periods. The evolution of the amplitudes of the three periods is studied. The results show that around 1750 and 1800, the amplitude of the 53-yr period was much higher than that of the the 11-yr period, that the ca. 53-yr period was apparent only for the interval from 1725 to 1850, and was very low after 1850, that around 1750, 1800 and 1900, the amplitude of the 101-yr period was higher than that of the 11-yr period and that, from 1940 to 2000, the 11-yr period greatly dominates over the other two periods. 展开更多
关键词 Sun: sunspots - Sun: activity - methods: data analysis
辽宁省近54年旱涝特征分析及其对大气环流响应研究 被引量:16
作者 王学凤 路洁 曹永强 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期1514-1524,共11页
在全球气候变暖背景下,探讨区域旱涝时空演变及成因对实现抗旱减灾和社会可持续发展至关重要。本文以辽宁省为研究基点,以标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)为旱涝量化指标,运用滑动平均、小波变换、经验正交分解等方法对辽宁省近54年旱涝时空... 在全球气候变暖背景下,探讨区域旱涝时空演变及成因对实现抗旱减灾和社会可持续发展至关重要。本文以辽宁省为研究基点,以标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)为旱涝量化指标,运用滑动平均、小波变换、经验正交分解等方法对辽宁省近54年旱涝时空演变特征进行分析,并结合太阳黑子和遥相关指数,运用交叉小波方法探讨旱涝特征对各因子的响应。结果表明:(1)时间尺度上,辽宁省SPEI指数存在29a的主周期和5a、9a次周期,且近54年以0.143/10a的速率向湿润化发展;(2)空间模态上,受大尺度气候系统的影响,第一模态表现为全区一致的湿润化趋势,东西反向差异为第二模态,反映了地理位置、海陆分布对SPEI指数的影响;(3)成因上,受太阳活动影响在太阳黑子数极值年份易发生旱涝灾害,两序列在时频上存在8~12a周期,表现为显著的反相位共振关系;SPEI与ENSO、NAO指数呈负相关,与PDO和AO指数呈正相关,且存在不同时间尺度的共振周期。 展开更多
关键词 SPEI指数 时空演变 太阳黑子 环流特征
变化环境下降雨集中度的变异与驱动力探究 被引量:16
作者 黄生志 杜梦 +2 位作者 李沛 郭怿 王璐 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期496-506,共11页
降雨的时空分布过于集中会诱发洪旱灾害。研究降雨集中度的变异及其驱动力有助于全面掌握降雨对变化环境的响应特征,为区域水资源的综合利用与灾害预警提供依据。以汉江流域为研究对象,选取月降雨集中度指数(CIM)和日降雨集中度指数(CID... 降雨的时空分布过于集中会诱发洪旱灾害。研究降雨集中度的变异及其驱动力有助于全面掌握降雨对变化环境的响应特征,为区域水资源的综合利用与灾害预警提供依据。以汉江流域为研究对象,选取月降雨集中度指数(CIM)和日降雨集中度指数(CID)表征降雨集中度,并采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验法与启发式分割算法对降雨集中度进行变异分析,利用交叉小波变换探究太阳黑子与大气环流异常因子对降雨集中度变化的影响。结果表明:①汉江流域CIM北大南小,呈不显著的下降趋势;CID东大西小,在6个站呈显著上升趋势;②流域部分站点CID发生突变,而CIM序列较为平稳,表明CID相比CIM对变化环境的响应更为敏感;③太阳黑子和大气环流异常因子对降雨集中度的变化有较强的影响,其中太阳黑子的影响最大,它通过影响大气环流异常因子间接影响汉江流域的降雨集中度。 展开更多
关键词 降雨集中度 变异诊断 驱动力 交叉小波变换 太阳黑子
The Prediction of Maximum Amplitudes of Solar Cycles and the Maximum Amplitude of Solar Cycle 24 被引量:8
作者 Jia-Long Wang, Jian-Cun Gong, Si-Qing Liu, Gui-Ming Le and Jing-Lan Sun1 National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 1000122 Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期557-562,共6页
We present a brief review of predictions of solar cycle maximum amplitude with a lead time of 2 years or more. It is pointed out that a precise prediction of the maximum amplitude with such a lead-time is still an ope... We present a brief review of predictions of solar cycle maximum amplitude with a lead time of 2 years or more. It is pointed out that a precise prediction of the maximum amplitude with such a lead-time is still an open question despite progress made since the 1960s. A method of prediction using statistical characteristics of solar cycles is developed: the solar,cycles are divided into two groups, a high rising velocity (HRV) group and a low rising velocity (LRV) group, depending on the rising velocity in the ascending phase for a given duration of the ascending phase. The amplitude of Solar Cycle 24 can be predicted after the start of the cycle using the formula derived in this paper. Now, about 5 years before the start of the cycle, we can make a preliminary prediction of 83.2-119.4 for its maximum amplitude. 展开更多
关键词 Sun : sunspots Sun : activity
试论中医五运六气的科学内涵 被引量:11
作者 杨美娜 范华 +2 位作者 刘艳丽 庞靖祥 韩金祥 《中医学报》 CAS 2019年第1期15-20,共6页
根据1700-2012年太阳黑子活动周期与全球流感大流行、一个甲子的地磁aa指数与疫病暴发等数据,分析运气理论和太阳黑子(或地磁)活动周期与疾病发生的关系,发现太阳黑子活动周期、地磁变化规律与运用运气理论对流感大流行的预测结果一致... 根据1700-2012年太阳黑子活动周期与全球流感大流行、一个甲子的地磁aa指数与疫病暴发等数据,分析运气理论和太阳黑子(或地磁)活动周期与疾病发生的关系,发现太阳黑子活动周期、地磁变化规律与运用运气理论对流感大流行的预测结果一致。太阳黑子活动极值年或前、后一年和中医运气学说中太乙天符、天符年流感的发病可能都比较频繁、严重。此外,其他疾病的大流行,如猩红热、肝炎、莫斯科回归热、天花、小儿麻痹、痢疾等,均可以通过太阳黑子变化(或地磁变化)规律和运气分析得到较好的解释。基于此,笔者认为五运六气学说的科学内涵可能是时空电磁场(起主要作用的是太阳黑子)的变化规律及其对人体健康和疾病的影响。 展开更多
