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论意大利花园的“第三自然” 被引量:9
作者 周武忠 《中国园林》 2003年第3期48-51,共4页
意大利花园的“第三自然”是艺术和自然相结合而成的,是对自然的一种否定(与中国园林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的“第三自然”不同),它起源于古罗马文明,影响遍及整个欧洲;由于不同地区的文化表达存在着差异,这种“第三自然”在不同地区便... 意大利花园的“第三自然”是艺术和自然相结合而成的,是对自然的一种否定(与中国园林“虽由人作,宛自天开”的“第三自然”不同),它起源于古罗马文明,影响遍及整个欧洲;由于不同地区的文化表达存在着差异,这种“第三自然”在不同地区便会有不同方式的释义(在不同地区的具体发展演变进程及呈现的不同形式),但它已奠定了所谓意大利花园的思想基础。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 意大利 园林 园林风格 造园思想
鸢飞鱼跃、百福骈臻——临朐民俗风情园景观规划设计 被引量:10
作者 鲁敏 王菲 康文凤 《山东建筑大学学报》 2011年第4期322-326,共5页
民俗公园是城市公园的构成要素,对展现城市民俗文化和地域文化具有重要的意义,在园林城市建设中对民俗风情园的探索已经成为相关领域研究的热点。临朐民俗风情园景观规划设计定位为潍坊市"千里民俗游览线"的重要组成部分,是... 民俗公园是城市公园的构成要素,对展现城市民俗文化和地域文化具有重要的意义,在园林城市建设中对民俗风情园的探索已经成为相关领域研究的热点。临朐民俗风情园景观规划设计定位为潍坊市"千里民俗游览线"的重要组成部分,是基于对设计范围内的环境现状,以临朐当地民俗民风为依据,展示和发掘临朐民俗文化及历史内涵,将民俗风情园规划为"一条主线、二个广场、六个专题园区"的景观设计结构,通过塑造鸢飞的小品以及鱼形广场,突出鸢飞鱼跃的主题,将该城市的历史文化内涵、市民活动需求、生态要求等要素结合起来,规划设计出一个风景秀丽、文化内涵深厚的风情园。 展开更多
关键词 风情园 民俗文化 鸢飞鱼跃 规划设计
近年国内园林风格的演变 被引量:5
作者 贺建明 《科技情报开发与经济》 2004年第2期117-118,共2页
总结分析了从改革开放之初西方园林风格对我国园林建设的深刻影响到今天随着中华文化意识的觉醒而逐渐转向对东方园林艺术认同的演变过程,提出我国应加强对园林设计人才的培养,注意吸收我国古典园林和西方园林艺术的精华,创出自己的民... 总结分析了从改革开放之初西方园林风格对我国园林建设的深刻影响到今天随着中华文化意识的觉醒而逐渐转向对东方园林艺术认同的演变过程,提出我国应加强对园林设计人才的培养,注意吸收我国古典园林和西方园林艺术的精华,创出自己的民族品牌。 展开更多
关键词 园林风格 园林设计 园林绿化 西方园林 东方园林
英国“如画式”园林释疑 被引量:7
作者 王蔚 陈春红 《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期548-551,共4页
如画式(picturesque style)造园从18世纪开始,在英国历史上经历了上百年的时间,其受过中国园林的启发,也传入欧洲其他国家。在"如画式"造园的发展进程中,发生了诸多的形态变化和理论升华。因此,"如画式"的含义很难... 如画式(picturesque style)造园从18世纪开始,在英国历史上经历了上百年的时间,其受过中国园林的启发,也传入欧洲其他国家。在"如画式"造园的发展进程中,发生了诸多的形态变化和理论升华。因此,"如画式"的含义很难一言以蔽之。为更好地理解"如画式",应注重它所涉及的社会环境及其在实践进程中的变化。 展开更多
关键词 如画式 自然风景园 风景画
作者 张海红 谢伟文 +4 位作者 李冰敏 董晨露 朱炫熹 周懿 谭广文 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2024年第21期86-92,96,共8页
分析了作为广州首批历史名园的兰圃的景观风貌,其岭南造园艺术特色尤为鲜明,主要体现在岭南造园要素丰富多样,兰圃现有特色建筑共15个,包含亭、舫、廊、榭及其他建筑5种类型;假山叠石有水景叠石、可游假山、观赏假山、塑石假山4类;兰圃... 分析了作为广州首批历史名园的兰圃的景观风貌,其岭南造园艺术特色尤为鲜明,主要体现在岭南造园要素丰富多样,兰圃现有特色建筑共15个,包含亭、舫、廊、榭及其他建筑5种类型;假山叠石有水景叠石、可游假山、观赏假山、塑石假山4类;兰圃园路铺装主要有石材类(青石板、花岗岩、卵石)、砖材类(混凝土砖、烧结砖)、嵌草铺地3类;植物景观具有4个层次,热带风情显著。空间布局灵活韵动,分隔空间连续与贯通,形成“起、承、转、合”的空间序列和疏密有致、开合得宜的空间格局。造园技法精巧细腻,根据区位景观特征,巧妙应用传统造园技法中的框景、对景、借景和夹景。 展开更多
关键词 岭南园林 历史名园 历史风貌 改革开放时期 兰园
作者 刘乐君 赵琪琪 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期87-95,共9页
“南京样式”作为中国传统山水园林文化的集中凝练,在瓷器上形成即融合多元文化、又兼具本土特色的“南京样式”图像,伴随贸易往来风靡世界。基于17-18世纪中日瓷器上“南京样式”图像的研究,考证这一装饰图式在中日两国的发展流变及艺... “南京样式”作为中国传统山水园林文化的集中凝练,在瓷器上形成即融合多元文化、又兼具本土特色的“南京样式”图像,伴随贸易往来风靡世界。基于17-18世纪中日瓷器上“南京样式”图像的研究,考证这一装饰图式在中日两国的发展流变及艺术特征。从两国瓷器中该图像的题材选取、构图形式两大方面入手深入比较分析,探索“南京样式”图像如何被日本吸收并融入本土文化基因中,进一步得出中日两国在该图像设计上的审美差异。 展开更多
关键词 17-18世纪 中日瓷器 “南京样式” 园林图像
顺德植物园总体规划 被引量:2
作者 周琳 程晓山 《广东园林》 2006年第1期61-64,共4页
关键词 水乡风情 地域风格 时代特色 植物园 顺德
Effect of Change of Natural Aesthetic View on Formation of Chinese Traditional Garden Style
作者 杜程 吴军 +1 位作者 吕晶 韦伟 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2011年第2期1-3,6,共4页
