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高寒河谷灌丛冠层降雨再分配特征及影响因素 被引量:18
作者 马育军 高尚玉 +3 位作者 李小雁 鲁瑞洁 张思毅 李广泳 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期963-971,共9页
通过植被冠层的降雨被分割成冠层截留、穿透雨和树干茎流3个部分,这个过程(冠层降雨再分配)是高寒河谷灌丛生态演变的关键驱动因子之一,对于认识高寒河谷灌丛的水文循环过程及水分收支规律也具有重要意义。选取青海湖流域最重要的河谷... 通过植被冠层的降雨被分割成冠层截留、穿透雨和树干茎流3个部分,这个过程(冠层降雨再分配)是高寒河谷灌丛生态演变的关键驱动因子之一,对于认识高寒河谷灌丛的水文循环过程及水分收支规律也具有重要意义。选取青海湖流域最重要的河谷灌丛——具鳞水柏枝作为研究对象,通过野外定点观测,深入分析了冠层降雨再分配特征及影响因素。结果显示:①穿透雨量、树干茎流量、冠层截留量占同期降雨量的比例平均为48.40%、4.04%和47.56%,并在不同降雨量等级之间存在显著差异;②冠层降雨再分配各组成要素(穿透雨、树干茎流、冠层截留)与降雨特征参数存在高度相关性,伴随降雨量和降雨历时的增加,穿透雨量、树干茎流量、冠层截留量占同期降雨量的比例均逐渐趋于稳定,极限稳定值分别介于60.45%~61.07%、6.45%~7.42%、33.11%~34.17%;③产生穿透雨和树干茎流的临界降雨量分别为1.10mm和1.87mm,表明2mm以下的降雨对土壤水分的补给基本没有贡献。因此,高寒河谷灌丛冠层降雨再分配与其他林木类型存在明显差异,需要深入研究其内在机制及水分利用规律。 展开更多
关键词 冠层 降雨再分配 河谷灌丛 青海湖流域
祁连山青海云杉林冠降雨再分配特征及影响因素 被引量:18
作者 万艳芳 刘贤德 +4 位作者 王顺利 于澎涛 李广 敬文茂 李晓青 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期224-229,共6页
以祁连山排露沟小流域青海云杉林为研究对象,2015年5—9月观测了34场降雨的林外降雨量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量,并同步观测了相关的林外气象因子,分析了青海云杉林冠降雨再分配特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)青海云杉林的总穿透雨量、树... 以祁连山排露沟小流域青海云杉林为研究对象,2015年5—9月观测了34场降雨的林外降雨量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量,并同步观测了相关的林外气象因子,分析了青海云杉林冠降雨再分配特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)青海云杉林的总穿透雨量、树干茎流量和截留量分别为275.9,1.8,90.0mm,分别占总降雨量的75.04%,0.48%和24.48%,并在不同降雨量等级之间存在差异。(2)冠层降雨再分配各组成要素(穿透雨、树干茎流、林冠截留)与降雨量、降雨历时、10min最大雨强、空气相对湿度呈极显著的相关性。随着降雨量和降雨历时的增大,穿透雨量和树干茎流量均不断增大,而穿透雨率、树干茎流率和截留量(率)均逐渐趋于稳定。(3)青海云杉林内产生穿透雨和树干茎流的临界降雨量分别为0.8mm和9.6mm。因此,气象因素是影响冠层降雨再分配的重要因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 降雨再分配 气象因素 青海云杉林 祁连山
科尔沁沙地樟子松林降雨再分配特征 被引量:15
作者 刘亚 阿拉木萨 曹静 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期2046-2055,共10页
以中国科学院乌兰敖都荒漠化实验站35年生樟子松人工林为研究对象,通过对降雨、穿透雨、树干径流和林冠截留的观测,研究樟子松林对降雨再分配作用,分析各部分产生的阈值,确定降雨有效补给量。结果表明:2015年5—9月共观测到降雨事件31... 以中国科学院乌兰敖都荒漠化实验站35年生樟子松人工林为研究对象,通过对降雨、穿透雨、树干径流和林冠截留的观测,研究樟子松林对降雨再分配作用,分析各部分产生的阈值,确定降雨有效补给量。结果表明:2015年5—9月共观测到降雨事件31次,呈现小数量、低强度的特征,樟子松林地穿透雨、树干径流和林冠截留分别占同期降雨量的69.28%、1.26%和29.45%。林地有效补给量为117.67 mm,占降雨量的70.54%。穿透雨随降雨量增加而线性增加,发生阈值为0.85 mm降雨量;树干径流与降雨量呈二次多项式关系,当降雨量达到2.44 mm时,产生树干径流;林冠截留随降雨量呈现幂函数关系,截留率随降雨量呈指数减少趋势。降雨再分配比例受降雨等级影响,当降雨等级为15~20 mm时,林内有效降雨比例最高(90.35%)。明确樟子松林降雨再分配特征和比例变化对理解降雨补给作用和林地衰退的水分机制具有重意义。 展开更多
关键词 科尔沁沙地 樟子松 衰退 水分 阈值 降雨再分配
祁连山鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛冠层降雨再分配特征 被引量:8
作者 万艳芳 刘贤德 +4 位作者 马瑞 李广 王顺利 牛赟 李晓青 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期162-167,共6页
以祁连山排露沟小流域的鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛为研究对象,2014年6—9月观测了38场降雨的林外降雨量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量,分析了鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛冠层降水再分配特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛冠... 以祁连山排露沟小流域的鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛为研究对象,2014年6—9月观测了38场降雨的林外降雨量、穿透雨量和树干茎流量,分析了鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛冠层降水再分配特征及影响因素。结果表明:(1)鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛冠下的穿透雨量、树干茎流量、截留量分别为175.2,20.8,182.6mm和239.1,15.1,113.4 mm,分别占总降雨量的46.3%,5.5%,48.2%和65.0%,4.1%,30.9%;鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛群落截留量占年降水量的29.3%和18.6%。(2)穿透雨量、树干茎流量和截留量均与降雨量呈显著线性正相关(P<0.01),穿透雨率和截留率均与降雨量呈对数函数关系(P<0.05)。(3)鲜黄小檗和甘青锦鸡儿灌丛产生穿透雨的临界降雨量分别为1.2mm和0.9mm,2种灌丛产生树干茎流均需要2.0mm的前期降雨量。(4)灌丛截留率9月份最大,其次是7月份,6,8月份最小;树干茎流率6—8月份变化平缓,9月份明显减小。 展开更多
