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阈下情绪STROOP效应发展特点 被引量:18
作者 蒋重清 杨丽珠 刘颖 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期242-248,共7页
随机选取5,6,7岁儿童和成人被试共163名完成阈下情绪STROOP实验,以揭示情绪-认知动态发展关系。结果发现阈下情绪STROOP效应表现出随着年龄增长逐渐减弱以至消失的趋势5岁儿童在哭表情图片条件下颜色命名反应时显著长于中性表情图片条... 随机选取5,6,7岁儿童和成人被试共163名完成阈下情绪STROOP实验,以揭示情绪-认知动态发展关系。结果发现阈下情绪STROOP效应表现出随着年龄增长逐渐减弱以至消失的趋势5岁儿童在哭表情图片条件下颜色命名反应时显著长于中性表情图片条件,6岁、7岁儿童在笑表情图片条件下对颜色命名错误率显著高于中性表情图片条件,成人没有表现出显著的情绪STROOP效应。因此得出结论,个体情绪STROOP效应大小可以反映其情绪控制能力的高低;积极和消极情绪引起的情绪STROOP效应具有不同的表现形式和心理产生机制。 展开更多
关键词 情绪 STROOP 发展 阈下
情绪图片的阈下启动效应 被引量:11
作者 蚁金瑶 钟明天 +2 位作者 罗英姿 凌宇 姚树桥 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第3期304-307,共4页
目的:探讨阈下呈现启动图片时是否存在情绪启动效应,分析阈下情绪启动中是否存在负性偏向。方法:采用阈下呈现启动图片的方式,要求大学生尽快对目标图片做出正负性的判断。采用重复测量ANOVA分析,比较大学生在不同的情绪启动条件下、对... 目的:探讨阈下呈现启动图片时是否存在情绪启动效应,分析阈下情绪启动中是否存在负性偏向。方法:采用阈下呈现启动图片的方式,要求大学生尽快对目标图片做出正负性的判断。采用重复测量ANOVA分析,比较大学生在不同的情绪启动条件下、对正负性图片的反应正确率和平均反应时的差异。结果:不同情绪启动条件、目标图片的性质对反应正确率和平均反应时均存显著主效应,启动条件和控制条件的反应正确率显著高于非启动条件,而平均反应时则显著短于非启动条件;受试对负性图片的反应正确率显著高于正性图片,对负性图片平均反应时则显著短于正性图片。结论:阈下呈现启动图片时可观测到明显的情绪启动效应;在阈下情绪启动中,存在“负性偏向”。 展开更多
关键词 情绪图片 阈下 情绪启动效应 负性偏向
阈下负性情绪引起儿童和成人相反的判断偏向 被引量:8
作者 蒋重清 杨丽珠 +1 位作者 刘颖 Tarik Bel-Bahar 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期9-13,23,共6页
为了求证阈下情绪引起的认知偏向是否随增龄而变化及表现如何,选取5,6,7岁儿童、青年人、老年人共183名被试完成阈下情绪启动实验,结果发现:儿童和成年人在阈下呈现哭表情图片条件下,表现出相反的启动效应。成年人表现出情绪一致性效应... 为了求证阈下情绪引起的认知偏向是否随增龄而变化及表现如何,选取5,6,7岁儿童、青年人、老年人共183名被试完成阈下情绪启动实验,结果发现:儿童和成年人在阈下呈现哭表情图片条件下,表现出相反的启动效应。成年人表现出情绪一致性效应,而儿童表现出情绪反转效应。笑表情图片在各年龄段被试中均未引起显著的判断偏向。该结果说明儿童处理阈下情绪的隐性心理机制是维持快乐,成人则是预警危险。 展开更多
关键词 阁下 情绪 认知 成人 儿童
成人阈下情绪启动效应实验研究 被引量:6
作者 蒋重清 杨丽珠 刘颖 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期48-50,共3页
以43名正常成人为被试,在哭/笑/中性表情面孔刺激阈下启动下,根据人物后脑勺图片对其中的人物进行表情判断,以考察在一定条件下情绪对认知偏向的影响。结果发现,哭情绪刺激启动使被试对靶刺激的判断发生显著的情绪一致性偏向,而笑表情... 以43名正常成人为被试,在哭/笑/中性表情面孔刺激阈下启动下,根据人物后脑勺图片对其中的人物进行表情判断,以考察在一定条件下情绪对认知偏向的影响。结果发现,哭情绪刺激启动使被试对靶刺激的判断发生显著的情绪一致性偏向,而笑表情面孔没有产生显著的启动效应。说明被试具有区分阈下刺激情绪效价的能力,无意识下的情绪影响具有弥漫性。该结果归因于被试面对模糊刺激采取启发式策略,需要注意可能存在扭曲我们认知的隐性环境问题。 展开更多
关键词 情绪启动 情绪一认知 阈下
封闭阈下信道的理论模型 被引量:5
作者 李恕海 王育民 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第A02期34-37,共4页
提出了2个适用于封闭使用了随机数作为阈下信息载体的阈下信道的理论模型,给出了该模型能够成功封闭阈下信道的几个条件,并根据这2个模型分析并设计了几种封闭阈下信道的方案。总结得出封闭阈下信道的2个重要切入点———会话密钥的随... 提出了2个适用于封闭使用了随机数作为阈下信息载体的阈下信道的理论模型,给出了该模型能够成功封闭阈下信道的几个条件,并根据这2个模型分析并设计了几种封闭阈下信道的方案。总结得出封闭阈下信道的2个重要切入点———会话密钥的随机性和隐私性,是封闭阈下信道成功与否的关键。 展开更多
关键词 阈下信道 随机性 隐私性
Subliminal Channels in the NTRU and the Subliminal-Free Methods 被引量:2
作者 CAI Qingjun ZHANG Yuli 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2006年第6期1541-1544,共4页
The construetion and destruction of subliminal channel are important problems in the information hiding. The subliminal channel can send secret information without notice. Two subliminal-free methods named weak (str... The construetion and destruction of subliminal channel are important problems in the information hiding. The subliminal channel can send secret information without notice. Two subliminal-free methods named weak (strong) subliminal-free on public-key cryptosystem (PKC) are proposed in this paper using the combinatorial method. The first method can only free the subliminal information with any minor probability and the second can free all. Moreover, the "traitor problem" which is same as the model of the subliminal channel in PKC is given. Two subliminal channels are embedded in N-th degree truncated polynomial ring (NTRU) cryptosystem, and their subliminal-free methods are also be obtained by the action of surveillant. 展开更多