The paper had studied the source of natural aesthetic view,discussed the great significance of world view of "unity between heaven and human",concluded the complement and deepening of "unity between hea... The paper had studied the source of natural aesthetic view,discussed the great significance of world view of "unity between heaven and human",concluded the complement and deepening of "unity between heaven and human" by different schools,and proposed that artistic beauty was the distinctive feature of Chinese traditional garden.From the perspective of historical development,it had made a general survey of the change of Chinese traditional natural aesthetic view,analyzed main content and characteristics of it at the generating stage,forming stage and development stage,and emphasized that characteristics of each stage formed on the basis of natural aesthetic consciousness of last stage.Based on this,by combining the development of traditional gardens,effect of change of natural aesthetic view on gardens had been analyzed,and correspondingly,development of gardens had been divided into three stages which were forming stage,emergence of natural landscape garden and emergence of artistic landscape garden.It highlighted the great significance of natural aesthetic view in gardens,and inspired that Chinese modern landscape garden and landscape design should be based on natural aesthetic view,combine with change of modern citizens' aesthetic view,and then carry forward Chinese traditional natural aesthetic view. 展开更多
关键词 NATURAL BEAUTY CHANGE of NATURAL AESTHETIC VIEW Traditional garden garden style
园、院、缘——再读“中国式”住宅 被引量:2
作者 祝泮瑜 张宏 《建筑与文化》 2009年第3期100-101,共2页
关键词 中国式 传统文化 园林 院落 缘分
秦岭北麓沿线建筑风格探析——以西安院子为例 被引量:2
作者 肖哲涛 郝丽君 和红星 《现代城市研究》 北大核心 2013年第5期60-64,共5页
本文以秦岭北麓沿线为研究区位,以建筑风格为研究角度。在对秦岭北麓区位特殊性分析的基础上,探讨自然环境和建筑风格的关系,并从气候特征、地貌水系、文化影响三个方面探讨了秦岭北麓自然环境对其沿线建筑风格的影响,最后以西安院子作... 本文以秦岭北麓沿线为研究区位,以建筑风格为研究角度。在对秦岭北麓区位特殊性分析的基础上,探讨自然环境和建筑风格的关系,并从气候特征、地貌水系、文化影响三个方面探讨了秦岭北麓自然环境对其沿线建筑风格的影响,最后以西安院子作为案例,加以分析说明。希望在对秦岭北麓特殊区位下的建筑风格探讨的同时,达到建筑风格与环境和谐发展下的保护秦岭生态环境的目的。 展开更多
关键词 秦岭北麓 建筑风格 西安院子
作者 徐方喆 《建筑与装饰》 2023年第14期29-31,共3页
本文对现代城市园林景观设计中运用徽派传统园林文化的意义进行分析,并对徽派传统园林文化运用原则加以阐述,提出准确把握主格调,保证城市园林景观与自然环境协调性、合理运用标志符号,彰显独特的艺术风格等运用思路,以期有效营造丰富... 本文对现代城市园林景观设计中运用徽派传统园林文化的意义进行分析,并对徽派传统园林文化运用原则加以阐述,提出准确把握主格调,保证城市园林景观与自然环境协调性、合理运用标志符号,彰显独特的艺术风格等运用思路,以期有效营造丰富多变景观空间的同时,也能更好地表达徽派园林文化源远流长的传统意韵。 展开更多
关键词 徽派 园林文化 现代城市园林 景观设计
Application of Garden Design Style in Tang Dynasty to the Design of Modern City Public Gardens: A Case Study of Tang Paradise 被引量:1
作者 LUO Qi WEN Zihan 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第2期11-14,共4页
Public garden, as a type of Chinese classical garden, is an important historical heritage and cultural landscape of the current traditional city. However, under the background of modern urbanization, urban living envi... Public garden, as a type of Chinese classical garden, is an important historical heritage and cultural landscape of the current traditional city. However, under the background of modern urbanization, urban living environment is out of the traditional history and culture and facing such issue as cement jungle. In order to improve the living environment and make the city coordinate with the natural environment, the development of modern urban gardens needs inheritance and development of traditional garden practices. The planning and design methods with scientific guidance were studied in this paper through exploring the application of garden design style in Tang Dynasty in the design of modern city public gardens, so as to inherit the classical garden culture and create a city open space that meets the needs of contemporary citizens as well. 展开更多
