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基于空间数据的太子河河流生境分类 被引量:15
作者 孔维静 张远 +1 位作者 王一涵 孟伟 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期487-493,共7页
在文献调研的基础上,结合河流特征和专家经验确定分类使用的指标,利用DEM、河流水系等空间数据,在ArcGIS软件下提取子流域,并计算子流域内河流系统的坡降、蜿蜒度、河网密度和河流等级4个分类指标值,应用聚类分析方法对太子河河流生境... 在文献调研的基础上,结合河流特征和专家经验确定分类使用的指标,利用DEM、河流水系等空间数据,在ArcGIS软件下提取子流域,并计算子流域内河流系统的坡降、蜿蜒度、河网密度和河流等级4个分类指标值,应用聚类分析方法对太子河河流生境进行分类,将太子河河流生境分为源头陡峭河流生境、源头弯曲河流生境、源头河流生境、支流中下游河流生境、平原支流密集河网生境、支流弯曲河流生境、干流下游生境和干流蜿蜒河流生境等8种类型,各类型河流长度在223.8~773.1 km之间,其中支流弯曲河流生境最长,而干流下游生境最短.根据各生境类型的特征,提出了我国东北地区河流生境分类的指标参考值;根据不同生境类型的河道侵蚀、水量以及多样性潜力等特征,提出了不同河流生境类型的环境管理对策. 展开更多
关键词 河流 生境 分类 坡降 蜿蜒度 河网密度 河流等级
黄河源区典型弯曲河流的几何形态特征 被引量:13
作者 李志威 王兆印 +1 位作者 李艳富 刘乐 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期11-17,共7页
黄河源区支流白河和黑河位于青藏高原东北部若尔盖盆地的东部,河道蜿蜒曲折,是典型弯曲型河流,研究其弯曲河道的一般形态规律,有利于认识青藏高原弯曲河流的发育条件和形态特征。基于遥感图像、DEM和野外调查,利用ArcGIS提取了白河和黑... 黄河源区支流白河和黑河位于青藏高原东北部若尔盖盆地的东部,河道蜿蜒曲折,是典型弯曲型河流,研究其弯曲河道的一般形态规律,有利于认识青藏高原弯曲河流的发育条件和形态特征。基于遥感图像、DEM和野外调查,利用ArcGIS提取了白河和黑河的河网,计算了沿程的纵比降,并测算了河道宽度、弯曲度、河谷宽度和牛轭湖数量。白河和黑河的统计河段平均弯曲度分别为1.68和2.46,黑河平均弯曲度大于白河的主要原因是黑河的多年平均流量和河道纵比降均小于白河。白河单位河长的牛轭湖数量沿程由多变少,黑河单位河长的牛轭湖数量沿程趋于均匀,且牛轭湖数量多于白河,说明黑河沿程保持更高的自然裁弯频率。 展开更多
关键词 黄河源区 弯曲河流 几何形态 河道宽度 弯曲度 牛轭湖
连续微弯弯道水力特性试验及模拟研究 被引量:8
作者 罗平安 李觅 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期55-59,共5页
为了研究河流的连续微弯弯道水力特性,通过建立曲折系数为1.07的连续弯道模型进行试验,并利用Reynolds应力模型进行模拟计算,从水面线、流速场、弯道环流及强度等方面研究了小曲折系数连续弯道水力特性。结果表明:Reynolds应力模型能够... 为了研究河流的连续微弯弯道水力特性,通过建立曲折系数为1.07的连续弯道模型进行试验,并利用Reynolds应力模型进行模拟计算,从水面线、流速场、弯道环流及强度等方面研究了小曲折系数连续弯道水力特性。结果表明:Reynolds应力模型能够较好地模拟连续弯道水流;在同一断面,近凸岸的纵向流速垂线分布接近对数流速分布,近凹岸的纵向流速垂线分布呈随相对水深增大而先增大后减小的规律,呈现"凸肚"形;在弯道环流方面,呈现非对称的双环流结构;水面和槽底处的环流强度大于水体中部,凹岸的环流强度大于凸岸的环流强度。成果为研究小曲折系数弯道的河流水力特性提供了借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 连续微弯弯道 曲折系数 水力特性 水流试验 环流强度
深水水道坡度与曲率的定量关系及控制作用——以西非Rio Muni盆地为例 被引量:8
作者 刘新颖 于水 +1 位作者 胡孝林 陶维祥 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期127-134,共8页
选取受构造活动影响较弱的Rio Muni盆地近现代深水水道为研究样本,分段测量各水道的底床坡度和曲率,并进行相关性分析。研究认为:深水水道底床坡度与曲率呈幂函数关系,水道曲率随着坡度的增大而减小;但不同坡度条件下曲率变化速率表现... 选取受构造活动影响较弱的Rio Muni盆地近现代深水水道为研究样本,分段测量各水道的底床坡度和曲率,并进行相关性分析。研究认为:深水水道底床坡度与曲率呈幂函数关系,水道曲率随着坡度的增大而减小;但不同坡度条件下曲率变化速率表现出明显的差异——一般随坡度的减小,单位坡度变化范围内,曲率的增幅加大。坡度对水道曲率的控制作用主要体现在水道切谷底形和内部充填结构2个方面,其中对后者的影响作用最为显著。但实质上,坡度是通过对水道内部沉积物能量的控制,进而影响了其侵蚀及充填能力,最终使水道平面形态和内部充填结构发生变化。 展开更多
关键词 深水水道 坡度 曲率 定量关系 充填结构 沉积
河流线型对河流自净能力的影响 被引量:7
作者 何嘉辉 潘伟斌 刘方照 《环境保护科学》 CAS 2015年第2期43-47,113,共6页
为研究河流线型对河流自净能力的影响,选取5条具有不同河流线型的河涌进行研究,以弯曲度和分形维数表征河流线型,以TP、NH 3-N、NO 2-N、NO 3-N、COD Cr、TOC、DOC、叶绿素(Chlorophyll)和蓝绿藻藻蓝蛋白(BGA-PC)等9项水质指标沿程削减... 为研究河流线型对河流自净能力的影响,选取5条具有不同河流线型的河涌进行研究,以弯曲度和分形维数表征河流线型,以TP、NH 3-N、NO 2-N、NO 3-N、COD Cr、TOC、DOC、叶绿素(Chlorophyll)和蓝绿藻藻蓝蛋白(BGA-PC)等9项水质指标沿程削减率表征河流自净能力,并分析各研究河段的悬浮微生物生物量和生物活性,探讨河流线型影响河流自净能力的作用机制。结果表明:多项水质指标沿程削减率随河流线型蜿蜒程度的增加而提升。在直立式浆砌石挡墙河段,河流线型通过提高悬浮微生物生物活性,进而增强河流自净能力,使TP、NH 3-N、NO 3-N、DOC、Chlorophyll和BGA-PC的沿程削减率显著提升;而在格宾石笼挡墙河段,河流线型通过增加悬浮生物生物量和提高生物活性,进而增强河流自净能力,使NO 2-N、COD Cr、TOC和DOC的沿程削减率显著提高。 展开更多
关键词 河流线型 弯曲度 分形维数 自净能力
辽河流域河段蜿蜒度特征分析 被引量:7