关键词 N-th degree truncated polynomial ring (NTRU) cryptosystem subliminal channel subliminal-free
海洛因戒断者的阈下情绪启动研究 被引量:5
作者 杨玲 苏红婷 +3 位作者 曹华 张建勋 姚东伟 张炀 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期1247-1253,共7页
研究表明海洛因戒断者的情绪加工异常,但其阈下情绪加工是否异常尚无定论。本研究采用阈下情绪启动范式,考察其阈下情绪加工能力。结果:戒断组的反应时显著高于控制组;两组中,相比不一致、控制状态,一致状态反应时均显著最短;在戒断组中... 研究表明海洛因戒断者的情绪加工异常,但其阈下情绪加工是否异常尚无定论。本研究采用阈下情绪启动范式,考察其阈下情绪加工能力。结果:戒断组的反应时显著高于控制组;两组中,相比不一致、控制状态,一致状态反应时均显著最短;在戒断组中,不一致状态的反应时显著大于控制状态,负性图片的反应时显著大于正性图片,而在控制组中差异不显著。结论:戒断者存在阈下情绪启动效应,阈下情绪加工存在正性偏向,且能力弱于正常人。 展开更多
关键词 海洛因戒断者 情绪启动 阈下 情绪自动加工
Threshold Subliminal Channel Based on Designated Verifier Signature 被引量:1
作者 SU Li CUI Guohua YANG Muxiang CHEN Jing 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2006年第6期1485-1488,共4页
The subliminal channel is used to send a secret message to an authorized receiver; the message cannot he discovered by any unauthorized receivers. Designated verifier signature (DVS) provide authentication of a mess... The subliminal channel is used to send a secret message to an authorized receiver; the message cannot he discovered by any unauthorized receivers. Designated verifier signature (DVS) provide authentication of a message, we design a DVS scheme with message recovery mechanism and use it as a subliminal channel. In order to share a message among n users securely and allows t or more users can reconstruct the secret in dynamic groups, we combine both subliminal channel and (t, n) threshold cryptography. Then we proposed a threshold subliminal channel which can convey a subliminal message to a group of users based on message-recovery designated verifier signatures. Reconstructing the subliminal message relies on the cooperation of t or more users in the group and they can verify the validity of the subliminal message. Security and performance analysis show that the proposed scheme is secure and efficient. 展开更多
关键词 THRESHOLD subliminal channel designated verifier signature digital signature
Chinese emotional words in patients with major depressive disorder during a subliminal Stroop task An event-related potential study 被引量:1
作者 Daxing Wu Shujing Xu Huifang Yin 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第16期1274-1280,共7页
Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) develop a negative cognitive bias, but how they respond to information in Chinese emotional words is unclear. Here we used a Stroop paradigm with subliminal Chinese emot... Patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) develop a negative cognitive bias, but how they respond to information in Chinese emotional words is unclear. Here we used a Stroop paradigm with subliminal Chinese emotional words to explore the event-related potential components of abnormal emotional processing Jn patients with MDD. The correct rate was similar in MDD and normal control groups, but MDD reaction time was longer