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核与辐射应急照射情况下工作人员的照射控制 被引量:3
作者 杨端节 李冰 陈晓秋 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期1-4,16,共5页
关键词 应急照射 应急工作人员 参考水平
参考水平在放射工作人员个人剂量监测中的应用探讨 被引量:3
作者 唐木涛 李奇慧 +4 位作者 王修德 张惠彬 顾恰敏 王骞 赵勇 《中国辐射卫生》 2016年第5期554-556,共3页
目的探讨参考水平在放射工作人员个人剂量监测中的应用方法,评价应用效果。方法根据国家标准和某战区放射工作人员个人剂量监测工作实际,设置合理的参考水平值,评价职业受照情况。结果检测结果符合预期管理限值要求。结论参考水平的设... 目的探讨参考水平在放射工作人员个人剂量监测中的应用方法,评价应用效果。方法根据国家标准和某战区放射工作人员个人剂量监测工作实际,设置合理的参考水平值,评价职业受照情况。结果检测结果符合预期管理限值要求。结论参考水平的设定对降低放射工作人员受照剂量,保障职业人员健康与安全具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 放射工作人员 职业照射 个人剂量监测 参考水平
核与辐射应急照射情况下公众照射的防护 被引量:3
作者 李冰 杨端节 吴德强 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期81-86,共6页
2007年ICRP第103号出版物出版后,IAEA据此修订了安全丛书115号,形成了IAEA新的《辐射防护与辐射源安全:国际基本安全标准》(GSR-3,2014)。其中关于核与辐射应急照射情况下公众照射的防护,与115号报告有了较大的变动,本文对这些差异进行... 2007年ICRP第103号出版物出版后,IAEA据此修订了安全丛书115号,形成了IAEA新的《辐射防护与辐射源安全:国际基本安全标准》(GSR-3,2014)。其中关于核与辐射应急照射情况下公众照射的防护,与115号报告有了较大的变动,本文对这些差异进行了分析,并对新标准在应用中应加以关注的相关问题进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 应急照射 参考水平 防护 优化
中国东部浅水湖泊参照状态确定的非参数方法 被引量:2
作者 汪靓 华祖林 +1 位作者 顾莉 褚克坚 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期724-730,共7页
根据中国东部浅水湖泊受人类活动影响较严重的情况,将季节分解的非参数局部线性回归模型、频率分析和几何分块自助法有机结合,提出了一种基于非参数方法的湖泊参照状态确定的新方法。该方法首先将季节分解模型用于湖泊营养盐及其响应物... 根据中国东部浅水湖泊受人类活动影响较严重的情况,将季节分解的非参数局部线性回归模型、频率分析和几何分块自助法有机结合,提出了一种基于非参数方法的湖泊参照状态确定的新方法。该方法首先将季节分解模型用于湖泊营养盐及其响应物的观测值,选取出适合用于推断参照状态的时间段;其次使用频率分析法分析此时间段内的观测值,并给出湖泊总氮、总磷和叶绿素a的参照状态值;最后用几何分块自助法给出各自的置信区间。该方法能有效克服前人提出方法的缺点。以太湖为例,采用该方法推断了参照状态浓度,总氮为0.78 mg/L,总磷为0.030 mg/L,叶绿素a为2.63μg/L;给出相应的95%置信区间分别为0.57~0.83 mg/L、0.025~0.046 mg/L和1.86~2.65μg/L。该方法也可适用受人类活动影响较大的中国东部其他浅水湖泊。 展开更多
关键词 参照状态 浅水湖泊 季节局部线性回归 几何分块自助法 置信区间
汉语作为第二语言的分级测试设计与实施 被引量:2
作者 罗莲 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第3期76-81,共6页
第二语言分级教学模式要求首先必须对学生进行分级测试。现在各个教学机构对分级测试的模式有自己的理解,分级测试做法也有很大差异。参考欧洲语言共同参考框架的分级测试模式,将心理计量—结构主义测试与交际主义测试相结合,将客观题... 第二语言分级教学模式要求首先必须对学生进行分级测试。现在各个教学机构对分级测试的模式有自己的理解,分级测试做法也有很大差异。参考欧洲语言共同参考框架的分级测试模式,将心理计量—结构主义测试与交际主义测试相结合,将客观题与主观题相结合,将内容大纲、能力量表、双向细目表以及评分标准相结合,对于大多数教学机构来说可能是比较适用的一种理想模式。 展开更多
关键词 汉语作为第二语言教学 分级测试 分班测试
参考水平在核与辐射突发事件应急救援中的应用初探 被引量:1
作者 唐木涛 黄尉初 +4 位作者 王猷金 孙华斌 王修德 李奇慧 张惠彬 《中国辐射卫生》 2012年第4期391-393,共3页
目的探讨参考水平对核与辐射突发事件应急救援防护策略制定的影响。方法根据IAEA、ICRP等国际组织发布的新的核应急实施导则,建立基于参考水平的防护策略。结果参考水平从建立方法、采用的剂量学量及优化方法等方面均比过去的干预水平... 目的探讨参考水平对核与辐射突发事件应急救援防护策略制定的影响。方法根据IAEA、ICRP等国际组织发布的新的核应急实施导则,建立基于参考水平的防护策略。结果参考水平从建立方法、采用的剂量学量及优化方法等方面均比过去的干预水平更趋合理。结论参考水平的提出对制定核应急响应计划和标准具有深远的影响,建议加强其优化分析的方法学研究,推荐统一的优化分析方法。 展开更多
关键词 核与辐射 应急救援 参考水平
作者 刘贵斌 王李鹏 聂艳芳 《四川环境》 2022年第1期209-215,共7页
ICNIRP于2020年3月出版了2020年版《限制电磁场暴露的导则(100 kHz~300 GHz)》,为了准确掌握2020版导则在基本限值和导出限值方面与旧版导则的差异,通过对比新旧导则对应条款得到具体变化情况。2020版导则修订了全身暴露基本限值与导出... ICNIRP于2020年3月出版了2020年版《限制电磁场暴露的导则(100 kHz~300 GHz)》,为了准确掌握2020版导则在基本限值和导出限值方面与旧版导则的差异,通过对比新旧导则对应条款得到具体变化情况。2020版导则修订了全身暴露基本限值与导出限值、局部暴露基本限值、神经刺激基本限值、肢体感应电流导出限值,增加了局部暴露导出限值、短暂局部暴露基本限值与导出限值,删除了微波听觉效应基本限值、接触电流导出限值。2020版导则更新了限制射频电磁场暴露的科学基础,使限值更加匹配近年来的科学研究成果,提升了导则的科学性、严谨性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 ICNIRP导则 电磁场暴露 电磁环境 基本限值 导出限值