关键词 garden in Tang Dynasty Design style Urban public garden Tang Paradise
Aesthetic Research of Xu-style Gardens in Han Dynasty 被引量:1
作者 LI Xuran 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2021年第1期7-10,14,共5页
From the aesthetic point of view,this paper summarized the artistic style of Xu-style gardens in Han Dynasty,and through the analysis of the historical and cultural background of Xuzhou in this period,explained the fo... From the aesthetic point of view,this paper summarized the artistic style of Xu-style gardens in Han Dynasty,and through the analysis of the historical and cultural background of Xuzhou in this period,explained the formation of the style of Xu-style gardens in Han Dynasty and its cultural origin.Through the interpretation of landscape,architecture,plants and other garden elements and typical examples,the connotation of the garden art style of Xu-style was analyzed.Clarifying humble beauty of Xu-style gardens would help to better apply local artistic style in future garden construction and promote the development of regional gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Xu-style garden Han Dynasty AESTHETICS garden element Gefeng Tai
Discuss on the Countermeasures and Measures for the Development of Yunnan-style Gardens in the Southwestern Frontier of China——A Case Study on Honghe Hani-Yi Autonomous Prefecture
作者 Hui LIANG Qizhi LI +5 位作者 Jiang ZHU Xiuping CHEN Zixi LIANG Li QUAN Guiying YANG Yushu HUANG 《Agricultural Biotechnology》 CAS 2021年第5期106-114,共9页
Yunnan gardening in the southern extension of the Himalayas has its specificity.Because of extremely rich elements,the natural endowment has objectively"casted"a series of vivid"Chinese ink paintings&qu... Yunnan gardening in the southern extension of the Himalayas has its specificity.Because of extremely rich elements,the natural endowment has objectively"casted"a series of vivid"Chinese ink paintings",that is to say you can"move and then see a new scene,turn and then face a new view".Yunnan-style gardens,which imply truth in"paintings"by intricately carving and constantly improve the connotation and extension creation process,are not only an economic phenomenon,but also a cultural category and the crystallization of the collective wisdom of all ethnic groups in Yunnan.The"Yunnan-style gardens"system is being constructed.This paper traced the growth process and proposed development countermeasures and measures based on the analysis of Yunnan s resource endowment. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan garden Yunnan-style garden Scenic spot Landscape garden Agricultural industrialization urban greening
Feature Maintenance and Style Restoration of Landscape Heritages
