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两栖类种群数量下降原因及保护对策 被引量:50
作者 武正军 李义明 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期140-146,共7页
近几十年来 ,全球范围内的两栖类出现了较快的种群数量下降 ,包括部分物种的灭绝。引起两栖类种群数量下降的原因可能有 :紫外线辐射、生境破碎和改变、生物入侵和捕食、环境污染、疾病、气候变化以及这些因素的相互作用 ,其中生境破碎... 近几十年来 ,全球范围内的两栖类出现了较快的种群数量下降 ,包括部分物种的灭绝。引起两栖类种群数量下降的原因可能有 :紫外线辐射、生境破碎和改变、生物入侵和捕食、环境污染、疾病、气候变化以及这些因素的相互作用 ,其中生境破碎和改变是主要原因 ,而引起各因素变化的全球变化可能是根本原因。应加强对两栖类种群动态的研究 ,探明其下降机制 ,制定相应的保护对策 。 展开更多
关键词 两栖类下降 全球变化 灭绝 保护对策
奥陶纪-志留纪边界附近火山活动记录:来华南周缘钾质斑脱岩的信息 被引量:46
作者 胡艳华 孙卫东 +3 位作者 丁兴 汪方跃 凌明星 刘健 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期3298-3308,共11页
扬子地台内奥陶纪顶部的五峰组到志留纪底部的龙马溪组间存在着多个粘土岩层。前人研究结果认为这些粘土岩层为钾质斑脱岩,是火山喷发的凝灰质物质在海相环境沉积、蚀变的产物。这些斑脱岩广泛分布于扬子地台周缘,对理解奥陶纪-志留纪... 扬子地台内奥陶纪顶部的五峰组到志留纪底部的龙马溪组间存在着多个粘土岩层。前人研究结果认为这些粘土岩层为钾质斑脱岩,是火山喷发的凝灰质物质在海相环境沉积、蚀变的产物。这些斑脱岩广泛分布于扬子地台周缘,对理解奥陶纪-志留纪时华南所处的大地构造位置和相应的构造事件具有重要的意义。本文对采自扬子地台内湖北宜昌地区和贵州桐梓地区奥陶纪-志留纪界线剖面的斑脱岩层进行了矿物学及地球化学工作,旨在判定其形成的构造环境。矿物学研究表明上述岩石除了含有粘土矿物外,还含有石英、长石、黑云母、磷灰石、锆石等中酸性岩浆岩中的常见矿物,属典型的钾质斑脱岩。本文利用在风化过程中不活动元素对斑脱岩的原岩进行了恢复,结果也表明其原岩为中酸性火山岩,包括安山岩-英安岩-及流绞岩等。微量元素特征显示多数样品具有典型的岛弧火山岩的特征,很可能与北面早古生代秦岭洋的闭合过程中的板块俯冲有关,也可能是早古生代在华南板块东南缘外侧存在的一古老洋壳向华南板块的俯冲。有一个样品(YC0711)没有Nb的负异常,但是具有明显的Ti负异常,在Th/Yb-Nb/Yb判别图上落在岛弧区附近,其原岩可能是富铌玄武岩之类的特殊岛弧岩石。火山活动的峰期为晚奥陶世赫南特阶时代,与地质历史上第二大的生物大灭绝事件同时。前人认为该生物灭绝事件与冈瓦纳冰川有关。考虑到华南以及欧洲、北美等地均出现大规模晚奥陶世-早侏罗纪钾质斑脱岩,奥陶纪-志留纪边界的火山事件是具有全球规模的,所喷发的岩石多是富含挥发份的中酸性岩,对大气圈和生物圈具有十分重要的影响,本文认为火山活动很可能是造成晚奥陶世的生物大灭绝事件和冈瓦纳冰川的主要诱导因素。 展开更多
关键词 奥陶纪 志留纪 边界 火山活动 活动记录 华南板块 钾质斑脱岩 信息 Yangtze Block mass extinction VOLCANIC rocks 扬子地台 晚奥陶世 typical characteristics South China plate tectonic setting 事件 生物大灭绝 VOLCANIC activity geological events
车载式激光雷达测量大气水平能见度 被引量:41
作者 谢晨波 韩永 +6 位作者 李超 岳古明 戚福弟 范爱媛 尹君 袁松 周军 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期971-975,共5页
激光雷达作为一种新型的大气观测工具,可以通过直接探测激光与大气相互作用的光辐射信号来定量地反演大气水平能见度,更好地反映大气对传输于其中激光的衰减作用,从而成为测量大气水平能见度的主要手段。简单介绍了自行研制的国内首台... 激光雷达作为一种新型的大气观测工具,可以通过直接探测激光与大气相互作用的光辐射信号来定量地反演大气水平能见度,更好地反映大气对传输于其中激光的衰减作用,从而成为测量大气水平能见度的主要手段。简单介绍了自行研制的国内首台车载式拉曼-米(Raman-Mie)散射激光雷达的结构和技术参数,并利用斜率法从激光雷达的采集数据中反演出大气水平能见度。通过实际观测并与美国Belfort能见度仪的对比试验,显示该激光雷达在探测大气水平能见度方面具有较高的可靠性和准确性,其测量误差小于20%。 展开更多
关键词 激光雷达 能见度 消光系数 气溶胶
物种分布区研究进展 被引量:39
作者 张文驹 陈家宽 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 2003年第5期364-369,共6页