我国CT检查成年人辐射剂量诊断参考水平的建立历程及解读 被引量:19
作者 李润根 苏贝贝 +2 位作者 马妮 刘莹 白浩 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期71-76,共6页
经过放射诊断专家、影像技术专家、辐射防护专家和专业技术人员10多年的探索,一项基于大规模国内调查数据而建立的CT检查成年人辐射剂量诊断参考水平(diagnostic reference level,DRL)以国家卫生行业标准(WS/T 637-2018)形式发布。其制... 经过放射诊断专家、影像技术专家、辐射防护专家和专业技术人员10多年的探索,一项基于大规模国内调查数据而建立的CT检查成年人辐射剂量诊断参考水平(diagnostic reference level,DRL)以国家卫生行业标准(WS/T 637-2018)形式发布。其制定原则和方法符合国际惯例和我国的实际情况,基本上涵盖了我国成年人常见CT检查项目,与国外的DRL比较,整体处于一个合理或较低的剂量水平。给出的50%分位数(可能达到水平)和25%分位数(异常低剂量的提示水平)作为辐射剂量优化指导的额外工具。在日常放射诊断活动中,使辐射剂量与图像质量、临床诊断任务相匹配,降低非正当过高或过低剂量的发生频率。 展开更多
关键词 辐射剂量 断层摄影术 X射线计算机 诊断参考水平 辐射剂量优化
CT诊断参考水平的制定及进展 被引量:14
作者 彭建亮 党磊 刘长安 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期1583-1586,共4页
关键词 体层摄影术 X线计算机 诊断参考水平 优化
我国乳腺X射线摄影受检者乳腺剂量水平调查研究 被引量:14
作者 徐辉 岳保荣 +2 位作者 尉可道 王建超 范瑶华 《中国辐射卫生》 2016年第6期641-644,共4页
目的通过调查全国15个省市不同级别医疗机构乳腺X射线摄影曝光参数并测量计算受检者乳腺平均剂量,分析我国乳腺X射线摄影中受检者压迫后乳房厚度分布及乳腺受照剂量水平,为建立适合我国成年女性受检者乳腺X射线摄影的剂量指导水平提供... 目的通过调查全国15个省市不同级别医疗机构乳腺X射线摄影曝光参数并测量计算受检者乳腺平均剂量,分析我国乳腺X射线摄影中受检者压迫后乳房厚度分布及乳腺受照剂量水平,为建立适合我国成年女性受检者乳腺X射线摄影的剂量指导水平提供依据。方法按照《医用辐射危害评价与控制技术研究》实施方案的要求,调查临床实际乳腺摄影受检者的年龄、乳房压迫厚度、曝光参数、摄影体位等相关信息,通过手动曝光测量该条件下乳房压迫厚度处的入射空气比释动能(Ka,i),计算受检者的乳腺平均剂量(AGD)。结果共在全国15个省的149家医院调查了4372例乳腺X射线摄影体位,273台不同类型乳腺X射线摄影设备,包括屏片乳腺X射线摄影、计算机乳腺X射线摄影(乳腺CR)和直接数字乳腺X射线摄影(乳腺DR)设备,对于这三种类型的设备,头尾(CC)位投照时受检者AGD的平均值分别为1.21,1.77,1.61 m Gy,AGD的75%位分别为1.36,2.22,1.81 m Gy;斜侧(MLO)位时受检者AGD平均值分别为1.02,1.78,1.66 m Gy,AGD的75%位分别为1.23,2.46,1.81 m Gy。CC位和MLO位时乳房压迫厚度的中位数分别为4.2和4.5 cm。结论不同类型乳腺X射线摄影设备中,屏片乳腺X射线摄影设备致受检者的乳腺平均剂量最低,其次是乳腺DR设备,乳腺CR设备致患者剂量最高。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺X射线摄影 乳腺平均剂量 乳房压迫厚度 诊断参考水平
Radiation exposure during image-guided endoscopic procedures: The next quality indicator for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 被引量:4
作者 Shiro Hayashi Mamoru Takenaka +1 位作者 Makoto Hosono Tsutomu Nishida 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2018年第16期1087-1093,共7页
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) is one of the most frequently used image-guided procedures in gastrointestinal endoscopy. Post-ERCP pancreatitis is an important concern, and prophylaxis, cannulati... Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) is one of the most frequently used image-guided procedures in gastrointestinal endoscopy. Post-ERCP pancreatitis is an important concern, and prophylaxis, cannulation and other related technical procedures have been well documented by endoscopists. In addition, medical radiation exposure is of great concern in the general population because of its rapidly increasing frequency and its potential carcinogenic effects. International organizations and radiological societies have established diagnostic reference levels, which guide proper radiation use and serve as global