作者 蔡晴 姚赯 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2009年第7期35-39,共5页
Through reviewing theories and practices of international garden heritages conservation since the 19th century and summarizing experiences of previous studies,feature maintenance and style restoration of landscape her... Through reviewing theories and practices of international garden heritages conservation since the 19th century and summarizing experiences of previous studies,feature maintenance and style restoration of landscape heritages were studied,and corresponding protection measures and strategies were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 HISTORIC garden LANDSCAPE heritages conservation FEATURE maintenance style RESTORATION
Decorative Arts of the Qing-Style Pedestal of Outdoor Furnishings
作者 ZHU Lifeng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2019年第3期101-104,共4页
The pedestal of outdoor furnishings is a facility of courtyard outdoor furnishings. It is an important part of ceremonial furnishings in official buildings. The Qing-style pedestal of outdoor furnishings has unique sh... The pedestal of outdoor furnishings is a facility of courtyard outdoor furnishings. It is an important part of ceremonial furnishings in official buildings. The Qing-style pedestal of outdoor furnishings has unique shapes and ornamentations as well as rich artistic connotation. In addition to having significant artistic value and historical value, it also embodies the user’s aesthetic taste. 展开更多
关键词 Qing-style PEDESTAL of OUTDOOR FURNISHINGS garden Architecture DECORATION
Russian architectural town-planning traditions and innovations in the Far East in the second half of the XIX-the beginning of the XX centuries
作者 Svetlana S.Levoshko 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2000年第S1期31-34,共4页
The establishment on the Far East of the orthodox Church and cultural stereotypes of the traditional Russian city occurred through active church building. The temples of the Far Eastern cities by its position in urban... The establishment on the Far East of the orthodox Church and cultural stereotypes of the traditional Russian city occurred through active church building. The temples of the Far Eastern cities by its position in urban environment played a role of the basic exponents of the spiritual-state ideals of Russia. Ussumption cathedrals in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, Nikolsky cathedral in Nikcolsk-Ussurisk, Shadrinsky cathedral in Blagoveshchensk, Saint-Nikolaevsky at Russiand iplomatic mission in Seoul and other orthodox temples of the last thirty years of the XIX-the beginning of the XX-th centuries inherited ancient Russian tradition and were designed in the Byzantian style, style of the Moscow XVII century architecture, in Russian style. The ideas of ″the orthodox, the autocracy and the nationality″ in town-planning are expressed also in devotions of temples and names of new settlements. For example, a large number of temples is devoted to Saint Nicholas. Only in the Primorye Territory