关键词 中医 五运六气 时空电磁场 太阳黑子 流感 科学内涵
Verification of a Similar Cycle Prediction for the Ascending and Peak Phases of Solar Cycle 23 被引量:6
作者 Jia-Long Wang +2 位作者 Jian-Cun Gong 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期396-398,共3页
Reviews of long-term predictions of solar cycles have shown that a precise prediction with a lead time of 2 years or more of a solar cycle remains an unsolved problem. We used a simple method, the method of similar cy... Reviews of long-term predictions of solar cycles have shown that a precise prediction with a lead time of 2 years or more of a solar cycle remains an unsolved problem. We used a simple method, the method of similar cycles, to make long-term predictions of not only the maximum amplitude but also the smoothed monthly mean sunspot number for every month of Solar Cycle 23. We verify and compare our prediction with the latest available observational results. 展开更多
关键词 Sun: sunspots - solar-terrestrial relations
太阳黑子活动对地球地震活动的影响浅析 被引量:9
作者 刘双庆 曹井泉 +1 位作者 张磊 李悦 《华北地震科学》 2013年第1期1-7,共7页
利用调和分析以及小波分解与重构等信息挖掘方法,对1749年来的太阳黑子月统计数据,1920年来全球地震目录MS6.0以上地震年统计数据,1950年来华北地区ML4.7级以上地震目录,地球自转速率1832—1997年的年统计数据及1962年来的月统计数据,... 利用调和分析以及小波分解与重构等信息挖掘方法,对1749年来的太阳黑子月统计数据,1920年来全球地震目录MS6.0以上地震年统计数据,1950年来华北地区ML4.7级以上地震目录,地球自转速率1832—1997年的年统计数据及1962年来的月统计数据,进行对比分析,研究发现:(1)在太阳活动处于强烈期时,地球大震处于高发期且略滞后2~5年,而此时地球自转速率处于减速期,其时间跨度约22年。(2)对于太阳黑子数11年的周期变化,在正常变化下如果处于低值期,期间地球地震活动也将增加,但地震发震时间滞后1~2年。考虑太阳黑子与日冕活动有继承性及延迟性的特点,我们认为引起11年左右的地震群活动可能不是直接受太阳黑子的影响,而是受太阳日冕活动影响。因为日冕抛射物在太阳黑子磁场弱化1年左右时爆发,使得太阳外层扁率增加并经常抛射一次性质量高达1013 kg的物质,从而导致地球自转速率因摄动效应而发生同步性减慢,以及地球地震活动增强。 展开更多
关键词 地震活动 太阳黑子 日冕抛射物 调和分析 滞后效应
A Running Average Method for Predicting the Size and Length of a Solar Cycle 被引量:5
作者 Zhan-Le Du Hua-Ning Wang Li-Yun Zhang 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2008年第4期477-488,共12页
The running correlation coefficient between the solar cycle amplitudes and the max-max cycle lengths at a given cycle lag is found to vary roughly in a cyclical wave with the cycle number, based on the smoothed monthl... The running correlation coefficient between the solar cycle amplitudes and the max-max cycle lengths at a given cycle lag is found to vary roughly in a cyclical wave with the cycle number, based on the smoothed monthly mean Group sunspot numbers available since 1610. A running average method is proposed to predict the size and length of a solar cycle by the use of the varying trend of the coefficients. It is found that, when a condition (that the correlation becomes stronger) is satisfied, the mean prediction error (16.1) is much smaller than when the condition is not satisfied (38.7). This result can be explained by the fact that the prediction must fall on the regression line and increase the strength of the correlation. The method itself can also indicate whether the prediction is reasonable or not. To obtain a reasonable prediction, it is more important to search for a running correlation coefficient whose varying trend satisfies the proposed condition, and the result does not depend so much on the size of the correlation coefficient. As an application, the peak sunspot number of cycle 24 is estimated as 140.4 ± 15.7, and the peak as May 2012 ±11 months. 展开更多
关键词 SUN activity -- Sun sunspots - Sun GENERAL
The Effect of Solar Activity on the Annual Precipitation in the Beijing Area 被引量:6
作者 JuanZhao Yan-BenHan Zhi-AnLi 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期189-197,共9页