作者 徐彩彩 张远 +3 位作者 张殷波 侯利萍 贾晓波 孔维静 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期495-501,共7页
对辽河流域河流水系进行分段,计算河段的蜿蜒度,分析各子流域东辽河、西辽河、浑太河、辽河干流及其支流的河段蜿蜒特征,对4个子流域之间的河段蜿蜒度进行了差异显著性分析;并研究了河段蜿蜒度与地貌、河流等级、坡降的关系,结果表明:(1... 对辽河流域河流水系进行分段,计算河段的蜿蜒度,分析各子流域东辽河、西辽河、浑太河、辽河干流及其支流的河段蜿蜒特征,对4个子流域之间的河段蜿蜒度进行了差异显著性分析;并研究了河段蜿蜒度与地貌、河流等级、坡降的关系,结果表明:(1)辽河流域共有3158个河段,河段蜿蜒度范围为1—4.2;(2)各子流域低度蜿蜒河段占流域总河段数的70%左右,辽河干流属于高度蜿蜒河段,大多数源头河流、西辽河中下游以及辽河干流东部的招苏台河、清河、柴河的上游属于低度蜿蜒河段,东辽河和浑太河河流从源头山地区流向平原地区后河流逐渐蜿蜒;(3)东辽河、西辽河和浑太河3个子流域之间河段蜿蜒度差异不显著,辽河干流及支流河段蜿蜒度显著高于其他3个子流域;(4)不同地貌类型间河段蜿蜒度差异极显著,河段蜿蜒度与河流等级成正相关关系,河段蜿蜒度与坡降成负相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 辽河 蜿蜒度 河流地貌 河流等级 坡降
城市河流蜿蜒度变化对河流生态环境影响的量化研究 被引量:7
作者 于子铖 赵进勇 +3 位作者 王琦 张晶 彭文启 韩会玲 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2021年第7期72-80,86,共10页
为进一步明确城市河流蜿蜒度变化对河流生态环境的影响,基于研究区域现状,从生物栖息地与河流水质两个方面入手,选取有效栖息地面积(WUA)与深潭浅滩变化、化学需氧量(COD)和总磷(TP)作为特征性指标,选择北京市南沙河老牛湾附近河段作为... 为进一步明确城市河流蜿蜒度变化对河流生态环境的影响,基于研究区域现状,从生物栖息地与河流水质两个方面入手,选取有效栖息地面积(WUA)与深潭浅滩变化、化学需氧量(COD)和总磷(TP)作为特征性指标,选择北京市南沙河老牛湾附近河段作为研究对象,通过梳理相关资料、现场调查等方式获取基本数据,以基础散点数据构建所选河段的不同平面蜿蜒程度,利用MIKE21和RIVER2D分别对其进行水动力水质模拟,根据模拟结果中鱼类有效栖息地面积与所选控制断面的水质变化进行分析,从而将河流平面蜿蜒形态变化对河流生态环境的影响进行量化研究。结果表明,随着河流蜿蜒度的变小,目标鱼类栖息地面积与深潭浅滩个数逐渐减少,WUA由占河道总面积的28.9%降至11.2%,深潭浅滩个数由10减少至4;河流水质也逐渐变差,COD与TP浓度都呈整体上升趋势。最终明确了河流生态环境会随着蜿蜒度的变小而发生恶化。 展开更多
关键词 蜿蜒度 栖息地 水质 量化
元谋干热河谷区冲沟沟头沟沿线的分形特征 被引量:6
作者 刘辉 邓青春 +5 位作者 张斌 覃发超 李响 王磊 张政玲 杨海青 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期150-154,共5页
为了研究金沙江干热河谷区冲沟沟头的形态特征与发育演化规律,基于野外实地测绘与室内成图分析,采用分形维值、弯曲系数等参数描述了元谋县沙地村13条冲沟沟头的几何形态学及沟头发育特征。结果表明,该区域沟头分形维值范围在1.096-1.19... 为了研究金沙江干热河谷区冲沟沟头的形态特征与发育演化规律,基于野外实地测绘与室内成图分析,采用分形维值、弯曲系数等参数描述了元谋县沙地村13条冲沟沟头的几何形态学及沟头发育特征。结果表明,该区域沟头分形维值范围在1.096-1.190之间,弯曲系数值在1.443-4.818之间,分形分维值和弯曲系数也具有很强的相关性。其研究结果不仅可以丰富冲沟形态学的研究方法,也可为干热河谷区的水土保持工作提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 沟头 沟沿线 分形维值 弯曲系数 干热河谷
辽河流域河流的分类 被引量:6
作者 徐彩彩 张殷波 +2 位作者 张远 孔维静 侯利萍 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1723-1730,共8页
在分析国内外河流地貌分类研究的基础上,提出了应用河流等级、封闭度、河道数以及蜿蜒度4个指标所构成的河流分类指标体系,构建了河段尺度上的河流快速分类方法。以辽河流域为案例,将辽河流域3158个河段划分为20种河流类型。研究表明,... 在分析国内外河流地貌分类研究的基础上,提出了应用河流等级、封闭度、河道数以及蜿蜒度4个指标所构成的河流分类指标体系,构建了河段尺度上的河流快速分类方法。以辽河流域为案例,将辽河流域3158个河段划分为20种河流类型。研究表明,本文的分类体系具有指标获取容易、满足大面积流域河流管理策略制定的优点。根据辽河流域每种河流类型的结构、功能、过程及生境类型,提出高蜿蜒度干流的3种河流类型和2种复式河道类型应作为优先保护的河流;源头区域的3种河流类型应重点防治流域水土流失,并减少人类对河道的干扰;平原地区的支流3种类型,应减少农田开垦、污水直排等人类活动的干扰。 展开更多
关键词 河流分类 河段 封闭度 蜿蜒度 河道数 河流等级
构造活动对海底峡谷地貌形态的影响 被引量:5
作者 赵家斌 钟广法 《海洋地质前沿》 CSCD 2018年第12期1-13,共13页
海底峡谷是大陆边缘最重要的地貌形态之一,是沉积物和陆源有机质向深海搬运的主要通道,在深海重力流沉积、全球碳循环、生物多样性、油气-水合物资源勘探及海底工程设施安全运营等方面的研究中具有重要意义。大量研究发现,海底峡谷常发... 海底峡谷是大陆边缘最重要的地貌形态之一,是沉积物和陆源有机质向深海搬运的主要通道,在深海重力流沉积、全球碳循环、生物多样性、油气-水合物资源勘探及海底工程设施安全运营等方面的研究中具有重要意义。大量研究发现,海底峡谷常发育于构造活动较强烈的地区,其形成和演化与构造变形之间存在密切的关联。在文献调研基础上,着重就构造活动对海底峡谷地貌的控制作用进行综述。总结了5种与构造变形有关的海底峡谷平面分布端元模式,分别为限制型、转向型、偏转型、阻挡型及横向切穿型海底峡谷。分析了局部坡度变化对峡谷内部地貌特征的影响:构造变形引起的局部地形坡度增大会导致海底峡谷内部侵蚀作用的加剧与裂点的形成;局部地形坡度减小容易引起天然堤和决口扇的形成;坡度的变化还会引起峡谷弯曲度的动态响应。 展开更多
关键词 海底峡谷 地貌形态 构造变形 坡度 弯曲度 大陆边缘
近40a象山港潮汐汊道岸线的时空变化特征及其与人类活动的关系 被引量:5
作者 袁麒翔 李加林 +4 位作者 徐谅慧 杨磊 陈鹏程 王明月 卢雪珠 《应用海洋学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期279-290,共12页