关键词 降雨再分配 冠层截留 树干茎流 灌丛 祁连山
降雨特征对红锥人工林降水分配格局的影响 被引量:7
作者 雷丽群 郑路 +3 位作者 农友 刘士玲 李华 黄德卫 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期460-468,共9页
明析红锥人工林降雨特征对降水分配格局的影响,为南亚热带人工林可持续经营提供基础支撑。以34年生红锥人工林为研究对象,测定了2017年1—12月的大气降水、穿透雨和树干茎流。结果表明:年降雨总量945.9 mm,穿透雨、树干茎流、林冠截留... 明析红锥人工林降雨特征对降水分配格局的影响,为南亚热带人工林可持续经营提供基础支撑。以34年生红锥人工林为研究对象,测定了2017年1—12月的大气降水、穿透雨和树干茎流。结果表明:年降雨总量945.9 mm,穿透雨、树干茎流、林冠截留分别占大气降水的43.9%、0.5%、55.6%。产生穿透雨和树干茎流的最小降雨量分别为0.6和3.8mm。降水分配格局具有季节波动性,穿透雨率夏季最小,冬季最高,树干茎流率和林冠截留率则反之。小而短的降雨事件导致低的净雨量输入和高的林冠截留量。4个降雨因子中(降雨量、降雨强度、降雨历时和雨前干燥期),降雨量是对降水分配格局最具影响力的变量,降雨强度对树干茎流率有显著影响,降雨历时对穿透雨率和林冠截留率有显著影响,而雨前干燥期对降水分配格局中的3个分量均没有显著性影响。多元线性回归分析表明,降水分配格局中的3个分量对降雨特征的响应并不是同步的,树干茎流受降雨特征的影响小于穿透雨和林冠截留。 展开更多
关键词 分配格局 穿透雨 树干茎流 林冠截留 降雨特征
降雨特征对南亚热带马尾松人工林降水分配格局的影响 被引量:4
作者 张继辉 郑路 +5 位作者 陈琳 闵惠琳 李华 刘士玲 吴思达 杨丽梅 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期174-180,共7页
探究马尾松人工林降雨特征对降水分配格局的影响,为南亚热带人工林经营管理提供科技支撑。依托广西友谊关森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站降水分配观测场,采用野外定位研究方法,以30年马尾松人工林为研究对象,观测了2018年1—12月的林... 探究马尾松人工林降雨特征对降水分配格局的影响,为南亚热带人工林经营管理提供科技支撑。依托广西友谊关森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站降水分配观测场,采用野外定位研究方法,以30年马尾松人工林为研究对象,观测了2018年1—12月的林外降雨、林内透流、干流和冠层截留。结果表明:研究区年降雨总量1303.6 mm,马尾松林的透流、干流及截留量分别占同期降雨的60.9%,0.4%,38.7%。产生透流和干流的最小雨量分别为0.4,2.2 mm。4个降雨特征指标中(雨量、雨强、历时和2次降水间隔时间),降雨量在马尾松降水格局分布中影响最大,雨强和历时对透流量、透流率、干流量、冠层截留量及冠层截留率均有显著影响,而2次降水间隔时间仅对透流量、干流量和冠层截留量有显著影响。SPSS多元线性回归分析表明,3个冠层水文分量对降雨特征的响应并非同步,降雨特征对林内透流和截留的影响大于干流。 展开更多
关键词 降雨特征 透流 干流 冠层截留 降水分配格局
作者 沈新勇 刘佳 李小凡 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2012年第1期98-107,共10页
In this study,two convective-stratiform rainfall partitioning schemes are evaluated using precipitation and cloud statistics for different rainfall types categorized by applying surface rainfall equation on grid-scale... In this study,two convective-stratiform rainfall partitioning schemes are evaluated using precipitation and cloud statistics for different rainfall types categorized by applying surface rainfall equation on grid-scale data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation.One scheme is based on surface rainfall intensity whereas the other is based on cloud content information.The model is largely forced by the large-scale vertical velocity derived from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment(TOGA COARE).The results reveal that over 40% of convective rainfall is associated with water vapor divergence,which primarily comes from the rainfall type with local atmospheric drying and water hydrometeor loss/convergence,caused by precipitation and evaporation of rain.More than 40% of stratiform rainfall is related to water vapor convergence,which largely comes from the rainfall type with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence attributable to water clouds through precipitation and the evaporation of rain and ice clouds through the conversion from ice hydrometeor to water hydrometeor.This implies that the separation methods based on surface rainfall and cloud content may not clearly separate convective and stratiform rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 partitioning scheme TOGA COARE convective-stratiform rainfall STATISTICS