Using continuous wavelet transform, we examine the relationship between solar activity and the annual precipitation in the Beijing area. The results indicate that the annual precipitation is closely related to the var... Using continuous wavelet transform, we examine the relationship between solar activity and the annual precipitation in the Beijing area. The results indicate that the annual precipitation is closely related to the variation of sunspot numbers, and that solar activity probably plays an important role in influencing the precipitation on land. 展开更多
关键词 sun: activity sunspots solar-terrestrial relation
Calibration of Vector Magnetogram with the Nonlinear Least-squares Fitting Technique 被引量:4
作者 Jiang-TaoSu Hong-QiZhang 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期365-376,共12页
To acquire Stokes profiles from observations of a simple sunspot with the Video Vector Magnetograph at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), we scanned the FeI λ5324.19 A line over the wavelength interval from 150m... To acquire Stokes profiles from observations of a simple sunspot with the Video Vector Magnetograph at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), we scanned the FeI λ5324.19 A line over the wavelength interval from 150mA redward of the line center to 150mA blueward, in steps of 10mA. With the technique of analytic inversion of Stokes profiles via nonlinear least-squares, we present the calibration coefficients for the HSOS vector magnetic magnetogram. We obtained the theoretical calibration error with linear expressions derived from the Unno-Becker equation under weak-field approximation. 展开更多
关键词 Sun: activity - Sun: magnetic fields - sunspots
基于卡尔曼滤波的混沌系统辨识 被引量:3
作者 席剑辉 韩敏 殷福亮 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期516-521,共6页
通过建立一种对混沌时间序列进行有效预测的方法构架,试图实现尽可能长期的混沌预测,并重构序列的主动态方程,以便于进一步的分析研究.根据非线性系统的一般框架,首先基于所观测时间序列的基本混沌特性寻找一典型混沌方程作为参考的系... 通过建立一种对混沌时间序列进行有效预测的方法构架,试图实现尽可能长期的混沌预测,并重构序列的主动态方程,以便于进一步的分析研究.根据非线性系统的一般框架,首先基于所观测时间序列的基本混沌特性寻找一典型混沌方程作为参考的系统动态方程;然后利用扩展卡尔曼滤波递推得到一动态方程式来逼近系统特性,重构混沌相空间吸引子.仿真结果表明,该方法可以实现较高精度的多步预测并有效地重构系统方程. 展开更多
关键词 混沌系统 卡尔曼滤波 系统辨识 混沌时间序列 混沌预测 相空间 吸引子
一种黑子特征自动提取的太阳耀斑模型 被引量:7
作者 李蓉 黄鑫 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期80-85,共6页
太阳耀斑是最剧烈的太阳爆发之一,太阳耀斑能够在几分钟内对空间环境产生影响,为了更好地应对太阳耀斑爆发的空间环境效应,本文提出一种基于自动特征提取方法的太阳耀斑预报模型.该模型以太阳黑子的连续谱观测图像为输入,利用卷积神经... 太阳耀斑是最剧烈的太阳爆发之一,太阳耀斑能够在几分钟内对空间环境产生影响,为了更好地应对太阳耀斑爆发的空间环境效应,本文提出一种基于自动特征提取方法的太阳耀斑预报模型.该模型以太阳黑子的连续谱观测图像为输入,利用卷积神经网络的自动图像特征提取能力,建立太阳耀斑预报模型.传统的以太阳黑子特征为输入的耀斑模型需要以黑子的McIntosh分型作为输入,黑子的McIntosh分型需要人为指定,效率低并且具有一定的主观性.通过实验比较,本文提出的耀斑预报模型比传统的以太阳黑子McIntosh分型为基础的预报模型具有更好的预报准确度.总之,本文提出的太阳耀斑预报模型能够自动提取太阳黑子图像的特征,具有更高的预报效率和准确率(在48 h M级耀斑预报中,基于深度学习方法的预报模型在耀斑报准率上比传统预报模型高3.7%,在非耀斑报准率上比传统预报模型高2.8%),是一种实用性较强的太阳耀斑预报模型. 展开更多
关键词 太阳耀斑 太阳黑子 卷积神经网络 自动特征提取
Astral Actions on Allais’ Pendulum Apparently Inexplicable by Classical Factors: A Point of the Situation
作者 Jean-Bernard Deloly 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2024年第9期1375-1408,共34页
1) The observation by Allais of the precession of pendulums from 1954 to 1960 highlighted regularities of astral origin an in-depth analysis of which showed that, apparently, no classical phenomenon can explain them. ... 1) The observation by Allais of the precession of pendulums from 1954 to 1960 highlighted regularities of astral origin an in-depth analysis of which showed that, apparently, no classical phenomenon can explain them. These regularities were diurnal waves whose periods are characteristic of astral influence (the main ones being 24 h and 24 h 50 min), annual and semi-annual components, and a multi-annual component of approximately 6 years, an influence of Jupiter being a very good candidate to explain it. 2) Allais had experimentally established that all these astral influences were expressed globally on the pendulum by an action tending to call back its plane of oscillation towards a direction variable in time, and which ovalized its trajectory. In 2019 the observation of 2 pendulums in Horodnic (Romania), thanks to the use of an automatic alidade, made it possible to identify the main mechanism that, very probably, acted on the pendulum to achieve this result. This perturbation model, called “linear anisotropy”, is characterized by its “coefficient of anisotropy” η, and by the azimuth of its “direction of anisotropy”. The composition of 2 linear anisotropies is always a linear anisotropy. 