利用多时期遥感数据,以8 a 为时间步长,提取了1974∽2014年间各时期象山港潮汐汊道海岸线空间位置、长度以及曲折度信息,同时对人类活动强度进行定量化评价,并探讨了人类活动强度变化和岸线变化的关系。结果表明:(1)40 a 来,随... 利用多时期遥感数据,以8 a 为时间步长,提取了1974∽2014年间各时期象山港潮汐汊道海岸线空间位置、长度以及曲折度信息,同时对人类活动强度进行定量化评价,并探讨了人类活动强度变化和岸线变化的关系。结果表明:(1)40 a 来,随着人类活动加剧,象山港潮汐汊道自然岸线长度不断缩减,人工岸线长度不断增加,并逐渐趋于稳定变化;(2)在不同方式人类活动影响下,象山港局部岸段形态发生剧烈变化,使得象山港潮汐汊道岸线曲折度不断变小;(3)人类活动强度在1974~1998年阶段增加快速,1998年以后增强速度有所变缓,同时,人类活动影响区域逐渐变大,几乎遍及整个港湾海岸;(4)人类活动强度与整体岸线的长度和曲折度呈现显著负相关性,随着人类活动强度的增大,岸线长度和曲折度逐渐减小。 展开更多
关键词 海洋遥感学 岸线 长度 曲折度 人类活动 强度 潮汐汊道 象山港
Assessing the oscillation of channel geometry and meander migration cardinality of Bhagirathi River,West Bengal,India 被引量:2
作者 Rakhohori Bag Ismail Mondal Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第4期613-634,共22页
Lateral migration of the Bhagirathi River temporally creates unavoidable geomorphic hazards in West Bengal, India. The Bhagirathi River flows SW for ~67.30 km between the confluence point of Ajay and Jalangi rivers i... Lateral migration of the Bhagirathi River temporally creates unavoidable geomorphic hazards in West Bengal, India. The Bhagirathi River flows SW for ~67.30 km between the confluence point of Ajay and Jalangi rivers in East Burdwan and Nadia districts of West Bengal. The course of Bhagirathi is notably migration prone and cultivates problematic changes along its course over time. In the study, we have looked into its migration tendency and unpredictability for past 238 years and then predicted the lateral shifting of river centerline using temporal satellite imageries – Landsat-5(TM) of 1987(8, December), 1995(28, January), 2005(7, January) and LISS-IV satellite imagery(2017, 5 January);SOI Toposheet – 1968–1969(79 A/2, 79 A/3, 79 A/6 and 79 A/7) and Rennell's map of 1779. Other highlights are the quest of fluvial features, oxbow lakes, mid-channel bars, channel migration rate, meander geometry, channel sinuosity in different parts of river course and the parts that experience intensive bank erosion. The entire river course has been subdivided into three segments; viz. reaches A, B and C. Investigation displays that degree of sinuosity decreases from its anterior course(1968) to the existing course(2017). Reach-specific outputs display that reach B is highly sinuous(SI value 1.94 in 2017) and SI increases temporarily, whereas for reaches A and C it decreases with time. The rate of migration is higher in reach B than that in reaches C and A. The study displays a notably decreasing trend of migration in comparison with its previous lateral migration and shows that the migration nature over time is intensively inconsistent and unpredictable except very few portions of the river course. The nature of deposition within the river channel shows an unstable behavior during the entire period of the study. Meander geometry depicts a rapid change of river course innate to meander bends and shows a higher rate of migration by meander loop cut-off rather than lateral migration that reflects the inconsistency, erosion v 展开更多