Rainfall partitioning by desert shrubs in arid regions 被引量:1
作者 Bing Liu, WenZhi Zhao Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, Laboratory of Heihe River Eco-Hydrology and Basin Science, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China 《Research in Cold and Arid Regions》 2009年第3期215-229,共15页
We measured the rainfall partitioning among throughfall, stemflow, and interception by desert shrubs in an arid region of China, and analyzed the influence of rainfall and canopy characteristics on this partitioning a... We measured the rainfall partitioning among throughfall, stemflow, and interception by desert shrubs in an arid region of China, and analyzed the influence of rainfall and canopy characteristics on this partitioning and its ecohydrological effects. The percent-ages of total rainfall accounted for by throughfall, stemflow, and interception ranged from 78.85±2.78 percent to 86.29±5.07 per-cent, from 5.50±3.73 percent to 8.47±4.19 percent, and from 7.54±2.36 percent to 15.95±4.70 percent, respectively, for the four shrubs in our study (Haloxylon ammodendron, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Tamarix ramosissima, and Nitraria sphaerocarpa). Rain-fall was significantly linearly correlated with throughfall, stemflow, and interception (P < 0.0001). The throughfall, stemflow, and interception percentages were logarithmically related to total rainfall (P < 0.01), but were quadratically related to the maximum 1-hour rainfall intensity (P < 0.01). The throughfall and stemflow percentages increased significantly with increasing values of the rainfall characteristics, whereas the interception percentage generally decreased (except for average wind speed, air temperature, and canopy evaporation). Regression analysis suggested that the stemflow percentage increased significantly with increasing crown length, number of branches, and branch angle (R2 = 0.92, P < 0.001). The interception percentage increased significantly with increasing LAI (leaf area index) and crown length, but decreased with increasing branch angle (R2 = 0.96, P < 0.001). The mean funnelling percentages for the four shrubs ranged from 30.27±4.86 percent to 164.37±6.41 percent of the bulk precipitation. Much of the precipitation was funnelled toward the basal area of the stem, confirming that shrub stemflow conserved in deep soil layers may be an available moisture source to support plant survival and growth under arid conditions. 展开更多
关键词 desert shrubs rainfall characteristics canopy characteristics rainfall partitioning ecohydrological effects
作者 郭波 阳辉 +4 位作者 李佳聪 朱春雨 赵宇寒 曹建生 沈彦俊 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期2011-2021,共11页
森林降雨再分配过程是水循环的一个重要环节,对区域产水及水资源的形成过程有重要意义。本研究于2022年7—11月对太行山典型油松林降雨再分配要素进行观测,阐明油松林降雨再分配的基本规律,利用修正的Gash模型和Liu模型对林冠截留量进... 森林降雨再分配过程是水循环的一个重要环节,对区域产水及水资源的形成过程有重要意义。本研究于2022年7—11月对太行山典型油松林降雨再分配要素进行观测,阐明油松林降雨再分配的基本规律,利用修正的Gash模型和Liu模型对林冠截留量进行模拟。结果表明:研究期间林外降雨量为450.8mm,油松林林冠截留量、穿透雨量、树干径流量分别为105.5 mm、338.2 mm、7.1mm,分别占总降雨量的23.4%、75.0%、1.6%。基于修正的Gash模型计算得到林冠截留量、穿透雨量、树干径流量分别为105.3 mm、340.7 mm、4.6mm,实测值与模拟值的相对误差分别为0.2%、0.8%、34.7%;修正的Liu模型计算得到林冠截留量为96.0mm,实测值与模拟值的相对误差为9.0%;修正的Gash模型相比于Liu模型模拟结果相对误差更低,模拟效果更好。修正的Gash模型参数敏感性排序:林冠平均蒸发速率>平均降雨强度>林冠持水能力>冠层盖度>树干持水能力>树干径流系数。综上,太行山典型油松林可截留23.4%的降雨,这对评估区域水资源量具有重要意义,且修正的Gash模型在太行山油松林有很好的适用性,可用于预测油松林林冠截留量变化。 展开更多