近 10年来 ,分布区已成为宏观生态学的一个重要概念 ,分布区不仅与物种绝灭、生态入侵、生态位幅度密切相关 ,而且还与地方种群密度以及物种多样性的纬度梯度有关。本文总结了近年来物种分布区研究的一些重要进展。研究表明 :1)物种的... 近 10年来 ,分布区已成为宏观生态学的一个重要概念 ,分布区不仅与物种绝灭、生态入侵、生态位幅度密切相关 ,而且还与地方种群密度以及物种多样性的纬度梯度有关。本文总结了近年来物种分布区研究的一些重要进展。研究表明 :1)物种的地理分布与地方种群密度呈正相关是具有普遍意义的生物地理现象 ,但这一关系受到物种的历史、物种的迁移特性和取样大小等因素的影响 ;2 )尽管物种分布区大小的纬度梯度———Rapoport规律有时并不成立 ,但依然具有重要的生物地理学意义 ,并被推广到山体海拔梯度和海洋深度梯度 ;3)分布区大小、地方种群密度、物种绝灭、生态位幅度、物种多样性的纬度梯度以及Rapoport规律是彼此相关和相互影响的 ,简单的正相关或者负相关不能描述彼此间真实的关系 ;4 )如何从理论上解释地理分布与地方种群的关系、Rapoport规律以及物种多样性的纬度梯度是目前生物地理学争论的焦点。 展开更多
关键词 物种 分布区 地方种群密度 生态位幅度 绝灭 纬度梯度
地下煤火探测、监测与灭火技术研究进展 被引量:37
作者 武建军 蒋卫国 +2 位作者 刘晓晨 顾磊 李加洪 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1669-1674,共6页
关键词 煤火 探测 监测 灭火
光信号互相关测量两相流中颗粒流动速度的研究 被引量:29
作者 周洁 袁镇福 +2 位作者 岑可法 浦兴国 蔡小舒 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期185-188,共4页
该文介绍了利用信号互相关方法测量气固两相流中固体颗粒一维流速的研究,根据颗粒经过气流流动方向上相邻两束激光光束时对光强的吸收时序信号所进行的相关计算,可以得到颗粒运动的平均速度,考虑到颗粒的多分散性特点,根据互相关曲线上... 该文介绍了利用信号互相关方法测量气固两相流中固体颗粒一维流速的研究,根据颗粒经过气流流动方向上相邻两束激光光束时对光强的吸收时序信号所进行的相关计算,可以得到颗粒运动的平均速度,考虑到颗粒的多分散性特点,根据互相关曲线上的多个峰值,可以计算出颗粒的平均速度。通过在两相流试验台上的实验结果表明,速度测量的相对误差在10%之内,并且具有较好的重复性。该方法具有抗干扰能力强、适于工业现场测量、适应于各种颗粒的形状等特点。此外, 文中还对影响测速精度的因素做了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 锅炉 光信号 两相流 测量 颗粒流动速度 一次风管
Carbon isotope excursions across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Meishan section, Zhejiang Province, China 被引量:33
作者 Changqun Cao Wei Wang Yugan Jin 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第13期1125-1129,共5页
Both gradual and sharp decrease in organic and carbonate carbon isotope values were detected across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Meishan section, Changxing, Zhejiang Province, China. The gradual decrease in or... Both gradual and sharp decrease in organic and carbonate carbon isotope values were detected across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Meishan section, Changxing, Zhejiang Province, China. The gradual decrease in organic carbon isotope values started at the bottom of Bed 23, coinciding with the strong oscillations of total organic carbon (TOC) contents, indicates increasing fluxes from carbonate to organic carbon reservoir during this interval. A 2.3‰ sharp drop of inorganic carbon isotope values occurred at the uppermost part of Bed 24e. A 3.7‰ sharp drop of organic carbon isotope values occurred in Bed 26. The dramatic drop of inorganic carbon isotope value of 8‰ reported previously is not confirmed from the unweathered carbonate samples in Bed 27. The large-scale fluctuation of organic carbon isotope values in the Yinkeng Formation reflects different extent of mixing of marine and terrestrial organic matters. The gradual depletion and subsequent sharp drop of carbon isotopes near the 展开更多