关键词 channel GEOMETRY sinuosity INDEX BRAIDING INDEX MEANDER GEOMETRY radius of curvature bend tightness INDEX linear regression GIS
作者 郑枫凡 蒋仲廉 +1 位作者 余珍 初秀民 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2023年第3期391-395,共5页
文中以铁铺水道至道人叽水道为研究区域,构建了蜿蜒河流船舶交通波模型,基于格林希尔茨速度-密度关系曲线,计算了不同时期(洪水季、枯水季)船舶集散波波速.结果表明:随着蜿蜒河段的长度及蜿蜒程度的增大,船舶排队时间和排队距离逐渐增加... 文中以铁铺水道至道人叽水道为研究区域,构建了蜿蜒河流船舶交通波模型,基于格林希尔茨速度-密度关系曲线,计算了不同时期(洪水季、枯水季)船舶集散波波速.结果表明:随着蜿蜒河段的长度及蜿蜒程度的增大,船舶排队时间和排队距离逐渐增加;枯水季船舶排队时间和排队距离分别为洪水季船舶的1.53倍和2.58倍.考虑到经典格林希尔茨关系与文中研究水域船舶速度-密度曲线的差异,船舶排队相关结果较实际情况偏大. 展开更多
关键词 AIS数据 交通波理论 蜿蜒度 蜿蜒型河流
Morphodynamic Changes of Bhagirathi River at Murshidabad District Using Geoinformatics 被引量:1
作者 Surajit Panda Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2011年第1期85-97,共13页
The channel of Bhagirathi River is the branches off from the Ganga at Nurpur (lower course of the Ganga). Bhagirathi River is one of the main rivers in Murshidabad district. Analyzing the image of the Bhagirathi River... The channel of Bhagirathi River is the branches off from the Ganga at Nurpur (lower course of the Ganga). Bhagirathi River is one of the main rivers in Murshidabad district. Analyzing the image of the Bhagirathi River in Murshidabad district through the year 1970, 1977, 1990, 2000 and 2006, it is found that significant changed has been occurred in souththern part of the river and less change is found in the middle part which is close to the Berhampore town. Toposheet of the year 1970 is also compared with the image data to observe the change. Water discharge, soil types and transportation of sediment is the major contributing factor of morphological changes like bar or shoal, ox-bow Lake, meander etc. Maximum erosion takes place at Dear Balagachi and after Baidyanathpur. A cut-off has take place at Baidyanathpur in 1984 [1]. It is found from the study that there is a possibility of natural meander cut-off at Dear Balagachi and near Majayampur. The traditional bank protection works, concrete walls, cemented stone and brick, play a significant role in the modification of the hydraulic aspect of the discharge values and in the interference in the water dynamics of erosive and depositional phenomena both upstream and downstream. 展开更多
关键词 Ox-bow Lake MEANDER Cut-off sinuosity INDEX (S. I) MEANDER Belt BRAIDING INDEX Etc
Quantitative Methods for Comparing Different Polyline Stream Network Models 被引量:1
作者 Danny L. Anderson Daniel P. Ames Ping Yang 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2014年第2期88-98,共11页
Two techniques for exploring relative horizontal accuracy of complex linear spatial features are described and sample source code (pseudo code) is presented for this purpose. The first technique, relative sinuosity, i... Two techniques for exploring relative horizontal accuracy of complex linear spatial features are described and sample source code (pseudo code) is presented for this purpose. The first technique, relative sinuosity, is presented as a measure of the complexity or