standards for all procedures that use ionizing radiation. However, data on gastrointestinal fluoroscopic procedures are still lacking because the demand for these procedures has recently increased. In this review, we present the current status of quality indicators for ERCP and the methods for measuring radiation exposure in the clinical setting as the next quality indicator for ERCP. To reduce radiation exposure, knowledge of its adverse effects and the procedures for proper measurement and protection are essential. Additionally, further studies on the factors that affect radiation exposure, exposure management and diagnostic reference levels are necessary. Then, we can discuss how to manage medical radiation use inthese complex fluoroscopic procedures. This knowledge will help us to protect not only patients but also endoscopists and medical staff in the fluoroscopy unit. 展开更多
关键词 Quality INDICATOR Fluoroscopic procedures ENDOSCOPIC RETROGRADE CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY DIAGNOSTIC reference levels Radiation exposure
Radiation Dose from CT-Scan of Childhood’s Head: Results of the First Ivorian Survey in a Single Study Site
作者 Koutoua Joseph Anouan Adjoua Sonia Dje +1 位作者 Idrissa Garba Yoh Esther Soro 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2024年第5期1725-1732,共8页
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the level of X-ray doses used in childhood’s head as Local Diagnostic Reference Levels (LDRLs) in computed tomography (CT) at a university hospital in Côte d’Ivoire. The ... Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the level of X-ray doses used in childhood’s head as Local Diagnostic Reference Levels (LDRLs) in computed tomography (CT) at a university hospital in Côte d’Ivoire. The Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) have been set up and used to prevent unusually high radiation doses used in radiology departments and is therefore an optimization tool for practices and procedures in medical X-ray imaging for the radiation protection of patients. Methods: A prospective study of volume CT dose index (CTDI<sub>vol</sub>) and dose length product (DLP) was performed on images of childhood’s head obtained from a CT-scanner of 64 bars equipped with the tube current modulation capability and manufactured by Hitachi Medical System. 122 CT-scan data from 55 childhood’s head were analyzed. The scan data were stratified in four age groups: Results: The 75th percentile of CTDI<sub>vol</sub> and DLP (set as LDRL) obtained with respect to the stratified age groups are: 22.5 mGy and 452.5 mGy∙cm, 27.7 mGy and 690.6 mGy∙cm, 28 mGy and 722.4 mGy∙cm, 33.6 mGy and 736.8 mGy∙cm respectively. These outcome values increase with respect to the age of pediatric patients and are comparable to DRLs values obtained internationally. Conclusions: Obtaining good image quality while using low dose in children’s head computed tomography for radiation protection require to setup more surveys in Côte d’Ivoire for regional and national DRL. We proposed through this survey LDRLs in terms of CTDI<sub>vol</sub> and DLP, comparable to international DRLs values. This survey will be strengthened by additional surveys in order to obtain national DRLs for the radiation protection of the child patient in Côte d’Ivoire. 展开更多