关键词 MEISHAN section PERMIAN-TRIASSIC BOUNDARY carbon ISOTOPE mass extinction.
一个具有时滞和阶段结构的捕食-被捕食模型 被引量:30
作者 徐瑞 郝飞龙 陈兰荪 《数学物理学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期387-395,共9页
研究一个具有时滞和阶段结构的捕食者-食饵模型.通过构造适当的Lyapunov泛函, 讨论了该模型的正平衡点和非负边界平衡点的全局吸引性,从而得到了保证该生态系统永久持续生存与绝灭的充分性条件.
关键词 阶段结构 捕食者-食饵模型 时滞 永久持续生存 绝灭.
Bisexual Galton-Watson Branching Processes in Random Environments 被引量:29
作者 Shi-xia Ma 《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期419-428,共10页
In this paper, we consider a bisexual Galton-Watson branching process whose offspring probability distribution is controlled by a random environment proccss. Some results for the probability generating functions assoc... In this paper, we consider a bisexual Galton-Watson branching process whose offspring probability distribution is controlled by a random environment proccss. Some results for the probability generating functions associated with the process are obtained and sufficient conditions for certain extinction and for non-certain extinction are established. 展开更多
关键词 Bisexual Galton-Watson branching processes branching processes in random environments extinction probabilities
秤锤树属与长果安息香属植物的地理分布及其濒危现状 被引量:28
作者 姚小洪 叶其刚 +1 位作者 康明 黄宏文 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期339-346,共8页
秤锤树属(SinojackiaHu)和长果安息香属(ChangiostyraxC.T.Chen)是安息香科的少种属,这两属在我国共记录有7个种。本文通过野外调查,分析了中国这两属植物的地理分布、濒危现状及其迁地保护状况。结果表明:秤锤树属植物地理分布较广,但... 秤锤树属(SinojackiaHu)和长果安息香属(ChangiostyraxC.T.Chen)是安息香科的少种属,这两属在我国共记录有7个种。本文通过野外调查,分析了中国这两属植物的地理分布、濒危现状及其迁地保护状况。结果表明:秤锤树属植物地理分布较广,但是每个物种的居群数量和居群大小均很小。其中秤锤树(Sinojackiaxylocarpa)和狭果秤锤树(S.rehderiana)已经在其模式标本产地灭绝;棱果秤锤树(S.henryi)在过去的近70年内没有采到过标本,该物种可能存在同物异名现象或已经灭绝;细果秤锤树(S.microcarpa)由于人为破坏严重,居群大小急剧下降;肉果秤锤树(S.sarcocarpa)和怀化秤锤树(S.oblongicarpa)呈零星分布且个体数量很少,处于极濒危状态。另外本次调查发现秤锤树属的一个新的分类群(待鉴定种)。秤锤树属的大多数种和长果安息香属植物的居群更新能力差:虽然结果率较高,但是结籽率较低;坚硬的内果皮阻碍了种子的萌发,这是其居群更新的最大障碍;另外人为破坏对其居群更新的影响也较大。作者建议应该把秤锤树属的所有物种和长果安息香属植物都纳入保护的范围并讨论了这两属植物的保护策略。 展开更多
关键词 濒危植物 安息香科 居群数量及大小 灭绝 保护策略 植物地理分布 长果安息香属 秤锤树属 濒危现状 迁地保护 更新能力 模式标本 人为破坏 肉果秤锤树
柴达木盆地中、新生代介形类爆发与绝灭事件 被引量:28