they are about 20. Harbin’s Saint-Nikolaevsky cathedral also in a name Nicholas. Harbin’s the Sofia church is devoted to a great symbol Ancient Russia and Russian Empire - church of Saint Sofia in Constantinople. The general plans of settlements and cities of the Far East of the second half of the XIX and boundary XIX-XX centuries were realized by two leading directions of town-planning of Russia: the first is based on the norms of regular town-planning, the second is one connected with the realization of the city - garden concept. The priority remains for classicismical tradition. At the same time, the general plans of Harbin, Dairen realized the innovative idea of the time-the concept of city-garden. On the Russian Far East social town-planning ideas of the city -gardens in a certain measure were embodied in 1910-s in the project of Alexseevsk town; Anutovsky country settlement on Ocean station near Vladivostok, later it was officially named-Garden-City; in a settlement for the railway servicemen on Nikolskay station of the Us 展开更多
关键词 far East town-planning politics of the state ARCHITECTURAL traditions orthodox architecture of the TEMPLES RUSSIAN style town-planning innovations city-garden
锦州满铁厚生会馆考察研析 被引量:1
作者 刘抚英 韩旭 《世界建筑》 2022年第3期105-109,共5页
锦州满铁厚生会馆是具有重要历史价值的城市近代建筑之一,是城市发展演变历程的重要见证。研究基于现场勘察、历史资料调查和建筑数字化复原,首先梳理了锦州满铁厚生会馆的概况和历史沿革,从空间公共性和私密性共融的角度分析了建筑功... 锦州满铁厚生会馆是具有重要历史价值的城市近代建筑之一,是城市发展演变历程的重要见证。研究基于现场勘察、历史资料调查和建筑数字化复原,首先梳理了锦州满铁厚生会馆的概况和历史沿革,从空间公共性和私密性共融的角度分析了建筑功能空间布局;其次,探索了现代式风格与草原式风格相协同的建筑风格与形式特征,介绍了建筑结构体系与供暖设备的应用;再次,分析了园林的日式风格整体布局和景观要素特征;最后,从整体保护、功能更新和改造修缮等层面论述了历史建筑保护与再利用的现状和存在的问题。 展开更多
关键词 厚生会馆 满铁 空间布局 风格与形式 日式园林
作者 章菁 秦绍玲 《山西建筑》 2007年第28期345-346,共2页
从政治、社会、民众三方面分析了"中国风"在欧洲兴起的原因,对"中国风"在各国传播的重要传教士进行了介绍,并对"中国风"在欧洲园林中的实践及其消退过程进行了论述,以使人们进一步了解"中国风"... 从政治、社会、民众三方面分析了"中国风"在欧洲兴起的原因,对"中国风"在各国传播的重要传教士进行了介绍,并对"中国风"在欧洲园林中的实践及其消退过程进行了论述,以使人们进一步了解"中国风"对英法造园艺术的影响。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 中国风 造园艺术
Brief History of Xu-style Garden: Private Gardens in Xuzhou during the Republic of China
作者 WANG Daqin 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2021年第3期1-4,8,共5页
Through literature review and fi eld investigation,famous private gardens in Xuzhou city and countryside during the Republic of China period were investigated.According to the main uses,the private gardens in this per... Through literature review and fi eld investigation,famous private gardens in Xuzhou city and countryside during the Republic of China period were investigated.According to the main uses,the private gardens in this period were divided into 4 types:house garden,library garden,restaurant garden and for-profi t(fl owers,trees and vegetables)garden.In addition,this paper sorted out the owner of each private garden,the construction process,the scale of the garden and the general situation of the garden,and analyzed the idea,site selection,layout,the characteristics of the key private garden elements and style of these gardens. 展开更多
关键词 Xu-style garden Private garden The Republic of China XUZHOU
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