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激活“稻草人”:东莞裕元罢工中的工会转型 被引量:9
作者 黄岩 刘剑 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期33-44,共12页
中国工会由于脱离群众一直饱受诟病,工会代表和维护职工利益的社会功能发挥十分有限,工会甚至被看作是田间"稻草人"。但是,在2014年东莞裕元工人罢工事件中,从事件爆发初期工会的缺位和失位,到事件解决过程中工会主动到位和补... 中国工会由于脱离群众一直饱受诟病,工会代表和维护职工利益的社会功能发挥十分有限,工会甚至被看作是田间"稻草人"。但是,在2014年东莞裕元工人罢工事件中,从事件爆发初期工会的缺位和失位,到事件解决过程中工会主动到位和补位,由广东省总工会组建的工会工作组扮演了十分重要的角色,工作组及时进入裕元鞋厂开展工作,平息罢工并重新改组企业工会。工会工作组的表现让我们看到了未来中国工会转型在"激活稻草人"机制方面的可能路径。 展开更多
关键词 裕元鞋厂 工会转型 稻草人机制 罢工 劳动权益
马克思主义的传播对早期中国铁路工人运动的影响及启示(1917~1923) 被引量:9
作者 邱铁鑫 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第4期18-26,共9页
纵观整个中国工人运动史,铁路工人队伍无疑是中国最早受到马克思主义影响的工人队伍之一,这与早期中国铁路工人革命斗争性强、传播信息速度快、社会影响力大、纪律严明便于组织等特点是分不开的。马克思主义在早期中国铁路工人队伍中的... 纵观整个中国工人运动史,铁路工人队伍无疑是中国最早受到马克思主义影响的工人队伍之一,这与早期中国铁路工人革命斗争性强、传播信息速度快、社会影响力大、纪律严明便于组织等特点是分不开的。马克思主义在早期中国铁路工人队伍中的传播,唤醒了铁路工人的斗争意识,催生了工会组织,推动着铁路工人罢工浪潮的兴起,影响深刻。探究这一时期马克思主义与早期中国铁路工人运动相结合的历史过程,对于现阶段推进马克思主义大众化具有重要的启示意义,即在此过程中也应当坚持理论与实践相结合、针对不同群体使用不同话语、注重受众的参与和反馈等,只有这样才能真正实现马克思主义大众化。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义 马克思主义大众化 早期中国铁路工人运动 铁路工人队伍 工会组织 罢工浪潮
论《食品安全法》“累加处罚”条款的法律适用 被引量:4
作者 冀玮 《行政法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期60-72,共13页
《食品安全法》第134条创设的'累加处罚'制度,在国内外执法领域也称'三振出局'。其本质就是一种对'累罚累犯'的相对人予以加重处罚的制度。食品安全行政法域引入该制度,是落实'四个最严'要求的直接体... 《食品安全法》第134条创设的'累加处罚'制度,在国内外执法领域也称'三振出局'。其本质就是一种对'累罚累犯'的相对人予以加重处罚的制度。食品安全行政法域引入该制度,是落实'四个最严'要求的直接体现。在该条款的适用上,时间要件、处罚累计、处罚裁量等尚需要进一步明确。时间要件是'累加处罚'是否构成的两个关键性前提之一,应当体现'严厉处罚'的立法目的。三次处罚的累计是'累加处罚'的另一个关键构成要件,对其'三次'的确定、计算以及每次处罚的性质认定决定着'累加处罚'的具体实施。'累加处罚'的适用裁量因为包含着包括'吊销许可证'在内的两种力度不一的处罚,因此应当确立相对统一的基准,避免过罚不当的错误结果。 展开更多
关键词 累加处罚 “三振出局” 食品安全治理 法律适用
作者 马玉欢 朱梦喜 《政治经济学研究》 2023年第4期54-61,共8页
自新冠疫情暴发以来,罢工潮席卷欧美主要国家,英国、法国、美国几乎同时上演大罢工,大规模的抗议活动此起彼伏,并持续至今。本文考察了2020—2022年英国、法国、美国的代表性罢工运动,力图以马克思主义视角分析由新冠疫情引发的欧美主... 自新冠疫情暴发以来,罢工潮席卷欧美主要国家,英国、法国、美国几乎同时上演大罢工,大规模的抗议活动此起彼伏,并持续至今。本文考察了2020—2022年英国、法国、美国的代表性罢工运动,力图以马克思主义视角分析由新冠疫情引发的欧美主要国家罢工浪潮,洞悉资本主义制度深层问题。马克思主义始终紧扣无产阶级的核心权益,直指无产阶级的真正诉求;马克思主义关于无产阶级运动的理论并未过时,仍指引着当代资本主义条件下欧美主要国家工人运动的方向。本文旨在强调现代工人阶级的真正诉求,凸显马克思无产阶级理论的当代价值,以此揭示资本主义制度的本质。 展开更多
关键词 新冠疫情 欧美主要国家 罢工 工人运动
安丘—莒县断裂莒县盆地段晚第四纪以来的活动特征 被引量:3
作者 钟南才 侯治华 《防灾技术高等专科学校学报》 2005年第4期7-11,共5页
野外调查研究结果表明,安丘—莒县断裂莒县盆地段是一条晚第四纪以来强烈活动的断层。根据断层走向、活动时代及活动性质的变化,可分为两段。董家坡—武家曲坊段和武家曲坊—太湖段,总长度约30km。从滑动速率的分布来看,董家坡—武家曲... 野外调查研究结果表明,安丘—莒县断裂莒县盆地段是一条晚第四纪以来强烈活动的断层。根据断层走向、活动时代及活动性质的变化,可分为两段。董家坡—武家曲坊段和武家曲坊—太湖段,总长度约30km。从滑动速率的分布来看,董家坡—武家曲坊段全新世早期右旋水平滑动速率为1.83mm/a,垂直滑动速率大约为0.37mm/a;全新世晚期右旋水平滑动速率为0.86mm/a,垂直滑动速率大约为0.17mm/a。武家曲坊—太湖段晚更新世早期断裂右旋水平滑动速率为2.78mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.65mm/a。全新世晚期右旋水平滑动速率为1.37mm/a。垂直滑动速率为0.18mm/a。上述资料表明,安丘~莒县断裂带盆地段的断裂活动无论是时间上还是空间上都有差异,晚更新世以来断裂的活动性有减弱的趋势,全新世时期断裂的活动北段比南段强。 展开更多
关键词 活动断层 断层走向 活动时代 活动性质
试论罢工权入宪的必要性 被引量:1
作者 马红军 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2008年第2期68-69,共2页