detail of a polyline network in comparison to a reference network. We term the second technique longitudinal root mean squared error (LRMSE) and present it as a means for quantitatively assessing the horizontal variance between two polyline data sets representing digitized (reference) and derived stream and river networks. Both relative sinuosity and LRMSE are shown to be suitable measures of horizontal stream network accuracy for assessing quality and variation in linear features. Both techniques have been used in two recent investigations involving extraction of hydrographic features from LiDAR elevation data. One confirmed that, with the greatly increased resolution of LiDAR data, smaller cell sizes yielded better stream network delineations, based on sinuosity and LRMSE, when using LiDAR-derived DEMs. The other demonstrated a new method of delineating stream channels directly from LiDAR point clouds, without the intermediate step of deriving a DEM, showing that the direct delineation from LiDAR point clouds yielded an excellent and much better match, as indicated by the LRMSE. 展开更多
关键词 LiDAR STREAM CHANNELS Accuracy RMSE sinuosity TERRAIN Analysis
Models and Monte Carlo Simulations of the Mean Sinuosity of Major Meandering Rivers
作者 Pirooz Mohazzabi Qinghua Luo 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2022年第7期2368-2380,共13页
The purpose of this research is to investigate the sinuosity of major rivers in the United States and the world, and to compare them to that predicted by the existing theories. It is shown that the average sinuosity o... The purpose of this research is to investigate the sinuosity of major rivers in the United States and the world, and to compare them to that predicted by the existing theories. It is shown that the average sinuosity of meandering rivers deviates considerably from what has been reported previously as π. Calculations of the mean value of actual sinuosities of major rivers in the United States and in the World show that this average is very close to 2. Exact models as well as a Monte Carlo simulation for meandering rivers that is based on Gaussian probability distribution function are also presented, and the possibility of composite meandering is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 MEANDERING RIVER sinuosity Simulation GAUSSIAN
Role of flood discharge in shaping stream geometry:Analysis of a small modern stream in the Uinta Basin,USA
作者 Guang-Ming Hu Ru-Xin Ding +3 位作者 Yan-Bing Li Jing-Fu Shan Xiao-Tao Yu Wei Feng 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期84-95,共12页