关键词 太行山 油松林 降雨再分配 林冠截留 截留模型
作者 岳彩军 鲁小琴 +1 位作者 李小凡 宗志平 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第3期231-247,共17页
A rainfall that occurred during 0200–1400 Beijing Standard Time(BST)25 August 2008 shows the rapid development of a convective system,a short life span,and a record rate of 117.5 mm h-1for Xujiahui station since 1872... A rainfall that occurred during 0200–1400 Beijing Standard Time(BST)25 August 2008 shows the rapid development of a convective system,a short life span,and a record rate of 117.5 mm h-1for Xujiahui station since 1872.To study this torrential rainfall process,the partitioning method of Q vector is developed,in which a moist Q vector is first separated into a dry ageostrophic Q vector(DQ)and a diabatic-heating component.The dry ageostrophic Q vector is further partitioned along isothermal lines in the natural coordinate to identify different scale forcing in adiabatic atmosphere,and the large-scale and convective condensational heating in non-uniform saturated atmosphere,convective condensational heating, and Laplace of diabatic heating that includes radiative heating and other heating and cooling processes,are calculated to study the forcing from diabatic heating.The effects of the environmental conditions on the development of the rainfall processes are diagnosed by performing the partitioning of Q vector based on 6-hourly NCEP/NCAR Final Analysis(FNL)data with the horizontal resolution of 1°×1°.The results include the following:(1)a low-pressure inverted trough associated with the landfall of Typhoon Nuri (2008),a strong southwesterly jet along the western side of the subtropical high,and an eastward-propagating westerly low-pressure trough provide favorable synoptic conditions for the development of torrential rainfall;(2)the analysis of DQ vector showed that the upward motions forced by the convergence of DQ vector in the lower troposphere(1000–600 hPa)favor the development of torrential rainfall.When DQ vector converges in the upper troposphere(500–100 hPa),upward motions in the whole air column intensify significantly to accelerate the development of torrential rainfall;(3)the partitioning analysis of DQ vector reveals that large-scale forcing persistently favors the development of torrential rainfall whereas the mesoscale forcing speeds up the torrential rainfall;(4)the calculations of large-scale 展开更多
关键词 background conditions of torrential rainfall partitioning of Q vector dry ageostrophic Q vector diabatic heating
Effects of Vertical Wind Shear on the Pre-Summer Heavy Rainfall Budget:A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Study
作者 SHEN Xin-Yong QING Tao +1 位作者 HUANG Wen-Yan LI Xiao-Fan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第1期44-51,共8页
This study investigates the effects of vertical wind shear on the torrential rainfall response to the large-scale forcing using a rainfall separation analysis of a pair of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensiti... This study investigates the effects of vertical wind shear on the torrential rainfall response to the large-scale forcing using a rainfall separation analysis of a pair of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments for a pre-summer heavy rainfall event over southern