公民罢工权属于人权的重要内容,是经济、社会和文化权利中的一项重要权利。我国现行宪法并没有规定罢工权,这种状况致使罢工的发生和处理都难以规范。罢工权入宪是发展社会主义市场经济和平衡劳资双方权利的要求。罢工权入宪也有利于政... 公民罢工权属于人权的重要内容,是经济、社会和文化权利中的一项重要权利。我国现行宪法并没有规定罢工权,这种状况致使罢工的发生和处理都难以规范。罢工权入宪是发展社会主义市场经济和平衡劳资双方权利的要求。罢工权入宪也有利于政府及时、有效地处理矛盾,有利于我国宪法与国际接轨。 展开更多
关键词 罢工 罢工权 必要性
19世纪美国政府对待社会暴力的双重标准 被引量:2
作者 王心扬 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期97-106,119,共11页
19世纪美国各级政府对待社会暴力有不同的态度。研究显示,美国各级政府对待工人阶级为改善生活和工作条件而举行的罢工以及对待黑人为反抗奴隶制而发动的起义,一向是残酷镇压;而当白人攻击和杀戮黑人、移民和其他少数族裔时,则往往是姑... 19世纪美国各级政府对待社会暴力有不同的态度。研究显示,美国各级政府对待工人阶级为改善生活和工作条件而举行的罢工以及对待黑人为反抗奴隶制而发动的起义,一向是残酷镇压;而当白人攻击和杀戮黑人、移民和其他少数族裔时,则往往是姑息容忍,听之任之。美国政府对待社会暴力的双重标准,一方面使得雇主阶级肆无忌惮地剥削工人,同时也使得黑人长期得不到解放,而且在内战后继续遭受歧视和虐待;另一方面也纵容和助长了白人种族主义者对黑人和其他少数族裔的歧视和攻击。 展开更多
关键词 社会暴力 骚乱 暴民行为 罢工 奴隶起义 美国政府
Microstructural characterization and mechanical behavior analysis of 7075-T6 aluminum subjected to simulated lightning strikes 被引量:1
作者 Luis Henrique SANTOS Weslei Patrick Teodosio SOUSA +1 位作者 Sara Silva Ferreira DE DAFE Pedro Americo Magalhaes JUNIOR 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期39-50,共12页
Aircrafts damages caused by lightning strikes have been known since the early days of aviation.However,the physical effects on the aircraft structure are still being investigated.This work seeks to evaluate the lightn... Aircrafts damages caused by lightning strikes have been known since the early days of aviation.However,the physical effects on the aircraft structure are still being investigated.This work seeks to evaluate the lightning strike effects in the aluminum alloy 7075-T6.Samples were submitted to lightning strike simulation in laboratory and the damages evaluated through characterization techniques.Ultrasound and profilometry tests have shown material loss to 0.272 mm depth in the damaged region.In addition,it was detected the material accumulation occurrence in the damage vicinity of the region.Below the damage,it was found a region where metallurgical changes were identified.The tensile and microhardness tests results have shown reduction in the percentage elongation and hardness increasing in the material affected by lightning.These results are corroborated by the X-Ray Diffraction(XRD)and Rietveld Method(red line)that indicated an increasing in dislocation density and micro-deformation in the material matrix.Optical microscopy results have shown the presence of microcracks on the normal and cross-section surface of the samples damaged.The Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy(EDXS)and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Test(EBSD)found coarse intermetallic phases and precipitates compounds with dimensions greater than 1 lm in length.They were responsible for nucleation of the microcracks that propagate along the material grain boundaries. 展开更多
关键词 Aircraft structure Characterization techniques Lightning strikes PRECIPITATES MICROCRACKS