作者 杨平 孙镇城 +3 位作者 李东明 景民昌 徐凤廷 刘化民 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期69-74,共6页
柴达木盆地中、新生界富含微体化石 ,节肢动物介形类分布尤其广泛 ,其中Cetacella、Cypridea、Austrocypris、Hemicyprinotus、Cyprideis和Ilyocyprisinermis是晚侏罗世以来各相关层位的标准化石。这些水生生物的绝灭或发生均很迅速 ,... 柴达木盆地中、新生界富含微体化石 ,节肢动物介形类分布尤其广泛 ,其中Cetacella、Cypridea、Austrocypris、Hemicyprinotus、Cyprideis和Ilyocyprisinermis是晚侏罗世以来各相关层位的标准化石。这些水生生物的绝灭或发生均很迅速 ,在区域或全球范围内均可对比 ,具有生物事件地层学意义 :Cetacella属的绝灭可能是侏罗、白垩纪之交全球性的古气候降温和气候带变化在柴达木盆地的反映 ;早白垩世之后Cypridea的迅速衰退是地外因素灾变的结果 ;中始新世晚期的Austrocypris的绝灭、渐新世Hemicyprinotus的绝灭都与当时地质条件的改变存在着内在的联系 ;中中新世Cyprideis的爆发推断是青藏高原隆升 ,导致气候干燥、湖水咸化的结果 ;而晚更新世晚期I .inermis等介形类动物群的急剧衰减则与全球气候骤然变冷的末次冰期事件有关。 展开更多
关键词 柴达木盆地 中生代 新生代 介形类 绝灭
Lower Triassic Inorganic Carbon Isotope Excursion in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China 被引量:26
作者 Tong Jinnan Qiu Haiou Zhao Laishi Zuo Jingxun China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074 《Journal of China University of Geosciences》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期98-106,共9页
This paper reports a Lower Triassic inorganic carbon isotope profile from the North Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China, which was situated in a deep part of the Lower Yangtze carbonate ramp. The ... This paper reports a Lower Triassic inorganic carbon isotope profile from the North Pingdingshan Section in Chaohu, Anhui Province, China, which was situated in a deep part of the Lower Yangtze carbonate ramp. The δ ( 13 C) excursion shows two periods from the Permian Triassic boundary to the lower Spathian substage, corresponding to the ecosystem undergoing evolution and recovery after the end Permian mass extinction and related events. The first period starts at the δ ( 13 C) depletion caused by the mass extinction and evolves with a gradual δ ( 13 C) increase resulting from the development of some disaster taxa during the Induan. The strong Smithian δ ( 13 C) depletion in the second period might be formed by the collapse of the disaster ecosystem and the biotic recovery occurred with the explosive increase of bioproductivity in the Spathian. Thus the δ ( 13 C) excursion in the Lower Triassic expresses patterns of biotic evolution and recovery during the erratic ecosystem that followed the great end Permian mass extinction. 展开更多
关键词 Lower Triassic inorganic carbon isotope extinction and recovery CHAOHU Anhui Province.