关键词 Radiation Protection Computed Tomography Imaging CHILDHOOD Diagnostic reference levels
婴幼儿常见体位数字摄影中辐射剂量的调查研究 被引量:5
作者 彭春玲 张梦龙 张翼 《中国辐射卫生》 2017年第4期418-420,共3页
目的测量并估算儿童摄影中所接受的辐射剂量,在对照剂量参考水平(DRL)的基础上评价儿童所受辐射是否超限。方法选取255名年龄在0-18岁来影像科摄影检查的儿童,检查部位包括胸部、头部、骨盆、脊柱,测量每次摄影患者的体表入射剂量(ESD)... 目的测量并估算儿童摄影中所接受的辐射剂量,在对照剂量参考水平(DRL)的基础上评价儿童所受辐射是否超限。方法选取255名年龄在0-18岁来影像科摄影检查的儿童,检查部位包括胸部、头部、骨盆、脊柱,测量每次摄影患者的体表入射剂量(ESD)。测量仪器采用热释光剂量计。按年龄和检查部位分组,计算各组平均ESD,然后利用文献中提供的转换系数估算有效剂量。结果除胸部摄影外,实验所测大部分平均ESD值低于NRPB和EC所建议的DRL。结论在儿科摄影中,患者所受剂量不应超出DRL;应尽量采取优化措施降低不必要的辐射剂量。 展开更多
关键词 辐射剂量 儿童放射学 诊断参考水平
作者 沈水珍 张磊 +5 位作者 王强 周宏杰 赵徵鑫 杨勇 景丽艳 杨陆婷 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期705-710,共6页
分析受检者接受胸部后前位(PA位)数字X射线摄影(DR)的入射体表空气比释动能(K_(a,e))及其影响因素,探讨合理的控制措施。选择杭州市有代表性的19家监测点医疗机构的22台DR机,利用热释光探测器测量1055例接受胸部PA位DR摄影受检者的K_(a,... 分析受检者接受胸部后前位(PA位)数字X射线摄影(DR)的入射体表空气比释动能(K_(a,e))及其影响因素,探讨合理的控制措施。选择杭州市有代表性的19家监测点医疗机构的22台DR机,利用热释光探测器测量1055例接受胸部PA位DR摄影受检者的K_(a,e);采用秩和检验方法分析不同年龄组受检者K_(a,e)的差异;采用Kruskal-Wallis检验方法分析不同等级医疗机构和不同厂商设备的K_(a,e)差异。结果显示,三级医院同年龄组摄影所致受检者的K_(a,e)低于其他级别医疗机构(H=93.280,P<0.05);进口DR机摄影所致受检者的K_(a,e)明显低于国产DR机(H=145.373,P<0.05);不同年龄组受检者K_(a,e)存在差异(H=68.667,P<0.05);本地胸部PA位DR摄影所致2~≤5岁、>5~≤10岁、>10~≤15岁、>15岁(成人)4个年龄组受检者诊断参考水平DRL分别为140.74μGy、148.52μGy、169.52μGy、216.89μGy,有必要建立不同年龄段受检者的DRL;杭州市胸部PA位DR摄影所致成人受检者DRL虽然已低于国家标准的推荐值,但仍有进一步下降的空间。 展开更多
关键词 数字X射线摄影 受检者 入射体表空气比释动能 诊断参考水平
Diagnostic Reference Level in Frontal Chest X-Ray in Western Côte d’Ivoire 被引量:2
作者 Issa Konate George A. Monnehan +3 位作者 Douo B. L. H. Gogon Tekpo P. A. Dali Aka A. Koua Koudou Djagouri 《World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》 2019年第4期147-158,共12页
Our study aims to determine diagnostic reference levels (DRL) for chest front examination in postero anterior (PA) for optimizing patient entrance surface dose (ESD) and dose-area product (DAP) of patients in west of ... Our study aims to determine diagnostic reference levels (DRL) for chest front examination in postero anterior (PA) for optimizing patient entrance surface dose (ESD) and dose-area product (DAP) of patients in west of C&ocirc;te d’Ivoire. 