柬埔寨制衣制鞋业的发展与罢工问题及影响 被引量:1
作者 钟福维 许梅 《东南亚纵横》 2019年第1期76-82,共7页
本文对柬埔寨对外开放以来制衣制鞋业的发展与罢工问题及影响进行综述。随着柬埔寨制衣制鞋业的发展,劳资矛盾日益突出,制衣制鞋业罢工呈现"常态化"趋势,经济性罢工与政治性罢工交织,情况较为复杂。作为制衣制鞋业工人维权的... 本文对柬埔寨对外开放以来制衣制鞋业的发展与罢工问题及影响进行综述。随着柬埔寨制衣制鞋业的发展,劳资矛盾日益突出,制衣制鞋业罢工呈现"常态化"趋势,经济性罢工与政治性罢工交织,情况较为复杂。作为制衣制鞋业工人维权的方式,罢工这一产业行为呈现出政治化特征,这主要源于柬埔寨一些政党利用《劳动法》的不完善来为本党派谋利而发生的纠纷及工会内斗。虽然柬埔寨针对罢工新颁发的《工会法》使罢工现象逐渐减少,但制衣制鞋业罢工的现象仍然时有发生。外国投资者进入柬埔寨制衣制鞋业需更加谨慎地考虑产业罢工造成的经济损失以及引起的相关管理问题。 展开更多
关键词 柬埔寨 制衣制鞋业 罢工 影响
作者 欧阳帆 《滨州学院学报》 2010年第1期107-112,共6页
关键词 法国 公共部门 集体谈判 罢工
Analytical modelling of the mechanical damage of soil induced by lightning strikes capturing electro-thermal,thermo-osmotic,and electro-osmotic effects
作者 RAO Ping-ping OUYANG Pei-hao +3 位作者 NIMBALKAR Sanjay CHEN Qing-sheng WU Zhi-lin CUI Ji-fei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第7期2027-2043,共17页
This article presents a mathematical model for simulating the mechanical behaviour of lightning strikes and analysing the resulting damage to the soil.This article focuses on the electro-thermal effect and seepage cau... This article presents a mathematical model for simulating the mechanical behaviour of lightning strikes and analysing the resulting damage to the soil.This article focuses on the electro-thermal effect and seepage caused by lightning strikes in particular.Then,a numerical model based on the conservation laws of momentum,mass and energy is developed for soil subjected to lightning strikes.Comparisons to field observations and theoretical calculations are used to demonstrate the efficacy and accuracy of numerical simulations.The findings demonstrate that lightning strikes can cause soils to experience both seepage force and heat stress.Under the calculative condition of this article:by increasing the intrinsic permeability of the soil,k_(p)(≥10^(-10)m^(2)),the seepage force can be effectively reduced,hence reducing the risk of lightning strikes;improving the electrical conductivity of the soil β(≥10^(-1) S/m^(2))and lowering its thermal expansion coefficient(≤10^(-6)K^(-1))can greatly reduce the damage caused by lightning strikes to the soil.The preceding investigations demonstrate that the suggested model is capable of evaluating mechanical damage caused by lightning in the soil,and the findings contribute to a better understanding of soil mechanical response to lightning strikes. 展开更多
关键词 Lightning strikes Analytical modelling Soil damage Electro-thermo-osmotic effect Conservation laws
The Empire Strikes Back
作者 TANG YUANKAI 《Beijing Review》 2006年第1期32-33,共2页