3) In the search for the phenomena which could be at the origin of all what precedes, the fact that they must create an ovalization immediately eliminates some of them. 4) We have calculated the values of η corresponding to the 24 h and 24 h 50 min waves both for the observations in Horodnic and the Allais observations. The order of magnitude (some 10−7) is effectively the same in both cases. 5) Mathematically, the regularities discovered may result of a new force field but also, as Allais proposes, from the creation, under the astral influences, of a local anisotropy of the medium in which the pendulum oscillates. In the first case the length of the pendulum is involved, in the second one not. The data available do not make it possible to decide. 6) The joint exploitation, in mechanics and optics, of Allais obse 展开更多
关键词 Allais Effect PENDULUM Lunisolar Influence Jupiter Influence Lunar and Solar Eclipses SYZYGIES sunspots Solar Cycles
Studies of grand minima in sunspot cycles by using a flux transport solar dynamo model 被引量:4
作者 Bidya Binay Karak Arnab Rai Choudhuri 《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第11期1339-1357,共19页
We propose that grand minima in solar activity are caused by simultane- ous fluctuations in the meridional circulation and the Babcock-Leighton mechanism for the poloidal field generation in the flux transport dynamo ... We propose that grand minima in solar activity are caused by simultane- ous fluctuations in the meridional circulation and the Babcock-Leighton mechanism for the poloidal field generation in the flux transport dynamo model. We present the following results: (a) fluctuations in the meridional circulation are more effective in producing grand minima; (b) both sudden and gradual initiations of grand minima are possible; (c) distributions of durations and waiting times between grand minima seem to be exponential; (d) the coherence time of the meridional circulation has an effect on the number and the average duration of grand minima, with a coherence time of about 30 yr being consistent with observational data. We also study the occurrence of grand maxima and find that the distributions of durations and waiting times between grand maxima are also exponential, like the grand minima. Finally we address the question of whether the Babcock-Leighton mechanism can be operative during grand minima when there are no sunspots. We show that an a-effect restricted to the upper portions of the convection zone can pull the dynamo out of the grand minima and can match various observational requirements if the amplitude of this a-effect is suitably fine-tuned. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic fields -- (magnetohydrodynamics:) MHD -- Sun: magneticfields -- (Sun:) sunspots
The Relation between the Amplitude and the Period of Solar Cycles 被引量:4
作者 Zhan-Le Du Hua-Ning Wang Xiang-Tao He 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2006年第4期489-494,共6页
The maximum amplitudes of solar activity cycles are found to be well anticorrelated (r = -0.72) with the newly defined solar cycle lengths three cycles before (at lag -3) in 13-month running mean sunspot numbers d... The maximum amplitudes of solar activity cycles are found to be well anticorrelated (r = -0.72) with the newly defined solar cycle lengths three cycles before (at lag -3) in 13-month running mean sunspot numbers during the past 190 years. This result could be used for predicting the maximum sunspot numbers. The amplitudes of Cycles 24 and 25 are estimated to be 149.5±27.6 and 144.3±27.6, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Sun: activity -- Sun: sunspots -- Sun: general