than the normal controls, especially to the negative and neutral stimuli. In N270, repeated-measure analysis of variance demonstrated a significant main effect of the relation electrode and valence on peak amplitude and interactions between valence and electrode site. The peak amplitudes of the three kinds of words were different in the two groups (positive 〉 negative 〉 neutral). The topography of the difference waves indicated that the difference distributed in the frontal and left parietal-temporal sites across the scalp. In N400, there was a significant main effect of the relation electrode and valence on peak amplitude, and the latency showed a main effect of the electrode and an interaction between electrode and group. The amplitudes induced by type of words were significantly different from each other in both groups (positive 〉 negative 〉 neutral). The topography of the difference waves indicated that the effect of relation type was primarily at left and right frontal and central and left parietal-temporal regions. Both MDD patients and normal controls exhibited significant emotional Stroop effects during the processing of positive/negative Chinese emotional words. MDD patients showed interference in emotional stimuli in early cognitive processing that induced psychological resource intervention during late emotional information processing. 展开更多
关键词 Stroop test subliminal stimulations event-related potentials DEPRESSION Chinese emotional words
老年人阈下情绪对其认知偏向和认知效率影响之比较 被引量:3
作者 蒋重清 杨丽珠 +2 位作者 刘颖 孟爽 李敏 《心理与行为研究》 2007年第1期18-22,共5页
为了比较研究老年人的情绪对其认知效率和偏向的影响,随机选取25名正常老年人完成两项实验。一个为情绪STROOP实验,记录被试命名阈下呈现情绪图片(积极、消极和中性表情的人脸图片)后的颜色块的反应时;一个为情绪启动实验,同样呈现情绪... 为了比较研究老年人的情绪对其认知效率和偏向的影响,随机选取25名正常老年人完成两项实验。一个为情绪STROOP实验,记录被试命名阈下呈现情绪图片(积极、消极和中性表情的人脸图片)后的颜色块的反应时;一个为情绪启动实验,同样呈现情绪图片后紧跟的是人的后脑勺图片,记录被试对后脑勺图片人物的表情猜测。结果发现,相对于中性情绪图片条件,老年人将跟在哭表情图片后的人物更多的猜测为哭;但是只有男性老年人的认知反应时因情绪图片条件而异:消极情绪图片延迟反应,积极情绪图片促进反应。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 情绪 认知 阈下
作者 Wu Zhijun Duan Haixin Li Xing 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第2期304-309,共6页
The proposed secure communication approach adopts the proposed algorithm of Analysis-By- Synthesis (ABS) speech information hiding to establish a Secret Speech Subliminai Channel (SSSC) for speech secure communica... The proposed secure communication approach adopts the proposed algorithm of Analysis-By- Synthesis (ABS) speech information hiding to establish a Secret Speech Subliminai Channel (SSSC) for speech secure communication over PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), and employs the algorithm of ABS speech information extracting to recovery the secret information, This approach is more reliable, covert and securable than traditional and chaotic secure communication. 展开更多
关键词 Secure communication SPEECH Information hiding subliminal channel Analysis-By-Synthesis(ABS)
The automatic processes of earthquake-related stimulus: Comparison at different time points after the Wenchuan earthquake
作者 Ming Lei Jiang Qiu Qinglin Zhang 《Natural Science》 2013年第8期925-932,共8页