Suffering from rampant piracy, China's film, music and software industries look to special measures to counter attack Watching out for pirates has taken on an entirely new meaning for Fang Yunyun. No, she's no... Suffering from rampant piracy, China's film, music and software industries look to special measures to counter attack Watching out for pirates has taken on an entirely new meaning for Fang Yunyun. No, she's not looking through a telescope for a ship loaded with mean-looking sailors brandishing swords. Fang is an executive at an audio-video company in Beijing, and her anti-piracy watch means being on the 展开更多
关键词 PI The Empire strikes Back
Nearshore regional behavior of lightning interaction with wind turbines
作者 Gilbert A.Malinga John M.Niedzwecki 《Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science》 SCIE 2016年第1期66-76,共11页
The severity of lightning strikes on offshore wind turbines built along coastal and nearshore regions can pose safety concerns that are often overlooked.In this research study the behavior of electrical discharges for... The severity of lightning strikes on offshore wind turbines built along coastal and nearshore regions can pose safety concerns that are often overlooked.In this research study the behavior of electrical discharges for wind turbines that might be located in the nearshore regions along the East Coast of China and Sea of Japan were characterized using a physics-based model that accounted for a total of eleven different geometrical and lightning parameters.Utilizing the electrical potential field predicted using this model it was then possible to estimate the frequency of lightning strikes and the distribution of electrical loads utilizing established semi-empirical relationships and available data.The total number of annual lightning strikes on an offshore wind turbine was found to vary with hub elevation,extent of cloud cover,season and geographical location.The annual lightning strike rate on a wind turbine along the nearshore region on the Sea of Japan during the winter season was shown to be moderately larger compared to the lightning strike frequency on a turbine structure on the East Coast of China.Short duration electrical discharges,represented using marginal probability functions,were found to vary with season and geographical location,exhibiting trends consistent with the distribution of the electrical peak current.It was demonstrated that electrical discharges of moderately long duration typically occur in the winter months on the East Coast of China and the summer season along the Sea of Japan.In contrast,severe electrical discharges are typical of summer thunderstorms on the East Coast of China and winter frontal storm systems along the West Coast of Japan.The electrical charge and specific energy dissipated during lightning discharges on an offshore wind turbine was found to vary stochastically,with severe electrical discharges corresponding to large electrical currents of long duration. 展开更多
关键词 Nearshore wind turbines Physics based model Lightning strikes Electrical current strike frequency Electrical charge.