This small modern river system is located on a retativety flat (about 1°-2°), unconsotidated sandy pediment surface in the Uinta Basin of Utah, USA, and it is with a scare of about 30 m tong and 0.4-0.8 m ... This small modern river system is located on a retativety flat (about 1°-2°), unconsotidated sandy pediment surface in the Uinta Basin of Utah, USA, and it is with a scare of about 30 m tong and 0.4-0.8 m wide, simitar as a natural flume experiment modet. The smart stream is informatty divided into upstream, midstream and downstream. The anatysis shows that flood discharge influences channet sinuosity and morphology to produce an initiat meandering pattern which is tater changed to a braided and then a straisht pattern in the downflow direction. The upstream segment has a hish sinuous geometry dominated by both erosion (cutbanks) and deposition (point bars). In the resistance of sporadic vegetation rooting in banks, the upstream flood deviates its original direction, which resutts in the powerful flood intensively eroding the cutbank and accreting clastics to build point bars, and thus producing a high sinuous channet. The midstream is dominated by deposits (many smart bars) with a moderate to tow sinuosity. Due to the bad drainage of the high sinuous channel in the upstream, the strong flood can cut off the point bar comptetely or even surmount the tevee in the fast meandering upstream, which widens the channel suddenty with a quick decreasing current power. Then, the ctastics from the upstream are untoaded in the midstream and form many smart bars. Untoaded sediments protect the bank, and the tow-power current brings a moderate erosion to the bank, which forms a moderate to tow sinuous channel in the midstream. The downstream shows multistage erosionat terraces in its retativety straight channets. After the midstream water drops its toad, it becomes "dear" and reaches downstream, the tower current power is hetptess to reform channet 8eometry. Thus, the downstream channel sesment keeps a tower sinuous geometry, evenstraight partially. Small amounts of fine clastics are deposited, and simultaneously multistage terraces are formed due to regressive flood erosion. This stream example demon 展开更多
关键词 sinuosity BRAIDING Point bar Channel bar Flood discharge Uinta Basin
Evaluate Tectonic Activity of Tehran City (Iran) Based on Geomorphic Indices, Field Investigation and Remote Sensing Study
作者 Z. Mohammadi Asl M. R. Abbassi 《Open Journal of Earthquake Research》 2019年第1期19-36,共18页
Active tectonics in the south part of Alborz Mountain (Iran) has greatly influenced the drainage system and geomorphic expressions. The metropolis of Tehran is located at the southern foothills of the Alborz Mountains... Active tectonics in the south part of Alborz Mountain (Iran) has greatly influenced the drainage system and geomorphic expressions. The metropolis of Tehran is located at the southern foothills of the Alborz Mountains at the abrupt topographic boundary between the mountain range and the northern border of the central Kavir Desert. The presence of active faults and tectonic activity, threatens the area and shows the vulnerability of this Tehran city. So the evaluation of active tectonics of Tehran City is necessary because of vast human activity, which has hidden geomorphic feature. Active tectonics of Tehran City was evaluated by using Digital elevation model (DEM) derived drainage network