The Dependence between Solar Flare Emergence and the Average Background Solar X-Ray Flux Emission
作者 Yael Peleg Rami Babayew Itzhak Orion 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2024年第3期149-161,共13页
Solar flares, sudden bursts of intense electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, can significantly disrupt technological infrastructure, including communication and navigation satellites. To mitigate these risks, accura... Solar flares, sudden bursts of intense electromagnetic radiation from the Sun, can significantly disrupt technological infrastructure, including communication and navigation satellites. To mitigate these risks, accurate forecasting of solar activity is crucial. This study investigates the potential of the Sun’s background X-ray flux as a tool for predicting solar flares. We analyzed data collected by solar telescopes and satellites between the years 2013 and 2023, focusing on the duration, frequency, and intensity of solar flares. We compared these characteristics with the background X-ray flux at the time of each flare event. Our analysis employed statistical methods to identify potential correlations between these solar phenomena. The key finding of this study reveals a significant positive correlation between solar flare activity and the Sun’s background X-ray flux. This suggests that these phenomena are interconnected within the framework of overall solar activity. We observed a clear trend: periods with increased occurrences of solar flares coincided with elevated background flux levels. This finding has the potential to improve solar activity forecasting. By monitoring background flux variations, we may be able to develop a more effective early warning system for potentially disruptive solar flares. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between solar flares and the Sun’s overall radiative output. These findings indicate that lower-resolution X-ray sensors can be a valuable tool for identifying periods of increased solar activity by allowing us to monitor background flux variations. A more affordable approach to solar activity monitoring is advised. 展开更多
关键词 Space Weather Solar Flare Solar Activity sunspots Solar Cycle
Long-Term Sunspot Number Prediction based on EMD Analysis and AR Model 被引量:4
作者 Tong Xu Jian Wu +1 位作者 Zhen-Sen Wu Qiang Li 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2008年第3期337-342,共6页
The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Auto-Regressive model (AR) are applied to a long-term prediction of sunspot numbers. With the sample data of sunspot numbers from 1848 to 1992, the method is evaluated by... The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Auto-Regressive model (AR) are applied to a long-term prediction of sunspot numbers. With the sample data of sunspot numbers from 1848 to 1992, the method is evaluated by examining the measured data of the solar cycle 23 with the prediction: different time scale components are obtained by the EMD method and multi-step predicted values are combined to reconstruct the sunspot number time series. The result is remarkably good in comparison to the predictions made by the solar dynamo and precursor approaches for cycle 23. Sunspot numbers of the coming solar cycle 24 are obtained with the data from 1848 to 2007, the maximum amplitude of the next solar cycle is predicted to be about 112 in 2011-2012. 展开更多
关键词 SUN sunspots- Sun ACTIVITY
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