Revisiting of the South African Mine Workers' Union --A Significant Factor in South African Mining History
作者 Wessel Visser 《History Research》 2013年第4期239-258,共20页
Founded in 1902 as the Transvaal Miners' Association, the South African Mine Workers' Union (MWU), as it was renamed in 1913, rose to prominence as a militant union for white miners, especially during the turbulen... Founded in 1902 as the Transvaal Miners' Association, the South African Mine Workers' Union (MWU), as it was renamed in 1913, rose to prominence as a militant union for white miners, especially during the turbulent years of industrial strife and bloody strike action in the first two decades of the 20th century. Since the election victory of the Pact government in 1924 a program of pro-white protectionist legislation was introduced. As South Africa's most prominent white trade union of the 20th century, the MWU therefore became renowned for defending job reservation in the mining industry. After 1948, it enjoyed the National Party government's support in this regard. However, skilled labor shortages and changing labor conditions in the 1970s forced the government to introduce labor reform. Job reservation was scrapped and black unions were officially recognized. These initiatives put the MWU on a confrontational path with the government and the union aligned itself with right-wing political resistance and protest. But, the altered political and economic South African realities after 1994 forced the MWU to rethink its strategies. By 2002, it had reinvented and transformed itself into Solidarity, adequately equipped for addressing the labor challenges and demands of a post-apartheid South Africa. This article, based on the author's research of the South African labor movement in the early 20th century, traces the historical development of the union and its influence on South African political and labor history. 展开更多
关键词 Mine Workers' Union strikes Wiehahn Commission right-wing politics SOLIDARITY
Gu Jianfen Strikes Up the Melody of Life
作者 SUJIE MAN 《Women of China》 1996年第4期22-24,共3页
IN 1987, the Fourth International Music Festival was held in Belgrade. When the Chinese song "The Green Leaves’s Love for the Root" was reverberating through the hall, the whole audience held their breath, ... IN 1987, the Fourth International Music Festival was held in Belgrade. When the Chinese song "The Green Leaves’s Love for the Root" was reverberating through the hall, the whole audience held their breath, listening attentively. This song not only moved all the people present but its approach of mode and the smooth and lyric melody left a deep impression on the adjudicators. As a result, this song won the third prize, the highest award any Chinese pop song had ever won at any international contest before 1987. The composer of this song is Gu Jianfen. Since the early 1980s, Gu Jianfen’s compositions have won her various awards in Chinese song contests. In 1985, five of her compositions won "Prize for Songs Favored 展开更多
关键词 Gu Jianfen strikes Up the Melody of Life
Research progress on the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
作者 Bing-Bing Yan Xu Chao +1 位作者 Xue-Song Feng Feng Huang 《Journal of Hainan Medical University》 2021年第12期60-64,共5页