China from 3-8 June 2008 coupled with National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)/Global Data Assimilation System(GDAS) data.The rainfall partitioning analysis based on the surface rainfall budget indicates that the exclusion of vertical wind shear decreases the contribution to total rainfall from the largest contributor,which is the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying,water vapor divergence,and hydrometeor loss/convergence,through the reduction of the rainfall area and reduced rainfall during the rainfall event.The removal of vertical wind shear increases the contribution to total rainfall from the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying,water vapor convergence,and hydrometeor loss/convergence through the expansion of the rainfall area and enhanced rainfall.The elimination of vertical wind shear enhances heavy rainfall and expands its area,whereas it reduces moderate rainfall and its area. 展开更多
关键词 cloud-resolving model simulation vertical wind shear rainfall partitioning surface rainfall budget
Rainfall Partitioning for Integrated Water Resources Management: Case Study of Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
作者 Mastewal Ejigu Ademe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第8期664-670,共7页
The Upper Blue Nile Basin, the highest sources of the Nile River flow through this area, is still under severe land degradation, which aggravates water scarcity. The productivity of subsistence farming is below 50% of... The Upper Blue Nile Basin, the highest sources of the Nile River flow through this area, is still under severe land degradation, which aggravates water scarcity. The productivity of subsistence farming is below 50% of the potential of agriculture, mainly because of inappropriate rainwater management. At farm level, rainwater is exposed to poor partitioning described as flooding, land degradation, siltation and water scarcity for domestic, irrigation, hydropower and environmental uses in the basin. Hence, it is one of the root causes of food-insecurity in the region. To reverse this situation and achieve increased rainwater productivity knowledge of rainfall partitioning at grassroots level is significantly important. However, rainwater partitioning and partitioning points are not clearly known by farmers in the area. Besides, understanding water-routes helps to manage rainwater with integrated water resources management (IWRM) processes. The objective of this study was to identify the knowledge gap of farmers and experts on rainwater partitioning that help for increased water productivity. Intensive monitoring and interviews have been carried out for 81 farmers and 22 local experts in three pilot sites. The interviewed farmers and experts are clearly aware of the runoff partitioning, since it is easily observable. While, only 10% of the farmers and 25% of experts know about evaporation partitioning, which is the largest compared to other losses. The paper gives recommendations for better understanding of rainfall partitioning points and management of water-routes at grassroots level to increase rainwater productivity and enhance food security in the area with IWRM processes. 展开更多
关键词 Blue Nile KNOWLEDGE rainfall partitioning water loss water-routes.