Trauma experience not only could predict long-term physical and mental health problems, but also could have impact on the cognitive processes. Modified Stroop task and subliminal masked priming task were used to exami... Trauma experience not only could predict long-term physical and mental health problems, but also could have impact on the cognitive processes. Modified Stroop task and subliminal masked priming task were used to examine the automatic cognitive processing of earthquake-related stimulus (disaster-related, rescue-related, and earthquake-unrelated words) of healthy undergraduates at one month and two years since the Wenchuan earthquake happened, who came from the worst-hit areas of the Wenchuan earthquake. The results showed that the earthquake interference effects were showed in modified Stroop task and reversed priming effects were found in subliminal masked priming task at one month after the Wenchuan earthquake. However, two years later, earthquake interference effects and reversed priming effects were not found in the same experiments. The results showed the automatic cognitive processing of healthy subjects experienced trauma was affected by the earthquake episodic memory, and these interference effects were weakened with the passage of time. 展开更多
关键词 The WENCHUAN Earthquake STROOP Effect subliminal Masked PRIMING
阈下重复曝光对面孔偏好的影响:来自眼动的证据 被引量:1
作者 武宗杰 韩尚锋 +3 位作者 沈洁 陈玉雪 王羽凌 张林 《心理技术与应用》 2023年第9期569-576,共8页
采用眼动追踪技术,考察阈下重复曝光对面孔偏好的影响,以及面孔吸引力在其中的调节作用,结果发现:(1)随着阈下曝光次数的增多,面孔的偏好比例上升,个体观看面孔的首次注视时间减少、总注视时间增多、瞳孔直径缩短;(2)面孔吸引力调节了... 采用眼动追踪技术,考察阈下重复曝光对面孔偏好的影响,以及面孔吸引力在其中的调节作用,结果发现:(1)随着阈下曝光次数的增多,面孔的偏好比例上升,个体观看面孔的首次注视时间减少、总注视时间增多、瞳孔直径缩短;(2)面孔吸引力调节了阈下重复曝光对面孔偏好的影响,具体表现为高、低吸引力面孔的偏好比例随着阈下曝光次数的增多呈上升趋势,而中等吸引力面孔随着阈下曝光次数的增多呈倒U型趋势。从阈下重复的视角,探讨了自下而上的视觉刺激对面孔偏好的影响,拓展了面孔加工的双通路模型。 展开更多
关键词 阈下 重复曝光 面孔吸引力 眼动
汉语词汇集合容量及新异性对阈下语义加工的影响 被引量:1
作者 安龙 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期223-227,共5页
目的:考察汉语词汇概念容量和熟悉性对阈下语义加工的影响。方法:结合Greenwald的回归分析技术,采用阈下启动的方式考察刺激集合容量、材料熟悉性对阈下语义启动效应的影响。结果:不论启动刺激是否出现在目标集合,实验都获得了稳定的语... 目的:考察汉语词汇概念容量和熟悉性对阈下语义加工的影响。方法:结合Greenwald的回归分析技术,采用阈下启动的方式考察刺激集合容量、材料熟悉性对阈下语义启动效应的影响。结果:不论启动刺激是否出现在目标集合,实验都获得了稳定的语义启动效应;启动集合容量的变化不会影响启动效应的出现。结论:汉语词汇的语义信息在无意识状况下得到了加工,而不是形成了刺激-反应联结。该结果支持激活扩散理论。 展开更多
关键词 阈下 语义启动 加工机制
示意性符号的阈下情绪启动效应 被引量:1
作者 李静 任亚军 +1 位作者 盛柳柳 徐钟庚 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2015年第6期12-16,共5页
本研究旨在研究示意性符号的阈下情绪启动效应。采用三明治掩蔽技术记录了不同时间间隔(83ms和583ms)下示意性符号启动的情绪反应及反应时,结果表明:(1)正、负性示意性符号都产生了阈下情绪启动效应;(2)时间间隔(SOA)会影响示意性符号... 本研究旨在研究示意性符号的阈下情绪启动效应。采用三明治掩蔽技术记录了不同时间间隔(83ms和583ms)下示意性符号启动的情绪反应及反应时,结果表明:(1)正、负性示意性符号都产生了阈下情绪启动效应;(2)时间间隔(SOA)会影响示意性符号的情绪启动效果,较短的SOA水平下,示意性符号的正性情绪启动效果较差;(3)启靶刺激效价一致相比于不一致时,更容易启动相对应的情绪。 展开更多
关键词 示意性符号 情绪启动 阈下 SOA
作者 昌颖超 袁航 +4 位作者 郑婷婷 韩凌子 何雅吉 吴茜 陈煦海 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1026-1034,共9页
本研究用互动决策游戏和脑电技术考察阈下情绪反馈对结果加工的影响。结果表明输钱相对于赢钱诱发更大的FRN/RewP和更小P300,同时阈下愤怒反馈可以延缓赢钱之后下一次选择的反应时,并在女性被试中诱发更负的FRN/RewP,但对反馈相关P300... 本研究用互动决策游戏和脑电技术考察阈下情绪反馈对结果加工的影响。结果表明输钱相对于赢钱诱发更大的FRN/RewP和更小P300,同时阈下愤怒反馈可以延缓赢钱之后下一次选择的反应时,并在女性被试中诱发更负的FRN/RewP,但对反馈相关P300没有显著影响。这些结果说明阈下情绪反馈可影响决策结果评价早期对刺激动机性意义的快速评估,但对晚期的深度评估没有显著影响,且这种影响在女性被试中更为明显。 展开更多
关键词 阈下情绪 结果评价 ERPS 人际情绪
作者 DongQingkuan ChenYuan XiaoGuozhen 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第6期467-470,共4页