竹黄竹红菌甲素含量测定方法 被引量:23
作者 林海萍 陈虹 +1 位作者 叶勇 吴林森 《浙江林学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期157-160,共4页
为了掌握竹红菌甲素的测定方法 ,测得了竹红菌甲素吸收曲线 ,研究了不同体质分数乙醇溶液浸提、不同浸提时间、竹黄子座不同颗粒度和不同乙醇用量对竹红菌甲素提取效果的影响。结果表明 ,竹黄子座中竹红菌甲素含量最佳测定方法是将颗粒... 为了掌握竹红菌甲素的测定方法 ,测得了竹红菌甲素吸收曲线 ,研究了不同体质分数乙醇溶液浸提、不同浸提时间、竹黄子座不同颗粒度和不同乙醇用量对竹红菌甲素提取效果的影响。结果表明 ,竹黄子座中竹红菌甲素含量最佳测定方法是将颗粒度为 0 1g·颗 -1的竹黄子座风干品 1 0颗浸泡于 1 0 0mL无水乙醇中 ,8d后 ,稀释 1 0倍 ,于 465nm波长下测定吸光度。图 1表 3参 1 展开更多
关键词 竹黄 竹红菌甲素 测定方法 吸光度
物种受威胁状况评估:研究进展与中国的案例 被引量:27
作者 蒋志刚 罗振华 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期612-622,共11页
评估物种濒危等级,确定物种保护优先序,是生物多样性保护的一项重要工作。通过不断的修订,IUCN红色名录濒危等级标准已经趋于完善。但是,目前人们还在探索在无法获得物种的种群数量、生境、生活史数据时,如何寻找替代指标评估物种濒危... 评估物种濒危等级,确定物种保护优先序,是生物多样性保护的一项重要工作。通过不断的修订,IUCN红色名录濒危等级标准已经趋于完善。但是,目前人们还在探索在无法获得物种的种群数量、生境、生活史数据时,如何寻找替代指标评估物种濒危等级。我们综述了国内外物种濒危状况研究的进展,提出了结合物种分布区、生活史、生态功能、人为干扰和特殊利用价值的评估物种受威胁状况的方法,并以此方法评估了中国陆生脊椎动物的生存状况。结果表明,列入灭绝级的物种有5个,功能性灭绝级的物种有30个,濒危级的物种有343个,受胁级的物种有459个,关注级的物种有439个,无危级的物种有1,032个。 展开更多
关键词 物种濒危等级标准 灭绝 濒危物种 受威胁物种 哺乳类 鸟类 爬行类 两栖类
Mass extinction and Pangea integration during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition 被引量:26
作者 YIN HongFu SONG HaiJun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期1791-1803,共13页
The greatest Phanerozoic mass extinction happened at the end-Permian to earliest Triassic. About 95% species, 82% genera, and more than half families became extinct, constituting the sole macro-mass extinction in geol... The greatest Phanerozoic mass extinction happened at the end-Permian to earliest Triassic. About 95% species, 82% genera, and more than half families became extinct, constituting the sole macro-mass extinction in geological history. This event not only caused the great extinction but also destroyed the 200 Myr-long Paleozoic marine ecosystem, prompted its transition to Mesozoic ecosystem, and induced coal gap on land as well as reef gap and chert gap in ocean. The biotic crisis during the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition was a long process of co-evolution between geospheres and biosphere. The event sequence at the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) reveals two-episodic pattern of rapidly deteriorating global changes and biotic mass ex- tinction and the intimate relationship between them. The severe global changes coupling multiple geospheres may have affect- ed the Pangea integration on the Earth's surface spheres, which include: the Pangea integration→enhanced mountain height and basin depth, changes of wind and ocean current systems; enhanced ocean basin depth→the greatest Phanerozoic regression at PTB, disappearance of epeiric seas and subsequent rapid transgression; the Pangea integration→thermal isolation effect of continental lithosphere and decrease of mid-ocean ridges→development of continental volcanism; two-episode volcanism causing LIPs of the Emeishan Basalt and the Siberian Trap (25%251 Ma)→global warming and mass extinction; continental aridification and replacement of monsoon system by latitudinal wind system→destruction of vegetation; enhanced weathering and CH4 emission→negative excursion of δ^13C; mantle plume→crust doming→regression; possible relation between the Illawarra magnetic reversal and the PTB extinction, and so on. Mantle plume produced the Late Permian LIPs and mantle convection may have caused the process of the Pangea integration. Subduction, delamination, and accumulation of the earth's cool lithospheric material at the "D" layer of CMB started mantl 展开更多
关键词 Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction Pangea integration multi-sphere coupling mantle plume
Effects of relative humidity and PM2.5 chemical compositions on visibility impairment in Chengdu, China 被引量:24
作者 Fan Liu Qinwen Tan +2 位作者 Xia Jiang Fumo Yang Wenju Jiang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第12期15-23,共9页
To better understand the potential causes of visibility impairment in autumn and winter in Chengdu,relative humidity(RH),visibility,the concentrations of PM2.5 and its chemical components were on-line measured continu... To better understand the potential causes of visibility impairment in autumn and winter in Chengdu,relative humidity(RH),visibility,the concentrations of PM2.5 and its chemical components were on-line measured continuously in Chengdu from Nov.2016 to Jan.2017.Six obvious haze episodes occurred in Chengdu,with the total time of haze episodes accounted for more than 90%of the total observation period,and higher NO2 concentrations and RH were related to the high particle concentrations in haze episodes.The visibility decreased in a non-linear tendency under different RH conditions with the increase of PM2.5 concentrations,which was