90 patients from three hospitals undergoing conventional radiology were considered. The ESD and DAP for each patient were obtained during chest radiography (PA) examination. The measurements were performed with the device call Dose-Area Product-meter (DAP-meter) with brand Diamentor M4-KDK, type 11017. The DRL were obtained in applying the 75th percentile statistical method to the obtained ESD and DAP. The obtained DRL in ESD for chest radiography for all rooms is 0.40 mGy and in DAP is 54.85 cGy&middot;cm2. Our DRL for ESD is higher than those obtained in Abidjan District and in other countries like UK and Cameroon. Our DRL for DAP is higher than those from Abidjan and all other countries for which a similar study was made. The comparison of these values to those from Abidjan and other countries, shows us that radiology technicians can make efforts to choose radiological parameters to reduce ESD. They must use convenable the X-rays tube to reduce DAP by reducing the patient exposure surface. 展开更多
关键词 Conventional RADIOLOGY ENTRANCE Surface-Dose Dose-Area-Product Dose-Area Product-Meter DIAGNOSTIC reference levels
基于胸围的固定管电流检查在儿童胸部增强CT中的应用价值 被引量:2
作者 张见 张晓军 刘杰 《放射学实践》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期93-97,共5页
目的:探讨基于胸围的固定管电流检查在幼儿胸部增强CT中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析171例胸部增强参考病例的病例资料,建立DW与胸围(CC)的回归方程。依据胸围分为CC≤45 cm、45 cm<CC≤55 cm、55 cm<CC≤65 cm及65 cm<CC≤75... 目的:探讨基于胸围的固定管电流检查在幼儿胸部增强CT中的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析171例胸部增强参考病例的病例资料,建立DW与胸围(CC)的回归方程。依据胸围分为CC≤45 cm、45 cm<CC≤55 cm、55 cm<CC≤65 cm及65 cm<CC≤75 cm四个亚组,统计参考病例各亚组容积CT剂量指数(CTDIvol)上四分位数。前瞻性搜集行胸部增强CT检查的患儿96例,按照随机数字表法将患儿分为对照组和实验组。对照组患儿44例,依照CTDIvol设定管电流;实验组患儿52例,依照体型特异性剂量评估值(SSDE)设定管电流。两组参考辐射剂量均为参考病例CTDIvol上四分位数,对比分析两组患儿的图像质量及辐射剂量。结果:参考病例DW与胸围呈较强正相关(R 2=0.911,P<0.001),其回归方程为DW=2.45+0.25×CC。CTDIvol上四分位数分别为2.22 mGy、2.80 mGy、3.80 mGy、6.33 mGy。对照组及实验组患儿的CTDIvol分别为(4.52±0.94)mGy、(2.91±0.50)mGy,差异有统计学意义(Z=-7.65,P<0.001);对照组及实验组患儿的SSDE DW分别为(6.12±0.88)mGy、(3.87±0.52)mGy,差异有统计学意义(Z=-8.13,P<0.001)。实验组的CTDIvol、SSDE DW较对照组分别降低35.62%(1.61/4.52)、36.76%(2.25/6.12)。图像质量客观评价两组间差异有统计学意义(t=4.12、-3.85、4.71,P<0.001);主观评价及信心评分两组间差异无统计学意义(Z=-1.23、t=0.02,P>0.05)。结论:根据患儿胸围计算SSDE DW并以此设置固定管电流检查在临床实践中具有可行性,在满足图像诊断要求的前提下可降低患儿的辐射剂量。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 胸部 体层摄影术 X线计算机 诊断参考水平 辐射剂量
Diagnostic Reference Levels of Adults CT-Scan Imaging in Cameroon: A Pilot Study of Four Commonest CT-Protocols in Five Radiology Departments 被引量:1
作者 Boniface Moifo Jean Roger Moulion Tapouh +3 位作者 Mathurin Neossi Guena Thierry Ndzana Ndah Richard Ndi Samba Augustin Simo 《Open Journal of Medical Imaging》 2017年第1期1-8,共8页
CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. For 5% - 10% of diagnostic X-ray procedures, it is responsible for 34% of irradiation according to UNSCEAR. Patients radiation protection must therefore be... CT-scan is the most irradiating tool in diagnostic radiology. For 5% - 10% of diagnostic X-ray procedures, it is responsible for 34% of irradiation according to UNSCEAR. Patients radiation protection must therefore be increased during CT-scan procedures. This requires the rigorous application of optimization principle which imposes to have “diagnostic reference levels”. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) of the four most frequent CT-scans examinations of adults in Cameroon. Material and Method: It was a cross-sectional pilot study carried out from April to September 2015 in five health facilities using CT-scan in Cameroon. The studied variables were: patients age and sex, type of CT-scan examination (cerebral, chest, abdomino-pelvic, lumbar spine), Used of IV contrast (IV﹣/ IV+), acquisition length, time of tube rotation, voltage (kV), mAs, pitch, thickness of slices, CTDIvol and DLP. For each type of examination, at least 30 patients were included per center, consecutively on the randomly predetermined days. The DRL for each type of examination was defined as the 75th percentile of its PDL and CTDIvol. Results: Of the 696 examinations, 41.2% were cerebral, 26.9% abdomino-pelvic, 17.7% lumbar spine and 14.2% chest. The mean age of patients was 52 ± 15 years [20 - 90 years], 58.9% were 50 years and older. The sex-ratio was 1.26 (55.9% males). The CT machines were 4, 8 and 16 multidetectors. The 75th percentile of DLP or DRLs [standard deviation] was: [1150 ± 278 mGy·cm], [770 ± 477 mGy·cm], [720 ± 170 mGy·cm] and [715 ± 187 mGy·cm] respectively for cerebral, lumbar spine, abdominopelvic and chest CT-scans. Taking in consideration the number of detectors, the 75th percentile of the Dose-Length product decreased with the increase number of detectors for cerebral examinations but was the highest with 16 MDCT for the abdominopelvic, lumbar spine and chest CT-scans. For the chest and lumbar spine examinations, there was a significant increase in patie 展开更多
关键词 Optimization DIAGNOSTIC reference levels DOSE Length Product CT DOSE Index Patient DOSE Radiation Protection Best Practices
Radiation Dose Survey of Pediatric Chest Computed Tomography Examinations: A Local Diagnostic Reference Levels Approach to Patient Safety
作者 Turki Alruwaili Bani Alsubaie +1 位作者 Salman Altimyat Khaled Soliman 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第7期2137-2143,共7页
Objectives: The aim of this work was to initially establish both age and weight driven pediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for chest computed tomography (CT) examinations performed at tertiary care medical in... Objectives: The aim of this work was to initially establish both age and weight driven pediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for chest computed tomography (CT) examinations performed at tertiary care medical institution. Another aim was to compare the presented data with internationally published ones. This initial data shall serve as basis for establishing a national DRLs values for pediatric diagnostic CT examinations. Methods: Dosimetric indexes were collected for the chest examination for 93 patients during the past 2 years in a tertiary care medical city. Results: The results are within and below the international reported levels for chest CT in several countries. Conclusion: Continuous monitoring of the radiation doses received by the patients in computed tomography is continuous and ongoing process in order to ensure compliance and to optimize clinical imaging protocols. More extensive data acquisition and analysis are required to allow better understanding of the contributing factors leading to less patient radiation dose while preserving the clinical image quality. . 展开更多