Diagnosis of the Heavy Rain near a Meiyu Front Using the Wet Q Vector Partitioning Method 被引量:5
作者 岳彩军 寿绍文 +1 位作者 林开平 姚秀萍 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期37-44,共8页
A heavy rain process of the Changjiang-Huaihe Meiyu front (MYF) is diagnosed by the agency of the traditional Q vector partitioning (QVP) method to decompose the wet Q vector (Q) in a natural coordinate system that fo... A heavy rain process of the Changjiang-Huaihe Meiyu front (MYF) is diagnosed by the agency of the traditional Q vector partitioning (QVP) method to decompose the wet Q vector (Q) in a natural coordinate system that follows the isoentropes and by using the numerical simulation results of the revised MM4 meso-scale model. The technique shows that the partitioned wet Q vectors can lead to a significant scale separation of vertical motion related to the torrential rain. The results not only verify the existing conclusion that different scales interact throughout the rainstorm but also indicate the largely different roles of these scales during differing phases of the heavy ramfall on a quantitative basis. Specifically, during the developing stage, the large-scale plays a predominant role in forcing vertical motion, while frontal-scale forcing is secondary; during the intense stage, the frontal-scale evolves into the primary factor of forcing vertical motion, whereas the large-scale forcing is minor and plays a diminishing role and can even be ignored; and during the decaying stage, the large-scale once again serves as the main forcing of vertical motion in such a way that the forcing of the frontal-scale decays quickly and is of secondary importance. Furthermore, the partitioned wet Q vectors are suggested to be more suitable than the total wet Q vector for evaluating the potential physical mechanism of rainstorm genesis. The first step is that the forcing of large-scale $2?bla cdot {? Q}_s^*$ gives rise to the genesis of meso-scale $2?bla cdot {? Q}_n^*$ forcing; and then, accordingly as $2?bla cdot {? Q}_n^*$ forcing increases, whereby the secondary circulation is reinforced, the intensity of the rainfall is strengthened; and at last, the secondary circulation caused by $2?bla cdot {? Q}_n^*$ forcing is directly responsible for generation of the MYF heavy rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 wet Q vector partitioning wet Q vector Meiyu front heavy rainfall interaction of different scales DIAGNOSIS
Q Vector Analysis of Torrential Rainfall from Meiyu Front Cyclone:A Case Study 被引量:1
作者 岳彩军 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2009年第1期68-80,共13页
Following similar derivation of quasi-geostrophic Q vector (Q^C), a new Q vector (Q^N) is constructed in this study. Their difference is that the geostrophic wind in quasi-geostrophic Q vector is replaced by the w... Following similar derivation of quasi-geostrophic Q vector (Q^C), a new Q vector (Q^N) is constructed in this study. Their difference is that the geostrophic wind in quasi-geostrophic Q vector is replaced by the wind in Q^N vector. The diagnostic analysis of Q^N vector is compared with that of Q^G vector in the case study of a typical Meiyu front cyclone (MYFC) occurred over Changjiang-Huaihe regions during 5-6 July 1991. The results show that the Q^N vector has more diagnostic advantages than Q^G vector does. Convergence of Q^N vector at 700 hPa is found to be a good indicator to mimic the horizontal distribution of precipitation. Q^N vector is further partitioned into four components: Q^Nalst (along-stream stretching),Q^Ncurv (curvature),Q^Nshdv (shear advection), and Q^Ncrst (cross-stream stretching) in a natural coordinate system with isohypse (PG partitioning). The application of Q^N PG partitioning in the MYFC torrential rain indicates that PG partitioning of Q can identify dominant physical processes. The horizontal distribution of 2V·Q^Nalst is similar to that of 2V·Q^N and mainly accounts for 2V·Q^N during the entire period of Meiyu. The effects of Q^Ncurv on rainfall enhancement fade from the mature stage to decay stage. Qshdv enhances precipitation significantly as the MYFC develops, and the effect weakens rapidly when the MYFC decays during its eastward propagation. Q^Ncrst shows little impacts on rainfall during the onset and mature phases whereas it displays significant role during the decay phase.Q^N alst and Q^Nshdv and Q^Ncrst show cancellation only during the decay period. 展开更多
关键词 Q vector analysis Q^N vector partitioning of Q^N vector Meiyu front cyclone torrential rainfall
Temporal and Spatial Scale Dependence of Precipitation Analysis over the Tropical Deep Convective Regime
作者 沈新勇 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1390-1394,共5页
Data from Goddard cumulus ensemble model experiment are used to study temporal and spatial scale dependence of tropical rainfall separation analysis based on cloud budget during Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Couple... Data from Goddard cumulus ensemble model experiment are used to study temporal and spatial scale dependence of tropical rainfall separation analysis based on cloud budget during Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). The analysis shows that the calculations of model domain mean or time-mean grid-scale mean simulation data overestimate the rain rates of the two rainfall types associated with net condensation but they severely underestimate the rain rate of the rainfall type associated with net evaporation and hydrometeor convergence. 展开更多
关键词 cloud microphysical budget temporal and spatial scale rainfall partitioning analysis
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