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is a liver disease characterized by ectopic liver steatosis and steatosis.It is the most common chronic liver disease in China,and its incidence has gradually increased worldwid... Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)is a liver disease characterized by ectopic liver steatosis and steatosis.It is the most common chronic liver disease in China,and its incidence has gradually increased worldwide,accompanied by the prevalence of obesity.In addition,NAFLD is associated with an increase in overall mortality,particularly in cardiovascular disease.So far,the mechanism of NAFLD is not very clear.This article aims to discuss the recent progress of various researches on NAFLD mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Multiple strikes Mechanism of action
版权蟑螂现象的法律治理——网络版权市场中的利益平衡机制 被引量:35
作者 易继明 蔡元臻 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期5-18,共14页
版权蟑螂现象及其危害引发人们思考版权人、网络服务提供者、网络用户与大众利益之间的关系。版权蟑螂从早期单纯的版权购买者已转向与原版权人捆绑结合,而其针对网络服务提供者的诉讼主张,也转入了针对下载盗版作品的网络用户,使之具... 版权蟑螂现象及其危害引发人们思考版权人、网络服务提供者、网络用户与大众利益之间的关系。版权蟑螂从早期单纯的版权购买者已转向与原版权人捆绑结合,而其针对网络服务提供者的诉讼主张,也转入了针对下载盗版作品的网络用户,使之具有了更强的隐蔽性。透过侵权诉讼获利的行为本身无可厚非,网络盗版用户并不能合理使用规则予以抗辩。但版权蟑螂频繁地利用法定赔偿方式获取巨额利润的做法,表明法定赔偿的异化,并应定位在"基准赔付额度+"层面实现理性回归。但釜底抽薪的做法是采取境外的"三振出局"的积极保护机制,弥补了"避风港"消极原则的不足。我国应该创造性地引入这一机制,以断网处罚为主建立起中国特色的"三色机制",在新的利益平衡中激活一个健康的网络版权市场。 展开更多
关键词 版权蟑螂 合理使用 法定赔偿 三振出局 三色机制
运动式监管与监管型国家建设:基于对食品安全专项整治行动的案例研究 被引量:33
作者 刘鹏 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期118-124,共7页
在相当长的一个时期内,频繁发动各种类型的专项整治运动,是中国政府执行市场监管政策过程中所体现出来的一个鲜明特征,运动式监管因而也已经成为中国监管型国家建设的重要途径。本文以2007年产品质量和食品安全专项整治行动作为分析案例... 在相当长的一个时期内,频繁发动各种类型的专项整治运动,是中国政府执行市场监管政策过程中所体现出来的一个鲜明特征,运动式监管因而也已经成为中国监管型国家建设的重要途径。本文以2007年产品质量和食品安全专项整治行动作为分析案例,全面对运动式监管方式的利弊得失进行了评估,并从历史路径依赖、压力型体制、常规监管资源的缺乏、监管问题的复杂性以及地方政府官员的理性选择五个方面对运动式监管形成的原因进行了制度分析,最后提出在简政放权的新形势下,应当从监管理念与文化、监管工具及方式、监管资源的配备以及监管绩效评估四个方面遏制运动式监管的滥用,推进监管逐步转换为可持续监管。 展开更多
关键词 运动式监管 食品安全 专项整治运动 可持续监管
雷击对行波故障测距的影响及识别 被引量:22
作者 郭宁明 覃剑 陈祥训 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期76-79,共4页
雷击是影响行波测距装置精度的主要因素之一,雷击故障的识别是解决输电线路雷击干扰的基础。通过对雷击故障和短路故障电流行波的暂态特性分析可知,雷击故障电流具有以下特点:雷击故障电流具有更大的陡度;非故障相的电流行波也具有更大... 雷击是影响行波测距装置精度的主要因素之一,雷击故障的识别是解决输电线路雷击干扰的基础。通过对雷击故障和短路故障电流行波的暂态特性分析可知,雷击故障电流具有以下特点:雷击故障电流具有更大的陡度;非故障相的电流行波也具有更大的暂态能量。据此,提出利用小波变换提取故障电流陡度和利用相电流行波暂态能量进行雷击故障识别的新方法,以及相应的识别判据。EMTDC仿真及实例验证证明了文中所述雷击识别方法的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 行波测距 小波变换 暂态特性 雷击
昆明巫家坝国际机场鸟类的时空变化及鸟击防治 被引量:27
作者 廖峻涛 赵雪冰 +1 位作者 胡劭骥 许远钊 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第2期95-102,共8页
为有效防范机场鸟击事件的发生,作者从2009年12月-2010年11月对昆明巫家坝国际机场及其周边地区鸟类群落的时空变化规律进行了实地调研,共记录到74种鸟类,分属12目29科,其中留鸟42种,冬候鸟23种,夏候鸟7种,旅鸟2种.不同季节的鸟类种类... 为有效防范机场鸟击事件的发生,作者从2009年12月-2010年11月对昆明巫家坝国际机场及其周边地区鸟类群落的时空变化规律进行了实地调研,共记录到74种鸟类,分属12目29科,其中留鸟42种,冬候鸟23种,夏候鸟7种,旅鸟2种.不同季节的鸟类种类、密度和Shannon-Weiner多样性指数冬季最低,秋季最高;Pielou均匀度指数则是秋冬季较春夏季为低.调查区域内不同生境鸟类群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,从高到低依次为机场>公园>湿地>居民区,Pielou均匀度指数从高到低则为公园>机场>湿地>居民区;从相似系数来看,机场与湿地间的鸟类群落相似性最高.研究结果表明,昆明机场鸟类群落的季节变动受候鸟迁徙影响严重,秋季应是鸟击的重点防范时段.向化村湿地与机场生境的相似程度最高,对湿地的生态整治应能有效地降低鸟击威胁.据此提出了昆明机场的鸟击防治策略. 展开更多
关键词 鸟类群落 时空变化 鸟击防治 昆明巫家坝国际机场
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