more sensitive to RH under lower PM2.5 concentrations.The threshold concentration of PM2.5 got more smaller with the increase of RH.During the entire observation period,organic matter(OM)was the largest contributor(31.12%to extinction coefficient(bext)),followed by NH4NO3 and(NH4)2SO4 with 28.03%and 23.01%,respectively.However,with the visibility impairment from Type I(visibility>10 km)to Type IV(visibility≤2 km),the contribution of OM to bextdecreased from 38.12%to 26.77%,while the contribution of NH4NO3 and(NH4)2SO4 to bextincreased from 19.09%and 20.20%to 34.29%and 24.35%,respectively,and NH4NO3 became the largest contributor to bextat Type IV.The results showed that OM and NH4NO3 were the key components of PM2.5 for visibility impairment in Chengdu,indicating that the control of precursors emissions of carbonaceous species and NH4NO3 could effectively improve the visibility in Chengdu. 展开更多
关键词 Visibility impairment PM2.5 chemical composition Relative humidity Light extinction coefficient Secondary formation
End-Permian catastrophic event of marine acidification by hydrated sulfuric acid:Mineralogical evidence from Meishan Section of South China 被引量:22
作者 LIANG HandongKey Laboratory of Coal Resources, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China (e-mail: hdl6688@sina.com) 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第16期1393-1397,共5页
The event Permian-Triassic boundary (EPTB) is well marked by the famous 'white clay' of bed 25 in Mei-shan Section located in Changxing county, Zhejiang province of China. In this note, the white clay as well ... The event Permian-Triassic boundary (EPTB) is well marked by the famous 'white clay' of bed 25 in Mei-shan Section located in Changxing county, Zhejiang province of China. In this note, the white clay as well as its overlying and underlying sequences is investigated particularly for mineralogical records. The investigation yields three findings that contribute to better understanding the scenario of the EPTB mass extinction. (i) A red goethite-rich microlayer (0.3 mm) is first recognized to be horizontally widespread on the base of the white clay in the section. The microlayer should be considered as a macro geochemical indicator naturally tracing a catastrophic initiation at the EPTB. (ii) An interruption of marine carbonate deposition is discovered due to blank of carbonate minerals in the white clay. The discovery provides significant evidence of a marine acidification event that would occur in the paleo-ocean with marine acidity estimated at pH【4.0 at least and be triggered by the ultimate 展开更多
关键词 mass extinction MARINE ACIDIFICATION hydrated sulfuric acid MEISHAN Section GOETHITE carbonate blank catastrophic event.
Permian–Triassic Conodonts from Dajiang(Guizhou, South China) and Their Implication for the Age of Microbialite Deposition in the Aftermath of the End-Permian Mass Extinction 被引量:24
作者 Haishui Jiang Xulong Lai +3 位作者 Yadong Sun Paul B Wignall Jianbo Liu Chunbo Yan 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期413-430,共18页
The widespread microbialites deposition that followed the End-Permian mass extinction in the Tethyan realm have been intensively studied because of the evidence they provide on the nature of this crisis and its afterm... The widespread microbialites deposition that followed the End-Permian mass extinction in the Tethyan realm have been intensively studied because of the evidence they provide on the nature of this crisis and its aftermath. However, the age of the microbialite event remains controversial. New conodont collection across the Permian–Triassic(P–T) transition from Dajiang(Guizhou Province, South China) in this study enable us to discriminate four conodont zones, in ascending order, they are: Hindeodus parvus zone, Isarcicella lobata zone, Isarcicella isarcica zone and Hindeodus sosioensis zone. The age of microbialite in the P–T transition at the Dajiang Section is considered to be within the Hindeodus parvus zone and thus to clearly post-date the main extinction crisis. Reviewing the age of onset of microbialites throughout the Tethyan regions reveals two different ages: a Hindeodus changxingensis zone age is dominant in south-western and westernmost Tethys, whilst most other regions show microbialite deposition began in the Hindeodus parvus zone. Our investigation also indicates that two conodont changes occur at this time: an increase of hindeodid species immediately following a sequence boundary and the mass extinction, and a phase of extinction losses in the earliest Triassic Isarcicella isarcica zone during highstand development. 展开更多
关键词 Permian–Triassic CONODONT Dajiang MICROBIALITE mass extinction.
