Objective Intra-operative coagulopathy has a close relationship with blood loss and the prognosis of patients. Rapid-thrombelastography (r-TEG) is a comprehensive assessment of coagulation abnormalities and also an...Objective Intra-operative coagulopathy has a close relationship with blood loss and the prognosis of patients. Rapid-thrombelastography (r-TEG) is a comprehensive assessment of coagulation abnormalities and also an effective way for constructing blood transfusion. This study attempts to investigate the correlation of r-TEG indices with intra-operative hemorrhage. Methods Patients who underwent transphenoidal hypophysectomy and craniotomy from January 15 to April 30, 2013 in Peking Union Medical College hospital were recruited. All patients had pre- and post-operative r-TEG and conventional coagulation tests (CCTs). Patients’ information and intra-operative blood loss as a percentage of estimated blood volume were recorded. Spearman’s correlation analyses were used for discovering the relationship between indices in r-TEG or CCTs and the intra-operative blood loss. The significant correlated index of r-TEG was further investigated using linear regression analysis. Results A total of 181 patients participated in this study. Intra-operative change of α-angle, which reflects the fibrinogen level and function, was the only r-TEG index that correlated with blood loss significantly (P=0.013, r= ?0.184), thus challenging the current empirical cognition of the effects of intra-operative hemorrhage on coagulation. As intra-operative blood loss increased, α-angle decreased, and every 1% loss of estimated blood volume (EBV) led to 0.60 degree decrease of α-angle. As for CCT results, changes of fibrinogen and platelet count were also significantly correlated with blood loss (P=0.015 and P=0.001, respectively).Conclusions Peri-operative change of α-angle, as an index of r-TEG, exhibited a significant negative correlation with intra-operative blood loss. The impact of hemorrhage on fibrinogen, instead of clotting factors, should be scrutinized.展开更多
文摘目的建立儿童快速血栓弹力图试验(r TEG)及高岭土血栓弹力图试验(CK-TEG)的参考区间,评价其与常规凝血项目的相关性,并了解CK-TEG在血友病患儿中的应用价值。方法选取242例择期手术儿童、40名健康成人及42例血友病患儿,分别检测其CK-TEG、r TEG及常规凝血项目,儿童按<1个月、1个月~1岁、2~5岁、6~10岁及11~16岁分为4个年龄段。结果 r TEG及CK-TEG参数提示各年龄段儿童较成人偏高凝:Angle、MA、G显著增高(P<0.05),K显著缩短(P<0.05),并与血小板(PLT)、纤维蛋白原(Fib)水平明显相关(P<0.05);ACT、R、LY30分别与凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)、D-二聚体(DD)明显相关(P<0.05)。血友病患儿CK-TEG各参数均明显异常,存在因子抑制物的患儿的R值明显高于无因子抑制物患儿(P<0.05)。结论血栓弹力图各参数可反映PLT水平、内外源凝血活性、Fib功能及纤溶活性,并有助于筛选存在因子抑制物的血友病患儿。
文摘目的凝血功能对手术患者是十分重要的指标,患者的个体因素如性别、年龄、体重指数、吸烟史等均可能对凝血功能产生影响。以往凝血功能与患者一般情况的研究结果多参考传统凝血功能检测(conventional coagula-tion test,CCT)及普通血栓弹力图(thrombelastography,TEG)。快速血栓弹力图(rapid—thrombelastography,r-TEG)相比前两者存在诸多优点,但其在临床凝血功能监测及指导输血方面的研究尚十分欠缺。方法选择北京协和医院神经外科2012年12月~2013年4月行择期经单鼻蝶入路鞍区占位病变切除术或开颅颅内病变切除术的患者,记录一般情况及术前r-TEG及CCT检测结果。数据收集完成后对患者性别、年龄、体重、体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、吸烟史与r-TEG及CCT各指标的相关性进行统计分析。结果本研究根据入选标准共纳入185名患者。患者年龄与α、FBG呈正相关,与ACT、K呈负相关;患者BMI与α、MA、FBG呈正相关,与K、PT、INR呈负相关;女性患者K值较短,α、MA较大,P1t水平较高(以上均有P〈0.05)。分析中患者体重及吸烟史与r-TEG及CCT各指标未发现显著相关性。结论高龄、女性及高BMI手术患者呈现相对高凝状态,其对凝血功能的影响可以在r-TEG及CCT指标中得以一致的体现。
文摘Objective Intra-operative coagulopathy has a close relationship with blood loss and the prognosis of patients. Rapid-thrombelastography (r-TEG) is a comprehensive assessment of coagulation abnormalities and also an effective way for constructing blood transfusion. This study attempts to investigate the correlation of r-TEG indices with intra-operative hemorrhage. Methods Patients who underwent transphenoidal hypophysectomy and craniotomy from January 15 to April 30, 2013 in Peking Union Medical College hospital were recruited. All patients had pre- and post-operative r-TEG and conventional coagulation tests (CCTs). Patients’ information and intra-operative blood loss as a percentage of estimated blood volume were recorded. Spearman’s correlation analyses were used for discovering the relationship between indices in r-TEG or CCTs and the intra-operative blood loss. The significant correlated index of r-TEG was further investigated using linear regression analysis. Results A total of 181 patients participated in this study. Intra-operative change of α-angle, which reflects the fibrinogen level and function, was the only r-TEG index that correlated with blood loss significantly (P=0.013, r= ?0.184), thus challenging the current empirical cognition of the effects of intra-operative hemorrhage on coagulation. As intra-operative blood loss increased, α-angle decreased, and every 1% loss of estimated blood volume (EBV) led to 0.60 degree decrease of α-angle. As for CCT results, changes of fibrinogen and platelet count were also significantly correlated with blood loss (P=0.015 and P=0.001, respectively).Conclusions Peri-operative change of α-angle, as an index of r-TEG, exhibited a significant negative correlation with intra-operative blood loss. The impact of hemorrhage on fibrinogen, instead of clotting factors, should be scrutinized.