关键词 Computed Tomography Chest CT Diagnostic reference levels Monitoring Optimization
Analysis of Local Diagnostic Reference Levels for Pediatric Patients Undergoing 18F-FDG PET/CT Imaging for Oncology
作者 Saad Alqahtani Khaled Soliman +5 位作者 Saad Alotaibi Khaled Alnofaie Abdullah Alahmari Fahad Alyahya Abdullah Albdullah Rashed Alharbi 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第7期2144-2155,共12页
Background: The PET/CT imaging studies have two doses components the dose from the PET radiopharmaceutical and the other from the low dose CT used for PET images attenuation correction. We have one PET/CT scanner at o... Background: The PET/CT imaging studies have two doses components the dose from the PET radiopharmaceutical and the other from the low dose CT used for PET images attenuation correction. We have one PET/CT scanner at our institution a Philips Time of Flight scanner. Our local patient’s radiation protection rules requires continuous assessment of radiation doses delivered to our patients. Purposes: The objectives of this study are to develop a weight- based facility DRLs for paediatric F-18-FDG PET-CT imaging for oncology in a large tertiary hospital and to determine whether the calculated DRLs compares with internationally published DRLs. Materials & Methods: Radiation dose data and patient demographics of two-hundreds and sixteen paediatric PET-CT oncology patients imaging procedures from one large tertiary hospital were selected and analysed in order to establish a facility paediatric DRLs. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: The PET dose reference levels ranged between [62 - 525] MBq of injected activity for a range of pediatric age groups. The CTDI<sub>vol</sub> values were between 3.5 and 16.5 mGy for all age groups. Comparison with current EANM and SNMMI recommendations of patient’s dose are discussed. Conclusion: Our pediatric PET/CT reference levels are higher than the ones reported internationally with notable variations. . 展开更多
关键词 Diagnostic reference levels PET/CT 18-F-FDG Pediatric Radiation Dose CTDIvol ONCOLOGY
牙科放射学中的患者辐射防护概述 被引量:3
作者 刘长安 李小娟 陈尔东 《现代仪器》 2011年第5期37-40,共4页
牙科放射学检查对许多口腔颌面疾病的诊断是有用而必要的,虽然患者剂量较低,仍需注意避免或尽量减少不必要的照射。本文讨论了牙科放射学中的正当性判断、患者选择标准、有助于降低剂量的设备和技术条件以及诊断参考水平应用等患者辐射... 牙科放射学检查对许多口腔颌面疾病的诊断是有用而必要的,虽然患者剂量较低,仍需注意避免或尽量减少不必要的照射。本文讨论了牙科放射学中的正当性判断、患者选择标准、有助于降低剂量的设备和技术条件以及诊断参考水平应用等患者辐射防护要点。 展开更多
关键词 牙科X线设备 适应证 诊断参考水平 正当性 防护最优化
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