Two types of new subliminal channels are constructed respectively based on provable secure public key cryptosystems and identity recognition in some network applications. Research shows that there are some new charact... Two types of new subliminal channels are constructed respectively based on provable secure public key cryptosystems and identity recognition in some network applications. Research shows that there are some new characteristics which are in favor of covert communication in our constructions. It is hard to make the subliminal channels free, and the channels have large capacity and high transmission efficiency. We also point out that the hardness to make the channels free is disadvantageous to the warden who tries to thwart the covert communication. 展开更多
关键词 Information hiding subliminal channels Provably secure cryptosystems
Kenotomy,the Domain of Creative Thinking
作者 Gheorghe Teodorescu 《Psychology Research》 2020年第2期43-56,共14页
Creativity is designative for the mankind,distinguishing it among the other species.Everyone is born with the affinity to speculate the perceived reality—overlaying it by his own imagination,inventing a playful use f... Creativity is designative for the mankind,distinguishing it among the other species.Everyone is born with the affinity to speculate the perceived reality—overlaying it by his own imagination,inventing a playful use for the encountered items and refreshing extant ideas by new approaches,creating new mental outcome.The perceived world is not enough for the human mind,which challenges the given reality,animated by the need for questing and creatively exploring beyond it.As a result,the history of humanity is a history of realized inventions and different visions.If the creativity is an organic part of the human nature,why are so few mature people creative? 展开更多
关键词 Kenotomy extrinsic and subliminal creativity cognitive/emotional dyads seminal thinking modes taxonomy of ideas ideas’attributes
Analysis on the Implicit Internet Attitude of the Internet Addicts and the Intervene Problems
作者 Hongxia GU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期49-51,共3页
Implicit Internet attitude refers to the implicit, automatic psychological tendency of an individual toward the Internet. A study found that Internet addicts held an implicit attitude and positive evaluation toward th... Implicit Internet attitude refers to the implicit, automatic psychological tendency of an individual toward the Internet. A study found that Internet addicts held an implicit attitude and positive evaluation toward the Intemet, and this type of evaluations could be effectively changed through subliminal evaluative conditioning technology. An investigation on IAT effect showed the implicit attitude of the Intemet addicts was stable and variable, and AIA (ambivalence of implicit attitudes) might be an integrated perspective to solve the problem. 展开更多
关键词 subliminal Evaluative Conditioning Implicit Internet Attitude IAT effect AIA
《计算机光盘软件与应用(COMPUTER ARTS数码艺术)》 2004年第3期48-53,共6页
“接下来我们将制作宝马汽车的小册子。”Jonalhan Taylor-Home说道,“我不再想制作唱片封套之类的东西了,其结果往往是耗时六个月,开过20次会议,而且费用有限。”我们碰上了一个健谈的设计代理……
关键词 PHOTOSHOP 图像处理软件 应用软件 subliminal ASSOCIATES
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