and three geomorphic indices basin (asymmetry factor (AF), basin shape index (Bs) and mountain front sinuosity (Smf)). The average of the three measured geomorphic indices was used to evaluate the distribution of relative tectonic activity in the study area. Furthermore to overcome some inevitable error in this method, field investigation was carried out also remote sense was studied, and finally the obtained results were compared with existing seismic data. The result confirms that the East South, East North and West North Tehran have high rate of relative tectonic activity (RTA) respectively. 展开更多
关键词 ALBORZ MOUNTAIN Geomorphic Indices Asymmetry Factor BASIN Shape Index MOUNTAIN FRONT sinuosity
Morphometric Assessment of Meandering River in Arid Region Using Improvement Model (Case Study: Maroon River)
作者 Mehran Maghsoudi Seyyed Mohammad Zamanzadeh +1 位作者 Mojtaba Yamani Abdolhossein Hajizadeh 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2017年第4期358-377,共20页
To understand the natural environments of drylands, deserts, arid and semi-arid regions of the earth is to understand the processes and forms of their rivers. One of the river studies and fluvial processes are morphom... To understand the natural environments of drylands, deserts, arid and semi-arid regions of the earth is to understand the processes and forms of their rivers. One of the river studies and fluvial processes are morphometry analyses. The channel forms in an alluvial plain reflecting the movement of water and the particle size of the load flowing down the channel. The dynamics of channel change has led to conflict with human resource development. Three basic channel patterns are detected in the region. They are braided, meandering and straight. In this research for assessment of meandering Maroon River, we used DEM (Digital Elevation System), Topography maps, Arc GIS software, Google earth, field work and library studies and mathematic formula. The two general indices for analyzing meandering patterns are 1) sinuosity coefficient 2) central angle. In this paper, the authors were used these factors and improved them. One of the results is creation of direction index and the second result is the Maroon River which has a type of sinuosity in any reach. 展开更多
关键词 Iran Maroon RIVER MEANDERING RIVERS sinuosity Coefficient Central Angle Direction Index Behbahan PLAIN
黄河河口河床响应河口延伸的调整极限及其机制 被引量:1
作者 师长兴 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期51-56,共6页
在三角洲建造过程中河口不断延伸 ,黄河口河道相应发生调整。分析观测资料发现 ,河床可调整要素宽深比、比降、河床质组成的调整都存在一个极限值 ,并在河口河道行水晚期的淤积中保持基本不变。研究认为河床质调整极限是由来沙组成及河... 在三角洲建造过程中河口不断延伸 ,黄河口河道相应发生调整。分析观测资料发现 ,河床可调整要素宽深比、比降、河床质组成的调整都存在一个极限值 ,并在河口河道行水晚期的淤积中保持基本不变。研究认为河床质调整极限是由来沙组成及河床质细化机制决定的。但是 ,河槽的宽深比不能进一步减小 ,以保持在更小比降下的输沙平衡 ,并非宽深比所对应的河槽形态已是所谓最大输沙形态 ,而是由于大流量过程和小流量过程不能适应对方所塑造的河槽形态 ,相互破坏对方塑造的窄深河槽。所以出现了虽然断面缩窄可加大输沙力 ,而河槽却不向这个方向调整 ,这样一个表面上违背自然规律的现象。解决这对矛盾对河口河道治理有着重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 黄河口河道 河床调整 宽深比 比降 河床质组成 曲率
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