Chemical characteristics of fine particles and their impact on visibility impairment in Shanghai based on a 1-year period observation 被引量:23
作者 Min Zhou Liping Qiao +7 位作者 Shuhui Zhu Li Li Shengrong Lou Hongli Wang Qian Wang Shikang Tao Cheng Huang Changhong Chen 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期151-160,共10页
In this work, a one-year observation focusing on high time resolution characteristics of components in fine particles was conducted at an urban site in Shanghai. Contributions of different components on visibility imp... In this work, a one-year observation focusing on high time resolution characteristics of components in fine particles was conducted at an urban site in Shanghai. Contributions of different components on visibility impairment were also studied. Our research indicates that the major components of PM2.5 in Shanghai are water-soluble inorganic ions and carbonaceous aerosol, accounting for about 60% and 30% respectively. Higher concentrations of sulfate (SO42-) and organic carbon (OC) in PM2.s occurred in fall and summer, while higher concentrations of nitrate (NO3-) were observed in winter and spring. The mass concentrations of Cl- and K+ were higher in winter. Moreover, NO3- increased significantly during PM2.s pollution episodes. The high values observed for the sulfate oxidizing rate (SOR), nitrate oxidizing rate (NOR) and secondary organic carbon (SOC) in OC indicate that photochemical reactions were quite active in Shanghai. The IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments) formula was used in this study to investigate the contributions of individual PM2.5 chemical components to the light extinction efficient in Shanghai. Both NH4NO3 and (NH4)aSO4 had close relationships with visibility impairment in Shanghai. Our results show that the reduction of anthropogenic SO2, NOx and NH3 would have a significant effect on the improvement of air qualitv and visibility in Shanghai. 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5 Chemical compositionLight extinction efficientShanghai
Reconstructed Light Extinction Coefficients Using Chemical Compositions of PM_(2.5) in Winter in Urban Guangzhou, China 被引量:22
作者 陶俊 曹军骥 +4 位作者 张仁健 朱李华 张涛 施思 陈尊裕 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期359-368,共10页
The objective of this study was to reconstruct light extinction coefficients (b ext ) according to chemical composition components of particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size (PM 2.5 ). PM 2.5 samples were collect... The objective of this study was to reconstruct light extinction coefficients (b ext ) according to chemical composition components of particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size (PM 2.5 ). PM 2.5 samples were collected at the monitoring station of the South China of Institute of Environmental Science (SCIES, Guangzhou, China) during January 2010, and the online absorbing and scattering coefficients were obtained using an aethalometer and a nephelometer. The measured values of light absorption coefficient by particle (b ap ) and light scattering coefficient by particle (b sp ) significantly correlated (R 2 0.95) with values of b ap and b sp that were reconstructed using the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) formula when RH was 70%. The measured b ext had a good correlation (R 2 0.83) with the calculated b ext under ambient RH conditions. The result of source apportionment of b ext showed that ammonium sulfate [(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ] was the largest contributor (35.0%) to b ext , followed by ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO 3 , 22.9%), organic matter (16.1%), elemental carbon (11.8%), sea salt (4.7%), and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 , 9.6%). To improve visibility in Guangzhou, the effective control of secondary particles like sulfates, nitrates, and ammonia should be given more attention in urban environmental management. 展开更多
关键词 light extinction coefficients PM 2.5 aerosol chemical species
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